
I reincarnated into the Marvel Universe

My life was horrible I had parents who only gave birth to me just to save their marriage they were workaholics who didn’t even care about their own son who suffered extreme depression and child neglect.I was bullied all my life and was ignored by those who I thought loved me I had nothing and I was nothing the only thing I had that kept me from crying myself to sleep was reading comics about heroes who risked their lives to save those who weren’t able to protected themselves.I envied them because at the end of the day they were loved by everyone and looked up to as role models.I dreamed of becoming a hero myself and I would always follow the rule”with great power comes great responsibility’s”.I drowned myself in comics trying to escape the real world and by the time I realized it I had died from extreme stress and exhaustion.I knew no one would care about my death until I heard a familiar voice that said”EXCELSIOR”.And ever since then my life became that of what I dreamed of. Yo it’s your boi sorry if I haven’t been able to upload my mha fan fic I was busy dealing with some tuff things in my life and my dad was hospitalized but he’s better now.Im making this fan fic because of the love I have for Marvel so I hope you all enjoy it and don’t worry I’ll be able to upload for both fan fics.

Mohammed_Jawad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 6:Fight Against A Beast

I was heading to locker number 69 that's where I decided to put my clothes in for uh no special reason.I was getting ready to take them and head out,instead I was approached my Logan who had a beer in one hand a cigar in the other he looked me up and down and said

"hey kid you want to head to the danger room and spar you look like you can handle yourself I promise I'll go easy on you".

I was shocked not because he asked me to spar with him but he said he'll go easy on me,after protecting Peter from bullies I picked up some stuff on how to fight and I have good eyes.

I smiled and said"sure I'll spar with you but I reckon you go serious on me I don't want you to hurt yourself old man"

Logan started to laugh out loud and looked at me he smiled and said"I like you kid meet me down in the danger room in 5 minutes I'll make sure you eat your words bub".

I was somewhat excited I was going to fight not just anyone but the Wolverine he was my second favorite hero after Spider Man because of his mysterious background and powers.

I met Logan down in the danger room,it looked like a regular dojo with mats on the ground but the whole room was silver which intrigued me.I met Logan in the middle of the room where me and him took our stances I decided to go for an in type of boxer style.

Logan was this and smiled"Ha a boxer huh I already see so many openings you better get ready bub I'm gonna make you land flat on your ass".

I smiled at Logan and said"bring it on old man"

Logan charged me and threw a barrage of punches I was able to dodge a few and block some,his punches were the hardest I've ever felt and he wasn't even trying.I decided to try and go on the offensive and did a quick jab to Logan's jaw but he easily dodged.

To be completely honest I was scared not because of the damage he'll give me but who I was fighting Wolverine had hundreds of years of experience and here I am a kid from New York fighting an expert who's treating this like child's play.,

Logan charged me again so I did a low swipe with my leg but he jumped and landed a blow on my face any normal person would KO right there but I was a mutant my body was stronger than a normal humans.I tried to shack off the punch and make sure I wasn't distracted.

I started using my precognition but what shocked me was his next attack he was going to aim for my neck and other places around my body and he was planning to knee me in the stomach when he got close enough after my guard was down.

I made sure to block and dodge before he was able to get his hairy hands on me,My eyes widened when I finally saw an opening on his right side he didn't put too much defense into that one spot.

No more staying on the defensive I prepared my body because I knew because of what I was going to do I would be knocked out for at least a couple of days.I had to draw Logan in and catch him off guard.

I did a tai chi stance and stood my ground I tightened my body to try and ease the damage that was about to be inflicted on me.I stood in place with my hands by my side waiting for Logan to come at me and it worked.

Logan took this as an opening and I just started punching him in every vital part of the human body.I made sure to punch fast and hard non stop until he left his guard down.I landed a punch in his ribs and was able to slug him in the jaw.

It was time he his side was open and it was my only shot before he gets back in the game and beats my ass.I rushed and with all my power I just started punching him in that spot everything was going to plan until I felt a shutter and a cold shiver went down my spine.

Logan stood there in a defensive position just standing there not moving I felt something was wrong because he wasn't responding when I called his name.

All I heard was a "Shkit" and I stood there frozen in fear,Logan pulled out his claws and looked at me his eyes blood shot red I felt his eyes piercing my soul with his blood lust.This wasn't a friendly spar anymore one wrong move and I'm dead."GARRRR"Logan growled at me and rushed me with his Adamantium claws trying to go straight for my throat.I stopped time and didn't know what to do.

