
The Return of Stella

"There she is! Take her down!" A Demon Hunter bellowed.

"When will you learn your attempts are meaningless...You humans yell righteousness and equality and yet you try to banish us Demons just because of our heritage. For that I will destroy you all." Katsuguchi said and violet aura surged from her eyes and a giant skeleton in a cloak appeared behind her. "Prepare to die, human parasites."

I tossed and turned then sat up and opened my eyes. I let out a sigh and looked at my hands. I looked to my right and saw Mikoko sleeping in a chair with her arms crossed. I looked to my right and saw Shizaki sleeping beside me. I carefully got up and walked out the room and saw Saya in the kitchen, talking on the phone.

"Stella...just please stay a few days? It wouldn't hurt to leave the Nether Realm for a couple of days...I know you are a Goddess, but when was the last time you had fun? We can hang out like the old times...I understand...Love you too.." Saya sighed and set the phone down and covered her eyes.

"Saya..?" I walked to her.

"Y-Yufumi.." Saya sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Can't sleep...After the conversation about this Ancient Hero...I've been restless to know why I was chosen for this sword. I want to know if I can save Katsuguchi from falling into darkness...I want to know more about myself and my abilities as well as my limits. I can't sleep when time flies like this." I said.

"I understand...Let's talk outside, Miyuna is asleep in the other room." Saya said.

"Not necessary. I heard you over the phone." Miyuna walked out the room with her robe on. "It's about Stella again isn't it?"

"..." Saya looked away.

"Leave her be. Chances of her returning here is the chances of us ever getting our normal lives back." Miyuna said.

When I looked at Miyuna, I saw a woman who used to be gentle and sweet now hardened by the aftermath of war. She had long black hair and ice blue eyes. She looked at me and closed her eyes.

"My apologies, I didn't know we had a guest over." Miyuna said. "My name is Miyuna. I run an orphanage down the street for kids who lost their parents due to war. It's a shame seeing kids grow up without parents, let alone losing them at an early age."

I looked at her and felt coldness in her heart. She had a vendetta against the world she lived in. Saya blames herself while Miyuna could care less about what happens to the world.

"My name is Yufumi Zoko...May I ask...do you hate this world we live in?" I said.

"Not completely...but what I do hate is this Dark Lord named Omusa who allowed this to happen. The Ruler of this Planet allowed so much injustice to happen..." Miyuna said. "The fact this was just allowed pisses me off...why have a Ruler of a Planet if they don't do anything to protect it? They are killing your people too!"

"Miyuna.." Saya said.

"So you hate me..?" A voice said and the room was filled in Darkness.

"Omusa..?" I looked around.

"You have a vendetta against me I assume? I let your people die? Your home crumble into ashes? Blame Stella for your home disappearing completely...she had enough power to stop it and yet...she decided to blow the country up herself." Omusa walked out of the portal and the darkness in the room vanished.

Miyuna glared at Omusa and tears filled her eyes. She tried to lunge at Omusa but Saya held her back. I looked at Miyuna and Omusa then felt my lip quivering.

"You had the power to stop it all from happening! Why?! Why did you let our home disappear?! My friends! My family! My dreams! Why?!" Miyuna cried and glared at Omusa.

"As Stella that. She's stronger than me in every way possible. You shouldn't be crying to me about something she could've controlled. Fate rested in her hands in Arcania. Maybe she isn't as strong as you all believes she is...she couldn't stop one person. It isn't my job to stop affairs in someone's home. My job is to protect people from life endangering situations that would cost my whole planet to be destroyed." Omusa said.

"Unknown was a life endangering situation!" Miyuna said.

"So is Stella. Your precious sister..." Omusa said.

"And Katsuguchi isn't life endangering..?" I mumbled. "Bullshit...She's ending civilizations out there as we speak and you aren't doing a thing about it.."

"Oh..? The lesser demon has a mouth on her now she has a pathetic Demon Code...Why would a demon care about a human life so much..? Your calling is to destroy humans. Katsuguchi is doing just that. She's the realest demon there is now out of the Seven. You aren't anything compared to Katsuguchi let's get that straight. You are undeserving of that sword you carry. Whitefang choosing you to weild that blade was a mistake..." Omusa said.

Mikoko and Shizaki woke up from hearing the commotion outside the bedroom. Mikoko went to go check and saw Omusa in the house. She covered her mouth and went over to the bed and made Shizaki stay down. Shizaki was worried and looked at Mikoko.

