

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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24 Chs



.." Why aren't you eating....?" Soora asked as I threw my face in my palms..." Why did I say all that?" I thought to my self as I took a deep sigh..." okay you are going to have to talk to me for me to actually understand what's happening with you." She said as I leaned back in my seat...." Jeha....likes Hana..." I said..." I mean I think Hana likes him too." I added...." Iam not blind you know...I might seem like the kind who doesn't know much about that stuff but I always saw them at the vacation house....how he looks at her and how she looks at him....." I added..." I knew it all so well but I still went ahead and told him all that..." I continued.." What did you tell him?" Soora asked.." I asked him if he liked Hana and he obviously kept quiet because that's who he is..he never really shares his feelings with other people that's exactly why he had a crush on you throughout middle school and didn't tell you..." I said..." Wait on me...?" Soora asked....when I realised that I should have left our that last part..." I knew he liked Hana and I knew that even if I asked him he was never going to reply to my question but I still went ahead and made him gauge his feelings by putting you in the picture...and now he's probably some where overthinking..." I explained..." Iam a bad friend..aren't I?" I asked as Soora smirked..." If you were a bad friend then you wouldn't be here regretting what you did....plus I think it's a good thing...Jeha needs to be aware of how he feels and what better way than him thinking things through....but the main question is are you okay..?" Soora said as I kept silent for a while..." Iam not obviously..." I replied..." But still I should have handled the situation a little better and not let my feelings or jealousy get in the way." Iam not talking about your conversation with Jeha Iam talking about you...are you okay with Jeha being in love with Hana and also the possibility of Hana reciprocating that love....?" She asked..." both of you are my friends so I need to know how you both feel..." She added as I sighed..." Ofcourse Iam not okay but at the same time I can back out.... if he likes her and she feels the same then why should I intervene.....you should know me by now..I don't play a loosing game..." I replied as she tapped my shoulder...when my phone buzzed...it was a text message from Jeha « CAN WE MEET? I HAVE YOUR REPLY» it read as I took a deep sigh..." looks like he has thought things out as well.." I said to Soora after showing her the message..." Then both of you should talk things out then." She said as I agreed.



By meeting up I thought Jeha would choose a restaurant...or any other place but no he picked a boxing gym...." There no way Iam getting in there with you." I said to him as he scoffed.." Why..can't you handle me...?" He asked as I bit my jaw..." Iam not falling for that...I came to talk so we should do exactly that." I said as he came our of the ring..." Aishh you are such a bore.." he said as I scoffed...." You said you had a reply for me...let's hear it..." I said as he took a deep sigh...." I like Soora... but as a friend I agree that I did crush on him before but I guess I locked my self up in that friend zone for so long..I became comfortable just being friends with her..." He said..." As for Hana...she makes my heart flutter...she makes me curious about her....her smile has become contagious to me...I love hanging out with her and I look forward to it....well I do like her but not just like her I like like her..." He said....I could feel all the sincerity in his voice and it was so visible on his face..." Why didn't you tell me that yesterday?" I asked..." I have no idea... but your question kept me awake....I had alot of thinking to do." He replied..." Well I have given you a reply so maybe you can answer my question too.." he said..." What's it?" I asked..." do you have feelings for Hana as well....?" He asked..." Why did I make it so obvious...* I asked..." a little.." he replied..." I did..." I replied.." Did?" He asked..." I did have feelings for her but now Iam rooting for you to be with her....as I said she's my friend so I'd like to see her with the person she loves...same goes for you." I explained as he smiled..." Thank you.." he said..." There is no need for that..." I replied..." Well then...I should get going.." I said as I stood up..." Are you sure you don't want to spar with me...?" He asked.." Iam sure." I replied as I walked out....



I rarely find my self crying but as I walked out of there after gauging our my feelings....I felt tears in my eyes but at the same time I felt a sense if relief....




It took me an entire night to sort out my feelings and after talking to Lu Yan again...I felt relieved and contented but at the same time I felt hurt watching him stand in the same state I was back then.....

« ARE WE HAVING OUR SELF DEFENCE CLASSES TOMORROW...?» I asked Hana over a text...« I CAN'T..IAM IN THE HOSPITAL» she replied..." hospital!" I exclaimed as I immediately called her..." Are you okay..why are you at the hospital and why didn't you tell me that you are the hospital..which hospital?" I said..." Okay that was alot of the word hospital and if isn't me who is sick it's my dad..." she replied.." Your dad...Iam sorry to hear that..." I said.." it's okay...he's getting better..." She replied..." well I was still helping my mom our with something...I'll get back to you later.." she said as she hang up.




As I sat in the hospital hallway.... scrolling through my phone...I got another call from Jeha asked me to meet him outside the hospital...." What are you doing here?" I asked as he held our a plastic bag..." What's that?" I asked..." Ice-cream...." He replied....as I smiled.

" Why didn't you come into the hospital?" I asked as I had the ice-cream..." I have a terrible history with hospitals..I think it's been over 12 years since I stepped into one..." He replied.." Why?* I asked," well I spent over a year in hospital while my mom was admitted in it....and I also watched die from the hospital...after that I got tired of the scent and the word hospital...." He replied..." Iam sorry to hear that..." I said.." It's okay...." he replied..." How is your dad?" He asked..." he is recovering...he might be discharged in a day.." I replied..." Thats good to hear..." He replied..." what are your plans for the new year?" I asked...." Well we usually have dinner at home but I never participate....so Iam always at the arcade or with luyan and Soora during the new years eve..." He replied..." do you want to spend the new years eve with me this year?" I asked as he turned as stated at me with a smile..." Do you want me to spend the new years eve with you this year?" he asked...." Well there is this event at the city centre where different people come together and make a count down while watching fireworks....I've always seen it online and on tv so I want to go there this year....with you." I replied..." let's do it then...." He replied..." is that a yes?" I asked..." Of course it's a yes..." He replied..." Wait...is this one of the three WISHES?" He asked..." Well...." I replied..." It's okay..Iam willing to do it even if it isn't a wish..." He replied as I smiled at him..." You should have your ice-cream before it melts..." He said as I offered him some...." Its all yours.." he replied as we continued talking.


