
I Build My Kingdom In a Stone Age Fantasy World

STONE AGE FANTASY WORLD STORY John is a loser half filipino half Korean. 31 years old virgin no girlfriend since birth.living his life a lone he doesn't even have a relative.His family died in a car accident when he was in college reason why he give up in life. *OBESE *POOR *COMPANY SLAVE *UGLY *ALONE He saved 2 kids from a hostage taker.But he get stabbed by a knife in his back.He died and wait for 9 months in a lonely dark room for 9 months and get reborn in a stone age fantasy world where magic and monsters exist. CAN HE SURVIVED IN THIS HARSH WORLD "THIS NEW WORLD PREVAILING RULE IS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"

2 Chs



"This life, when will it end?" John muttered, his frustration echoing through the cold, sterile walls of the office. Tired and a bit tipsy from drowning his sorrows at a nearby bar, dealing with his exploitative boss and coworkers only added to his daily misery.

"John, mind grabbing me lunch? I'll pay you back later," Tony, always one to make fun at John, while taking advantage of John.

"John, you have to overtime tonight, check this bug for me? I'm leaving early," Sarah, the CEO's favorite b*tch, dismissed John's workload without a second thought, likely off to have S*x with the boss.

"John, take these papers up to the 10th floor," Mr. Anderson, his supervisor, barked orders devoid of empathy.

while John is resting, he open his social media,John's heart sank deeper when he learned that Clara, his long-time crush, would marry a wealthy man next month.

~ John had admired Clara for years, ever since they became friends. But he couldn't muster the courage to confess his feelings, fearing rejection.

Pent-up frustration reached a breaking point as John, a bit intoxicated and worn out from the day, punched the wall in anger.

"If only I could say it to their faces, I wouldn't feel this miserable."

"Ugh, life is too cruel. Where did I go wrong? I was the campus crush in high school. Now, I'm just trash."

"I'm 25 and still single. And the woman I like is marrying someone else. I dont like being alone and i want to have a family."

John's hand instinctively touched his protruding belly, a harsh reminder of his physical state.

"Why did I become so picky when I was handsome? Maybe if I die, I'll get reincarnated like the main character in the manga I read and have a harem. Yeah, that'd be fun."

As he stumbled through the city streets, John felt the urge to jump off the bridge to end his misery. But he couldn't muster the courage.

Continuing to his apartment, the flickering lights blurred in his tired, slightly intoxicated vision. Navigating the bustling streets, John found himself drawn by curiosity to a crowded place.

Suddenly, the chaotic cityscape shifted to a tense scene: a little girl held hostage by a scar-faced robber, his tattoo hinting at a dark past. The criminal's cold, menacing aura sent shivers through the crowd.

"Don't mock me! Give me a way out, or I'll slit this child's throat," the robber threatened, escalating the panic to the crowd.

little girl's brother attempted to intervene, but the criminal is very strong, The kid was beaten up mercilessly.

The Criminal beaten up the kid and attempting to stab the little girls older brother.

Theres have something that pushed John to act. It felt as if someone else controlled his body. With a surge of adrenaline, he unleashed a series of calculated moves, aiming a taekwondo kick at the robber's face.

The formidable criminal, unfazed, countered with unexpected agility. They both struggle, The criminal have a very muscular physique from years of being a thug.

As tension peaked, fueled by adrenaline, and alcohol intoxication, John disarmed the robber, freeing the hostage. The crowd erupted into a mixture of relief and admiration, witnessing unexpected heroism,

Victorious but exhausted, John collapsed, unfortunately he didn't notice that he got stabbed by the criminal in his belly.

(As John's consciousness fading, he witnessed the police arriving and arresting the criminal)

But before he could fully grasp what was happening, a searing pain ripped through his side. Looking down, John saw a large wound,oppening his flesh from the criminals knife.

Despite the agony. his consciousness slipping away as sirens wailed in the distance.

"He is still awake but his eyes are slowly closing down; every second feels like eternity for him. The pain is going away, and he feels like he's leaving his body behind.

John hears a strange masculine old voice saying,

"You're a kind and talented child; you just did not used you're time well. Do you want to start over or Reborn in another world?"

"Do you want to start over or live in another world? Who's there? Did you see I'm dying right now?"

"Lets say people in you're world addressed me as a God."

"Who are you? If you're God, then I'm the king.yeah yeah I want b

To get reincarnated in a world there's have magic, (he feel some sharp pain from his wounds) It hurts. Darn it."

"You only have a minute. Do you want to start over or live in other world?"

~John realized that it was the real thing.

"Yeah, please . I want to start over. I want a magical world."

"It's so hot and but not too painful. Is this the feeling of dying? What will happen to me?"

"Finally, this miserable life is over."

(John eyes slowly closed he lost his consciousness.)

John died at 7:30 pm on December 23, 2024.

His brave actions got filmed and everyone in his country saw what he did!

Everyone felt sad about a hero dying, but they also felt happy he saved two kids and helped catch a bad guy.

*John wakes up again.*

"He woke up in a really dark room."

Where am I?

"Why is it so dark?"

"I can't feel my arms and legs!"

"I forgot I died!"

"Am I a ghost or a spirit?"

"Hmm it seems like I really died, it explains why I don't have a body! I need to keep calm and think about it.

