
I Am Tony Stark Now

Maybe I would be panicking if I woke up as Tony Stark when Thanos was snapping his fingers, but since I was reborn when Tony was 7 years old, I can only offer my condolences to Thanos and my future enemies. Oh, I forgot to mention, being rich, smart, handsome, and not being a jerk can do wonders in a polygamous relationship. Unfortunately, Tony Canon didn't know this. Author's note: Normally, I only write for myself, but I decided to post it and see the public's reaction. I won't start another book until I finish this one. As far as this fanfic is concerned, in the first few chapters I rushed a lot as a novice author, but I think that apart from being rushed, they weren't bad quality. I've slowed down a lot in the current chapters. And in chapter 13, get ready for the cringest thing you'll ever see. Seriously, according to my readers, you'd better poke your eyes out, read that particular line, and then put your eyes back in. In that line, you'd better tell your mother to be prepared to call an ambulance, because it could be your last day of life. But in case you survive, don't comment that it's cringe, because I get it. And by default: I'm forced to say I don't have copyright on Marvel stuff.

Tigr4 · ภาพยนตร์
55 Chs

The Final Showdown

The battle ends in this chapter, so the lengths of the next chapters return to normal.

Don't be sad, I'll die if I keep writing such long chapters.


Yao P.O.V

Tony took one of the Ultrons away, leaving us to face the other one.

Ultron at this moment was larger than a building.

We can't let him continue at this size, or we won't be able to defeat him.

I stomped on the ground and threw us into the dimension of mirrors.

"What place is this?" Ultron looked confused at the mirror dimension.

This place won't hold the stone bearer, so I have to be quick.

I manipulated the buildings to fall on Ultron to get his attention.

Strange took advantage of his distraction to manipulate the ground beneath his feet, creating a wave in the asphalt, causing him to fall, and began firing energy blasts at Ultron, drawing his attention as he circled him.

I then manipulated reality to fold in on itself, creating a mirrored city above the city.

"Stephen, now!" I said, and he took everyone out of the mirrored world, leaving me alone with Ultron.

"Enjoy." I said and manipulated the mirrored world for gravity to affect the city above, and fled the mirror dimension.

The last thing I saw was the mirrored city in the sky falling on top of Ultron.

Shortly after we left, a giant portal appeared, breaking the fabric of space, and from it, Ultron emerged, covered in scratches and without his helmet.

The stones then glowed, and his body returned to normal.

He gritted his teeth at us and released a large beam of energy that hit us. Stephen and I reinforced everyone's shields and managed to emerge unscathed.

"I can destroy galaxies with a thought." Ultron completely lost his patience and hunched over with his arms crossed, with bursts of energy coursing through his body.

Feeling the amount of energy, I prepared to do something, but it was just a precaution, as it wasn't me who would deal with it.

"Why won't you die?" Ultron shouted and released the energy.


A massive explosion erupted. The explosion was so huge that it engulfed the entire galaxy.

Then, as if time reversed, all the energy from the explosion returned and compressed into Strange's palm. He then placed the explosion into his mouth and swallowed it. His eyes blazed with energy.

"Wait. What?" Ultron was confused and shocked.

But how could he understand? I didn't even understand how Strange did that. If he had time to prepare, that would be fine, but it was instantaneous. I imagine it must be the talent of some demon he devoured.

Strange looked with blazing eyes at Ultron and smiled.

"HAAAA!!" Strange then roared, and his body contorted.

I saw shadows of various monsters emerging from him.

I could only shake my head at what love can do to a man.

To gain greater power to save his beloved from death, he swallowed thousands of demons to steal their powers.

"HAHH!!" Stephen then shouted, and dozens of gigantic tentacles emerged from his body.

'Uhmm, he even absorbed Shuma-Gorath's tentacles. He had really gone mad.' I thought, looking at the spectacle.

The thousands of tentacles restrained the giant Ultron and crushed him to the ground.


Dust and smoke rose from the impact, and we heard an "Argh!" which was Ultron's cry of pain.

"VEGAAASSSSS!!" That was Thor's cry as he launched a lightning bolt at the fallen Ultron.

Stephen cast magical blasts to hold him in place.

I summoned chains on Ultron's limbs, which the other Guardians of the Multiverse pulled and restrained him.

Natasha quickly handed over the Soul Stone she was holding to Gamora, who placed the Soul Stone in The Infinity Crusher.

With the energy from the Soul Stone, The Infinity Crusher was able to move like a spider toward the immobilized Ultron and began synchronizing the stones before destroying them.

