
Chapter 4


I am awake but I feel like still dreaming while staring at this cute kitten sleeping next to me.

I woke with a smile on my face, you know why? It is because of this kitten. Her body being close to mine, head on my chest, our legs tangled together. This is the best morning of my life.

Sadly, our time together is about to come to an end. She needs to go back home.

The kitten started to make little movements. My kitten is awake.

Her cat eyes fluttered, adjusting her sight from the light coming from the window.

"Morning, Nini." I greeted with a smile

Her cheeks blushed when she realised how close our faces are. "M..morning." She husky said

"Had a good sleep?"

She yawned before sitting up "Yeah."

I already miss the warmth of her body. You're making me crazy over you, Jennie Kim.


After grabbing breakfast with Jennie, I went back to my house to get ready to drop Jennie to the airport.

"Good morning, Venus." I kissed my daughter's picture "I hope you're behaving good in heaven."

I put down the picture frame of my daughter on the top of my side table.

I threw myself in my queen size bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I miss you, my baby Venus." My eyes became watery "I'm sorry if mom wasn't able to protect that night." My lips trembled, tears finally fell from my eyes "I'm so sorry."


"No! I won't send Venus to that orphanage! I don't care if she's a daughter of a rapist! She's my child."

"She'll be a disgrace to our family, Lisa!" My so great for nothing father said

How can he say those things? Venus is his grandchild!

I shook my head in disbelief "You're unbelievable! How can you just throw away your own grandchild?!"

"You don't understand, Lisa. How can we explain this to the media? I had a hard time hiding your pregnancy from the media. That child will ruin our legacy."

"I can't believe I'm hearing those stupid things from my own father. If you can't accept my daughter you better tell yourself from now on that you don't have a daughter anymore." With that I run upstairs

After I packed my clothes and Venus clothes, I carried her and made our way downstairs with Venus' babysitter behind us, carrying our suitcase.

"Where are you going, Lisa?" Dad tried to chase us

The maids opened the door for me.

"Are you really going to forsake everything you have just for that fruit of sin?"

I stopped and faced him with a blank expression "Yes because this child you're calling fruit of sin is my everything."

End of Flashback



"Ready?" Lisa extended her hand for me to take

I shyly smiled "Let's go." I held her hand

Lisa's bodyguard carried my suitcase while we were walking towards the elevator.

Lisa's eyes were different today. They don't shine anymore.

"Are you okay, Lisa? You're kinda off today."

The elevator opened and luckily it's empty. The bodyguard pressed the G button.

"Just kinda stress. Running a group of companies isn't that easy." She uneasy chuckled

I know she's lying but I don't want to force her though.

I just nodded.

We arrived at the airport after one hour.

"You can leave us now. Just wait for me in the car." Lisa said to her bodyguard

When he's out of sight, Lisa turns her attention to me.

"I'm gonna miss you, Nini." Her eyes says all the sadness she's feeling

With the short time we had, something grew inside me that wanted to stay and be with Lisa but I can't. This is the reality, we have different worlds and I can't stay at hers.

"I won't lie, I'm gonna miss you too, Lili." I plastered my gummy smile

Her eyes widened "What did you just call me?"

I giggled "Lili."

"Gosh, it feels so good hearing that from you." Her gentle hands cupped my face while staring at my eyes "Nini."

Her stares trapped me in a dreamy bliss trance.


And our two different worlds became one the moment she pressed her lips to mine, and that world seemed to stop.

I closed my eyes, our lips sweetly gliding with each other.

At that moment I know I fell for a person that I just met.


"Mommy!" Gab run towards me spreading her arms

I kneeled down and hugged my daughter.

"Missed you, baby!" I kissed her temple

"I missed you too, mommy." She kissed my cheek

She pulled away from the hug. This is the main reason why I am excited to go home everyday, her warm hugs and sweet kisses.

"Sorry if we're unable to fetch on the airport, I can't leave your baby nephew." Mom said behind Gab

I carried Gab and stood up "It's okay, mommy. Where is V and Jisoo Unnie?"

"V is in school already and your unnie is out of town with her wife. Still in the honeymoon stage."

I nodded "Where's our little monster? I'm sure Jisoo is missing him."

We entered our house.

"In our room, he fell asleep after crying for like eternity, maybe he's looking for his mom's presence."

Jisoo eonni got married last year, since they really want to have a baby already, they immediately searched for a sperm donor. At first V wants to donate his sperm but they have decided that Jisoo eonni will carry the baby so it's a big no no. I don't know where and how they found the perfect donor but I know they made a great choice because this nephew of mine is the most handsome baby I've ever seen.

"He's so cute, mommy." Gab commented while we are standing next to Nathan's crib

"Indeed, Gab. You were cute as him when you're still a baby. You're always catching everyone's attention."

"If you can't give me a new daddy, mom.. I'm good with another mommy just like Nathan's mommies."

I felt my cheeks heating up. Lisa. She's the first person that came to my mind.

I don't know where Gab is getting this kind of idea, sometimes I don't like how smart she is.

"W..what?" I stuttered.

"Auntie Jisoo's smile is genuine and glowing when she's with her wife and I want to see that to you too."