
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


When the woman heard his wish, she grinned. It was as if it was something that she wanted as well. "You really are interesting, human. You make me miss the old days." She said to him, "Your wish shall be granted."

She then grabbed the flying brush gently, waved it around and declared, "This world will never be able to be united under the leadership of one man! They might unite their nations, but they shall not be able to unite their hearts!"

As she was saying that, the tip of the brush suddenly started to glow. Cainan could sense something being controlled and manipulated. "The Aether!" he exclaimed. He felt as if he was in the presence of something that would make him understand Aether more, so he sat down and began meditating, feeling the presence of the Aether while it can be felt, contemplating its existence while it's available.

Seeing what he was doing, the woman couldn't even care. If Cainan manages to master the control of the String of Eternity, he would also become a variable within the Expanse. Smiling, she continued to manipulate the laws.

All over the world, everyone started to feel something, as if a fundamental part was being changed within them. They started to think more clearly, gaining their own desires and goals. Before, it was as if they were being led to a destined ending. Now, it seemed that something major has changed within Earth.

Within the Crystal Gates…

Sitting on the Crystal Throne, He watched the development of the entire universe unfold. It wasn't just Earth that was experiencing advancement. All across the universe, life had already started to form. Microorganisms began to evolve as it would eventually turn into sentient species.

Suddenly, His eyes opened, revealing vast galaxies to those who gazes upon it. He felt something. It was as if something, or someone, was going against His plans.

He turned His head to the side. At the area he was looking at, space suddenly distorted. There, Enoch was sent flying down. Before his body hit the floor though, a gentle aura materialized, catching The Scribe softly.

"My God, forgive me. Someone stopped me from killing that man." Enoch prostrated and cried out. "Didn't I tell you to just harvest his soul and make him reincarnate as Eber's son?" He spoke with authority.

"H-He was becoming too sinful, too blasphemous to even be left alive!" Enoch said to Him with indignance. "Your duty is only to enact My Will, not to become a judge. You should know that. Don't make judgements without my permission again." He warned.

"I-I'm sorry, My God!" Enoch pleaded. "You are forgiven." He proclaimed, which made Enoch overjoyed, thanking him consistently.

While on the throne, He was starting to feel odd. "You said someone stopped you from killing Cainan. Who has the ability to stop you?" He asked.

"It was a woman." Enoch replied in shame, "She didn't tell me her name, but she keeps saying something about a 'Novos'. The Black Judgement also went flying towards her, which was odd."

Hearing the word "Novos", the aura surrounding him suddenly felt cold. Everyone immediately backed off, not being able to stand in such presence. "A woman who knows my True Name?" He muttered.

"I didn't sense Her enter The Expanse, though." His mighty hand gripped the armrest of the throne. "Janis, what are you doing here?" He growled, His eyes narrowed with a cold, terrifying glare.

Going back to Earth, when the woman had lowered Her hands, Her pupils suddenly darted somewhere. With a smirk, She said, "It seems that He was already informed that I am here."

She turned to look at Cainan before saying unto him, "Your wish has been fulfilled. Do with it what you must." She then left as if nothing even happened.

Cainan was then left there, sitting in the middle of the courtyard. As long as there is a faint trace of that existence, he must comprehend it.

Three days soon passed. The trace of the Aether had already gone and stabilized, invisible to a mortal's perception. Cainan finally opened his eyes, and within it lies a faint presence of the vast universe. Cainan's body was lifted up from the ground, as if the surrounding were bending to his will.

Straightening his legs, he touched down on the ground. Feeling the newly acquired power within him, he sighed, "I still don't have any ability to fully manipulate the Aether, but at least I can somewhat influence its nature."

He lifted his hand and, with his mind, he controlled the substances in front of him. A second later, he heard a loud thud coming from the ground in front of him. Although the naked eye cannot see anything in front, his senses can perceive that the wind in front became solid, becoming as heavy as steel.

This is a groundbreaking discovery in the aspects of magic. Hurriedly, he went and rushed to his room, grabbing a pen and a book, before writing rapidly. Midway though, he suddenly thought of something.

He placed down his pen, and lifted his hand above the book. Magically, writings began to appear, albeit slow. By influencing the state of the Aether, the appearance of the item began to change, meaning he could write even without ink!

Cainan practiced and improved on his discovery while also documenting it on his book. Hours later, Cainan rested his back on the chair, his mind exhausted due to fatigue. To control the Aether, one would have to utilize much of one's mental strength. An hour was already his limit despite having a stronger mental power than any of his peers due to his practice of harmonizing with the Aether of the stars. This makes the control of Aether incredibly hard, to most people even impossible.

After resting for a few hours, he once again went for it, not even realizing all that was need to be done. In a blink of an eye, ten years had passed.