
The Sorrowfuls (2)

Rae-gi is still locked in his apartment. He doesn't know what to do anymore. He needs to train, but he needs to be cautious. Taking them down one by one is probably the best way of winning. He also needs to train at the same time. "I should probably check outside, I know I need to be careful, but if I dont do anything the whole time, all of "La Mascara" will be after me. That's it, I will be going outside.

Though really nervous, Rae-gi opened the door and went outside of his apartment. He remove his mask remembering that only some of The Sorrowfuls know of him. He finally then headed to the streets of Seoul. "Main Quest:Succesfully take down 0/20 Sorrowfuls" Rae-gi knows he has to complete this quest, not just for the rewards, but also for his own safety. Rae-gi's first intended location to visit was the warehouse where he first encountered The Sorrowfuls.

Rae-gi spawned his motorbike and headed for the warehouse. He parked it somewhere secluded lowering the chances of The Sorrowfuls finding it. He got off his bike then sneaked carefully to the back of the warehouse. He made sure to look around, to not make the same mistake of setting off another alarm. After opening the entrance quietly, he finally made it inside.

He saw a lot of sorrowfuls, he counted them and he was pretty sure there were more than twenty of them. He needed to learn the pattern, the location, the schedules of each of them. He spent his first few hours observing them. Once he was sure of their patterns, he began to make his move, He first went for the ones that were far apart from each other, this way even if there were to call for more backup, their distance from each other is too far in order for them to even hear a sound.

Moving swiftly and dodging obstacles he managed to make it behind one of them. He strangled them from behind causing them to pass out. He did it one by one to as many enemies as he could, *ding*, *ding*, *ding*, *ding*, *ding*... Rae-gi managed to take down ten of them, but Rae-gi could see that there were at least fifty more of them. He tried to get behind another one, but this time he failed. They saw him, Rae-gi needed to do something, he needed to act fast.

Rae-gi threw a straight at their face. Their mask fell off, Rae-gi had known who the person was. One of his classmates. He didn't care, he dashed off and managed to take down four more of them. "Daily Quest Completed, Reward: Check Inventory for Reward." Rae-gi needed to check his inventory at a safe place. He ran to the back entrance of the warehouse. He made it out safely, Rae-gi was relieved. He needed to go back to his motorbike. He ran to go get it but stopped, he saw two members of La Mascara talking, they saw his bike. He didn't know what to do.

He saw their masks, they were only Poker Faces, they were on their phone reporting to someone. He tried to stop them but it was too late. They reported to Beok-sing, Beok-sing was now headed there, Rae-gi was now in more trouble than he was before. Rae-gi ran to them and knocked their phones off of their hands. Rae-gi stepped on the phones and prepared to fight. Surprisingly they were better fighters than most of the sorrowfuls.

They actually know the techniques. "Did i get their rankings wrong?" Are Poker Faces higher ranking than sorrowfuls? No, there was no way. How come sorrowfuls are allowed to go inside the boss's room while Poker Faces are not. Why don't they make their fighters higher ranking." Rae-gi was in a lot of trouble, he was too distracted that he couldn't weave. He felt intimidated, they caused him to fall on the floor.

Rae-gi needed to fight back. "I can't be distracted right now! I have to take La Mascara down!" He quickly got back to his feet. Their jabs were too fast for Rae-gi's block to withstand. Rae-gi realized it, they were swarmers. Their main purpose is to make it so that they pressure their opponent so that their opponent doesn't have time to react and fight back. Rae-gi needed to weave. He drank a new energy drink he just bought from the virtual store. He weaved all of their jabs. Rae-gi got ready, he threw two jabs to their nose. They passed outs like usual.

Just as he thought that everything was finally over, he quickly got out of his bike. He heard the sound of a car. He heard the door slammed furiously. Rae-gi knew who it was. It was Park Beok-sing. He needed to take him down. He hid, there was no way Rae-gi was beating Beok-sing. He needs to at least wipe out all remaining sorrowfuls in the warehouse to get enough strength to even stand a chance against Beok-sing.

Rae-gi tried hiding near the dumpsters. "You really think that I didn't see you? You can come out now Soo-Rae-Gi." Rae-gi tried to stay inside, but Beok-sing released a tear gas grenade inside and closed the dumpster cover. Rae-gi's coughing was clearly audible. He broke out of the dumpster. He was furious, he wasn't thinking of anything else except beating Beok-sing at least one more time. "Come at me Beok-sing, no holding back."

"What are you talking about Rae-gi? I'm only here to talk. Maybe let's make a deal." Rae-gi was trying to figure out what Beok-sing meant. Beok-sing was there to tell him to stay out off the business of La Mascara. "You don't understand what you're getting yourself into. This is the business of smart and strong people. You should back out now, you don't want to meet our boss.

Rae-gi scoffed at what Beok-sing said to him. "That's the main reason I'm fighting all these sorrowfuls. I want to do everything to the the illegal business and take down Ecstasy." "Don't you know how strong our boss is? They say he tortures people he hates on his free time, and kills people as his hobby." Rae-gi didn't believe a word Beok-sing said, there was just no way Ecstasy hadn't been caught after doing all those horrible acts. And there was no way Ecstasy was that strong.

Rae-gi was about to risk everything to wipe out the sorrowfuls. He made the run for it, he didn't have time to fight Beok-sing. They turned many corners. They reached a spot where they had to choose whether to go left or right. Beok-sing was far behind, Rae-gi made the decision to climb one of the houses through the stairs that leads to the fire exit. He finally lost Beok-sing. Beok-sing took his phone. "Everyone search every street, every town, every corner of Seoul, track down and KILL Soo Rae-gi!!!