This was a fight with my life on the line it was a fight against an animal no a beast.5 minutes went by I was trying to come up with a plan to get out of here I could try and run to the elevator but it would take too long to call it down I would be dead by the time it got down to the danger room.

Than an idea came to mind if I forced myself I could pause time 2 or 3 more times until I'm out of energy I could run to the fire alarm and pull it triggering the alarm to go off in the while school.

I would need to distract Logan until someone sees who pulled it and they would get suspicious someone would bound to be down here that could help me.But for now I need to survive.

I ran to the fire alarm before time unpaused and I pulled it right when it. unpaused,Berserker Logan was on the other side of the dojo just standing there looking for me.I made sure that the whole school was on alert but before I could slightly relax to catch my breath I got a vision something that rarely happened and it wasn't a pleasant one.It showed me on the ground my body was badly cut up and it showed Logan standing over my body.

I felt a death stare and turned around to see Logan standing right in front of me with his bloodshot eyes,I've never felt such fear in my life my legs turned to jelly and before I knew it his claw already sliced my shoulder giving me a nasty cut.

Before I was able to realize what just happened I felt a pain in my stomach and the next thing I knew was I was on the ground with the air knocked out of me.

Berserker Logan jumped down about to slash at me but right before he was able to I paused time.I didn't know what to do I was just praying someone would investigate what was happening.

I didn't have that much energy left so I had to depend on my body to dodge and try to knock Logan out.Before time unpaused I unloaded a barrage of punches on Logan even as far as punching him in the head and putting in some nut shots.

I felt my power draining fast but I needed to do one last hit,I put all my energy into this attack and broke Logan's leg that would give me some time to dodge before it heals.

Time unpaused and Berserker Logan howled in pain for a couple of seconds he than looked towards me and growled like an animal.He lunged at me but I was barely able dodge it and he gave me another cut this time on my forehead.

I was out of power and was extremely exhausted at this point I almost welcomed death,but I needed to keep my promise with Stan and become the hero he wants me to be.

I look towards Berserker Logan and smiled and said"is that all you got you ugly bastard I'm just getting warmed up".

Logan lunged at me claws first but I was able to dodge again.I rolled over to the other side and got Logan in a headlock with my arms and legs wrapped around him.

Logan did his best to try and get me off of him but due to my willpower and fear of dying again I made sure to never let go and if anything to squeeze order possibly trying to stop the flow of oxygen to his head and knock him out.

I wish he would just go down peacefully but he wouldn't no matter what, he kept on slamming me on the nearest wall hopping I would let go but if anything it made me squeeze even harder.This was the closet I was to dying it was the scariest moment I've ever encountered.

My feelings went from being full of fear and dread but took a 180 turn when I heard a ding it was from the elevator that meant someone was coming down.I prayed that it was someone strong like the Professor or Storm but instead it was her.

Out if everyone it was Rouge,my feelings went back to being doomed until I remembered what her mutation was if she was able to touch Logan he would become unconscious and she would get his power for a certain amount of time.

I thanked Stan Lee for sending her but this only turned even worse for me though.Logan was able to throw me off of him because I let my hold weaken when I saw Rouge,now he was headed for her and it didn't look like she was going to use her powers any time soon.

Logan was charging at her and all she did was stand there scared so guess what I did yup you got that right.I ran to her as fast as I could and stood in front of her covering her body.I felt one of the most painful thing in the world,it was Logan's claws slashing against myths back of my skin.

I fell to the ground blood floating my throat but before I blacked out I heard screaming and a loud roar.my consciousness was fading and everything was going black until I heard a familiar voice it was Stans and he said"The person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero".

I knew what I had to do now I laughed and said "Thanks Stan".I gathered as much energy as I could gathering it in a ball and started unleashing a wave of time energy at Logan.Logan was thrown across the danger room with a couple of limbs missing laying there unconscious.

I laid there on the ground just staring up at the light that was flickering on and off and laughed I mumbled "I guess I really did become a hero".And with that I felt my heart barely beating and my mind starting to go black but before I was gone I heard crying and people screaming I couldn't make out the words but I did recognize one of the voices and it was Rouges and she sounded safe.

I laid there smiling when my heart stopped and finally everything went black.

(A/N)Yo it's ur boi the Author I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I said I would release 2 extra chapters for the 30 power stones but sadly I got sick.I'll make sure to upload the 2 extra chapters on Friday until then make sure to rate the Novel so we can get big one day.PEACE FAM