
Chapter 3



Lisa left a while ago. She said that she'll pick me up before lunch. Good thing, V came after she left. We are now in my room, eating breakfast together.


"My classmate texted me. They need me to finish our final project since I was the one who was assigned." V gave me an apologetic look "I'm flying back to home before lunch. I'm sorry."

I don't know what to feel. I'm relieved because I don't want to leave him alone in his hotel room while I'm with Lisa but I also feel bad that we can't enjoy Jeju together.

"Don't be sorry, V. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" He looked at me, concern

I gave him an assuring smile "Yup. Now, you better hurry up if you don't want to miss your flight and fail that subject."


I glanced at my wrist watch. Lisa is late. Why do I even feel excited seeing her again?

Okay! I admit! That monkey is gorgeous. Her doe eyes make me want to stare at them, her pointed nose, her lips, I wondered how they taste.. wait what? I just met that monkey this morning and I'm acting like this already.


"Sorry. Got stuck in the meeting." Lisa stood in front of me "I went to your room but you weren't there anymore so I assumed that you're here already."

I want to be mad at her for making me wait but I can't because I know she's saying the truth, she's still in her corporate attire that I found extra sexy.

Damn it, Jennie! Get yourself together!

"It's okay." I stood up and said, "Let's go."

I started to walk away from her before I lost myself to her undeniable beautiful aura.

"Nini, wait for me!" Lisa yelled gaining attention from the people in the hotel lounge

I stopped and turned to her "What did you just call me?"

"Nini." She frankly answered "Cute, isn't it?"

I scoffed "You're crazy." I said as I turned around to resume walking away from her again

The guard opened the door for us. I smiled at him, showing my gratitude.

"Is this really your way of showing your gratitude to the person who saved your.."

"Aish. Can you just stop talking and start to tour me around?"


Lisa did really tour me around Jeju. I surprisingly enjoyed her company except the lame jokes she's dropping every now and then.

"Let me take a picture of you." Lisa asked for my polaroid camera, I handed it to her "Stand there, the view is amazing." She stated.

We are now at Mt. Hallasan. She said that this is her favourite place in Jeju and I'm impressed because this place is absolutely breathtaking.

I posed in front of the camera, plastering my gummy smile behind me are thousands of different flowers.

Lisa is indeed a good photographer. I never thought that I would enjoy my vacation with a stranger.

"You have great photography skills, my dongsaeng and you will definitely get along." I commented, glancing at the photo she took

"Well, thank you." She said

We resumed roaming around the place in a comfortable silence between us. Lisa's hands are tucked inside her pockets while looking and admiring her favourite place.

"You really like this place, do you?" I broke the silence

"Yes. This place makes my soul in peace. Nature makes my heart at ease." She answered "When will you be coming back to.." She stopped when she realised that she didn't know where I came from

"Seoul." I continued

"To Seoul." She repeated

"Tomorrow morning." I sighed "I need to go back to reality. My business and my daughter are waiting for me."

She stopped in her tracks that made me stop too "Wait. You have a daughter?" She asked giving me a surprised look

"Yeah. You can say that." I chuckled

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I pulled her hand to resume walking. I suddenly felt a weird feeling holding her hand, why does it feel so right and perfect? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?

I looked at her and saw her red cheeks while looking at our joined hands.

Why do I feel like a teenager again?

I nervously cleared my throat and slowly released her hand.

"You haven't answered my question." She said

"I adopted Gab years ago. She's not my real daughter but I love her as my real one."

After Lisa showed me more places and took a lot of pictures of us, she invited me to have dinner with her.

They served all the food they had on their menu. Does she really think that we can eat of all these foods in front of us?

"Don't give me that look, Nini. I just want to thank you for being with me today." She said

"I should be the one thanking you. You saved me and toured me around."

She smirked at me "I have an idea."

I groaned "I don't like your ideas."

She giggled "We're even if you allow me to drop you off to the airport tomorrow and spend your remaining hours here."

"You really like my company, don't you?" I rose my one eyebrow at her

"You can say that." She said, mimicked how I said those words to her

The dinner was amazing. Not just the food but also because of Lisa. She made me laugh and smile.

"So.. see you tomorrow?" Lisa scratched the back of her head while awkwardly standing in front of my hotel room

"Yeah." I slightly smiled at her "Good night?"

"Can we.." she sighed "Can we exchange numbers?"

I giggled "Are you nervous?"

Her eyes widened in embarrassment.

"You don't need to be nervous, Lisa. Give me your phone." I demanded

She abruptly fetched it from her pocket "Here." She plastered a big smile

I took it and texted my number.

I gave her phone back "Thank you for today, Lisa. I surprisingly enjoyed your company."

A shy smile spread in her lips "You're welcome, Nini. Will I see you again?"

"To be honest, I don't know. This is just a one time vacation, Lisa. Maybe one day, our paths will cross again. We may not know where and when."

I saw sadness in her eyes as she sighed again "Maybe. Good night?"

Why do I feel like I don't want to end this night?

"You said you want to spend my remaining hours here with you here, right?"

She looked at me, confused "Yes. Why?"

"Sleep with me."