
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 51 - Mei, the Brocon.

CHAPTER 51 - Mei, the Brocon.

Kei has faced many dangers in his life, and most of those dangers would traumatize anyone for life.

A huge Slime monster, the result of a mad scientist's experiments, nearly violated Kei with its tentacles. And in that scientist's laboratory, there were many people who had been victims of the scientist's horrible experiments, leaving Kei disgusted and disturbed because even babies were victims of that scientist.

Illegal brothels where anyone, regardless of age, could be obtained and used however one pleased, even killed if purchased. Two-year-old Kei was a victim and was kidnapped to be sold, unaware that he was Sei Molfer's son. While his mother killed everyone in the place, Kei saw with horror the victims of the brothel, including children... and babies. With that event, Kei realized the gravity of the situation he was in. He wasn't in a pacifist world; he was in a world full of horrible things and had to adapt.

Serial killers.


Organ traffickers.

Sexual deviants.

Drin's past, the woman he loves.

His grandmother.

His mother's tortures... Well, his mother in general.

And a long list goes on.

Kei has seen with his own eyes all sorts of things that would traumatize anyone for life, but that doesn't compare at all to the fear he's feeling at this moment.

The fear of disappointing his sister.

"Shit! Puta madre, valí verga!" Kei thought, filled with fear.

Why was he so nervous and afraid? Well... Kei had a big problem... A huge one.

"Come on, Kei, get on!"

Seiya arrived at Kei's house to go to the capital together... And she brought a Unicorn with her. Horned horses. The purest animals.

Kei, Mei and his father also came out to greet her... And that worried Kei even more. Why? Because Unicorns are very demanding when it comes to purity. What does that mean? It means that Unicorns hate being touched by humans who have lost their virginity.

Kei lost his virginity at a very young age, so he has never been seen riding a Unicorn.

"Get on, son, don't keep her waiting."

"W-well, the thing is... I don't think it's a good idea."


His father took hold of Kei's body and lifted him off the ground.

"Come on, don't be shy."

Kei didn't resist at all because he knew it was inevitable for them to discover the truth. If he escaped, it would be too suspicious, and they would find out later, and the punishment he would receive would be worse. He decided to accept his fate and not resist at all to avoid being punished even more.

He tried to get him on the Unicorn, but the Unicorn quickly moved away from them.


Kei lowered his gaze, embarrassed.

"U-Unicorns hate it when impure people touch them."

Kei's father paled upon hearing that. He was going to think that the Unicorn moved away because he himself was close to it, but after seeing Kei's expression and hearing his words, he realized the truth.

"K-Kei, you're not...?"

"I have had sex. I'm not pure."


"Eh?!" Mei exclaimed, full of fury.

Kei got off his father's arms and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

Mei and Seiya looked at Kei with confusion... Well, Mei was full of fury and... jealousy.

Why jealous? Because Mei wanted both to lose their virginity together, but after hearing that, she just realized that dream will never come true.

"What?! Who did you do it with?! You don't have a girlfriend! Did you do it with your fiancées?! Those damn women dared to violate you?! Ahhhhhh!! I'll kill them!" Mei shouted, filled with rage.

"Of course not! I'm not a pedophile! I did it with an adult woman!"

"An adult?!" Mei and her father exclaimed, concerned.

Why concerned? Considering Kei's young age and the fact that men only feel sexual attraction towards the women they love, it was quite possible that Kei had been violated by an adult woman.

And, well, considering how he lost his virginity, they weren't wrong.

"Explain everything right now!"

"Son, give me her name right this moment!"


Kei looked away and ran off.

"Seiya, follow me, I'll run!!"


"You won't escape!" Mei shouted.

She tried to run after Kei, but her father grabbed her arm, preventing her from following.

"Father, what are you doing?!"

"He'll talk when he's ready to. He's a Molfer, Mei, and you know perfectly well what that means. Don't waste your time."

Seiya followed Kei with the Unicorn, and Mei began to cry.


"I knew Kei was very different. He behaves like a woman. He feels lust and is powerful. He possibly lost his virginity willingly... Well, well... Should I be proud or worried?"

"Do you really think it was willingly?"

"I don't know, but I hope so. When your mother comes back, we'll talk to him."

"Brother... Idiot."

Mei ran off.

"I'll be back later," she said, wiping her tears.

Mei had a goal in mind.

Mei's heart is broken because her beloved brother and first love gave his first time to another woman, but she's not willing to give up.

"I'll become stronger... You'll fall in love with my strength, brother."

Why did Mei fall in love with her own brother? The main reason is because Kei is the knight who always protects her.

Kei has always protected and taken care of her because that's what siblings do, they protect and take care of each other, but in Mei's case, it had a profound impact.

