
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

CHAPTER 50.5 - Visiting the Queen.

CHAPTER 50.5 - Visiting the Queen.

(Pov - Kei)

As I walk towards my house, I feel my whole being... strange... I feel strange.

Seiya is... a man... He's not trans, he's a crossdresser. The girls want me to... to make her fall in love so they can use her, but they mainly want that because the idea of seeing us engage in homosexual sex excites them.

I'm not gay... Or am I...? No... Am I bisexual? No... I don't know.

I only doubted my sexuality once, when I thought I was in love with Cris, but I'm sure I was just confusing the feeling of friendship with romantic love.

... Or am I just telling myself that to deceive myself?

Did I really fall in love with Cris? Am I bisexual?

... Yes... Ah, there's no point in lying to myself. I fell in love with Cris in the past. I fell in love with a man.

I think, depending on the situation, I am bisexual.

Should I try to make Seiya fall in love with me?

"Ah... I don't know."

I better let things progress at their own pace and not think too much about... Huh?

I caught an arrow from behind that was about to pierce through my left shoulder.

Am I under attack? I don't feel in danger.

"Hahahahahaha! You were right, Nerka, he managed to catch it!"

"Fufu. Never underestimate the man who managed to make the great Nerka fall in love!"

The great Nerka?

Ah, the Elves in this world are too wild.

Grisia is very serious and somewhat shy around me, but when she's with Nerka, she becomes overly extroverted. I call it "the Nerka effect."

Nerka is extremely extroverted and energetic, always telling jokes and looking for ways to brighten up the atmosphere, and it's contagious.

Grisia and Nerka climbed down the tree and approached me.

"I'm sorry, Kei. Your reflexes are as monstrous as ever," said Grisia.

"We thought you were already home. Why are you still in the forest?"

"I'm still thinking about the situation with Seiya. The princesses in this country are already engaged, so making Seiya fall in love isn't such a bad idea, but... Ah, I don't know. Having a princess as a partner would ensure we're always informed, but... I don't know. Me siento muy confundido en estos momentos. Ah, puta madre, me duele la cabeza (I feel very confused right now. Ah, fuck, my head hurts)."

"I see. Yes, yes, I understand," said Nerka, nodding.

She crossed her arms and stroked her chin as if thinking about something.

Grisia, seeing that, did the same.

I think it would be better for Grisia to imitate Terkiana. It's a better option due to her extensive experience, but if Grisia feels more comfortable with Nerka, I won't say anything.

"I've got it!" exclaimed Nerka, raising her index finger.

Did she come up with an idea for...? Ah... Oh my, my. M-mierda.

I should have expected it.

She's taking off her mini shorts!

"You're worried about not having experience with anal sex and afraid of not being able to satisfy or hurt Seiya! Don't worry, you can train with my body!"

E-Experience is not the problem! Besides, I have plenty of experience in that area. Eris prefers anal sex and... Ahhhhhh! Stop thinking about nonsense, Kei!

"Hey, it's neither the time nor the place for that," said Grisia, her face red with embarrassment.

"I-I agree!"

"Come on, Kei, I know you want to do it too!"

She got down on all fours on the floor, shaking her butt and... sticking a finger in that... hole...

Ahhhhhhh! And to think she was so innocent! Damn ability, you corrupted my girlfriends and turned them into nymphomaniacs!

"I-I'm sorry, Nerka. Your butt is cute, and I have no doubt it would feel good to have sex with you in that way, but I'll be late for Seiya, I have to go."

I took out from my [Magic Storage] a dildo that Drin made, replicating my... penis... And to think I was a virgin a year ago, and now I carry this kind of thing in my [Magic Storage]! I'm sorry, parents, aunt, Nia, your beloved Kei has become human trash!

"T-take it. L-let's talk about it tonight."

I threw the dildo at her, and Nerka caught it.

She pouted and... licked the tip of the dildo.

Seriously... Has my life really become so perverted? Zius, you're definitely Zeus, the God of perverts, and now my life revolves around sex!

"Don't forget it's my turn tonight."

"Y-yes, I understand. See you tonight."

"Ahhhhhhh! I've had enough with my mother and all those men entering her room, and now I have to put up with seeing your constantly aroused harem, Kei! Is sex really so addictive?!" shouted Grisia, on her knees on the floor.

Oh... Poor thing.

W-well, we all deserve sexual freedom, so I won't judge your mother.

"I-I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, Grisia."

"You'll find out when you turn 15, when you come of age. Have patience, Grisia. Hehe. Kei will give you an unforgettable birthday gift."

"Uwaaaah! D-don't say such embarrassing things out loud!"

I agree with Grisia! You make me look like a scumbag waiting for my next victim to turn 15 to abuse her! Ahhhhhhhh! I'd better go!


I ran away.

