
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

CHAPTER 40- Victory!

CHAPTER 40- Victory!

Kei has 2 big fears.

He was afraid of being a victim of NTR. It's a fear he developed when he read a novel. The protagonist loved his girlfriend, he was the perfect boyfriend... And his girlfriend cheated on him with a richer and more handsome guy. When Kei read that, he cried a little... He felt bad for the protagonist and wondered, "Could that happen to me?" Kei was afraid of being cheated on. By the way, in the novel, the girl got pregnant and the handsome guy abandoned her. The protagonist married a cute and kind girl, so Kei felt better reading that. And the protagonist's ex-girlfriend regretted cheating on him. When Kei read that, he jumped for joy.

Kei hates everything related to NTR and rape, because even though it's fiction, Kei feels bad for the characters that are hurt in those stories. Kei is an empathetic guy, although that causes him a lot of problems sometimes.

"Ahhhhhhhh! This makes no logical sense! Why did he forgive her?!"

"Fufu. Hahahahahaha! Your reactions are so funny!" Cris said, laughing at Kei.

Sometimes, when Kei lost a bet with Cris, he forced him to read NTR stories just to make Kei suffer and see his reactions, which he considered cute and adorable.

Kei hated and felt disgusted reading those types of stories, but that's nothing compared to his biggest fear.

His other big fear... His own mother.

Sei Molfer is a sadistic and evil woman. She has no mercy for anyone, absolutely anyone, not even her own family. In training, she doesn't let Kei or Mei rest. If Kei didn't have healing magic, he would have died over 50 times... No, it was many more times, but Kei was so damaged that he lost his memory of the other occasions.

Kei knows his mother's temper and strength perfectly. He promised himself never to make her angry... And Near made the mistake of making her angry... And a lot.

And an angry Sei Molfer is not a pretty sight.

"I feel bad for Near," Kei whispered, seeing the spectacle before his eyes.

[Kei, don't stay silent, nya!]

[DARLING, tell me you're okay! Don't worry, we'll steal some potions and...!]

Kei was talking to Drin and Eris through the [Thought Communication] ability, to tell them what was happening and prevent her from doing something stupid.

[I order you to stay in the city and not come. Eris, the same goes for you. I'll be fine. We'll talk later. The heroes might notice that I'm using this ability.]

[N-No, wait...!]

Kei blocked communication for a few hours.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

Despite being more powerful, Near was losing the fight.

Sei Molfer was mercilessly beating Near's face on the ground, and with each blow, the whole place shook, and even the heroes felt pain just by seeing it.

"Ouch. I admit that at first I felt satisfaction seeing her suffer, but I think this is too much," Sepgrar said.

"Fufu. Nah, I still feel satisfaction. She brought it upon herself," Bandia said, crossing her arms and smiling happily.

"But this doesn't make sense. How is it possible that Sei Molfer managed to take 77% of Near's life points with just one hit? It's illogical," Luna said, still not believing what she was seeing.

"Hehe. That's what happens when Near drops her guard against my mother. Near didn't protect her body with magic, and my mother took advantage of that to hit her with all her magical power, distributing all the damage she caused throughout Near's body, severely damaging it and forcing her to use her magic to repair it, which greatly decreased the advantage Near had over my mother," Mei said proudly.

"In other words, after that first hit and drinking magical energy potions, although Near still had the advantage, thanks to my mother's experience gained from the thousands of fights she has had and won, they were even, at least at the beginning," said Kei, who was slowly regaining energy thanks to Mei, who helped him drink healing potions that he retrieved from his [Magic Storage].

"The Molfer family, warriors who train every day since they can walk... Being able to do so much damage to Near... Sei Molfer is a monster," Frima said.

"I still can't believe this is happening. Sei Molfer shouldn't be this powerful. Can experience really defeat power?" Luna said.

"Considering that we're witnessing it, yes, it's possible," Kaya said.

And as they discussed the situation they were witnessing, Sei Molfer continued to hit Near. And although Near tried to move away or hit Sei Molfer, she dodged each of her attacks and counterattacked, gradually decreasing Near's remaining energy.

"Stop moving, insect!!!" Near shouted, furious but also desperate to not even be able to hit Sei Molfer once.

Sei Molfer tightly closed her eyes.

"Tsk. Earth," Sei Molfer said.