"I..am deserving...I will not let anyone talk me down...not even you, Omusa. If I was chosen I was chosen for a reason. You'll be damned for talking down to me." I glared at Omusa. "You'll be damned for talking down about Stella especially when she isn't here to speak for herself!"

"Yufumi.." Saya looked at me.

"Hm.." Omusa smirked. "I have a right to talk down on someone as pathetic as Stella. Abandoning everyone she knew because of a loss. To be fair I'd be the same way if I lost in such a way also. The whole battle made me yawn, The Demon Goddess....can't even hold her own weight to save Arcania."

"Shut...up..!" Miyuna glared.

Kufka yawned and walked out her room and rubbed her eyes hearing the commotion as well. She saw Omusa and grunted and bowed.

"Master Omusa! I've been taking my training with Li Mailin very seriously! Hopefully I could display my skills in this Demon Princess Battle Royale..? I won't disappoint." Kufka said.

"Unfortunately the slots are all full, Child of Stella." Omusa said.

"Kufka...don't trust Omusa.." I said. "I know there's something fishy about this Battle Royale. Why hold one if Katsuguchi is powerful enough to kill all six of us in one blow? Do you wish to see death so badly?"

"That's why I gave you all a year to prepare...Even though I know it'll be useless...even Yui has a winning shot, but you..? I couldn't see you being Head Demon even after three Reincarnations and three Resurrections with the blessings of a Goddess. You're...too...weak.." Omusa said.

I scowled and balled my fists and sparks came from my eyes. Something about Omusa sets me off. He is the Ruler of this planet and yet will allow the people of this planet die? He's rotten to the core, a true Serpent in the grass. He's definitely hiding something because there should be no reason to let so many people die like this!

"Screw your battle royale...I'm gonna save the Human Realm. I will put an end to this countless killing! I don't care what you say...Once I get strong enough, I will take you down and avenge everyone who's died because of your selfishness!" I said.

Saya, Miyuna, Kufka, Mikoko, and Shizaki looked surprised. Omusa's sinister smirk grew into a sinister smile. He snapped his finger and the serpent around his body slithered into the room I was resting in and grabbed Shizaki and I heard her ear piercing scream of terror.

"Mikoko!" Shizaki reached out.

Mikoko grabbed her hand and grunted. She tried as hard as she could to pull Shizaki out of the serpent's grip. In the end her hand slipped and the serpent went back to Omusa and he held Shizaki.

"Well then...let's play a game. If you win, I'll release Shizaki. If you lose, she becomes my prey." Omusa smirked.

"You...this can't be real.." Saya said.

"Yufumi, don't play the game..! Forget about me...I'll be fine..!" Shizaki said.

Something in my soul told me to protect Shizaki at all costs. A voice I couldn't ignore. I closed my eyes tightly and grit my teeth. The Demon Code on my chest glowing faintly from my shirt. I looked at Omusa and my red eyes glowed.

"I won't leave you Shizaki...I will win this game and get you back!" I said.

"Splendid.." Omusa laughed evilly. "It's a simple game of...rock...paper...Scissors."

"Please don't play him!" Shizaki pleaded.

"I'm not leaving you! I will protect you no matter what!" I bellowed. "Let's start the game!"

"This will be a best of five.." Omusa said.

We both got ready and Omusa looked at me and his purple eyes glowed. I tried to use my knowledge of this game to the fullest.

"Round one. Rock, paper.." Omusa started.

"Scissors." A voice said and held a pistol to Omusa's head.

Omusa stopped and averted his eyes towards the hooded figure holding a gun to his head. I noticed that attire anywhere. Kufka did also and she smiled happily.

"The game is over, Omusa. Let the girl go." The person said.

"Well well...the woman who abandoned her friends finally shows up to play hero one last time?" Omusa said.

"I won't allow you to slander my name any longer...Yeah..I failed at protecting my home. I know that already, but isn't it your job to protect the people of this planet? As we speak Katsuguchi has killed 400 more humans. You're here provoking Yufumi and my family...you're just like the others...The Original Dark Lords...abandoning their people. You call yourself a God...but you're just another Underworld scum coming here to find an excuse to cause havoc in the Human Realm as if we already didn't suffer enough." Stella said and took off her hood.

Omusa looked at her and stood up straight and grabbed her wrist and glared. Stella looked at him dead in the eyes. She has no fear in her heart as she looked Omusa on his eyes and still held the gun to his face. Kufka took a step forward.

"Let my mother go!" Kufka yelled.

"Stand down Kufka. Omusa I'm officially calling off the Princess Battle Royale. You are under no position to be doing such actions to the people of Utalia. Release me at once." Stella glared.

