
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Begin The Ritual

Noah, not knowing who he was facing, bowed slightly. The angel, accepting the curtsy, declared unto them, "By the Father's will, I, Gabriel, Principal Archangel of Heaven, dost guard thee from all peril that shall ever beset thee."

Silent gasps from the men echoed as reverence and admiration overwhelmed them. As men who lived under the oppression of demons, angels are beings that they have never seen. When they became one of the Blessed, the only interaction that they had with them was the presence that descended upon them. When Elric heard his name, he tried his best to hide his expression. Still, the fluctuation was noticed by the Archangel but was set aside.

"Praiseth be to the Principal Archangel!" The men shouted filled with reverence and faith. They were planning on fully kowtowing, but before they could ever do so, Archangel Gabriel said with a harsh tone, "Only the Almighty God dost merit praise. None deserveth glory more than Him. We be but messengers, not to be adored by His folk."

The disapproval in his voice was evident. The pressure that was being released by his presence intensified quite a bit, causing the people to be uncomfortable.

"Praiseth only be to the Almighty God for His works that protecteth us!" To quell his dissatisfaction, the men immediately reverted their sentence, praising the Almighty God instead.

What they did seemingly worked as the pressure lifted up from them and a more comfortable feeling spread throughout the hall and everyone sighed with relief.

"I apologize for the words that they spoke earlier, Lord Gabriel. Being under the rule of the demons, the humans of this age had been accustomed to glorifying all that is more powerful than them." Noah stepped forward and said unto Gabriel.

"You are also a Servant that The Father puts great importance to, Fellow Noah. Thou need not refer to me as Lord." Gabriel replied to him, "As a fellow servant, thou can refereth to me as a Fellow too." He added.

"As thou wilt it, Fellow Gabriel." Noah nodded respectfully.

Suddenly, Gabriel's expression changed. "Begin the ritual." He commanded, which alerted everyone.

"What is it, Fellow Gabriel?" Noah asked. "She is here." Gabriel answered solemnly.

Knock-knock. A simple yet unnerving knock sounded from the other side of the door.

"Who is that?" Noah whispered. "Someone with power and authority over mortality." Gabriel then materialized a long whip in his hand, preparing to wield it at any moment.

"Lord Noah, please let me in." An innocent and womanly voice called out outside.

Noah was suddenly entranced by the voice. To him, it felt as if he was surrounded by a beautiful prairie filled with flowers and the soothing breeze of the morning wind. Stepping forward, he aimed to open the door.

"Wake up!" Fortunately, Gabriel, who noticed it early, snapped him from his stupor by yelling through divinity. Noah was startled, but began shuddering at what had happened to him. That was dangerous.

"What a beautiful voice." Noah complimented the person outside the door in a whisper. "Beautiful, but wicked." Gabriel sighed.

"I do not blame thee for thy obliviousness in this matter for thou art still inexperienced." Gabriel sighed before adding, "To simplify the darkness now present within that woman's heart, back in the ancient universe, there once existed a planet filled with male beings, ranging from humans, demons, animals, and the like."

Clenching his fist, Gabriel growled, "There, I saw her doing licentious deeds with all its inhabitants in a continuous manner for months, birthing for them their offsprings. Thou cannot even begin imagining it."

Hearing how the Archangel described her, Noah was speechless and also terrified. It seems that the person they're facing really isn't just a simple being. To be able to continuously do "that" for months, it would seem that her body even surpass that of the most durable demons.

With that thought in mind, Noah prepared to resist.

Bang! Without anyone answering her pleas, the knocking on the door intensified, becoming louder as seconds passed. "Lord Noah? Lord Noah! Open the door for this poor woman, please?"

"I doth not permit thy entrance into this hall, woman! Returneth the people their wills and cast thyself out of the village!" Noah shouted in response.

The woman outside gasped— or rather, moaned— in response. "How mean." The woman quipped salaciously. Noah shuddered as the moans reached his ears. It was rather… stimulating.

"Grab a hold of thyself, Noah." Archangel Gabriel warned, "Lose thyself and thou would sink down an endless mire."

Not even letting the man do so, the woman moaned louder, reaching the ears of the men undergoing the ritual. The effect soon became noticeable as their bodily heat rose.

Noticing what was happening, Gabriel commanded the angels, saying, "Continue the ritual! Don't let them easily be influenced!"

Within the men's ranks, Elric, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly made a sound, startling the angels and Gabriel.

"Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum…"

Oddly, after humming those sounds, their bodily heat sharply receded, saving them from dealing with horny men.

"A Buddhist, in this period of time?" Gabriel narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he looked at Elric. "What is it?" Noah was confused. But, instead of dwelling in it any longer, Gabriel redirected his focus on the gate, where the enemy was currently forcing herself in.

"P-Please, Lord Noah. Let me in…" The woman outside pleaded in a pitiable voice. "Thy acts are meaningless here, demon. God is with us" Noah spat.

The knocks seized. In fact, all the noises coming from outside seized. Before Noah could even become ecstatic of her disappearance, her voice sounded out once again. This time, however, her voice was cold. Frostbiting cold.

"Sigh. I wanted to act more."

A second later…


A loud, ear-piercing scream blasted the gate wide open. Everyone, even Gabriel, covered their ears in pain. "Argh!" Acting immediately, Gabriel unfolded his whip and attacked her straight.



As soon as the whip hit, the woman's body flew like a meteor, destroying all that was on her trajectory. As her body flew, Gabriel ordered in a coordinated manner, "Sever it, now! Take advantage of the time while she isn't here!" After saying that, Gabriel flew up and stuck his gaze at the struck woman.