
I Build My Kingdom In a Stone Age Fantasy World

STONE AGE FANTASY WORLD STORY John is a loser half filipino half Korean. 31 years old virgin no girlfriend since birth.living his life a lone he doesn't even have a relative.His family died in a car accident when he was in college reason why he give up in life. *OBESE *POOR *COMPANY SLAVE *UGLY *ALONE He saved 2 kids from a hostage taker.But he get stabbed by a knife in his back.He died and wait for 9 months in a lonely dark room for 9 months and get reborn in a stone age fantasy world where magic and monsters exist. CAN HE SURVIVED IN THIS HARSH WORLD "THIS NEW WORLD PREVAILING RULE IS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"

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2 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Basket and Sandal

After almost 10 years, Gab thinks to himself, "I'm 9 years old now. In just a month, I'll be turning 10.

I can move around with my body, even though it's a bit limited. But it's enough for me to do some exploring."

He delves into the world's history, asking elderly people from the tribe, learning about the downfall of civilization following a long war against the demon race that lasted for 200 years.

Nobles and scholars were targeted until there were none educated people left, and finally, with the help of a hero and God, the demon race was defeated.

Society collapsed because there's no enough educated people, to keep society running.

"What an incredible story. It's like a legend passed down through generations."

The once prosperous continent now lies in ruins. "Maybe that's why the people here don't look like cavemen from my old world. Instead, they resemble Europeans, Koreans, or Filipinos. They all look pretty good."

"The survivors banded together and formed tribes. There are thousands of tribes now, and most of them get along. But there are some that are hostile towards us, and even towards everyone else."

"My dad told me about one large tribe known for raiding and enslaving others. But they're far from our land. Still, it's a big concern for me. If they ever come here, threatening our people, I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. We're like a big family here."..

Gab decided to venture outside the cave to wash himself in the river. In their tribe, kids could only bathe when it rained. He knew it was risky without an adult, so he asked his mom for permission to go to the river.

~Herla only agreed if they got accompanied by his uncle Zeek, Herla's younger brother.

Zeek, Gab's uncle, agreed to accompany him, and Gab also brought along his friends, Lue and Bard, the twins.

Watching her son with a concern, Herla, Gab's mother, said to Seek, "Make sure the kids are safe, Zeek. Don't let them wander too far."

Zeek nodded, assuring Herla, "Don't worry, Herla. We're just going to the river, and I'll keep a close eye on them. They'll stay together."

As Gab, Bard, and Lue walked to the river, they chattered excitedly about the adventure. Bard, rubbing his sore feet, said, "Gab, my feet hurt from the rocks.

Lue chimed in, "Yeah, maybe Gab can use his magic to make the rocks softer."

Gab chuckled, "Unfortunately, magic doesn't work that way, but I have an idea for something that might help. Let's talk more about it when we reach the river."

Arriving at the river, Zeek started butchering a boar that he hunt early in the morning, in the lower part of the river, ensuring a fresh supply of meat for the tribe. Gab saw an opportunity and gathered everyone around to explain how to craft a basket and sandals.

"Alright, guys, first we need to gather vines and kauna grass. These will be the main materials for our basket. Keep an eye out for sturdy vines, and make sure the kauna grass is overgrown and tough."

Bard, curious but somewhat clueless, asked, "Why kauna grass, Gab?"

"Good question, Bard. Kauna grass is strong and durable. It will give our basket the sturdiness we need. Now, let's also look for some bamboo shoots. They'll be the main structure of our basket."

While searching for materials, the kids chatted excitedly. Bard said, "I hope we can find something to make walking on the rocks easier. My feet can't take it anymore."

Lue added, "Maybe Gab's magic can help with that. Or whatever he's planning with the basket."

As Gab's tribe ventured toward the river, Gab's keen eye spotted an opportunit.

Gab led the group to gather materials for a new creation. "Alright, everyone," Gab announced, his excitement palpable. "Let's gather vines and kauna grass. We're going to make a basket!"

