
I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System

Luck shined on Casper when he got married to the daughter of a billionaire named, Layla. The miserable life he's been living for a long time ended. He got to enjoy wealth and affluence, but it was short-lived. His wife fell out of love with him, and his miserable life returned. ..To make matters worse, he started working as a servant in his wife's house. It finally got to the point when he was kicked out of the house. And at that moment, Casper thought that was the end for him 'cause he was poor and there was almost nothing in his bank account. Not until he got... [Ding!] [The Wealth System is at your service] [With this system, you shall acquire all the wealth and affluence you didn't get to acquire in your 27 years of coming to this world] [With this system, you shall rise to the top] Yes, he received a system. And with this system, he'd rise from nothing to something. He'd rise from rags to riches, he'd acquire a lot of wealth and affluence. He'd rise to the top. ..Follow him through his journey. _________ Disclaimer: Because the title says 'I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System' doesn't mean he became filthy rich immediately after receiving the system. It was a gradual process to the top. The system would be introduced in chapters 3-4, be patient. Support this book if you find it interesting.

Jeffson · แฟนตาซี
118 Chs


From good to bad, to worse, then worst...have you ever been in this kind of situation?

You thought things were already working out well for you, but after some time, everything started going down the drain.

A situation where you'd keep asking yourself, 'How bad can things get?'.

..Well, that's exactly the kind of situation I was in right now.

At some point in time, I thought my miserable life was finally coming to an end after I met my wife. But I was wrong, after some time, things went back to the way they were.

My name is Casper Nithercott, I'm 27 years old, and my life is currently miserable though I'm married to the daughter of a billionaire.

How can I be married to the daughter of a billionaire and my life is still miserable? That's 'cause I was working as a servant in my own wife's house.

..Can you believe that? I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.

Every day was a struggle for me, my wife doesn't love me anymore, she even treats me worse than the way she treats the other servants in the house.

But how did all this start? Why was my life this miserable now? Well, let's go back to the beginning where it started...

I was born into an average family, in fact, we were below average. There were times when we struggled to make ends meet.

Life wasn't easy for my younger sister and I 'cause we never got to have the good things of life...there were times when our parents couldn't afford to provide three square meals for us in a day.

But we had to get used to it seeing that our parents were trying their best. Tragedy struck when my parents and my younger sister lost their lives in a fatal accident.

They were in a bus heading to a certain event, but the bus was involved in an accident which ended the lives of all the passengers in it, including the driver.

My parents and sibling weren't an exception, they lost their lives as well.

..I found it so hard to believe the news when I heard it, but it later dawned on me that it was true.

My parents and only sister had left me all alone in this cruel world. I cried out my eyes that day...tears kept running down my eyes nonstop.

Well, with the help of my relatives, my parents and sister were buried. Then one of my uncles took me in to live with him and his family, and that's when another misery of mine started.

The misery of my parents not being able to provide for me properly was over...now, it was time for another one...

..I was maltreated like hell in my uncle's house.

His wife maltreated me, he maltreated me, and his sons maltreated me as well. There was no single day of peace in that house. It was an unbearable situation, but I had to bear it.

So imagine the kind of mental stress I would have gone through...

They sent me to school though, so I was able to finish high school properly. But when it was about time for me to further to college, they said I'd be the one to sponsor myself to college if I want to go.

So what does that mean? I'd have to be working, sponsoring myself to college, and still handling a lot of house chores at home.

But they planned on sponsoring their two sons to college though...what a life.

I did it, I was able to handle the three at once though it wasn't easy at all. I was working, attending part-time classes at a certain college around the city, and was handling a lot of house chores at home.

But their sons weren't attending part-time classes, they were full-time college students staying in the dormitories.

This went on for years until I was finally done with college. I graduated with a nice degree to my name. By this time, my mental health had already been drained to the brim.

..Living with my uncle and his family for years wasn't easy at all, it drained me properly.

I knew I needed to end that misery, so after my graduation from college, I packed my belongings and left their house heading straight to one of my friends' apartment who was a course mate of mine in college.

He welcomed me with both hands, and for some time, I enjoyed peace. The kind of peace I wasn't able to enjoy at all while I was with my uncle...

..But then, another misery of mine started.

Not like my friend wasn't giving me peace of mind or something, but I couldn't find a good paying job with my university degree.

After spending lots of money to sponsor myself to college, I couldn't use the degree to find a good-paying job. I realized how important connection was while I was hunting for a job.

Some people were getting jobs easily due to connections though their degrees didn't meet up to the standards set for getting such jobs.

I couldn't find a good-paying job, so I was moving from one mere job to the other. And with the little salaries I was getting from them, I was managing to fend for myself and also assist my friend with some bills at home.

..I never achieved renting an apartment of my own not to talk of buying a car.

It was during this time that I met this beautiful girl named, Layla, at an event, and we connected immediately. It could be said that it was love at first sight.

She was two years younger than I, she was the last child of her family, she was a university graduate, and her father was a billionaire.

We started dating in secret though she knew I was a pauper 'cause she truly loved me. Her family wasn't aware we were dating, and the friend I was squatting with wasn't aware as well.

We kept seeing each other in secret until she said to me one Sunday afternoon...

"Let's get married".

And I was like, "Would your family accept me? I'm a nobody, I'm a pauper, I don't think I'd be anywhere close to the standard of men they want for their daughters".

"Don't worry, my dad loves me so much, and he'd agree to almost everything I want. You're the one I love, and you're the one I want to get married to,

Once we get married, your life would change because my wealth is your wealth. Everything I own, you own as well". She said to me.

..That statement of hers made my heart so glad, seems like my miserable life was about to end.

Seems like my life was about to turn around for the better, I was about to get married to the daughter of a billionaire. I was finally going to enjoy wealth and affluence.

She introduced me to her family as the man she wanted to get married to. And just as I expected, they didn't like me.

Why? Because after interviewing me, they discovered that I was a pauper. No house of my own, no car, no money, nothing.

But just as Layla told me, her dad loves her so much and would agree to almost anything she wanted. He agreed to the marriage just to make his daughter happy.

..In reality, he didn't like me, her mum didn't like me, her siblings didn't like me as well.

Our wedding took place, and it was so luxurious. After our honeymoon, her dad got us a nice mansion to reside in as a couple and bestowed servants upon us.

Men, I enjoyed wealth and affluence, I was living the life, I was driving expensive cars while living with my lovely wife. My miserable life ended, and I thought they had ended for good.

The only mistake I made during those times while I was enjoying wealth and affluence was that I wasn't stacking up money into my bank account.

I was just spending believing this was how things would keep going. My mindset was...

'As far as her father is a billionaire, then I'm a billionaire as well...my pocket can never go dry'.

..Little did I know that everything was going to come to an end soon, and I'd go back to living that miserable life again.

Things came crashing when after more than a year of us getting married, I couldn't impregnate Layla. We visited a doctor, and we were told nothing was wrong with the both of us.

All we needed to do was to be patient, our time would come. But with a family that didn't like me before, they started bombarding Layla's ears with all sorts of things, so she could fall out of love with me.

'Divorce him now and marry someone else, so you won't regret it in the future. There's a very high chance he'd never get to impregnate you'.

..Yes, they kept saying these kinds of things to her, persuading her to divorce me.

Welcome to the first chapter of this book. If you enjoy what you've just read, please, support this book with your power stones, comments, reviews, and so on.

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