
I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Xiang Ye, who died from overwork, woke up and discovered that he had turned into a piece of land. Just as he was trying to figure out his situation, a few bulky guys approached him and buried a female corpse inside him. This case of illegal disposal of a body made him nervous, but an even more shocking incident took place right after. One night when the dark clouds covered the moon, the dead body, which was buried deep underground, came back to life. Xiang Ye exclaimed, “Screw it! I have had it with being a piece of land. I want to be the most savage piece of haunted land in the world!”

Shadow of Time · สยองขวัญ
40 Chs

I Became A Piece of Land

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Xiang Ye stared intently at the sky in his perspective.

It was about noon now and the warm sun was standing overhead, shining on the ground. In the sky, only a few cotton clouds floated around.

"I think the clouds will cover the sun in about 10 minutes."

Looking at the slowly moving clouds, Xiang Ye thought silently.

This was the only thing Xiang Ye could do at the moment. However, since he could only see the sun for a while at noon, he cherished this boring thing. The rest of the time, he could only stare blankly at the blue sky.

And night was much more interesting than day.

According to his judgment, Xiang Ye thought that he was in a wilderness far away from the city.

As for the reason, it was very simple.

He could see the brilliant Milky Way at night.

Xiang Ye had long forgotten what the Milky Way looked like, not to mention the stars.

The light pollution in the big city made the magnificent scenery that could be seen when he was a child gradually disappear.

But here, he saw a brilliant starry sky.

Even so, it was only a small area.

As a result, evening activities became much more interesting. Xiang Ye could use his limited knowledge of constellations to try to identify the constellations in that area or wait for a meteor to pass.

If he was really bored, he could count the stars to pass the time.

This was what Xiang Ye could do now. He could look at the blue sky and white clouds in the day and count the stars at night.

As for sleeping, resting, and eating, there was no need for that at all.

He did not feel hungry or tired. His physical needs such as eating, drinking, and pooping had all disappeared.

If this was in the past, Xiang Ye would be happy. After all, not sleeping meant that he had more time to watch dramas. He could save a lot of money without eating and buy the figurines he wanted.

But now, Xiang Ye didn't like this at all.

Because he realized that not only had he lost his physiological needs, but he had also lost his human body.

He couldn't feel his body nor his limbs and couldn't move.

He couldn't see anything except the view in the sky.

It felt like… like the textbook from elementary school.

"A frog in the well."

Yes, that's right.

Now, Xiang Ye felt like the frog in the well. He could only see the sky in the area at the mouth of the well.

Of course, if he really became a frog in the well, Xiang Ye would accept it.

It didn't matter if he became a frog, right? At the very least, he could run and jump, swim and eat insects. A frog with a human mind would always have a way to escape that well and go to the outside world to explore and find a way to become a human.

But the problem with reality was that Xiang Ye could neither move nor jump. It was as if he was sealed tightly by some seal, leaving him only able to watch the sunrise and sunset through that section of window as the moon rose and set.

"Because I became a piece of land—"

"Screech…" A violent braking sound sounded at midnight, and then two pillars of light stopped at the night-facing window.

Xiang Ye, who was bored and counting the stars to pass the time, felt a commotion not far away.

"This is it. It's a wasteland, so not many people come here. Let's just dump her here."

Soon, Xiang Ye heard a low voice come from not far away.

"Are you sure nobody comes here? Why don't we go somewhere else?"

Another soft and trembling voice could be heard.

"Somewhere else? Where else? Do you want to run into the mountains? This place will do. This used to be a mass grave with many people buried inside. Let's dig deeper and bury her inside. No one will know."


The rustling sound quickly reached Xiang Ye.

Xiang Ye felt a strange feeling.

He felt like someone had stepped on him. Not only that, but he could even feel the marks that the person had left on him.

It was the mark of a pair of sneakers. The pattern on the soles had left a slightly blurred mark on the somewhat dry ground.

However, Xiang Ye knew very well that this was the mark of a pair of sneakers.

Previously, he could only feel it, but now, he "saw" it.

He saw not only the soles of his sneakers, but even the logo on the shoes.

It was an Adidas logo.

"Can you see me?"

Seeing someone come over, Xiang Ye was a little excited.

He tried to communicate with the two strangers.

"Hiss… It's so cold."

When a cold wind blew past, the person in front suddenly swayed and asked in a trembling voice, "You… you just said that… this was a mass grave?"

"Yes, why?"

The man walking behind caught up now with a bulging cloth bag.

"Hiss… Then let's…"

"What are you trying to say? Hmm? Since we've already done it, let's not be afraid. Don't worry, even if this woman turns into a ghost, I can continue to kill her."

The person walking behind did not care at all. He followed the person in front of him to a place with softer soil and lowered the cloth bag on his shoulder.

Bang! The cloth bag was very heavy, making a muffled sound on the ground.

"Let's bury her here. Start digging."

"What are you doing? Can't you hear me?"

"Ah… stop digging. It hurts! It hurts!!"

"Who are you? Stop digging. It hurts!"

The stranger did not seem to hear the calls of Xiang Ye. The two of them busied themselves with hoes and shovels on the dry and soft ground. In a moment, a pit two meters long and a meter wide had been dug.

"Stop, stop. You're hurting me."

"I said stop, stop now!!"

Waves of intense pain began to invade Xiang Ye's brain and it was like being stabbed in the brain by a needle. Soon, Xiang Ye was in so much pain that he wanted to die.


"That hurts."

"Stop digging."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Xiang Ye wailed in pain, having already given up on trying to communicate. When the first hoe swung down, the pain that seemed to injure his soul made him unable to think any further.

As if to accommodate the pain, a strange wind suddenly blew in the bare wasteland.

The strange wind with an unknown source scurried around like a child who could not find its way.

"Why is there suddenly such a strong wind?"

The two people who were digging looked up and asked curiously.

The wind stirred up by the wasteland blew sand and gravel everywhere. If one was not careful, their nostrils, mouth, and ears would be stuffed everywhere.

"Second Brother… The wind is a little strange…"

The voices of the two timid people trembled even more when they encountered such a strong wind.

"W-why don't we… go somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else? Isn't it just a gust of wind? Why are you so scared? Continue digging here. I'll go to the car and get two masks. There has been a lot of influenza recently, fortunately, I made preparations."

"Ah… you're… leaving me… alone?"

"You're really timid. Forget it, come with me. Find a few branches on the way, I need them."

The man named Second Brother seemed dissatisfied with the other man, but he took him along and paused in his work.

He naturally did not care about the strange wind blowing on the wasteland, but letting the wind blow sand and gravel on their faces was still a problem.

As the two of them paused their digging work, Xiang Ye also felt the pain from before begin to disappear.

"It stopped… It stopped…"