Step 1: Gathering Materials

Gab and his friends scoured the surroundings for sturdy vines and tough kauna grass. They carefully selected the best specimens, ensuring they were strong and flexible enough for weaving.

Step 2: Preparing the Foundation

Once they had gathered enough materials, Gab demonstrated how to lay out the vines to form the base of the basket. He showed them how to weave the vines together, creating a sturdy foundation for the basket.

Step 3: Weaving the Sides

With the base in place, Gab guided his friends through the process of weaving the sides of the basket. He showed them how to intertwine the vines, gradually building up the walls of the basket to the desired height.

Step 4: Adding Handles

As the basket took shape, Gab explained the importance of adding handles for carrying. He demonstrated how to create loops from the vines, securing them firmly to the sides of the basket.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Finally, Gab inspected the basket, making any necessary adjustments to ensure it was strong and durable. With a satisfied nod, he declared the basket complete, ready to be put to use.

After uncle zeek finishes butchering the boar, The 3 kids already finish creating the basket.

"Uncle Zeek, check out my finished basket."

"What is that? What is this basket thing?."curious question by uncle zeek."

Gab explains what is a basket

As Gab and his friends gathered materials for the basket, Gab took a moment to explain the significance of their task to Uncle Zeek.

"Uncle Zeek," Gab began, "a basket is a useful tool for our tribe. It's a container made from woven materials, such as vines and grass. We can use it to carry things like food, tools, and other items we need."

Uncle Zeek nodded, understanding dawning on his face. "Ah, I see," he replied. " Using this basket thing can help me carry more items in one go, is that correct. That will certainly come in handy."

Gab smiled, pleased that Uncle Zeek grasped the concept. "Exactly," he said. "And by making our own baskets, we can make it to carry more quantity of baggage.

Zeek examined the basket and nodded approvingly, "Looks sturdy, Gab. Let's put it to the test. Load it up with some boar meat, and let's see how it holds."

Gab loaded the basket with boar meat, strapped it on his back, and paraded around. "What do you think?"

Zeek was impressed, "Wow, Gab, it's made out of that overgrown grass. Where did you learn to make it?"

Gab, not wanting to reveal his secrets, responded with a half-true answer, "Just some improvisation. Inspired by the tribe's grass ropes."

Encouraged by the success of the basket, the group, including Lue and Bard, decided to collect materials for making sandals.

After successfully crafting the basket, Gab turned his attention to solving the issue of walking on sharp rocks. He decided to craft a sandal prototype for himself using materials gathered earlier. As he worked on it, Lue, Bard, and Uncle Zeek watched with curiosity.

"Gab, what are you making now?" Bard asked, eyeing Gab's crafting endeavor.

Gab grinned, "I'm making sandals. Something to protect our feet from those rocks." He proceeded to explain the step-by-step process as he worked:

**Step 1: Gathering Materials**

Gab gathered fiber, vines, bark, and kauna grass. He explained, "We need sturdy fiber for the base, flexible vines for straps, and kauna grass for added durability."

**Step 2: Preparing the Base**

He started by shaping the base using a combination of bark and fiber. "This will serve as the foundation. It needs to be strong yet flexible."

**Step 3: Attaching Straps**

Gab wove the flexible vines through the sides of the base to create straps. "These straps will keep the sandal secure on your foot. Make sure they're snug but not too tight."

**Step 4: Adding Kauna Grass**

To enhance the sandal's durability, Gab incorporated strips of kauna grass. "This will provide extra protection and make the sandal last longer."

As Gab finished his sandal, he strapped it onto his foot, taking a few steps to test it. Lue and Bard watched intently, curious about the outcome.

Uncle Zeek, intrigued, asked, "Gab, how does it feel?"

Gab grinned, "Comfortable and protective. Now, watch this." He demonstrated a few strides, showcasing the improved mobility the sandals provided.

~he run around as fast as he can, he even step foot to the sharp rocks, they saw gab effortless jumping in the Rocky parts of the river.