Near smiled and took advantage of the "distraction" to kick Sei Molfer, as she believed she would surprise her with a kick, as she had been attacking her with her fists.

But unexpectedly for her, Sei Molfer crouched down and perfectly dodged the kick. And after dodging that kick, Sei Molfer looked up and smiled at Near, who was terrified, as she had fallen into her trap. She pretended that dirt had fallen into her eye just so Near would let her guard down a little, enough to surprise her.

"Idiot," Sei Molfer said, smiling.

She grabbed Near by the leg and began to hit her against the ground multiple times, as if playing whack-a-mole, but instead of a hammer, she was using Near's body to hit the ground.

Near was being humiliated, and that only increased her anger.

"D-damn it!"

Near tried to attack by launching a fireball from her mouth, but Sei Molfer simply dodged her attack without any difficulty and hit Near's stomach with her knee.

Near vomited both blood and her lunch, and Sei Molfer grabbed her by the hair.

She looked her in the eyes and raised her fist, while Near just trembled and did nothing to defend herself, instinctively understanding that it was useless to try to attack her.

"Never touch my children, bitch."

"What are you?" Near said, although her voice was very low.

"A Molfer."

She began to mercilessly hit her in the face, spilling blood from both of them on the ground. Near was losing blood from the wounds on her face, and Sei Molfer was injuring her hand with each punch, but she didn't care and continued to hit Near regardless of the pain or damage her hand was suffering.

"Sh-she's going to kill her!" Charlotte screamed, frightened, because if Near died, the humans' chances of victory would decrease dramatically.

"We must stop Sei Molfer!" said Frima.

"Huh? Can't we watch a little more?" said Bandia, sad to know that the show would soon end.

"No!" shouted the heroes, and Bandia sighed.

"Ah, okay. Let's go, let's save her ass."

The heroes tried to approach them, but a barrier of ice appeared in front of them.


"Don't do anything. She brought it on herself," said Kei, who had created the ice with his left hand, surprising Luna, as Kei had no magic power a few minutes ago.

She stared fixedly at Kei and opened her eyes completely, surprised by something she saw in his status.

And while Luna analyzed the situation, one of the heroes became enraged and approached Kei.

"Don't interfere, kid!" said Riafra.

Riafra tried to hit him, but Mei stopped her fist with her hands.

Riafra attacked him with the intention of threatening him, not killing him, which is why Mei was able to stop the attack.

"Don't touch my brother!"

Mei jumped and gave her a big kick in the face, while Kei's face hit the ground, as his head was on Mei's lap, a head that flew off when Mei jumped without warning.

"Ouch," Kei complained.

Riafra flew off and Kei slowly got up from the ground.

When Mei landed on the ground, Kei hugged his cute sister tightly, filled with pride.

"Incredible! You've become more powerful, Mei! Congratulations!" said Kei, although he meant something else by that.

"T-thank you, brother!" said Mei, whose face turned red with the emotion of being hugged by her beloved brother.

Meanwhile, Near tried to attack Sei Molfer with her sword, with no result.

Sei Molfer easily dodged her attacks. Near was desperate and furious, and that prevented her from thinking clearly, making her attacks more predictable.

"Why?! Why are you so powerful?! You're supposed to be weak! I'm a hero! I'm more powerful than you! I'm superior to you!!"

Sei Molfer sighed disappointedly and kicked Near's sword, causing the sword to fly and fall to the ground behind Near, who couldn't believe what was happening to her.

She stopped her attacks and stood still, trying to process everything that was happening to her.

"If you keep acting like that, there definitely won't be a world where my children can live. You're a complete disappointment."

"Ah-h-h-h-h! I'm Near, the first princess of the Royal Near family!! My blood is pure, not tainted with any flaws!! I'm above all of you!! I'm much better than you!!! This can't be happening!!!"

Seeing Near screaming desperately, everyone present felt embarrassed and looked away to avoid watching it.

"She's gone crazy," everyone thought, except Sei Molfer, who said it to her face.

"You're insane. You let your emotions control you. You don't deserve the power Fravi gave you. You don't even deserve to be called a warrior. You're pathetic."

"You... You're just a human!!"


Sei Molfer grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

"Molfers are more than just humans, don't forget that."

She raised her fist, while her gaze penetrated Near's pride, who could only feel fear and terror, as she was facing a furious Sei Molfer.

