
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs

Lady Lust, Gabriel

As soon as the whip hit, the woman's body flew like a meteor, destroying all that was on her trajectory. As her body flew, Gabriel ordered in a coordinated manner, "Sever it, now! Take advantage of the time while she isn't here!" After saying that, Gabriel flew up and stuck his gaze at the struck woman.

With his order, the spirits of the men here rose. The swords of the angels were prepared as they began the process. Noah prayed for their safety on the side, as this was a very dangerous procedure, something that they must overcome.

A while later, Gabriel finally saw the woman flying back, hair disheveled and eyes filled with a seductive look. Seeing that, Gabriel cursed under his breath. One of his goals was to make Lady Lust lose composure, as that would sharply increase her battle spirit but also sharply reduce her ability to seduce every single being that surrounds her. He would rather fight an angry woman than be seduced by one.

"So, that's why Noah doesn't want me to enter." Lady Lust stopped just below the cautious archangel, looked at him, and greeted, "We meet again, My Love." She smirked.

"My Love?" Noah was flabbergasted.

Upstairs, the other Princes let out a muffled laugh, ridiculing Gabriel's current predicament. He, on the other hand, looked on with an indescribable look on His eyes which wasn't seen by anyone.

"I beseech thee, leave this place while you can. Thou hath no power here." Gabriel commanded.

Looking around and seeing the sexually driven people of the village, she slyly smirked, "I doubt that."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. He had already figured that this wouldn't be an easy fight to finish. Brandishing his weapon, he prepared to fight.

The two stared intensely at each other vigilantly, watching as to who would move first.

Noah, recognizing the stalemate that they were currently in, began to discretely spread his energy in a circular formation. Slowly but surely, a rough outline of a huge array was taking shape.


Lady Lust vanished from her position once she noticed what was happening there. Gabriel, being quick about it, immediately responded by going past her speed and blocking her. Lady Lust snarled at his foolish attempt to do so as she once again vanished and manifested herself from the body of two people that was currently in the process.

The Archangel extended his hand back, foreseeing the woman's futile resistance. The rope in his hand shot out and grabbed her by the arm before tossing her back where she once was.

Unexpectedly, as she was thrown out, she kicked the ground, using the momentum to dash towards Gabriel. Cackling like a crazy woman, she bared her teeth at him and shot her sharp claws directed to his chest.

Piack! Gabriel held her left arm in time as her claws were only a few centimeters away from his chest.

"Doth thou really wantest to kill me?" He asked.

"More like, do you~" She said seductively, her salacious tongue licking her lips.

Gabriel didn't mind what she said and asked once again, "Doth thou really wantest to kill me?"

"Why would I want to kill thee?" With doe eyes, she pouted at Gabriel charmingly.

The latter only looked her in the eyes and asked, "Do you really want to kill me?"

Sensing that he was beyond serious now, she narrowed her eyes and replied with a much darker voice, "Thou art a hindrance in my mission."

Again, he asked her, but this time, with a gentle and melancholic tone, "Do you really want to kill me?" She did not answer.

"I am only doing what is best for the universe. Do you really want to kill me?" He asked once more.

Now having no ability to suppress her anger, she shouted in annoyance and with resentment. "The divines are but powerful beings that oppresses and controls the mortals like pawns! We do not need any divinity's existence!"

"Throughout the beginning of Existence, the divinities had to always interfere with the lives of those without power! We spirits had to do their bidding even when we do not want to!" She cried and continued, "I once saw millions of people killed just because a divinity ordered the Spirit King to declare war against humanity because they were advancing way past the divinity is capable of handling!"

"Later on, I was forced to become the Embodiment of Lust just because The Holy Temple said so! I was sent to Shakkar to produce offspring for them!" With indignance, she added, "It was your brother himself who brought me there."

Gabriel looked down, not letting anyone see his expression. Despite this, she continued, "Even in the ranks of mortals, spirits are, by far, the race that is always forced to do the divinity's bidding. There is just no equality even amongst the mortals!" Aware that she cannot use her left hand, she began to attack with her right.

As the claws neared his face, from his ribs, another arm suddenly grew and gripped it by the wrist. She did not even have the time to react when Gabriel began to speak, "We were once a perfect match. We had love for each other unlike any being in the universe at the time. As one of the first beings of this universe, we know each other more than anyone else, excluding the Father, but it was destined for us to separate."

"Fate wills it so."

As answer to his "omniscient-like" remark, Lady Lust snarled, "Then, Fate be damned!"


As if reacting to her crass remark, the skies, as if angry, darkened, and thunder boomed.

Without even heeding what was happening above them, she continued, "Yes, we were once just two lovebirds being each other's lifeline; we've been like that for almost a millennium. But, despite the long period of us being together, you still had the heart to not do anything and let your brother drag me to a place where I was sure to be transformed into this damnable and filthy existence!" Tears pooled up in her eyes as she looked at Gabriel with anger, disappointment, and melancholy.

"I loved you, Gabriel! I trusted that you loved me equally when you said that you would offer your life for me." She sobbed, "You can't even disobey your father's orders for us, let alone go against the entire universe just like how I would."

Then, Gabriel slowly raised his head and looked her in the eyes, while tears ragingly fell down his eyes like waterfall, and asked her once more, "Do… you want to kill me?"