
Pinnacle: Prevail Over

The figure that appeared was none other than Ji-woo. He decided to intervene in the affairs of those Apex and ArchMage rank hunters. As the inferno magic was a Manifestation ability, it did not disappear upon contact with him. So he immediately grabbed the flame and slammed it onto the ground, causing an explosion of smoke and turning the ground into burning charcoal.

Ji-woo's sudden presence made Dong-seok confused in assessing the situation and making decisions. He had no choice but to release his grip on Akuma and lunged backward, just in time to catch Jenny as she was thrown back by the shockwave.

A sharp clap echoed through the dissipating mist. The lingering smoke swirled away, revealing a scorched wasteland where flames had danced moments before. Now, an unnatural chill settled above the ground.