
I didn't choose system

Vikram was a normal soldier if you consider a person normal who treats the real world like an RPG game. And the problem is that he does not even know this, a person who considers the value of death to be equal to a stone on the road, his own and others equally. But this man was martyred in one of his missions. The world where he lives had around a population of eight billion, but leaving all of them somehow this guy transmigrated to another world. Into the body of another guy who has his own shit to handle. And as things could not get any worse, he also came to know that this so-called New World is the same as his favorite novel. So in simple words, this story is about a f***** up guy and his f***** up life, and about how he may be able to come out of this cycle of f***** up life. •••••••••••••••• This is my first novel. I am not a native English speaker so I am going to have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. so give me criticism as much as you can give. if you like it or not at last please put a review so I can make sure whether I should stop working on this novel or not.

CreatorKratos · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs


I hadn't even finished getting up after taking my sword out when I heard a rhythmic knock on my door, with Array requesting my permission to enter the room.


Reaching the door, I quickly open it, after letting Array enters inside the room with a trolley on which the special type of food found in this world is placed.

She went to the table kept in my room and served that food there. Unknown gluttony rise inside my stomach after peeking at that food, which led me to fly towards the chair.



The main course included the same circular bread and spicy gravy as the usual breakfast, but the ingredients used to produce the gravy were different.


But like every day, there is one dish that makes me completely surprised and delighted, and today that dish is made of unrecognisable balls of flour grain that, after frittering, are dipped inside white curd, which gives it the taste of both sour and sweet together.