"Hmmph..." Omusa released Stella and Shizaki. "Alright Your Majesty...The Demon Princess Battle Royale is officially cancelled. Because of that the person heir to the throne to become Head Demon will become the new head demon. The son of the Head Demon, Serzok, will be the new head demon. Be warned...whatever happens beyond this point will be your fault."

Omusa vanished into a portal and the portal closed. We looked at Stella and she closed her eyes, putting back on her hood. She was around to walk off then Miyuna stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

"That's how it's gonna be..? You come back and leave without saying a word to us?! We haven't seen you in 11 years! That's how it is now?!" Miyuna said.

"...Unhand me.." Stella said.

"Why are you avoiding us? Do you not care about us anymore? Have you forgotten the bond we shared?! Tell me why!" Miyuna shook her head and tears formed in her eyes.

"I won't say it again, Miyuna." Stella said.

This tension between the two seemed unnatural to me. I could tell they were extremely close, close enough to be sisters by bond. The war really split them up...it's like they are all strangers to one another.

"Stella. Why won't you just talk to us?!" Miyuna closed her eyes and began breathing heavily.

"I said...Let me go!" Stella pushed Miyuna away from her. "You don't understand anything that I'm feeling and you never will even if I explained it to you!

"Then make me understand!" Miyuna shoved Stella back.

"Can you get off my back for five seconds?!" Stella pushed Miyuna back.

"Your bitch ass abandoned us for 11 years and you come back without the slightest clue of how we've been feeling?!" Miyuna grabbed Stella's jacket and slammed her against the wall and tears coming from her eyes. "You left us! Zain left us! You don't understand how we feel! We've been so lost without you!"

"How do you expect me to be there if I can't get myself situated with my own emotions! I'm hurting too!" Stella pushed Miyuna's face away and tears came from her eyes. "I hate myself for not being able to save the home we lived in, not being able to keep the promises we made! I hate myself so much!"

"Mom...Aunt Miyuna.." Kufka took a step forward.

"I'm trying my best, I really am, but I can't move forward when you are always on my back!" Stella shoved Miyuna off.

"We are trying too! You aren't the only one who's hurting! We all are!" Miyuna shoved Stella back.

"Stop it!" Saya yelled. "Stop it now! We aren't supposed to be fighting like this! We are family! We can't afford to lose each other like we lost the rest of the crew! It's just us now... especially when Zain is gone...Zofia is gone...Kotome is gone..! It's just us and Kufka! We have to have each other's back! I can't afford to lose any of you..! I hate myself too for not doing anything 11 years ago. I can't let go of the fact that I froze up when our family and friends needed us most. I can't fathom the pain you're experiencing Stella but don't forget ours like we haven't forgotten yours..!"

The fight ended when Saya spoke her mind. Miyuna and Stella were breathing a bit heavy and looked away from each other. I never thought I'd see conflict like this between those who were so close to each other at one point of time. Mikoko and Shizaki watched as well and couldn't believe it either. Kufka had tears running down her cheeks seeing her aunt and mother fight like that. Stella put her hood back on and walked off.

"Stella!" Saya called out.

"Let her be!" Miyuna yelled. "She thinks she's a Goddess...but all I see is a coward."

Stella warped back to the Nether Realm and Kufka watched as the bond between Miyuna and Stella begin to waver. I couldn't wrap my head around how much damage war could do to people. This was my answer on how much war damages the people and gives them emotional trauma beyond recovery. Miyuna went back to her room and closed the door. Saya sat down and held her head. All she wanted was to be happy with Stella and Miyuna like old times. She just wanted to experience the joy they once did as she always held on to the promise they made when they were younger.

"Miyuna and Stella...were real family to me when we were at war against Zephyr. I remember when she told us that when we were at the lake...after we conquered a base." Saya's voice was shaky.

Miyuna listened by the door and held her left arm. I sat down and listened to Saya who seemed more destroyed at the fact that her bond with Stella isn't the same anymore.

"We were blowing bubbles outside and pointed out constellations...we were so happy with each other even when we were in war. I can't remember the last time Miyuna showed me a single star she would find on the ground or a star she would make. I can't remember the last time we laughed together, ate together...I can't remember the last time we did anything together except argue. Goddammit this hurts so much.." Saya got up and left.

I looked down and heard Saya slam the door. I now had a new mission, recreate a scenario where all three women could be happy once again together. Seeing them like this hurt me. I already barely had a family to call my own so to see them like this...I closed my eyes and thought about what I could do to fix their bond.