
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

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Facing around one hundred Golden Immortals while just breaking through to become a Golden Immortal, and on top of that, some of them are at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal realm, this scene is nothing short of stupid.

But, Saber's face remained calm. His eyes were squinted slightly and his usual calm playfulness was nowhere to be seen. Between his brows was a glowing purple pentagram that released endless waves of power as it contributed to his aura which was already comparable to several of the Golden Immortals combined, matching even the aura of the leader of this group!

"So, are you, the proclaimed strongest Golden Immortal, going to face me by yourself... Or, are you about to chicken out and face me in a group?" His voice was cold and monotone. Though it wasn't robotic, it definitely wasn't tinged with emotions. A voice capable of sending shivers running down the spines of normal entities.

"In a group? No one here willingly wants to face you in a group. We all treat you as a threat, so momentarily we'll settle our previous grudges and fight you. Whether it is in a group or not, don't blame us for wishing to dispose of a threat like yourself. Of course, there are those who aren't willing to accept this..."

Hearing this, Saber replied. "If they aren't willing to accept being cowards, what are you, as the strongest, as the leader, going to do about it..?" Saber had sensed an opportunity right here. 'If I'm right, I'll be getting stronger once more. Though the boost in power wouldn't be much compared to the boost I got from my cells, it'll be better than Nimue.'

"For those people..." Pausing, the Golden Immortal sword cultivator turned his head toward those behind him, the many Golden Immortals, as he said. "Those who wish not to fight in groups, go ahead, this is your first and last chance, go and kill him now!"


Some were slightly shocked while others were fearful. As for the reason why they were fearful, it was due to this reason why Saber was snickering internally.

'Oh sword cultivators, their intelligence is always lacking. Is it something to do with the element...? I don't know but, they're always arrogant!' But, though he thought this, he didn't say anything as he was one person who didn't like to reject free cultivation base boosters.

After a moment's hesitation, several Golden Immortals stepped forward. These included the likes of Darcel, the demonic elf woman, and multiple more. Aiden was the only one from the first group to remain standing behind the sword cultivator, listening obediently to his gut feeling.

'I don't know what's wrong with that brat but, not only is he able to devour other cultivators' energy but, he's able to revive the dead and make them his slave... just like those Litch people.' Aiden thought while glancing at Nimue who had remained quietly levitating next to Saber throughout this whole event.

"I'll go first!" The silvered-haired demonic elf said. But, her path to Saber was blocked by a hand as a voice entered her ear. "I don't think so. How about I go first, to test the waters." Darcel smirked while saying. As the two had gotten over their initial shock, they realized that this person...

Saber, he wasn't that scary. Yes, he had weird abilities but, he wasn't as omnipotent as he had appeared to be in the beginning. With level-headedness, he didn't seem to be that strong.

"Plus, don't you have a score to settle with that bitch?!" Darcel pointed toward Nimue. There was a weird sensation he got when his gaze landed on her. He, like everyone else, attributed it to the fact that she had died, but was somehow revived by the man next to her.

'Little do they know...' Saber thought. 'Though I'm unable to a full illusion on them, with my current power, my illusions are enough to make me at least seem lacking, when it comes to strength. And this girl...' Saber casually glanced at Nimue.

'She's useful. On top of my illusions, with her mind control, these two mind abilities constantly break through the guards they've set up. No matter how powerful their willpower is, they can't help but see me as an initially scary guy. Someone that, upon a second look, isn't all that powerful..!'


'With their misplaced confidence leading them, they shall become my-!' Saber happily planned out his next moves while going over their stupidity but, he came to a halt when something beyond his previous expectations took place.


As the two sides hadn't yet begun a battle, the surroundings were calm. Yes, around one hundred Golden Immortals were all gathered in one spot, but it was still calm. The skies were still blue and retained their unique beauty while the surface was still filled with several hundred-mile-sized pools.

But, in one instant, it all changed. The breeze that gently blew onto the bodies of Saber and the other Golden Immortals didn't change. Only, in their ears, they heard the sound of an incredibly fast projectile moving, tearing apart the winds and right after an arc of splendid light...

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi! Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

Lines formed on Darcel's neck. Not just him but the silver-haired demonic elf along with the other several Golden Immortals who had opted to fight Saber by themselves. The one who caused this remained expressionless as the weapon, the white blade was stained with blood.

"W-Why...?!" Saber's voice cracked. If it was just their heads being severed, Saber wouldn't care, after all, they'd still be alive and he'd be able to devour them but, in the instance they were sliced apart, the sword chopped up their bodies into multiple pieces, which included the heart and brain.

The two vital points of an Immortal cultivator, in an instant, were destroyed, effectively killing them viciously, but thoroughly. Swinging his sword with a calm expression, as if what had just happened had nothing to do with him, the sword cultivator who was levitating in front of a group of stunned and scared shitless group of Golden Immortals casually glanced at Saber, saying...

"Don't look at me like that. Little anomaly, how long do you think I've lived? Do you think that with a couple of mind tricks, I'll be playing in your palm like a fool...?" He said. "Maybe sword cultivators on the lower floors were idiots, but, to become Golden Immortals, each one of us on this floor isn't a slouch."

Saber's anger steadily rose as the black-haired young sword wielder continued. "Though they walked into your trap, it wasn't due to stupidity. Their actions were controlled by you, I understood this. On this floor, there aren't even one hundred entities."


"Each is a Golden Immortal, and each has some semblance of intellect. Seeing as they were acting so foolishly, I understood that you were playing tricks. With your ability to kill others and unfairly take their strength which they've cultivated for countless hundreds of thousands of years, I wasn't going to watch as you gain even more strength with your tricks." The sword cultivator clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, pointing it toward Saber, he proclaimed to the Heavens!

"Little anomaly, you who can so easily take hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation in an instant, you who walk the path of unfairness, you who walk the path of slaughter, you who walk a vile path, on the third floor of Hell's Tower, you'll end here!"


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