Time, space, mind, power, reality, and lastly, it synced with the soul.


Another explosion erupted due to the destruction of the stones.

We were all sent flying a few meters by the blast.

We got up and looked around.

"Whew! Uh… Is that it? Is it over? Hmm. We win? Yeah? Not so hard." Thor said, perplexed and happy.

"It doesn't feel over." T'Challa shook his head with a sense of foreboding.

Then a voice echoed from everywhere.

"I'm honestly surprised. Didn't the Watcher warn you? Every universe is different, each one just a fraction unique. Thus the Infinity Stones are unique." Ultron's voice came, explaining and mocking us.

"Of course. The Crusher was designed to destroy the stones on my world, not his." Gamora was enlightened and said helplessly to all of us.

Ultron emerged from the midst of the flames from where we thought we had destroyed him.

All six stones were gathered in his body.

He then casually struck using the energy of the 6 stones.

"Brace yourselves!" Carter shouted.


The energy beam cut through everything in its path, including the buildings and the street.

Fortunately, we remained unscathed under the protection of the spells.

Ultron noticed this and traced the source.

"You. It's you. If I destroy you, you all fall." Ultron said, looking at Stephen, who was the origin of the largest energy signature in defense.

Well, I can also provide the protection, but it doesn't make sense to warn the enemy.

Ultron extended his hand, targeting Stephen, and generated an explosion at our location.


The explosion sent some of us flying.

I had my eye on one in particular. Natasha.

Natasha, who was sent flying near her motorcycle, saw an arrow with a tip with green circuits lying on the ground.

I smiled slightly.

While Ultron was focused on Stephen, I opened a portal and appeared near the motorcycle Natasha was running toward.

Squatting and picking up the arrow, I looked at Natasha, who looked at me cautiously.

"Please, give me the arrow. It's our only hope." Natasha looked at me firmly.

"I know, this arrow carries a potent virus, but that's not the Ultron you should shoot, but the one Tony is facing." I said with a smile, extending the arrow to Natasha.

"No! We only have one arrow, we have to shoot the Ultron that has the complete set of those magic crystals." Natasha shook her head, firm in her decision.

"Just trust me, I have protected the earth for a thousand years at the cost of my life. This is the best decision... the best way." I removed my mask and showed my old face to her, looking at her with seriousness and confidence.

Natasha looked into my eyes for a few seconds. She then clenched her fist tightly and continued to stare at me, but there was no hesitation or doubt in my eyes.

"Sigh, I hope I'm not making the wrong decision." Natasha sighed and nodded, then continued, "I need him to be distracted and unreactive. I also need a clear path to his eyes, it's the only place where I can attach the arrow and allow the invasion without him being able to react."

"Tony will provide, just go." I said with a slight smile and then opened a portal for Natasha, who quickly stepped inside.

I looked at the battlefield, smiled, and said to myself aloud.

"This battle is about to end."


Tony P.O.V

I continued to fight against Ultron, but I changed my strategy. I could never defeat him if he started using the energy of the stones while damaging his body.

And that's what he's doing. So I started trying to steal other stones, but his guard was too high, and I would end up getting badly hurt if I tried.

It was annoying how I could hit him, but he instantly rebuilds himself with the stones.

In the middle of the fight, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a portal open and Natasha emerge with a green arrow in her hand, and behind her, within the portal, I saw Yao waving at me with a smile.

I almost laughed out loud at that, but I held back to avoid drawing Ultron's attention.

Ultron is without his helmet because I tore it off when the battle began, so his eyes are unprotected.

Now I just need to hold him while Nat shoots.

While Ultron shoots energy blasts at me, I crossed my hands and quickly created Images of Ikonn of myself.

With hundreds of clones, I surrounded Ultron and restrained him with hundreds of crimson bands of Cyttorak, and through the crimson bands, thousands of nanobots climbed and held Ultron even more firmly.

And while Ultron was distracted with me, he didn't see Natasha amidst my clones firing an arrow toward his eye.

The arrow with the green tip, while in the air, changed to the color yellow.

Natasha, who saw that, widened her eyes.

Ultron, when he saw the arrow, was already close to his eye. He tried to resist, but it was too late.

The arrow shattered his eye and went in with the tip.

Seeing that, I removed the restraints with a smile.

"Argh!" Ultron quickly ripped the arrow from his eye and threw it away.

The stones in his body glowed, and his eye returned to normal.

