
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Cainan now understands why the Scribe of God sent an order to kill Asshur. It was because of this. He greatly regrets being late and not being able to do what he must have done. Still, there is something that can be done. He had failed to kill the heathen. He could at least impede his goals of ruling over the world. With that in mind, he traveled to Jerusalem.

When he returned to the palace in Jerusalem, however, he noticed that something was wrong. Eber and his woman were gone. According to the soldiers of the palace, they just seemed to disappear overnight. When Cainan asked when they did, everyone said the exact same thing; the night after Asshur's speech.

Just with that, he knew exactly what had happened.

He went to the old courtyard of Jerusalem's palace. It was untouched since Asshur's ascension to power. Moss had already grown and cracks had already appeared to the infrastructure. Despite that, the statue in the middle was left untouched by any damage of time. It was as if it had been the only thing that had been cared for.

Cainan went and knelt towards the statue, hoping that it would still have a shred of divinity to call upon those above. "Almighty God, I beseech upon you. Please answer my call. Return me my family, I beg of you!" The only response he got was the buzzing of the cicada and the blowing of the wind.

'Almighty God, please hear me, I beg of you." He cried, pleading for any response from The Most High, "I know I have failed to do your bidding, but please! I did not intend to do so! You have to believe me!"

He knelt there for hours, praying for His forgiveness and pleading Him to return him his family, or even just know whether they are alive or dead. Without any result, he raised his weeping head and looked at the statue of the man hugging his lover, "I have heard that God's love is something even greater than how the Principal Archangel felt for his sinful lover, it seems that I have heard it wrong." He said with spite and remorse.

He then stood up, his knees hurting like deep torture, but less than what he was feeling as a father. When he turned around, he saw The Scribe, looking at him with a blank face, literally. His face was of pure light, no features of his face could be seen by anyone. Despite that, he could feel his wrath, making his body feel that it was being squished, not being able to move even an inch.

"Sinner. You have wasted your chance of repentance. God's mercy had been wasted on you." The Scribe hatefully declared. "You even dare to speak blasphemous remarks at Him. You shall burn in the eternal flames to suffer for eternity!" The Scribe then raised the brush in his hand before pointing it at him. A purple flame suddenly ignited at its tip before darting towards Cainan.

Before it could even touch him, though, the flame suddenly extinguished, which seemed to have shocked The Scribe. "Impossible. The Flame of Adanya can never be put out!"

Of course, Cainan had no idea what the Flame of Adanya is, but with how The Scribe reacted when it vanished makes him aware of how powerful it is.

"Is Novos already that cruel? Killing a man without fault just like that?" The two then heard a woman's voice come from their side. Turning towards the voice, they saw an ethereal woman walking towards them with profound elegance. The Scribe narrowed his eyes and said to her in a puzzled manner, "Who is Novos? Who are you and how can you see me?"

"Why can't I not see you? You're just right there." The woman raised her eyebrow at him and snickered with contempt. "You know what I mean, woman." He spat, now redirecting his brush, aiming at her.



When the brush was pointed at the woman, it suddenly glowed. "Agh!" The Scribe screamed in pain as the brush burned his hand, causing him to loosen his grip on it. The fallen brush, as if having its own consciousness, flew and circled at the woman, as if it was overjoyed to see her. "Lapis, I am also happy to see you again. I shouldn't have given you to him." She said in a cooing voice.

"You.." The Scribe was shocked and terrified, seeing that even the legendary Black Judgement that was said to have once laid waste to thousands of galaxies with a swipe was acting like that. The only reason that he was able to use it was because he was the appointed Scribe of God which gave him authority to use it. Despite that, it hadn't even submitted wholly to him.

The woman looked at The Scribe and said to him with great belittlement, "You're his Scribe, aren't you? You don't even know his name, yet you are assigned to write his declarations for his existence? How pathetic."

"Leave. I don't want to see your face. Tell him I'll give him Lapis back later." The woman declared before she waved her hand. With a "whoosh", The Scribe was sucked into a black hole-like portal, sucked out of this world.

She then looked at the bewildered Cainan and said to him, "You have been caught in our crossfire. For that, I apologize. In turn, you can wish for anything."

'She is powerful. Beyond powerful, even.' Cainan thought to himself. "I want all the people of the Heavenly Empire to have different desires and agendas despite being in one nation. I want the cities to become impossible to be ruled by one person." He put forth his wish, his primary plan. Despite wanting his family back, it seems that at this time, he was prioritizing the people of this world a little bit more.

When the woman heard his wish, she grinned. It was as if it was something that she wanted as well. "You really are interesting, human. You make me miss the old days." She said to him, "Your wish shall be granted."