
I Dare Not Hope

Hi! I am Scarlet. A girl searching for a new beginning after losing two people that I love. Moving to another place and running away from my past that haunted me was the only solution I could think of to survive. However, fate had another plan arranged for me. My life turned more complicated when I met them, Daniel and Nathan. I was not supposed to fall for him, but I did. There was no turning my back on love. Daniel and Nathan were total opposites. Although they were both successful in their own rights, they still possessed different characteristics that made them attractive in their own way. Daniel was the ideal man to love because of his similarity to my brother, Harry. Smart, down to earth, and with a gentle heart. While Nathan was the man to avoid, I could not entrust my heart to him despite the strong attraction we shared. A rich, manipulative and arrogant womanizer. Which one should I choose? Would entering a relationship help me move on from my past? Would our love be stronger than the obstacles in our path? Should I dare hope that I would have a happy ever after? Please give Scarlet a chance. Let her tell you her story. Add her to your reading list. Enjoy. But, what if… something in her past was the key to her future. -------------- "I told you before, I'm now with Daniel," I uttered with conviction, trying to convince him. "I told you that you're making a mistake of stringing Daniel along," he insisted. “It is clear that Daniel is falling for you, but I know you don’t feel the same. He is a good man, and what you’re doing with Daniel would only end badly." "Nathan, let me go," I said angrily, not wanting to be near him. "I don't know what you’re talking about, and you had no business with my affair with Daniel," I emphasized irritably. He released my left hand and gripped my jaw instead, forcing my head up. I tried to push him with my free hand but to no avail. "I'm talking about this." He lowered his head and claimed my lips in a punishing kiss. My mind was fighting not to respond with the onslaught of his mouth, but my body wanted the opposite. He pressed his body even closer than I ever thought possible, molding every inch of my body with his. I felt myself opening up to him, and he took advantage of this and plunged his tongue with mine. I became super aware of every contact of our skin. He adjusted his hands at the back of my nape and the other at my lower back, giving him more control of my body as his kisses became more demanding. My hands started having a mind of their own and began their exploration. I could feel the solid muscles in his arms and shoulders. My hand ended up in the back of his neck, clinging to him for support, as his hands started exploring my back. He slowly broke the kiss, both of us panting, trying to catch our breaths. I never felt like this before, this intense need to be kissed, to be touch. It exhilarated and frightened me at the same time. Why did I react like this to this man? I barely knew him, and I was not even sure if I like him. "I want you and you want me too.” He stated confidently taking my lips again for a rough kiss, and I welcomed it with a hunger I could not deny. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him closer. "The way you kissed and responded to my touch tells me how much you wanted this too." Finally, he released me and moved a step back. "That just proven my point. How can you go out with Daniel and just made out with me with such passion? Did you respond to his kiss the way you did to mine?" -------------- Thanks for supporting my book by adding it to your library, voting, gifts, to my top fans, and giving your feedback. A million thanks to you. It continues to inspire me to do my best to provide you with a worthwhile story for your valuable time. Credit to the owner of the beautiful book cover.

bishop1275 · Urban
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179 Chs

Broken soul

"Come on. Live a little," Gemma coerced me to agree. She asked me to join her and James on a night out with some of their friends. I contemplated it for a few seconds. Just like the other times, ready to decline and made some excuse. "I don't...-"

She cut me off before I could reject her invite. "No. I'm not taking no for an answer this time." She insisted that I should stop locking myself up and enjoy my young life. In the short time that we were together, I learned that Gemma was very persistent if she wanted to. Nevertheless, I could be quite stubborn too, but tonight she was right. It was high time I explored the city and had fun.

"Great! Hurry up! I have a surprise for you." I had to smile to myself, wondering if I should regret my impulsive decision. Then again, this was the reason why I moved out here in the first place. To start making a life for myself. To leave behind all the bad memories and my past that haunted me.

Wearing a simple, red dress that accentuated my slender curves gave me a bit of confidence. I loved this dress, my favorite of the few decent clothing I owned. I applied light makeup and styled my long, reddish-blonde hair on a high ponytail. Simple and chic.

