Going back, I spotted Gemma and James making out on our table. Not wanting to disturb them, I might as well give them some privacy. I decided to turn the other way, in the direction of the bar. I believed I needed a drink. I must be drunk because if I were sober, I would not dare drink more than I could handle.
I took a spot in the crowded bar after a few minutes of waiting. This place was full of people who just wanted to have a great time. As I waited for the bartender for my turn, a man in a suit stood beside me.
"Allow me to buy you a drink?" I had to tilt my face up to meet his. My pulse began to accelerate, and I could not force myself to look away. The excitement that I felt earlier was back with an intensity that I knew could only mean one thing. I was very attracted to this man. The man that I told myself to avoid at all cost.
It was his damn eyes. I did blame them for the way I felt about him. It intrigued me. It was familiar, but that was quite impossible. I never met this man before in my entire life except for the diner. I would have remembered someone like him. He was not the type of person you could easily forget.
The bartender interrupted my thoughts when he asked for my drink. "What do you recommend?" Having no idea of what to order. I knew I was pretending to be bolder than my usual self. The alcohol did help in my added courage.
"This one is on me, Anton." The man behind the bar immediately acknowledged him. It appeared that he was a regular here. The way he commanded attention in his easy manner, he was someone with great importance.
"Nathan Hayes, you are?" He waited for my answer while extending his hand to me. Hesitantly, I placed my hand on his to shake, big mistake.
"Scarlet Miller." He pulled my hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. Well, who said that chivalry was dead had not met Mr. Hayes. His hands, even though strong, were still soft and gentle. Then, the effect of his lips on my skin was electrifying.
I felt a strong jolt where our skin touched, shivering at the contact of his lips. In instinct, I slipped my hand out of his grip and picked up my drink. I took a sip and raised the glass in his direction. "Thanks for this, but I need to get back to my friends." Ready to run as fast as I could.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me in another direction. "Not so fast. Could you come with me for a second?" I was shocked, to say the least, as I found myself following him without any complaint. Wait a minute. What was I doing?
"Stop! Where are we going?" I finally realized that I should not have allowed him to drag me here, wherever we were now standing, in this long narrow hallway. When I scanned the place, there was no one in sight.
He faced me and started to come closer. "I just wanted some time with you alone." He twirled his fingers through my long hair before pulling it gently, trapping my head in place, leaving me in a trance.
"Why?" I found myself asking. I thought my brain must have stop functioning as I just stood there, unmoving, staring into his eyes.
"Because I wanted to do this since I saw you earlier," was his response. He slowly lowered himself until his lips met mine. The softness of his kiss was a total contrast to the hard man under my touch, where I found my hands holding on to his arms.
After a while of light kisses, he started to put pressure on my lips, while his other hand started roaming at my back, pulling me even closer to him.
I could not stop it when I felt myself holding on to him, not wanting to let him go. I began responding to his advances, moaning as his hands massaged my backside. The sensation was getting more intense, as I enjoyed the thrill he was sending through my body.
All of a sudden, he pushed me into a room. I had no idea that we were moving. He backed me at a wall and started kissing my jaw, down to my neck and shoulders. I was lost in the beat of my own heart as it celebrated the way I felt from what he was doing.
He grabbed my ass, leaving me clinging to him as he carried me to a table and sat me on top of it. He started lowering the strap of my dress, leaving traces of his heated lips. He pulled away and stared at my eyes. He started yanking up the hem of my dress and said. "I want you now."
Something snapped in me, making me aware of what I was doing. I could not do this. What had gotten into me? I quickly stood up and fixed my clothes. He was looking at me as if I was crazy. "I'm sorry, I don't do this." Pointing to what was about to happen, not able to voice out my thoughts. What I almost allowed to happen.
I suddenly felt the need to put some space between us. With Gemma's warning in the forefront of my mind, I quickly came back to my senses. I did not wait for him to convince me otherwise. I believed a man like him could sweet talk me and easily persuade me to continue where we left off. That was something I was not ready to handle. I was not into a one-night stand.
Without waiting for a response, I quickly ran away from him. Out of that room, along the narrow hallway. Unlike Cinderella, I made sure that I was wearing my glass slipper, not leaving anything that would make him look for me. As far as I was concerned, I never wanted to see him again.
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