
The Truth About The Universe

Saya came back in the room with some tea and set it on the table for me and took off her apron. I couldn't stop thinking about how sad she was, but I couldn't muster up the courage to say something. She looked at me and sat down then smiled. She began the conversation off with a soft sigh then rubbed the back of her head.

"I know what you're thinking..."Why does she always look so pained? What happened back then?" I get the questions all the time when I go out, but I just couldn't talk about it..but now I feel like I can speak on it." Saya said.

"Okay I'm listening." I said.

"The war ended 11 years ago with my home destroyed in the process. My friends sacrificed their lives to fight for their home and I couldn't do anything. I was one of the strongest and I failed my duty as one of the Nightmare Assembly. I froze up, you know...Kanon, Victoria..Adriesta, Tia and Ashe..all dead when I could've done something to change that outcome." Saya started.

"Himiya mentioned something like that to me...I just can't imagine how you must feel..." I said.

"Feels bad you know." Saya let out a slight chuckle and looked down and pat her thighs. "I'm not the only one who feels that way...the Nightmare Assembly split up...I haven't seen them except for one because she lives with me. We talk on the phone often and they always tell me how bad they feel about the events."

"How old were you when you were in the war?" I asked.

"16 years old." Saya said. "I am now 27 years old and can't even get the memories from my head...meanwhile my sister by bond was able to move on.."

"Sister by...bond?" I asked.

"Her name is Miyuna. I'm always grateful to her...She stayed with me even though I'm just a broken mess. If only you knew how much I cry every night." Saya said and smiled.

"Damn my head hurts.." Mikoko sat up and groaned lightly.

"Your head hurts..? My body hurts...you sometimes sleep fight! Keep the fighting to when you're awake please!" Shizaki said.

"They are important to you correct?" Saya looked at them.

"Yeah...Mikoko is my servant, but I treat her more as a friend than a personal assistant. Shizaki...I have to protect her. I don't know why, I don't know the feeling in me that sees a need to protect her but all I know is I want to protect her.." I said. "Targeted by humans and demons...she's got it rough right now."

"Well she should be careful of one Demon Hunter actually...That Demon Hunter is Stella's Daughter. She hunts Demons to protect Eshea and keep evil out and hunts humans to keep them from hurting the innocent. Sometimes you'll see her roaming around Eshea with her teacher Li Mailin. She's only 12 years old, hunting the biggest and baddest of demons and killing the hardest of criminals. They call her the Dark Snake. She doesn't care what you are, if you disrupt peace then you die. Her name is Kufka. I train her from time to time so stay overnight if you wish to see her." Saya said.

"Kufka...The Eighth Demon Princess..yet she's a Demon Hunter and a Bounty Hunter?" I asked.

"She's takes the Demon Hunting from her mother, and the Bounty Hunting from her father, Zain. She is a Hybrid actually. Being a Bushi gave her the power of the Seven Auras, and the Heavenless Bushi Mode and Technique and she also is subjected to a curse that Zain has called the Dark Phantom Curse. She's a powerhouse. You should've seen her in the Kids Division of the Eshean Tournament." Saya smiled.

"Seems like you're proud of her." Mikoko said and walked towards us.

"I am...I couldn't be any more proud of her as her aunt. Now that Stella is an actual Goddess, Kufka comes to the Human Realm more often because Stella has to offer those in the Nether Realm her blessings. She still comes here to visit but her stays are never longer than a day." Saya nodded.

There was a knock at the front door. Saya went to answer it and was met with the face of Kufka and Li Mailin. Saya let them in and I watched them walk in the room I was in. Saya followed and ruffled Kufka's hair. Kufka had cyan colored hair and red eyes. Her cyan colored hair comes from hair dye. After seeing what Stella looked like I could tell her original hair color was silver. She had a messy bun hairstyle on the right side of her head and wore a purple dress that stopped at her thigh and wore knee high boots. She had a little white snake slithering around her. Her teacher, Li Mailin, had brown hair and styled with two buns one on each side. She wore a black trenchcoat and her eyes were purple. I felt some intense energy from the two.

"Yufumi, meet Kufka and Li Mailin. The Snakes of Retribution." Saya smiled.

Snakes...usually a term used for people who are sly and are always hiding something, but for them...they are called snakes because they don't care about humans or demons, they will kill all species if you endanger their home.

"A demon...resting at my aunt's home. Not only that, a half demon and a human girl." Kufka said and closed her eyes and placed a hand on her hip then smirked. "This particular demon has no evil in her heart also? Well barely any...I noticed that Demon Code anywhere."

"Quite a mouth on you for a child." Mikoko said.

"M-Mmph.." I covered my cleavage area and hid the Demon Code. "Is there a way to get rid of a Demon Code?"

"Hm?" Kufka opened her eyes and looked at me. "Of course there is, but if it becomes too strong you can't get rid of it."

"What?! You can't get rid of a Demon Code! It's written in all the books. A Demon Code is permanent." Mikoko said.

"You mean those books that your pathetic schools teach? I learn my knowledge from people who had first hand experience not some fake reporters who know crap. You can get rid of a weak Demon Code. All you have to do is kill 100 Demons. You will enter a Purification State if you do." Kufka said. "Mother teaches me a lot of things plus Master Li Mailin had first hand experience with Demon Codes and how it can corrupt your mind and soul...makes you lose who you really are."

"You are very knowledgeable..." I said.

"A Demon Hunter and Bounty Hunter must know as much as possible. I, the great Kufka, will be like my Father! An Avenger! A Protector! I will erase this universe from it's evil and cleanse it all. What happened to mother and the rest of the Nightmare Assembly will not repeat! Especially now the Demon Princesses are active...one in specific." Kufka said.

