
I did it my way (multiverse traveler)

our protagonist finds himself between three beautifle goddesses in his room after he died. they grant him a few gifts and send him to his own universe which he has to visit the omni-verse to collect and imbue energy into. should he get a few ladies along the way, who would complain.

Silver_Call · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
52 Chs

Visiting Iwagakure

"Oh, looks like the mission was successful" Naruto suddenly exclaims

Currently Naruto was lying in bed with Tsunade, resting from their previous activity.

"What was it this time?" Tsunade asked tiredly

"I extracted Chomei and Son Goku after knocking the hosts out" at her blank look he continued "that's the seven and four tails"

"oh won't Iwagakure start trouble if they find out you took one of their own Jinchuriki?" Tsunade asked, looking more interested in the conversation

"That's what I'm betting on" Naruto replied with a sinister smile "by now news on my ability to extract the Bijuu without killing the Jinchuriki is now probably spread around the elemental nations. Since Roshi is alive and well, and he might've seen me while I knocked him out, Iwa will definitely know it's me"

Tsunade raised herself to look Naruto in the eyes "and this is good why?" she asked the now distracted Naruto

*gulp* "it will force them to come to me to start the talks instead of the other way around" he said while his eyes continued drifting

Tsunade hummed in mock thought as right now she was purposefully leaning over Naruto to tease him. It was rare for her to be in control in his presence, and she loved it, but this is nice too. She leaned further into him till her mouth was at his ear and said in a breathy tone "smart people turn me on, and at the moment you are looking like a genius"

The activities in that particular bedroom would continue for a while more.


"Hey Dante" Solomon called after Naruto

"Hey solo, what's up?" Naruto asked distractedly as he was working on one of his inventions in chakra technology

"Can I get a harem too?" asked Solo

Naruto froze for a second "Are you asking for advice or permission?" Naruto asked

"Permission?" solo replied in a wary voice

"Sure, but rules apply, keep secrets secret, don't force girls or brainwash them and stay away from my girls" Naruto warned Solo "you can use the west swing as your place, it's closer to the library anyway"

"Thank you, Dante" Solo replied in relief

"Yeah, yeah, never mind that" Naruto waived his hand in dismissal "what I want to know is, who?"

"Well you know how in the anime Hinata is saved from bullies by Naruto, I remembered you were somewhat busy at the time so…" Solo stopped when he noticed Naruto looking at him warily "what?"

"She's five" Naruto deadpanned

"Right now" Solo countered "but we both know how she will turn out, and if there was a friend there for her…"

Naruto furrowed his brows "no manipulating lolies" he said with an accusing finger pointed at Solo "but she really does need a friend" *sigh* "just don't make too much trouble"

"Yeah, about that" Solo said as he transformed into a five year old redhead similar looking to Millicas Gremory "I may have beaten the boys up as Solo Uzumaki… cousin Naruto"

Naruto simply stood there looking at Solo Uzumaki who was fidgeting like a kid "what happened?"

"One of the kids was the grandson of one of Konoha's council members" Solo replied

"Ninja or civilian side?" Naruto continued

"Civilian" Solo answered looking at Naruto he continued "he's a merchant who owns several blacksmithing shops in Konoha"

"And?" Naruto prompted

"The Hokage wanted to dismiss this as children fighting, but that bastard wanted to put me on trial as a person with Shinobi training attacking a civilian. His argument is that I'm from the demon family" Solo said in mild exasperation

"I see" Naruto said knowing the councilman was referring to him, he then looked back at Solo "then what?"

"The Hokage more or less told him to fuck off and that he would arrest his grandson as he was the one starting the aggression" Solo said with a shrug

Naruto looked confused "since when did the old man grow a backbone? Didn't he get pushed around by the council in the anime?" Naruto asked Solo

"It seemed to happen because of your frequent talks and the fact you got rid of Danzo, add to that restoring him and giving him the next Hokage in the form of Itachi" Solo left the rest unsaid

Naruto nodded then started to walk away "we're starting operation 'Sage tech' early"

Apon hearing him Solo's eyes widened then he started following "I thought we were going to start it after getting all bijuu?"

