
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · แฟนตาซี
308 Chs

Vs All (8)

"This..." Up in the clouds, the red-skinned humanoid entity had a fearful expression. His pupils were dilated, the size of needles as he felt a sensation akin to his heart being squeezed just by the fear coursing through his body.

Below was a scene of Saber and Undead Nimue standing in front of tens of figures, each with different shapes, sizes, and auras.

But, no matter how many Golden Immortals there were, or how many transformations Saber underwent, this red-skinned humanoid thought that he wouldn't be frightful as what he was truly frightful of, was the person, or thing that stood in front of him.

It had a lean and refined humanoid body and was also adorned in a black tuxedo. Though on the shorter side, it wasn't too overly short, around 5'6. Everything about it seemed like a normal businessman of the modern era on a planet known as earth except...

The humanoid figure had a white-furred rabbit-like head and a pair of long rabbit ears that stood high on its head. Its blood-red eyes reeked with a killing intent that even though wasn't aimed at him, still sent shivers down his spine.

This red-skinned humanoid, when in front of the human-shaped rabbit in a tuxedo couldn't help but feel shocked, awed, and fearful. In front of this person, he was a mere nonentity, a being not qualified to be an ant.

"W-Who are you...?" The red-skinned humanoid uttered with a frail voice. But, as he was waiting for an answer, his thoughts had already led to a conclusion.

'Similarly to how we Golden Immortals are unable to go down, Prime Immortals and True Immortals are also unable to come to the lower floors. This person is clearly at least a Prime Immortal, but if he can ignore the rules, he's definitely stronger... stronger than even a True Immortal...'

As his thoughts reached here, a bead of sweat trailed down his cheek as he bowed his head and said with great reverence.

"What brings the great Hell's Rulers here?" Suppressing his fear, he questioned. If the Hell's Ruler in front of him wanted to kill him, well, to put it kindly, he had no way of resisting whatsoever. It didn't make sense to remain stupid in fear when his life wasn't yet on the line.

"Alvis... Oh, Alvis..." The Hell's Ruler spoke. His voice was oddly childish, though, it would have been even weirder for a cute rabbit to speak in a deep masculine, and vile voice. Well, a rabbit speaking, on the whole, was weird...

Hearing the creature call out his name like this, Alvis felt his blood stop flowing. His face was blue, he was feeling sick with fear.

"Don't you think it's interesting? All these Golden Immortals now fighting with their lives possibly on the line against a newly promoted Profound Immortal." The creature said. Alvis didn't know how to reply to this question... he didn't even know if he should reply. His fear was clouding his thinking.

With the surroundings descending into silence, Alvis forcefully calmed his mind and replied. "With all due respect, this Profound Immortal isn't usual at all." Alvis continued. "He could grow stronger by seemingly devouring someone's existence in its entirety and feeding off their strength to increase his own."

Saying this, he remained silent, awaiting the reply of the Hell's Ruler. He wasn't sure how to go about this... For the first time, he felt completely fearful, so much so, he was unable to properly think. Seeing how silent it was, Alvis thought he didn't say enough, he continued.

"I thought there were some faults and repercussions for this ability, but from what I've seen, there seems to be none. He's a truly monstrous entity and his ruthlessness is something that can give even demons a scare."

Once more, silence descended. Alvis was sweating buckets when sensing this but...

"Hahaha...!" The creature chuckled out loud before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. "Y-Your face! Hehehe Hahahahaha, why are you soo scared of me? Playing with you is interesting."

Alvis couldn't believe what he was hearing. It seems the Hell's Ruler was spitefully remaining in silence, knowing full well he was pissing his pants in fear due to this.

But, as his fear calmed, and his ability to think was ignited once more, a massive question mark suddenly appeared in his mind.

'Hell's Rulers, they're able to move about the floors by themselves... If this is the case, what is the sense of the bounty? Can it not personally kill the thing..?'

'Surely, with the abilities of someone or thing stronger than a True Immortal, a mere brat as weird as this one, no matter what, would die.' Alvis thought this, but right after, realization struck causing his eyes to widen in terror.

Seeing this, the humanoid rabbit smiled kindly. "Oh, do you finally realize? It is as you thought the very first time. I don't really care about killing the boy, in fact, you Golden Immortals are resources used for his cultivation. As for you who refused to become a resource for cultivation, you who refuse to be useful to a future Deity, hohoho..."



"I must give it to you, even in the face of so many Golden Immortals, a new Golden Immortal like yourself isn't running away with their tales between their legs." A young black-haired man stood at the forefront of the group of Golden Immortals.

His long inky black hair was tied in a ponytail and his deep dark eyes stared at Saber like a predator staring down its prey. The white blade released a sharp gleam that can make anyone feel like their soul was being stabbed by a sharp object.

"You, are you the strongest of the Golden Immortals?" Saber said while thinking, 'Though I devoured all of Nimue's energy, making it my own, I didn't devour her existence, her soul, so I don't have any memories about the Golden Immortals.'

"Strongest? Yes, you could think of me as the strongest. I'm sure none of the Golden Immortals present now would mind me saying this." Saying this, he gazed around. His attention focused mostly on Aiden, Darcel, and the silver-haired beauty.

The reason they appeared first was due to their confidence. They were confident in their strength as one of the strongest Golden Immortals, hence they weren't afraid of Nimue's mental abilities.

But, even though they weren't afraid, it didn't mean they weren't cautious. After all, Nimue did escape their grasp right in front of their eyes, and if this Saber wasn't 'different', he'd already be dead.

Looking at them, the black-haired sword wielder nodded his head. Seeing that they placed their unnecessary arrogance aside for the time being, and completely understood the seriousness of the matter, how dangerous the boy in their presence was, he was happy.

Turning his gaze back to Saber, he thought. 'Now, for the most troublesome of the lot. As they say, there is a first time for everything. From the beginning when Nimue and Darcel were about to clash to now, the time hasn't passed ten minutes.'


'Yet, in a measly ten minutes, he went from the aura of a Pseudo Golden Immortal to an actual Golden Immortal without a Lightning Tribulation to boot. Of the ten minutes to, he was also frozen in a separate space-time for several minutes of the ten.'


Feeling a headache approaching, he placed his finger on his glabella while casually uttering for everyone to hear.

"Thinking isn't for me. With my beautiful Ingrid, I shall instead slice him apart!"

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