I-I better pretend that none of that happened and continue thinking about what I'll do with Seiya.

Ah... Wow. Now that I think about it, he... She has really changed a lot.

How did I meet Seiya? Well, I met him several years ago.

"I'm sorry for being late, I had some problems."

Sei Molfer and Mei were kneeling before a beautiful woman, the Queen of Gresha. They were only kneeling because they were about to do something drastic and wanted to prevent the Queen from forbidding them. If the Queen allowed them to do it, it would save them a lot of trouble, although it wouldn't affect us and would be resolved, but they wanted to avoid it. And if the Queen tried to stop them, my mother wouldn't care and would do it anyway, with the only difference being that we would waste time resolving legal issues and all that.

And where was I? Well... My mother forced me to go! Basically, she kidnapped me and forced me to go with them!

I, at 8 years old, was tied up on the floor, and they covered my mouth with tape, while Seiya's little sister, a 4-year-old girl, played with my cheeks and squeezed them.

I wriggled on the floor like a fish out of water, cursing my mother, but I didn't try to free myself because it would only make things worse for me.

We were gathered in the audience hall... Is that what it's called? I forgot... There were important nobles in the hall, and the Queen was sitting on a throne.


"Hahahahahaha! Kei Molfer has soft cheeks! How cute!" said the princess.

"Hey, brat, leave my brother alone!" Mei said angrily, as her beloved younger brother was being mistreated.

"What's wrong with your son, Sei Molfer?"

"He didn't want to come, so I brought him by force."

"I see... Remove the gag. I want to speak with him."


My mother removed the gag, and I immediately shouted at her.

"Mother, you're definitely crazy! When you're old and unable to move, I'll do the same to you!"

"Only that way would you be capable of doing it, son. I don't plan on living that long, so I suggest you train and do it to me before you turn 30."

"Kid, why didn't you want to come?" the Queen said.

"Tsk. Kid? My name is Kei Molfer, old woman. I wanted to visit a dungeon located in the Capital."

"Is the dungeon more important than me?"

"Ah... Well, well... Is it forbidden to lie to the Queen?"

"Yes, it's forbidden. You can't lie to me."

"Fine... Honestly, I don't consider you an important person, nor do I respect you. This country is full of corrupt nobles, and people are starving. Honestly, I think you're a human scum, and I hope you do something about it. If I were the King, I would seize the lands of the following families..."

"You insolent!"

Of course, it didn't suit many people to have a Molfer speak ill of them in front of the Queen, so they tried to silence me.

A woman tried to attack me with a sword, using the excuse that I had offended the Queen, but it was obvious that she did it to protect her family's reputation.

I used my fire magic to free myself from the rope, and an ice barrier appeared in front of me.

She couldn't cut through the ice with her sword... Pathetic. Not even a scratch.

The ice melted, and I jumped.

I kicked her in the face, and she went flying.

She crashed into a wall, and I landed... Well, she brought it upon herself.

"I suppose you've realized by now. The person who tried to attack me belongs to the 'Firkpo' family. That family owns a huge territory, but its citizens are very poor due to high taxes. Besides..."

I extended my right hand and started creating a fireball.

"She attempted murder. Mother, may I?"

My mother nodded, and I smiled.

"Thank you."

I threw the fireball at the woman.

The fireball hit her and exploded, ending her life.

There was nothing left of her... Nothing. Not even her blood.

Eliminating the problem at its root is the fastest solution, that's why I did it.

"You killed Tika!"

"You committed murder!"


Sei Molfer started laughing and stood up.

"You idiots, listen! I came to solve the problem with the corrupt nobles. We need strong warriors for the future. If the situation continues like this, this country will be in ruin. We already have the most corrupt noble families in our sights. I just need the Queen's permission to start. Your Majesty, may I?"

"Accepted, old woman. We don't have all day," Mei said.

The Queen smiled and nodded.

"I apologize for being so useless. Please lend me your strength."

I smiled, and my sword of fire appeared in my right hand.

"Let's begin."

In the possible future war against demons, we will need everyone who can fight to do so, but if people die of hunger, their performance will decrease, and they will be useless in the war.

The more people we are, the better. That's why the Molfer family and other elite families do everything possible to provide a good life for the people living in our territories so that they can be useful to us in the future war against demons and maintain high morale.

"Ah, it feels good! I'm an assassin who kills bad people... I think I've gotten used to it. I no longer feel guilty about their deaths... Ah, I'm trash, right?"

I was in the huge bathroom of the Royal Castle. The pool water was warm, and it was very relaxing to be here. I could forget about pain and problems and just relax.

I miss my world, but this world isn't so bad.

At first, I struggled a bit with the baths, but I got used to it. Fortunately, I learned to transform food into magical energy, so I never go to the bathroom... Never. The waste from my body is transformed into magical energy... Almost no one knows how to do that. My family can't do it either... I think only my mother and I can. I learned to do it when I was 7 years old.