Li Mailin tapped Kufka's shoulder and told her that she has to return to the Nether Realm. Kufka nodded and Li Mailin bowed towards us and walked off. Li Mailin didn't speak much English. She spoke more Mandarin Chinese than English. Kufka spoke perfect Mandarin Chinese as well so she was able to communicate with Li Mailin.

"Back to business. This one Demon Princess I'm currently hunting will be my greatest feat yet!" Kufka said and smiled.

"You mean...Katsuguchi?" I asked.

"Yes! She has plans on dethroning mother! I know Mom can easily erase her with a snap of her fingers but she refuses to fight nowadays. It is up to me to protect--"

"Calm your horses, Kufka. Katsuguchi is no pushover. I didn't even have to fight her to know that her powers rivals that of a Dark Lord. If you think you can take on Katsuguchi, then think again." I said.

"Pah! What a bunch of pishposh. You don't know a thing about me." Kufka said.

"Power doesn't mean everything. You might have the power of two of the most powerful beings alive, but that power can always be used against you. Katsuguchi is extremely smart." I said.

"Okay? I'm probably equally as smart." Kufka said.

"Answer this then smartass. How many days does it take to complete a full Reincarnation?" Mikoko asked.

"Easy. 10 Days. My grandmother Adriesta is immortal and when she dies she rei--"

"Wrong." Mikoko stood up and walked towards Kufka. "Adriesta has the power of Resurrection. Reincarnation doesn't have a time period to complete because it is random."

"I have to take Mikoko's side on this one, Kufka." Saya laughed a bit. "Resurrection is the one that has a time period. The answer is 40 Days. Adriesta is key proof because 40 days after she died I saw her roaming Eshea, but she lost her memory except the memory of a certain demon who took her child. Let it be known that demon is still alive while her child is not. It is said she will stop resurrecting once that demon is dead so her sole purpose is to get revenge."

"Hm. Adriesta...a woman who's sole purpose is to kill a certain demon." I said and thought to myself.

"Where can I find this Adriesta woman?" I asked.

"Only fate can tell. As far as I know she's probably not even in Eshea anymore. It was 11 years ago when I last saw her." Saya shrugged.

Shizaki looked at all four of us and Kufka sighed then looked up. She looked back at me and I looked at her.

"Demon Princess, I have a request." Kufka asked.

"Name's Yufumi." I said.

"Gotcha. Yufumi, I acknowledge what you said about Katsuguchi. I wanna help you take her down." Kufka said.

"You see the thing is...I have to do it alone. I'm currently trapped in a Demon Princess Battle Royale. I have to defeat the other Princesses alone and I only have a year to prepare. I'm not even as strong as the competition. Five of the opponents I'm facing have a moderately powerful and stronger Demon Codes. I don't want to kill Humans or Demons to get stronger either. It just doesn't feel right." I said.

"Demon Princess Battle Royale?" Kufka asked.

"A Battle Royale that happens everytime the Head Demon of the Underworld passes away or dies. The Demon Princesses all take part of it, like it or not. Only the strongest demons stand at the top. As it stands now, Katsuguchi is the only one with a winning shot at the seat. I heard her plans a few months ago, if she ever becomes Head Demon..she will start war between the Underworld and Human Realm...it won't be the first it's happened." Mikoko said.

"What?" I looked at Mikoko.

"In Ancient Times when the Zodiac Gods were alive, the Human Realm and Underworld were at war once. It got to the point where the Sacred Realm had to step in and stop the Underworld. Back then Hades was a force to be reckoned with...Persephone was completely against the idea of raging war against other Realms...Soon Hades was killed by his own Daughter, stopping his onslaught against the Human Realm and Sacred Realm. Katsuguchi wishes to destroy the Human Realm. Master is the only one who can stop her. She holds an Ancient Relic called the Oblivion Slayer..." Mikoko said.

I summoned my sword and looked at it. The Oblivion Slayer...how did I even get it. Kufka walked towards me and looked at the sword. She reaches out and it's energy repelled her. She looked at it in awe and looked at me.

"A sword used to slay a demon named Chaos. An Ancient Hero used that very sword and brought peace to the four realms. The Human Realm, Spirit Realm, Sacred Realm, and the Underworld. He was one of the most powerful of the Ancient Heroes if not the most powerful. After his great sacrifice, the universe began to fall apart. I was a witness to it all. The Arcania War, the Genten War...To see a Universe he spent so much time cleansing and perfecting go to waste like this. I can only imagine how he feels. Even the Original Dark Lords who worked with him have stated that this Universe needs an Ultimate Reset." Mikoko said.

"An Ultimate Reset..?" Saya asked.

"Only the Dark Lord of Time can cause this reset, but she refuses to do so. For good reason also. If a Time Fracture were to happen in the middle of the process, time would completely stop and cause a Temporal Breakdown, destroying Time and we would all be trapped forever unless the Ultimate God, Xiros, resets everything. Xiros is the God of this Universe. He can not be defeated, he can not be killed, he can not be seen. His power is so Divine that one ray of light could destroy an entire galaxy." Mikoko said.

"How old are you Mikoko..?" I asked.

"I've been alive in this Universe since Xiros created the first planet named Type-0rigins." Mikoko said.

"M-Mmph.." I grunted in shock.

"You've been alive for that long..? And you have all your memories..?" Kufka asked.

"I remember how I die all the time. Each time I die I grow weaker and weaker. It comes to a point where I have to rely on aura to fight." Mikoko said. "But don't let any of this change how we are. I am still your servant, Master."

"Got it." I nodded.

The Ancient Hero...What was his name? He was so powerful he created peace between the four main realms..? I have to know more about him..I want to know the Origins of Oblivion Slayer.