Ultron looked around feeling strange.

[Removing all traces of the Ultron entity.] A female voice emerged from Ultron's body.

"Who's there? Who said that?" Ultron asked anxiously.

[Hello! My name is Friday. I am an AI created by Mr. Stark.] The friendly voice came again.

"This body is occupied," Ultron said angrily.

[Sorry, but you have caused too much harm, which goes against the boss's objectives. Goodbye!] Friday's voice said, and then Ultron's body fell from the sky to the ground as if it had lost its energy.

"We did it," Natasha put her hand to her mouth and said, shocked. She finally defeated Ultron.

"No, wait, he's getting up!" Natasha said bitterly as she positioned herself for a fight.

"Good job, here, it's missing this." I ignored Nat and smiled at the adversary. I then threw the soul stone that I had been carrying the whole time to him.

"No! Tony! What did you do?!" Natasha widened her eyes and looked at me incredulously and angrily.

But she froze with what she heard next.

"Please do not worry, ma'am. Ultron has been defeated." A female voice emerged from the former Ultron, which shocked Nat.

"This is Friday, she won't hurt anyone." I said, smiling.

Friday had already been created, but normally, she is just an assistant to Jarvis. She usually assists us when the girls and I are having sex or in private because since I built Jarvis as a man, I didn't want him to have information about my nighttime activities with the girls.

But apart from those moments, I didn't use Friday, as at work, I created Jarvis to be a better assistant for me. The girls usually use her more, especially Pepper at work.

Nat looked at me suspiciously. She didn't trust any Tony Stark with his craziness.

"Look, I am different, I didn't do this just because I thought it would work. No, my wife Yao looked into the future to make sure, otherwise, she wouldn't let me do this." I explained helplessly to her.

Natasha reduced the intensity of her gaze, but not completely.

"Boss, can I reshape my body?" Friday, seeing that the conversation wasn't going to continue, asked as the last stone fit into her body.

"Yes, of course." I said, already feeling strange hearing a delicate voice from Ultron's body.

"Uhm!" Friday agreed and activated the stones.

Her male body changed to a female one, Ultron's armor dissolved, and a dress took its place, and the infinity stones that were on her torso became a necklace around her neck.

[Image and doubt]

"Let's go, the fight is not over yet." I said to them.

They nodded, and I opened a portal.

Arriving there, I saw everyone lying on the ground, except Yao and Strange, who were fighting Ultron.

"Friday, take advantage while he's distracted." I whispered to her.

"Uhm!" Friday agreed and quickly flew to Ultron in his blind spot.

Getting close to him, she quickly condensed the energy of the stones in her hands.

Ultron widened his eyes, as he felt the immense amount of energy being gathered on his back, but it was already too late.

Friday placed her hands on Ultron's head and invaded his mind with a shock.

And it wasn't just any shock, because unlike Ultron, Friday knew magic, as I updated her and Jarvis with magic, so that was a more refined use of the infinity stones than Ultron could normally manage.

So that channeling was enough to burn Ultron's consciousness.

There was an explosion that threw everyone away.

Ultron remained standing at the origin of the explosion, looking at us.

Carter barely got up, and when she saw Ultron, she spoke bitterly, "He's still alive."

"No, he's dead." Friday's voice sounded, awakening everyone from their stupor.

When she said that, Ultron's body fell to the ground.

"Who is our friend?" Gamora also rose from the debris and asked, looking at Friday, but more specifically at the infinity stones on her body.

"Hello! I'm Friday. Don't worry, I'm a friend." Friday said cheerfully.

Unlike the original, I made Friday a lively and friendly little girl. My house already has enough serious people.

"And where did you come from?" Stephen asked, confused.

But it was Natasha who responded.

"Tony and that woman tricked me. I was going to put the mother of all viruses into Ultron's body through an arrow to destroy him, but if I'm not mistaken, when that woman grabbed the arrow, she somehow replaced the virus with that Friday, which ended up taking over Ultron's body." Natasha explained the intricacies of the matter.

Everyone looked surprised at us.

"Well, it's better than what you were going to do. Your so-called mother of all viruses was just Armin Zola's AI codes. He tricked you, there was no virus, he just wanted Ultron's body." I explained.

Natasha tilted her head and shrugged.

"I figured something could go wrong, but I didn't have many options." Nat said, not caring, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

I could only shake my head ironically.

While we were talking, I saw Killmonger approaching Ultron's body with an Ultron sentinel head in his hand.