
I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System

Luck shined on Casper when he got married to the daughter of a billionaire named, Layla. The miserable life he's been living for a long time ended. He got to enjoy wealth and affluence, but it was short-lived. His wife fell out of love with him, and his miserable life returned. ..To make matters worse, he started working as a servant in his wife's house. It finally got to the point when he was kicked out of the house. And at that moment, Casper thought that was the end for him 'cause he was poor and there was almost nothing in his bank account. Not until he got... [Ding!] [The Wealth System is at your service] [With this system, you shall acquire all the wealth and affluence you didn't get to acquire in your 27 years of coming to this world] [With this system, you shall rise to the top] Yes, he received a system. And with this system, he'd rise from nothing to something. He'd rise from rags to riches, he'd acquire a lot of wealth and affluence. He'd rise to the top. ..Follow him through his journey. _________ Disclaimer: Because the title says 'I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System' doesn't mean he became filthy rich immediately after receiving the system. It was a gradual process to the top. The system would be introduced in chapters 3-4, be patient. Support this book if you find it interesting.

Jeffson · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Getting Kicked Out Soon.

Slowly, the love she had for me started dying. Things that were going smoothly before suddenly went bad, then it moved to worse, then worst.

She'd already lost all love for me when it got to worst, she wasn't seeing me as a husband anymore...my miserable life returned.

Her parents kept urging her to divorce me, so I could be kicked out of the house, but she didn't agree to it. Instead, what she said was that for me to keep living in the mansion, I'd have to become a servant and join the other servants.

If I can't agree to that, then I'd be kicked out...

We'd still be married on paper, she'd still be bearing my surname. But we'd stop sleeping together on the same bed, and I'd become a servant.

My bank account was close to being empty, if I got kicked out, I'd suffer greatly. As known, I wasn't stacking up money into my bank account while I was enjoying wealth and affluence.

..And there was nothing I could do about it anymore, it was already too late.

Considering that fact, I agreed to become a servant in my own wife's house. I became a poor son-in-law who was working as a servant in his wife's house.

Her family made mockery of me, and they didn't stop persuading her to divorce me and kick me out of the house. That's exactly what they wanted, that's what would make them satisfied.

..They wanted to see me suffer more.

My life went from a hundred to zero in a matter of months, my life became miserable once again. Even the other servants in the house do make jest of me 'cause of how I went from something to nothing.

I saw the other side of Layla, the wicked side of her. Her attitude changed toward me completely. Every day was a struggle for me, and though I wanted to leave badly, I couldn't 'cause I was basically a pauper.

As said, my bank account was close to being empty. If I leave, I'd be stuck 'cause I wouldn't know where to start from with the total amount of money I had.

..This is what you get when you're a pauper before getting married to the daughter of a billionaire.

And I've been living like this for months, it was a serious struggle. And you know what? There was this certain head servant that do boss me around.

"Casper, do this, Casper, do that".

Just because he had some little authority over me now.

When the servants in this house saw that I'd been reduced to a mere servant as well, they were so happy. Why? Because they saw how I was enjoying wealth and affluence when Layla was still in love with me.

How I was bossing some of them around...though, I was never rude to any of them. But some of them would just be considering you as too proud 'cause you sent them on an errand.

..Now, I was just a mere servant like them, they were so happy.

Right now, I'd just finished a certain chore in the house when the head servant walked toward me and said...

"You'd be the one to handle all the dishes today".

And before I could say anything, he'd already begun walking away as I was staring daggers at him. I was the one that did the dishes the day before yesterday, and now, he's telling me I'd be the one to handle them today as well?

This was supposed to be the chore of the female servants, but I was handling it now? Whether I wasn't even handling it more than them.

I was filled with rage right now, but there was nothing I could do about it...that was the life I was living now, so miserable. I handled the dishes as instructed.

And right now, I was in the living room dressed in servant clothing when the door to the living room opened and Layla, and three other men dressed in black suits stepped foot into the living room.

..And according to the look of things, seems like they were walking toward me.

'What is happening?'. I thought to myself at that moment.

Layla was in front, and the three men dressed in black suits were following her from behind...she was the one leading them to me. And the moment they reached me, they stopped walking.

More confirmation that it was me they were walking to...

I was a little scared and confused...who were these three men? Did they come to arrest me or something?

Well, Layla's voice resounded not too long after they stood in front of me.

"Casper, I have something to tell you".

"What is it?". I inquired with an inquisitive facial expression.

She pointed to one of the men in suits and said, "This is the man I'd like to marry next...the both of us would have to divorce now".

That statement hit me hard, what I've been praying never to happen has finally happened.

"Y...you, w...want us to do what? Divorce?". I voiced out stuttering a little 'cause of shock.

"Exactly, and you'd also be kicked out of this house when we divorce, so I can usher in my new husband". She said.

..I went from thirty to zero at that moment, my mood changed, and they noticed it but didn't care.

The man she pointed to as her new husband walked toward me and said, "Hello, I'm Layla's new husband, and my name is Bryn".

Bryn was a rich young man, he was a millionaire in dollars, and he owned businesses and enterprises around the country.

He was 28 years old, and how did he get to the level he was in now? Hard work and dedication. He wasn't born into a rich family, he was born into an average family.

So he had to struggle real hard to get to the level he was in now...

He was nowhere close to the level Layla's father was in, but who knows? As time passes, he might end up becoming a billionaire in dollars as well.

..Casper was nowhere close to his level.

I stood there staring at the so-called Bryn with rage in my eyes, he was about to snatch my wife from me 'cause he had money.

What am I even saying, why was I referring to her as a wife when she didn't consider me a husband? My fear now was since this man had come into her life, I'd be kicked out into the streets.

And another round of suffering would continue from there...

"You can't do this to me, Layla. I've been working as a servant in this house for more than a year now, and you want to kick me out like that?". I voiced out.

"And what makes you think I don't deserve to do that? You should even be happy that I let you stay in this house for months, I should have kicked you out since. I've benefitted nothing from you since we got married,

I married you a pauper, and you're still a pauper. You couldn't impregnate me after more than a year of our marriage, nothing. You came into my life a pauper...and you're going to leave a pauper". She uttered.

"But I thought we were in love with each other". I stated once again, glancing directly into her eyes.

She laughed a little before voicing out, "Love? I've come to realize that love doesn't do it all, love isn't enough. We're getting a divorce no matter what, and you'd be kicked out of this house".

..The moment she made that statement, I sparked.

The rage I was feeling increased, I wasn't even thinking, I began walking toward Layla to slap her or something.

Before I could reach her to slap her, one of the men dressed in black suit walked toward me and landed me a nice punch in the face. The force of the punch was enough to push me to the ground.

The punch was painful, no doubt. And when I stood up from the ground, I noticed my nose was bleeding...

"So, you wanted to slap me or something? Wow, you've got guts. Well, you got what you deserved though. We're getting a divorce, and I want it to begin taking place as fast as possible".

After she made that utterance, she turned around and began walking away as the so-called Bryn and the other two men began following her from behind.

..I just stood there not knowing what to do, I didn't even know whether to begin crying or laughing.

Once I get kicked out of this house, where would I start from? I was poor, I was a fucking pauper. That was the thought running through my mind.

If I had enough money, then I wouldn't be afraid of getting kicked out of this house...

I glanced around to notice that some servants saw the scene that took place, I'd be getting kicked out of this house soon, I saw that mocking looks on their faces.

..They were happy that I'd be getting kicked out soon.

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