Lue and Bard, eager to try it themselves, requested, "Gab, can you make a pair for us too?"

Gab nodded, "Of course! I'll show you how. Follow my lead."

Gab guided Lue and Bard through the process, encouraging them to gather materials and try their hand at crafting their sandals. Uncle Zeek, impressed by Gab's resourcefulness, appreciated the effort to make life in the Stone Age a bit more


With each step explained and demonstrated, Gab successfully created sandals not only for himself but also for unvle zeek, lue and Bard. The trio happily paraded around, testing their newfound footwear, grateful for Gab's ingenuity.

As they slipped their crafted sandals onto their feet, testing the uncharted territory of comfort, Lue and Bard couldn't contain their excitement. Their faces lit up as they began to run without the usual pain from sharp rocks.

"Look at this!" Bard exclaimed, "I feel like I'm walking on clouds!"

Lue joined in, "I've never felt so light on my feet before. Gab, this is amazing!"

The trio continued chatting about the newfound freedom for their feet until they reached the entrance of their cave. With newfound confidence, they confidently stepped inside, flaunting their crafted sandals.

"While uncle zeek looking at Gab"

"He couldn't believe that Gab created a useful things like this at a young age. "

Others within the cave eyed them curiously, some puzzled expressions asking, "What's on your feet?" Zeek couldn't help but grin, proud of Gab's inventive solution.

Outside the cave, a buzz quickly spread. Men from the hunting squad gathered, their eyes fixated on the sandals. They soon realized the potential advantages for hunting.

One of the hunting squad members, Toren, couldn't hide his curiosity. "Hey, Gab, can you make one for me too? Imagine how much faster we could be chasing down prey with these!"

The word spread to the women's section, and soon enough, the female members were equally intrigued. Eira, known for her skills in gathering herbs, approached Gab.

"Gab, my feet are always sore from walking on uneven terrain. Can you make sandals for us as well? It would be a lifesaver!"

Amidst the growing demand, Gab found himself surrounded by enthusiastic requests. The hunting squad, led by the determined and energetic Jarek, chimed in, "Gab, if we all had these sandals, our hunting efficiency would skyrocket!"

Gab, overwhelmed by the sudden attention, chuckled and replied, "Alright, alright! Let me craft a few more pairs, and I'll have you all stepping lightly in no time."

The scene unfolded with lively banter and excitement, as the cave transformed into a makeshift workshop. Gab, now the center of attention, began crafting sandals for the eager members of the tribe, each pair tailored to suit their individual needs.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the tribe looked forward to a future with improved mobility and comfort, thanks to Gab's ingenuity.

Gab gathered the tribe around, ready to unveil the secrets of crafting sandals. He began by illustrating the process, making it seem like a dance of fingers with the materials.

"Now, for these pesky rocks," Gab declared, "we need something tougher for our feet and a way to carry more goodies. That's where the basket swoops in!"

Demonstrating the versatility of the basket, Gab showcased how it could be worn like a backpack, ready to carry the fruits of their labor. The tribe members exchanged impressed glances, realizing the potential these inventions held.

The elders, usually reserved in their reactions, couldn't help but express their amazement. Elara, the wise elder, chimed in, "In all my years, I never thought our tribe would birth such ingenious solutions. Gab, you've lit a new fire among us."

As the tribe delved into animated discussions about the applications of these inventions, the air buzzed with excitement. The elders and younger members alike shared thoughts on how to enhance daily tasks, improve resource gathering, and make life more comfortable.

In the midst of this lively exchange, Jorna, the skilled gatherer known for her herb expertise, exclaimed, "With these sandals, I can venture into untouched areas, finding new herbs for our medicinal needs."

Jarek, the seasoned leader of the hunting squad, added his perspective, "Just think about the advantage during hunts! We'll move like shadows, capturing prey without alerting them."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


please help me start to create a manhwa on this story thanks.

GAB_SENSEIcreators' thoughts