"that was because I thought the Tree of life would give me good enough influence in the village, and it did, but only with chakra users" he then stopped and turned to Solo "I'm having clones go around the world looking for estranged Uzumaki clan members. I will not have them ridiculed in this village or be called demons" Naruto finished with heat in his voice


"Hey old man, you called?" Naruto asked as he opened the door to the Hokage's office

"Yes Naruto" the Hokage answered and then gestured to one of the Iwagakure Shinobi "this is Nabusa(oc) from Iwagakure and he was sent here to threaten us with war unless we return their Bijuu" he spoke light-heartedly while smirking

Naruto returned the smirk and then looked at Nabusa "let's go" he said extending his hand towards Nabusa

Nabusa tried to move to avoid the hand coming slowly towards him but he couldn't. he felt like he was held in place with an invisible force "what did you do to me?" Nabusa asked with eyes wide in fear

"Nothing" Narotu replied before they both vanished in a Yellow flash


They reappeared in front of the entrance of Iwagakure. Naruto turned to the now unfrozen Nabusa "go call your council, I'll wait here" Nabusa took a moment to look at Naruto in fear as the yellow flash is recognised and feared by the Iwa ninja more than anyone else, before using body flicker to head towards the village.

The moment Nabusa was gone Naruto used his clones in Sparda to send a message to all the Bijuu there.


Soon enough the current Tsuchikage, Onoki, and more than a few ninja came to where Naruto was waiting "so, the yellow flash lives?" Onoki said

Naruto looked at him for a second "no, I'm his son"

Onoki nodded "and what does the son of the yellow flash want with the Bijuu, last I heard your father was killed in the nine tails attack on Konohagakure"

"It's a long story" Naruto shrugged "and I'm not telling it to you for free"

Onoki felt amused by the seemingly overconfident youth in front of him "and pray tell what the price we have to pay would be?"

"Your retirement" naruto said pointing at Onoki

"What?" the Tsuchikage felt less amused now

"You are a stubborn old fool, and are unfit to lead a country" Naruto said as Onoki's face kept getting redder "let's see what you know about me. I have extracted several Bijuu, of which the whereabouts are unknown. I have enough power to subdue and kill a perfect Jinchuriki, like the fourth Mizukage. I have wood release among other abilities, and you have the gall to threaten war on my village?"

Everyone there flinched as they couldn't deny that the Tsuchikage's decision may be wrong.

"you have a lot of nerve coming here and insulting me like that boy" the Tsuchikage spoke in anger "I will enjoy designating you"

"No you won't" Naruto answered and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, several large flashes of yellow occurred at the same time and in their place stood five tailed beasts. At their head is the four tails, Son Goku, "Goku, they want to seal you into one of them again. What do you say?"

Goku took a moment to look at the Tsuchikage and the ninja with him then Iwagakure "I and my brothers and sisters won't accept any of us being captive again" He then looked towards Onoki "can I kill them?"

Naruto had earlier sent his clones to call the Bijuu in preparation for this "what do you think Onoki? Can you take on five Bijuu?"

"So you took them to empower Konoha" Onoki said as he released the Jutsu he was building up "I knew we couldn't trust Konoha"

*smack* Naruto face palmed "this. This is why I said he needs to retire" Naruto addressed the present Shinobi "hey you old bastard listen to me and listen well" naruto started "the Bijuu are free to roam their new world freely and are only called to release their own brothers and sisters from imprisonment" Naruto finished in a huff "now I was trying to act nice but this is your last chance, retire and bring me Han and in return I won't flatten your village" Naruto then paused "Hell, I'll even add a tree of life in the offer"

Onoki took a moment, he is a war veteran and probably one of the strongest among the Kage. He looked towards the Bijuu, but even if he was the strongest, he couldn't face one Bijuu while protecting his village let alone five "Fine" Onoki said. He then turned to Han who was recalled from his mission after what happened to Roshi "this is the Five tails Jinchuriki, Han, but you already knew that" he then looked upset "I will have to find a suitable replacement for being a Tsuchikage"

"good, you can keep the position till your granddaughter is ready, maybe in ten years. After that I better hear you are retired" Naruto felt that Onoki's willingness to back-down has earned him the right for leniency. He turned towards Han and activated his Rinnegan "let's talk to Kokuo"

"So you are the one who saved Son Goku. Is it finally my turn?" Kokuo spoke and was heard by all those around

"Yes, I offer you a place where you can live freely and peacefully" Naruto said simply in a straight forward manner "do you wish for freedom?"

"I do" Kokuo replied

Naruto simply nodded and placed his right hand on Hans centre. A little while later people can see some steam moving from Naruto's right hand towards his back and then down his left arm. Once the steam came out Naruto's left it started condensing into a Ball.

A few minutes passed and by the end of it the sphere in Naruto's hand was as big as a Bijuu. Naruto sensing the extraction complete, started lowering the ball to the ground, soon enough what seemed to be the outer shell of the Sphere started cracking and when it finally broke there was the five tails standing there in all it's glory

"We have achieved what we came here for" Kurama said looking at Naruto who nodded and with a wave of his hand sent them, with Kokuo, back to Sparda.

Phew~ long chapter but this only leaves two more…

Song of the day

Labyrinth – Earthquake

A bit more techno but it makes you ugly as soon as it drops


Silver_Callcreators' thoughts