
I am Lord

Suddenly meet with Truck-Kun and reincarnated into another world as a side character of the game. Conquering the kingdom, having fun with girls, and enjoying life to the fullest. I will be the world's laziest person since I am everyone's lord.

Romankey · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Game of Wonders

Game of Wonders, a fantasy MMORPG released in 2010, charming all the gamers in its realistic and beautiful graphic, way too fun battles, and the intelligent NPCs.

That's not all, this game had 1000+ class combinations, Millions of skills and abilities, 7 continents with way over 200 countries, and millions of cities.

In one word, this game earned 1 billion dollars in just 1 month of its released and earned 10 billion+ in just a year.

And much more, its feature attracted everyone-

"Hmm... This guy's name is... Axel, The Lord of Tuslakia and the secret overpowered boss in the game."

Axel, the lord of Tuslakia, the honest, kind, good, innocent, handsome, and everything that a good guy has.

His role in-game wasn't that important because that his backstory or much information wasn't that given.

But in his quest 'The Hunt of the Devil', it was revealed that he got manipulated by evil demons, evil kings, evil humans, and everything evil.

Even his maids have manipulated him because of his innocence and honesty with a kind personality. He couldn't take the truth after he found out that. And his inner demon took control of him, destroying every human, every being who has taken advantage of him.

The sole reason he was powerful even that the demon lord is because of his Godly Saint Body, and the blessing from 101 angels, 11 gods, and from the supreme god.

He is known as the hardest boss in game history. He has no flaws, his defense is stronger than the demon lord, and even the sword 'Excaliber' 'Dragon Slaying Sowrd' 'Sword of Supreme God' nothing could destroy his defense.

"Hmm... Now that I think about it, it was the sole luck that I defeated him with 1 HP remaining.

Gah! I used over a thousand potions, 10 godly equipment, and all of my skills and even couldn't finish him."

After thinking for some time, Axel (This would be called for the MC now), sat on the bed and closed his eyes. He breathe a little and spoke...


At his voice, a huge translucent window appeared out of the thin air.


[ (Axel)

Title: (Lord of Tuslakia)

Age: (14)

Gender: Male (Human)

Class: (None) [Reach level 10 to choose a class]

Level: (2)

Blessing(s): (Heavenly Saint Body)

Skill(s): (Good Personality -F), (Charming Voice -F), (Small Charm -F)

Special Skill(s): (Eye of Truth), (Energy Manipulation)

Stat: Strength (5), Defense (99), Agility (1), Stamina (0.5), Intelligence (2.1), Magic Storage (20), Physical Damage (0.1), Magic Damage (25)

Characteristics: (Kind), (Honest), (Easily Fooled), (Doesn't Doubt Anyone), (Favorite of All)

Current Status: (Body taken by another person) ]


(Secret Function) [Only for you]

Shop: (Available in Level 10)

System Quest Function: (Available in Level 5)

Relationship: None (Being in relation with another girl will grant host to use their skill -Permanent)

Intercourse Partner: None (Partner will give 10 exp per second) (Host can take anyone skill from the intercourse partner)



The interface made Axel amazed. His eye shone brightly. With wearing a black coat and black pants, he exited the room.

'The hallway is big.'

He thought. The hallway was indeed big, much bigger than his own room. His eye darted around to look at other rooms.

After walking for a while, he reached the dining room. A huge table probably 3 meters big was in the center with many chairs side by side.

Without caring about the size, he sat on the top chair, Just as he sit, two maids walked and put food on the table.

They put the food on the plate and served him while Axel stared at them.

Two maids, they were twins. They had the same face with little difference. One had black silky hair and another had white short hair.

They expressed no emotions, and just prepare the table with food. But their figure was more than average.

Their height was around average girls' height, but their two melons were probably E. Their figure made Axel gulp but he calmed himself.

The two maids without saying anything finished their work and bowed to Axel. After that, they left.

'Hmm. The maids are beautiful.'

He doesn't know much about Axel nor his maids or his house. So, viewing these things made him happy.

After a moment, he finished eating.


He stretched his arms and smiled.

"Let's take care of some trash."

With that, he left the dining room. Alisa, the previous maid joined him on the way.

"Umm... Master. Can I join you?" She showed a beautiful smile.


He ignored her and continued walking.

"By the way..." He turns at Alsa. "Where is the meeting room?"

He didn't know anything about the meeting room where other people are waiting for him. From Axel's memories, he found out that others are taking advantage of him with their sweet talk.

And today was meeting with all of the important people. But he didn't know where his room was.

"Ah! Haha!" Alsia blinked and laughed.

Axel immediately turned his face over.

"Sorry, master. But that... haha... was too... haha... funny... haha."

She continued laughing. Her laughing face was quite cute, so Axel forgives her.

"Don't laugh too much. Just answer me." His voice turned serious,

Alisa stopped laughing. "Sorry. I shall guide you to the room, master."

She walked ahead and Axel followed her.

'Damn... What should I say to her?'

Since Axel wasn't used to communication and let alone, he hadn't even talked with any girl. He was quite troubled on what to say.

They walked with a heavy silence,

"This is the room."

Alisa pointed at the big door which is bigger than the other room doors.

"Thank you."

Axel gave her gratitude and entered the room.

"I will stand here."

Alisa stood beside the door.

Axel, with a serious expression, hiding his dark smile walked toward his room. His eye darted around the room.

Many chairs were in the room with a big table at the center. Many peoples, mostly old people were there.

Some young people without emitting any emotion just stood beside the rooms. They were wearing armor and had weapons in their hands.

'So there are guards too... But from the way they are looking at me, I don't think they are my guards.'

He also looked at the old people. They looked like nobels. And from their way of sitting and from their dress, they looked like lazy people who didn't do much work and order others.

They had big grins on their face. It looked like expect of Axel, they were the ones who ruled this town.

But one guard who is big and his body is buffed came near Axel and stood beside him.

'So, he is my guard. But only one...'

His face turned bitter, and he got annoyed and irritated just from looking at the people's faces.

"Shall we start our meeting, sire?"

A fat man stood and without bowing nor giving any respect towards Axel, He spouted out that word. He also had a big dark and creepy smile on his face.

'They are corrupted.'

"Ok, Start the meeting."

Axel said that without any hesitation. And with that, another person stood.


Again writer san here. Character expression and dialogues are too hard for me. I mean, from the way of letting them talk, it looked creepy to me.

So, because of that, there are not many dialogues other than the main character. So, please give me any complain if it looked like the dialogue is too forced. Please?

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