I grabbed my small purse, put on my heels, and went straight to the living room. Seeing Gemma hugging James in the middle of the room made me feel like a third wheel. I began doubting my decision to tag along, feeling a bit rusty and afraid to make a fool out of myself.

"Are you sure that I'm not interfering with your date?" I asked them. Hoping they would change their mind. Whom was I kidding? Gemma would have a fit if I backed out now.

"Nope. No more excuses." She grabbed me and shoved me out the door. "I promise you. This night will be the best night of your life. I will introduce you to –" She paused for a second before continuing. "–the rest of the gang."

I suddenly felt uneasy. Gemma was up to something. I could feel it. If she set me up on a date, I would skin her alive. However, she was right. I needed to have fun tonight. Somewhat, I felt excited for the first time that I moved out here.

The posh-looking club was full of young adults, slick dress executives, gorgeous models, celebrities, and among other people. Judging from the line outside, many more wanted to be part of this gig.

We made our way to the bar and ordered tequila shots. Downing mine in one gulp burned its way down. Not used to hard alcohol, I had to cough a few times before I got the hang of it. Then one more shot, Gemma insisted, I was ready to let loose.

"Never seen you before." The ash blonde-haired named Daniel said as he leaned closer so I could hear him. I nodded my head, adjusting my senses to my surroundings. "I think I would notice someone as gorgeous as you." Unmistakably, that one was a line.

"Yup, this is my first time." I turned to him and closely scanned his face. He was good-looking, tan-skinned, with well-built muscles based on the outline of his shirt. He certainly looked like a model who just had a photoshoot at the beach.

The way Gemma was grinning made me realized what this was. Was he part of this? I could not tell. "I guessed you did not expect to see me here." I took a gamble and asked Daniel, leaning a little closer so I would not have to shout at him.

"Nope, I assumed that neither did you," Daniel asked. When I nodded, he smiled, and we both knew that Gemma tricked us. We were set-up for a blind date.

"Would you mind starting over again and just enjoy the evening?" He pulled out his hand for a shake. "Hi! I'm Daniel." I took it. "I'm Scarlet."

Daniel turned out to be quite entertaining. After a while of drinking, talking, and laughing with him, I began to relax and finally enjoyed his humorous personality. I discovered that James was his best friend, grew up together, and went to the same college.

"Would you like to dance?" Daniel asked as we were the only ones left behind on the table.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me. "Let's go." I was bold, daring, and I was here, might as well make the most of this night. I thought to myself. I declared this night to be about fun. I guessed most of that was the fault of the alcohol in my system.

After a couple of good laughs, a large amount of liquid courage, we were partying the night away. I was not a good dancer, not even average, but the alcohol and the euphoria it brought did not stop me. On the large dance floor, I let myself free, swaying to the beat, not having a care.

At some point, I turned my head, there he was, seating in one of the VIP lounges. It was relatively dark, except for the moving lights, but I was able to recognize him. He seemed to be looking right at me. I must be drunk. I must be seeing things.

I made a glance once more in his direction, and he was still looking. I ignored him and continued dancing with Daniel, who was enjoying the beat himself.

Gemma noticed him too. "Who?" I asked, pretending to be unaware.

"Nathan," Gemma whispered in my ears. A part of me, the drunk part, was curious and excited, while the sane one warned me to be cautious. "Be careful. He's bad news." I just shrugged my shoulders, not wanting it to be a big deal.

I figured that if I did not pay this guy attention, then he would eventually lose interest. I did not need the unnecessary complication of dealing with him. My life was complicated enough as it is.

Drunk and tired, "I'm going to the bathroom," I told Gemma and Daniel. I went directly to the sink, splashing some water to my cheeks and the back of my neck. This simple act eased some of the heat from the effects of the alcohol.

The image in the mirror stared back at me. A beautiful face with a gorgeous body. Attractive physically, but beneath all this, I knew there was something wrong with me. Mentally and emotionally, I had a broken soul. I had no idea how to fix that.

There's more to this story than just an ordinary love story.

Take the time to explore. Read on.

Open your imagination and enjoy.

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