"I need to remember what happened."

After a couple of minutes, John finally remembers what happened.

"Oh! I remember now; A person was talking to me while dying he's saying that I will be reincarnated,right?."

"I hope so!"

"So this is what it feels like to be dead."

Looking back at my life, all I did was to be a useless person.

"Maybe the God reward me to be reincarnated, since I died helping other people. "

Something made me help the kids. Did I just die for someone else? I hope the kid was fine"The kid's life is much more important; its ok my life is already miserable that I tried to commit suicide earlier, atleast I done something good"

"Now that bad life is over."

"Maybe my ancestors will be happy with me. Hahaha, yeah right, I'm dead. I don't know how I feel about it. "

" I think it's warm here, and I feel nice. I don't even know if it was hell or heaven because it's so dark here; maybe it was what people call purgatory."

" I'm full of regrets. I'm 25 years old, and I still never had a girlfriend,i don't even have any achievement. "

"If next life was real, I hope I become handsome again, and I will use it to my advantage and have lots of girlfriends."

"Yeah sounds good, I'll mess with them hahahah"


"Looking back, I really am a loser"

"My whole life was a mess. I never accomplished anything. My teachers before had big hopes for me because I'm good at science and math and also good at sports, but I became a loser who is a company slave working 14 hours a day as an office worker."

"It's so boring here. Maybe I'll count my time here to make it less boring," John thought.

John started counting the days that passed.

Days, weeks, and months had passed.

1, 2, 3, 5, 67, 8, 9...

(after 9 months)

Time goes by so fast. If I counted right, it's already 279 days here, like 9 months on earth. It's so boring here.

" before I died, someone said they'd give me another chance. maybe God is happy with what I did and is giving me another chance after a certain period of time."

"What am I thinking, as if God was real."


"WHOAH!!! What is that? Is that light? It was very bright."

John hears the voice of an Old Man again saying,

"Now it's the time to do your part and enjoy it to the fullest."

"Hello? Hello? Where are you? Please answer me.

Feeling dizzy, John questioned the sensation because he know that he dony have a physical body.

After a while, John woke up, feeling strange sensations but unable to see anything.

"Why does it feel like someone is holding my head?"

"Do I have a body now? "

"What's happening? It's so strange."

As time passed, the darkness lifted, and John slowly became aware of his surroundings, though he still couldn't see anything. Despite this, he sensed a strange pressure, almost as if someone were touching him.

"Why does it feel like someone is holding my head?"

In the dimly lit cave, an old woman's voice echoed,urging, "Push, Herla! The baby's head is almost out. Push harder, or your baby will be in danger."

Counting began, "1, 2, 3," echoing through the cave. Amidst the rhythmic chanting, a mix of laughter and excitement filled the air.

"Hahaha! Heh!"

Then, a triumphant cry, "Look at him, Herla and Dirgo. Your baby is a healthy boy. Quickly, give him a name."

As Herla's voice resonated, John, still in a daze, felt a strange sensation, as if he had a body again.

"Oh, it feels like I have a body, but I can't move. I'll try to open my eyes."

In the dim light, Herla exclaimed, "What a handsome child. I hope he grows up strong and healthy. Dirgo, it's your turn to give him a name."

With pride, Dirgo declared, "I know our son will become a great warrior. We'll call him 'Gabar' (meaning strong, great, mighty)."

Agreeing, Herla added, "Gabar, what a wonderful name for our son."

As John tried to make sense of his new existence, he listened to his parents' conversation.

"Look at our baby, Herla. He's so handsome. All the girls will love him when he grows up."

"He's definitely our son. He gets his good looks from me, of course. Hahaha!"

Curious, Gabar (formerly John) observed the cave's surroundings.

"Why are Mom and Dad wearing rough clothes and animal fur? Are we poor? And why are we in a cave? Let me think for a moment."

"Rough clothes, tunic made from animal hide, stone tools, cooking without pots – check. Bones tools."

On his observations seems like people are living in a primitive lifestyle, people living inside a cave, leading John/Gabar to a realization that he was not reincarnated in earth.

"They're living like people in the Stone Age, thousands of years ago in earth!"

"So, they're cave people."

"And I'm their son."

"In other words, we are a cave people."

John realized that he is reincarnated in a Stone Age world.

"Now, here I am, stuck in this confusing situation. Everything happened so quickly, and now I'm in a primitive world? It feels like a dream"

Gab looks at the old woman, moving in a strange way, seems like she's or doing some weird ritual.

"What's she doing? Those moves, they're like something from a movie. I'm really confused."

"What is she doing? "

All of a sudden, a shiny green light comes from the old woman's hands, making everything look magical as she heals Gab's mom.

"Magic? Healing magic? Is this real, or am I still dreaming? If magic is real here, then I must be in a stone age fantasy world? ."

As night comes, making everything dark, people start to sleep. But Gab's dad, Dirgo, starts chanting, and makes fire appear from nowhere, cooking meat over it.

"Wow, it's like a the manhwa I read! My dad, using magic to make fire. Could I learn magic too? Maybe there are even bigger spells, like flying. When I was little, I wished I could fly like a hero. Now, in this strange world, maybe I'll get the chance to make those wishes come true. But for now, I'll just focus on growing up.

guys help me to get an equipment to make my own manhwa from this story.


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