

After, spring break Suga text me he would not be in French class because of the plane flight delay. He said he would meet me afterwards and outside where the buses were at.

I waited and waited but no Suga. It was getting empty outside and I was getting sad.

"Moni!" I heard a shout.

I looked over to see who it was and it was Suga. He was so far away that I had to squint my eyes to see him. We both ran to eachother like in the movies and he gave me that bear hug. The one where he lifts you up, spins you around and you can't seem to breath because of how tight it is. That kind of hug where you hug him tighter, you wish your smile was bigger and wish for him not to ever let go.

The bell rang and the buses didn't even drive off because they were to busy looking at us.

He put me down and I was really dizzy but I didn't care.

Suga smiled and said "I see you really missed me."

I smiled and said "I think you missed me more so don't feel special."

Suga pouted and said "I missed your mean side more."

"Hey!" I shouted with a pout.

Suga said "I love you so much!"

I leaned in to kiss him and I said "I love me too."

Suga backed away and shouted with a pout "Hey!"

I chuckled and ran away as I yelled "I love you too! Bye, Suga see you later!"

Suga ran after me and turned me around. He said "No you can't go!"

I laughed and said "I'll see you later, bye!"

Suga pouted and said "Fine!"

We ran away from eachother and towards our classes. I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot in class and people were noticing.

I got out of class and Suga was already there. I confusedly asked "What are you doing here so early?"

Suga chuckled and said "Our teacher let us out earlier so I came over here."

I laughed and said "Ok let's go."

Suga held me back and said "Here."

I looked down at his hand and I was about to reject it but he knew me to well.

Suga looked at me serious and said "Just keep it. Don't give it away. You don't have to wear it. I just want you to accept it."

I took the box of his hand and sticked it in my bag. I said "Ok."

Suga gave me a surprised look that I accepted it and didn't reject it. We walked inside the main building together and saw the halls empty. I pouted as I asked "Why does time go by so fast!"

Suga chuckled and said "It does. If one day we hang out outside of school I think it would feel like five minutes."

I hugged Suga as we usually did before going our separate ways.

*Time skip to home*

I got home and opened the box. I whispered "Aw Suga is so sweet and nice." It was a like a medium size heart necklace that had small diamonds on it.

Speading money like he's rich or something. He needs to save for college but then I thought about his music.

"Moni Eza, get out here now!" My mother shouted from the living room.

I got goosebumps as she said my full name and I knew I had done something wrong in her eyes. I quickly hid the necklace and looked over at my sister and she whispered "I don't know what's wrong with her."

I nodded and whispered "It's ok don't worry."

My little sister ran to her room all scared.

I felt my heart sink as I walked towards her and saw her furious face.

I stood in front of her and said "Yes-"

She stood up from the couch and slapped me so hard that I turned as I fell to the ground. I didn't grab my cheek as I was about to turn around and get up. She didn't let me though, she leaned over my body and grabbed me by my hair. She started to yank my hair out and bang my head with her fist. I just squeezed my eyes together and grabbed my head.

She yelled "How long did you think you would hide it from me huh?!"

I didn't answer as I couldn't feel my head or heart.

She shouted in my ear "Answer me how long did you think you would be hiding that you have a boyfriend?! You embarrass me!" She spit in my face as I was on the ground.

"Get up! Tell him or your friends to come save you!" She yelled.

I really don't know how I managed to get up from the ground but I did. I knew my sister would be looking and I didn't want to let her see me cry. Honestly, I couldn't resist the pain that was coming for me more. My mother started to punch my arms and back. She kicked my stomach with her knee and I almost threw up.

"Your pregnant too! Don't deny because I know that night you went to homecoming you made out with him!" She shouted angrily at me.

I quickly said "I'm not! Stop making things-"

She punched me in the face which made everything fade away slowly. My little sister came running and shouted "No Moni!"

I hit my head hard on the ground but I was stronger than I thought because I didn't knock out. I got right back up and my mother said "Get out my view or I'll kill you."

I walked to my room and she yelled at my little sister to leave me alone in my room. That's what I wanted anyways. I took a glance at my mirror and looked at myself. I whispered to myself "Do what you love."

I took out my sketch book and tears fell over my drawings. She took my phone but I didn't care because I had changed his name to Sarah. I knew he would be worried about me though but he knew I worked hard. I had off today though which was a good thing.

I drew until my mother came into my room and said "You been lying about not having friends too! I told you, you can't be friends with people who don't tell me what your doing!" She looked down at my sketch book and saw what I was drawing. It was Ariel the mermaid holding the prince and looking at eachother. She snatched it out of my hands and took it with her. I thought my heart disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle as she took off with my unfinished drawings. She burned it up and I sat on the carpet.

"It's ok I can draw it again." I took out paper from my backpack and drew. Honestly, I was in so much pain that I didn't even finish it. Then I saw how bad it came out and I got all unmotivated.

It was night time and heard my father come in the living room.

He asked my mother "Is everything ok?"

My mother said "Yes."

I nodded my head sideways but hissed as I remembered my pain.

My father didn't hear as he asked "Did the girls eat already?"

My mother said "Yes!

I tried to do a disgusted face as she was lying. I didn't eat nothing only the food Suga bought me at school.

Before, I went to sleep, I chuckled because I knew what I was getting myself into but I listened to my heart and not my brain. I didn't regret it though because I loved him so much. I fell asleep with some pills I had hiden in my shelf to knock me out when I was sore from the gym. My parents didn't let me drink pills because they used natural plants and etc.

I woke up covered in lettuce and I took it all off my body. I went to the mirror and I didn't have inflammation anymore.

I whispered to myself "I hate that she did witchcraft on me."

Sketch on Wattpad!

thatfgshirtcreators' thoughts