

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs



..." I thought you came to play basketball...why are you asking me so many questions...?" I asked Soora as I sat down..." It's because you have become secretive...when I had feelings for Lu Yan I had to fill you out on everything but I just had to figure out my self that you liked Hana..." She replied.." and I also had to find out about you making the basketball team from the school website..." She added..." It's not that I've become secretive..it's you that has been in your own world these last few days..." I replied..." That's true...but now Iam back...so don't keep things from me again.." she said as we both chuckled.

" So when are you planning to confess your feelings to her?" Soora asked as we walked back home...." Soon.." I replied..." When's soon?" She asked..." Soon is soon.." I added as we reached her place..." Have a goodnight..." I said to her as I turned to leave when my phone rang..." You shouldn't come home..." Eun ho said as I got curious as to why..." Why?" I replied.." Dad's fuming because he found out about you joining basketball and also about mom signing the forms for you..." He replied as I took a deep sigh..." I'll be right there.." I said.." Did you here what I said..don't come back otherwise you and your dad might tear the house down..." He said..." Well maybe it's high time we did..." I replied as I hang up and immediately caught a cab home.



" why did you sign those documents for him...if his home room teacher didn't call me then we're you planning to keep this from me forever....?" Dad yelled at Mrs Arin in his office as I opened up..." If you have to yell at anyone then it's me and not her..." I said as he turned and glared at me..." You can go now..this is a matter between us.." I said to Mrs Arin as she quietly and hesitantly left...." You just got back home after a long business trip and the first thing you do is yell and make people uncomfortable..." I said to dad as I locked the door..." Who are you talking to like that?" He asked as I laughed..." You obviously.." I said as he grabbed me by the collar..." you are getting I'll mannered by the minute..you keep talking to me the way you like and now you making decisions for your self without contacting me..." He said.." Well you made a decision without contacting me as well.. did you have an idea about how that decision of yours impacted me back then....I had just lost a mom and the one thing I wanted you to do was be there for me and share my pain but instead you for remarried....you showed me you moved on when I was still stuck at that moment when mom died and what did you expect..was I supposed to calmly accept everything....huh!" I said as he slowly let my collar go...." You of all people should never talk about making decisions without asking....and I don't know what this is all about but I joined the team....and Iam gonna play...Iam done playing by your rules..." I said as I grabbed my documents on his table and turned to leave...I was feeling angry and anxious and confused....



" And you murdering people again." Eun ho said as I paused my video games..." You should be careful how you use that word.." I replied..." Mom asked me to bring you this..." He said..." It's for your scratched neck.." he added..." she didn't have to do that...it's only a small scratch..." I replied..." Well still apply some ointment..." He added as he sat down..." I told you not to come back so why did you?" He asked..." Well I caused the problem and I didn't want your mom to face the consequences...plays no one else can handle my dad other than me.." I replied as I applied the medicine...." Well thank you.." he said..." Thank you for?" I asked..." For helping my mom out...I know her and I ain't your favourite people in the world...." He said as we kept quiet did a while..." Definitely not my favourite...but also not my most hated.." I replied..." So we are in the middle some where..." He asked.." Yes..." I replied..." Good enough.." he replied as we both laughed...." would you like to play the next round with me?" I asked..." I thought you would never ask." He replied cheerfully...




It wasn't long till dad was out of the hospital and me and mom became responsible for the restaurant in order to give him alot of time to rest...." Mom I want to out after tomorrow's dinner if is okay with you." I asked as we went grocery shopping for the new years eve dinner.." Won't it be late at night..?" She asked.." Iam hanging out with friends..the same friends I went with last night..." I said to convince her as she accepted.." thank you so much.." I said with a hug.." help me prepare dinner as a way to thank me..." She said.." okay!" I replied as I gave her one more hug.



We wrapped up dinner and I got ready to live after we exchanged prayers and gifts....which are always mostly money...« IAM ALREADY WAITING DOWN STAIRS» said a text message from Jeha as I quickly stood up to leave..." Dear wait can't you leave after the count down?" Dad asked..." Just let her be...she always has the count down with us..let her have it with friends this time round..."mom replied as I have both of them quick hugs and rushed out..." Remember to properly wear your staff..it's cold." Mom said as I rushed to meet Jeha.

" Hello.." I said as I ran towards Jeha..." Why are you rushing?" He asked...." The count down starts in an hour..." He added..." Exactly...in that hour we can come across all sorts of disturbances so we need to hurry." I said," Well done but wear your over coat first..." He said as I wore it..." and your scarf..." He added as I stood up and stared looking for it...." Did I leave it inside...it's okay let's just go..." I said as he smiled and pulled off his..." That cant do..you need to keep yourself warm." He said as he wrapped it around my neck...." Thank you.." I said as he smiled.." You should stop using that word alot when speaking to me...I might change how you saved in my phone to thank you..." He said as I laughed..." What is it saved like now...?" I asked curiously..." It's a secret...." He replied as I got even more curious..." Come on..." I pleaded with him to show me but he insisted on hiding it.." It's okay...keep it to yourself Iam nolonger curious..." I replied as I frowned..." We only have 50 minutes now..." He said as we got a cab to head to the city where the new years count down event was being held.

While in the cab there was alot of traffic..and ir didn't seem like it was going to dissolve any time soon..." Shall we get our and run?" Jeha asked as I smiled at the idea because I've also had it on my mind for a while now...." Well sir...we shall be getting our from here..." I said to the cab driver as we got out..." How many minutes?" I asked as Jeha checked his watch..." 35..." He replied as I held onto his hand..." Let's hurry.." I said as we ran....hand it hand...it was the moment I was filled with lots of emotions..I was happy and anxious and at the same time my heart was racing and my stomach fluttering.....



We made it to the city square but there was already alot of people there so we could only stand at a distance...." Are you disappointed we aren't exactly there?" Jeha asked..." Well kind of...." I replied..." That's where the real fun happens..." Should we push through the crowd...?" He asked...." How's that?" I asked..." Come with me..." He said as we moved through the crowds of people..." just hold tightly onto my hand....Iam going to go through the crowd..." He said as the count down began....10...9...8..." Every one screamed as we moved through them..." 7..6..5...3..." They added as we made it through most of them and to the front...." 3...2...1 zero... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" every one screamed as fireworks erupted in the air causing everyone to shout and yell and cheer, I looked up at Jeha who was tired from having to go through this big crowd of people..." Happy new year...Kim Jeha." I said with a smile..." Happy new year Park Hana..." He said with a smile..at that moment...the sound and every one else disappeared and all was left was us locked into eachother's gazes...." Park Hana....I...." Jeha said as I stared at him with anticipation for whatever he was going to say..." I...Li..." He said as we were interrupted by a phone call that came in from him...." I'll pick this up..." he said as I let his hand go..." What are you doing?" He asked .." Aren't you going to pick up a call...?* I asked.." Yah but why are you letting my hand go then...I told you that for as along as we still in this large crowd of people...you should hold on tightly to me...." he said as I happily placed my hand in his..." like this..." He said as we locked fingers....." What were you saying Soora...?" He continues with his phone call as I stared at our hands that were locked together....and then thought back to what he was going to say earlier..I Li...." I thought to my..." I like you!" I exclaimed..." was she going to confess to me...?" I continued with my thoughts as he looked back at me while still on his phone call and smiled...." Was Jeha going to confess to me!" I exclaimed to my self as my heart cheered with excitement...