My mother taught us to do it to avoid wasting time going to the bathroom and use that time to train, but Mei still can't do it properly. She's almost perfected it, but she needs more time.

"Killing the nobles and replacing them is cruel but necessary... This world is lucky to have me as the protagonist. If they had a whiny and sensitive protagonist, they wouldn't dare to kill them, and the problems would take longer to solve."

Yes, my methods are inhuman, but who cares? I'm the one who will go to hell, and I'm the only one who should care.

This world depends on me, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible results... Oh, that sounded like the dialogue of a villain with good intentions.

"Well, well. But..."

Someone entered the bathroom.

"Well, well..."

It was Seiya. My mother had told me he was a man, but he dresses as a woman to please his mother. It's quite sad.

He was only wearing a towel, covering his nipples as if he were a woman, but he's a man.

Acting like a woman just to please his mother... Ah, it's too sad.

"I suppose I should treat her as a woman," I thought, as I had to respect her decision.

Well, I assumed it was the right thing to do.

"Hello, princess."


"It's the first time we talk. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kei Molfer, I'm your age, and my favorite hobby is sleeping. Nice to meet you."

"M-my name is Seiya... Nice to meet you."

Yeah... Ah... Now that I remember that, he... she looked... blushing... like a real girl.

Blushing... She asked me to visit the Capital together... She's studying at my school even though her country has better schools...

No... No, no, no... Ahhhhhhh!

"I don't understand it!"

I returned to the secret base, thinking about the reasons for Seiya's infatuation. Because yes, she fell in love with me, it's too obvious now that I realize it!

"What don't you understand, nya?"

"We were together for a couple of days. She asked me to tell her about my adventures and show her my magic. But that's not enough for her to fall in love with me. I didn't save her from an enemy. I didn't try to conquer her... Why did she fall in love with me? I think she just wants to be my friend... She's in school for another reason."

"Love is a mystery, Kei," said Terkiana.

"I never imagined I would fall in love with a little boy," said Nerka.

"I feel the same," nodded Eris.

"Me too," said Drin.

"I'm his wife, so I had to fall in love too," said Terkiana.

Damn, that doesn't tell me anything.

"By the way, Kei, how much time do you have left?"

"I have to leave in 5 minutes."

I can't keep wasting... time... Eh?!

Eris grabbed my arm and licked my face.


"You already did it with Drin, it's my turn, nya."


Nerka also grabbed my arm.

"No, it's my turn! You promised me!"

"I'm not a sex toy!"

Damn, I feel violated.

Day after day, I have to do it with them.

They all treat me as if I were a sex toy... Well, almost all of them.

Nem and Mio treat me as a friend. I've never done it with them. They see me as a friend... Thankfully.

Nerka raped me the first time we did it.... She was a virgin, but she raped me savagely.

I had activated my [Seduce Women] skill with a bandit who tried to attack me. She looked suspicious and I wanted to get the information out of her. But my ability got out of control. And since Nerka was nearby, my skill affected her and she raped me.

"Kei, Kei, Kei, Kei, Kei, Kei, my cute Kei! More, more, give me more of your milk! Give it all to me! Immerse me! Impregnate my being with your man juice!" said Nerka, crushing my crotch with her wild onslaughts.

"When will it be my turn?!" said the bandit next to me, masturbating as she watched me being raped.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I thought I would never be raped again and...!

... I better not think about it.

I did it with Terkiana two months ago. She fell in love with me because of my strength. Elves are truly a warrior race, but they really exaggerate their attraction to power. Even an Elf of Terkiana's age fell in love with me.

I thought Terkiana was just my friend because it was her idea for Nerka to be my girlfriend, and I thought she wouldn't try anything with me, but...


After a night of drinking, I took Terkiana to her room and... Well... I think it was the alcohol or I don't know, but she kissed me.

She immediately regretted it and...

"I'm sorry. Kissing an old woman like me must have been disgusting. It won't happen again..."

But I didn't let her finish speaking and kissed her.

One thing led to another and...

"Uwaaaah! Grandma?!"

"N-Nerka, don't look!"

I ended up sleeping with Terkiana. Why? I don't know. I think I got carried away by the atmosphere... Or was it my fear of rejecting one of my companions?

I don't know, but I ended up doing it. I had sex with Terkiana, and she officially became my wife... Well, Crisfa's wife.

Having a relationship with Terkiana and Nerka at the same time felt a bit disturbing to me. Terkiana is Nerka's grandmother... That situation felt uncomfortable to me. But they didn't really mind. They accepted it quite easily.

But, Supreme God, please don't let Nerka's mother fall in love with me... I think she's married... Whew, I dodged a bullet there.

My life was definitely ruined completely, and I became the person I hated the most. I turned into a generic harem protagonist.