
I am Lord

Suddenly meet with Truck-Kun and reincarnated into another world as a side character of the game. Conquering the kingdom, having fun with girls, and enjoying life to the fullest. I will be the world's laziest person since I am everyone's lord.

Romankey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Cleaning the Trash

Tuslakia, in the game it was branded as the poorest region in all the world of the game. No player not even NPC from another country liked to come here.

Nobels here were all money-suking fools and citizens were all suffered greatly. The lord of the Tuslakia didn't know about their current situation.

Since he rarely left the castle and most noble has pressured the citizens to give a happy vibe when the lord comes out.

Because of that, the region didn't develop and is getting poorer by poorer per day.

'These money-thirsty nobels!'

Axel knitted his brows while looking at the nobels.

"Shall we start our meeting, sire?"

A fat man with a big grin on his face spoke. His way of speaking was too disrespectful and looked like he was looking down on him.

While suppressing his inner anger, Axel gave a smile. "Yea."

The moment Axel said that another guy stood.

"Like we were saying yesterday, we want some funds to develop a trade bridge from Tuslakia to Kizber"


Axel's eyes widen.

'That's a way too obvious lie.'

'By the way, Tuslakia doesn't even have any trading partner. And its road aren't even developed let alone building a bridge. These guys... are way too MUCH!'

Killing intents released from Axel, but since nobody was an expert, they didn't find out.

"Yes, milord. Our trade with Kizber is going smoothly. And to reduce the time and make the travel smoother, we want to build the bridge."

The man continued speaking, without a hint of guilt.

Axel couldn't control himself and his angry flowed out.

His angry face became visible to everyone which made them surprise than worried.

"I get that you want to build a bridge for trade relations. But can you tell me from when did we have Kizber as a TRADE PARTNER!!!"

His sudden words made all the nobels jump. They all stood from their chair. Most of the nobels started sweating while some only made a surprise face.

"M-M-Milord... What are.. you saying?!"

The fat man's voice shook as he spoke.

"Stop spouting nonsense you fools. Do you think I am an idiot? Do you think I am retarded? Or am I crazy?! Do you think, I don't know anything about the town's condition? I know everything, from your corruptions to your smooth-talking to your warning to the citizens."

His words made all the nobels tremble. Their face darken but one guy didn't care. He step in front and spoke without any hesitation.

"Oh, you know that. So what? Do you think you can do anything to us? Do you think there are any people here who will listen to you? What can a single and foolish person like you can do anything to us?!!"

Hearing that speech made other nobels calm.

"Yea, he is right. What can he even do to us?!"

"Most of the guards work for us. So, we don't have to fear."

Their face brighten.

But Axel didn't care about that. He took out a paper from the drawer. The paper was simply empty, but he started reading like there were many things written there.

"Sir Nobel Kier. You have reports of Blackmailing, Human-Trafficking, Murder, Kidnapping, Sexual Harassment, and Assault. Is that right?"

"Yea, that's right. What can you do?!"

He walked near Axel and looked down on him. He put his legs on his lap without any hesitation.

"Nothing really!"

Axel smile. But his smile wasn't of defeat, nor his smile had any intention on it. His smile was simply dark.

Even the man started sweating just to look at the face of Axel.

"Energy Blade"

Axel murmured.

[Energy Manipulation has used]

[Skill (Energy Blade) created -Rank(E)]

[Congrualtion on creating to your first skill - 10+ Energy Storage granted as a reward]

Axel ignored the notification and looked at the man.

"As punishment for placing your foot on my lap. I shall grant you the blessing of leaving this world."



The man blinked in surprise. He slowly fell to the ground. Blood splattered everywhere on the ground.

He slowly raised his head to look at his leg, just to find his left foot a little further from him. And his left knee bleeding.


A dreadful and painful scream leaped out from his mouth. Tears flow from his eye like a river. He looked at Axel just to find Axel staring at him with cold eyes.

It looked like there was no life nor any emotions on him. Even looking at the scene didn't waver him a little.


And without a hint of nervousness nor any hesitation. Axel slice Kier's head and it flew some meters away before falling on the ground. And it died while showing a painful and scared expression.

Other nobels who were there tremble in fear. They tried to run but...

"Leo, block the exit and kill anyone who tries to escape. And also separate the head from the guards!"

Axel turned back and said to Leo. Leo who also was surprised pretty much as everyone else came back to reality.


With little hesitation, he jumped near the door and killed the guards who were in trance. He perfectly cut their heads.

Their heads flew toward one Nobel and hit him while another flew near Axel's leg.


Axel stepped on the guard's head and flattened it. Even the bones shattered into pieces.


All nobels screamed.

"S-Sorry sire. Please forgive me."

One man rushes toward Axel and kneel in front of him. He begged for his life. Looking at the man, other men including old men, kneel at Axel and beg for their life.

Sweat dropped from their body like a waterfall, their heart began to beat at a pace that wasn't normal, causing the quiet room to be filled with the sounds of their beating heart.

Tensions rose from all of their head and they waited for their judgment in front of the devil who emitted no emotions toward their condition.

[Ding! Cold-Blooded Trait Accquired]

[Cold-Blooded Trait: Let the host feel no emotion when killing a creature. Increase critical hit and instant death hit by 10%]

"Hmm! You all beg like this, so how could I kill you?"

His killing intent disappeared and the heavy atmosphere perished.


All nobels breathe relief and their heartbeat returned to normal.

"But before letting you go, I have a simple question. If you answer correctly, I will let you off."


All the nobels faced the Axel with confusion.

"W-What question?"

One person asked, with little fear in his voice.

"Simple. Just tell me

What day is today?!"

The moment they heard the question, their reaction returned back to normal.

"Today is Sunday, 16th Trobacer, 0921 KI"

One person immediately answer.

"Wrong Answer! Boo Boo!"


The man froze in confusion. How that is wrong. I told the correct answer. He thought that.

But Axel didn't care about the day nor any dates. His evil smile returned and the heavy atmosphere appeared as Axel killing intent roam free.

With a little loud voice, He announced.

"Today is..."

Everyone froze, their ears perked up as they wait to hear what he was about to say.

Axel closed his eyes, and a small fire appeared in his hands. And with a loud voice, he announced.