When Mei was 6 years old, a certain action by Kei had such an impact on her that it completely changed her. If she had seen Kei differently before, after that, it completely changed the way Mei saw her brother.

She was crying in the garden of their house.

She was alone and sad. It was a quite depressing scene because poor Mei suffered a lot from losing one of her most important possessions: her doll.

She was drawing the figure of a doll on the ground using her small fingers and dirt.


Nina was Mei's doll, a doll that held great importance to her, but her older siblings, out of pure envy and spite, destroyed it.

She was devastated. She was so sad that she didn't even hit her siblings, because losing her doll left her quite disheartened, and the last thing she wanted was to see her siblings, let alone touch them, even with her fists.

But someone tried to put a smile back on her face.

Someone stood behind her and covered her eyes.

"Who am I?"


Kei smiled and removed his hand.


A real doll was placed on Mei's drawing. Kei had put it there when he covered Mei's eyes.

The same doll her siblings had destroyed.


"It was very cruel of our siblings to break your doll. Don't worry, I hit them for you. I fixed your doll as much as I could. I replaced some parts, but it's still the same."

"T-thank you!"

Mei hugged Kei tightly, and he caressed her head, feeling Mei's tears on his chest, making him smile for making his sister happy again.

And her siblings were being mocked by the commoners because Kei made them dance naked through the streets of the Capital.

"Don't worry, it was nothing."

Kei remembered Nia. Once, he found Nia crying because another girl had broken her doll.

Kei learned how to sew and fixed Nia's doll because he didn't want to see her sad any longer.

Mei's reaction was the same as Nia's.

Kei told Nia, "When you need help, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll always be with you to help you."

Kei's kindness was one of the reasons Nia fell in love with him.

"When you need help, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll always be with you to help you."

Kei decided to say the same thing because he felt nostalgic when he heard Mei say the same words as Nia.


"Yes, Mei... Well, almost always... As long as I'm alive, I'll always be with you."

Kei knew he would die or return to his world when the battle with Fravi was over. Kei wants to go back to his world. He promised himself that nothing would change his mind. And if his companions wanted to go with him, they would go, but Mei wasn't included in that plan.


"Shall we play hide-and-seek?"


"It's a game I invented."

"Sure, let's play!" Mei said, with a big smile full of happiness on her face.

Just like Nia, Mei fell in love with Kei's kindness.

Mei is very similar to Nia... Too similar.

"Infernal Wind!"

Mei was in a dungeon, fighting a Goblin Queen.

Her hands were surrounded by fire, and she created a gust of wind with flames that started burning the Goblin Queen.

The Goblin Queen began to burn alive, and her screams of pain echoed loudly through the dungeon.


Mei shouted loudly and threw a fireball at the Goblin Queen.

It hit the Goblin Queen's head and exploded.

The headless body of the Goblin Queen fell to the ground, and Mei smiled.

"34 seconds... I have to surpass Kei's 5 seconds."

Although Kei's current record is 0.5 seconds.

While Mei was training, Kei was eating at an elegant restaurant with Seiya, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on, Kei, open your mouth."

Seiya was offering Kei some of her food, but he refused to accept it.

"N-no, thanks, I don't like Drequeso..."

Seiya took advantage of Kei having his mouth open and shoved the spoon into his mouth.

Kei blushed, and Seiya smiled at him.

"Is it delicious?"

"A-a bit..." Kei said, but before he could continue speaking, an important piece of news reached him. News that would put an end to the peace in his life.

[Dear husband, the hero Sepgrar has died! A very powerful demon killed her in Turger! They found her body torn apart!]

Terkiana's words worried Kei... And even more with one in particular.

"Turger?" Kei said.

Upon hearing that word, Seiya began to tremble.

"W-what did you say?"

Kei noticed that... Why did she start trembling? Kei wondered.

"Is something wrong, Seiya?"

"W-why did you mention the name of that country?"

"I remembered that I'm going to visit that country. I'm interested in visiting 'Celestia Turger' school. They say it's one of the best schools... Why were you trembling? Is something bad happening in Turger?"

"The truth is... yes... But it's a secret, I'm sorry."

"I see... Is that the reason you're studying here?"

"Yes... I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"Well, well. I see... It's fine, no problem. If you need help, you can ask me."

"Thank you."

[Thought communication" activated. I will go to Turger in 2 months. Drin, training with transformation magic should be increased. Mio, increase the training of Nerka, Grisia, Eris and Nem. Eris, visit the guild and look for quests with big rewards. We need a lot of money... Lots and lots of money.]

[Why so much? We already have plenty, nya.]

[I have a plan. Drin, how are the pills coming along?]

[They are still very temporary, darling, and we can only use 5% of our power.]

[At least it increased by 1%.]

Kei sighed and closed his eyes.

"Goodbye, peace, te extrañaré mucho (I will miss you very much)." Kei thought.