"Let me give you a piece of advice, young lady. Remember this: 'Experience is more powerful than strength.' Never let your guard down against someone weaker than you."

She took a swing and punched Near in the face with her right fist, breaking most of her teeth. Realizing that, she noticed that Near no longer had the magical power to keep protecting her body from attacks, meaning that she received the blow with a weakened and unprotected body, giving Sei Molfer the absolute victory.

Near's head hit the ground hard... She was unconscious... Sei Molfer defeated Near... How is this possible? Why did Near lose? The answer is simple: she was overconfident. Sei Molfer took advantage of that to attack her with all her strength.

Sei Molfer had more experience than Near. It doesn't matter how powerful you are if you don't know how to use your power, you're weak.

Sei Molfer was weaker than Near, but she knew how to attack her. Near gets angry easily. Sei Molfer knew that and took advantage of it. When she gets angry, Near loses concentration and doesn't think about her attacks. She attacked Sei Molfer desperately... And that was pathetic.

That sealed the result of this fight.

Sei Molfer vs. Near, the most powerful hero.

Victory for Sei Molfer.

"I won," she said, looking disappointed at Near.

She clicked her tongue aggressively, feeling disgusted by Near's behavior in a fight. She didn't even consider her worthy of participating in a fight.

She couldn't even see Near as a warrior, much less as a hero, which is why a daring and risky idea crept into her head.

"I wonder if... Fravi, give me the [Dragon Sword]. This woman doesn't deserve it."

"Huh?" Kei said, scared by those words.

Kei felt great fear flooding his being just by thinking about the possibility of his mother becoming a hero because he knows perfectly well that heroes will be his enemies in the future, and if his mother becomes a hero, he will definitely die, as she taught him everything he knows. If Sei Molfer becomes a hero, she will become much more powerful than she already is, and considering that she knows perfectly well how Kei fights, it would be impossible for Kei to defeat her.

"If my mother becomes a hero, I will never be able to fulfill my mission," Kei thought.

And while his mother extended her hand toward Near, red lightning began to emanate from Kei's body, frightening Mei and the heroes, except Luna, who only smiled at him.

"Goodbye," said Sei Molfer, with a triumphant smile on her face.

Kei recognized that terrifying smile and ran towards it as fast as he could.

Sei Molfer's triumphant smile.

The smile of death.

"Don't do it!" Kei screamed, desperate, as his eyes turned red and a large number of small rays shot out of them.

Everything around him started moving slowly.

"Magic in my eyes and legs..." he thought.

Sei Molfer was creating a fireball with her magic... She wanted to kill Near.

"I have to get there..." Kei thought.

He took a leap and jumped towards them.

He used wind magic to propel himself further.

Sei Molfer tried to attack Near with the fireball, but Kei arrived just in time and took the attack for Near.

"Brother!!" Mei screamed, crying and scared, as the wound Kei received was lethal.

"I did it."

The fireball hit his chest and exploded. Fortunately, his body was able to withstand the attack, at least enough to keep his heart safe.

Kei fell to the ground and began to lose blood. He had no magic power to protect his body, so even though he resisted it, his body was more damaged than before.


"Brother!!" Mei screamed as she ran towards him.

Kei gathered a little of his remaining energy and slowly got up from the ground.

"M-mother... if you kill a hero, they will kill you... think before you act... Fravi... can't help us anymore... you won't become a hero... don't... do it..."

He looked up and smiled at his mother.

"I'm okay... But I'm hungry."

He was not okay... He had a huge wound in his chest and was losing too much blood, but he felt okay because he managed to stop his mother from becoming a hero.

"Mother... thank you for... saving us..."

Kei fell unconscious to the ground.

Mei hugged him, trying to use healing magic, but unexpectedly Kei's wounds disappeared without her doing anything.


"This boy prevented you from doing something stupid, Sei Molfer," said Frima, who had healed Kei.

After fully healing him, she lowered her hand and smiled at Sei Molfer.

"Fravi has already helped us enough, she can't keep helping us. If Near dies, the [Dragon Sword] will disappear. If you had killed her, you would have left us with one less hero. You were lucky that your son prevented you from doing something crazy."

"Mmm... this is strange. How is it possible that this boy has recovered magical energy so quickly? I didn't see him drink any magic energy potions, only healing ones," Gelisha said.

"Don't worry about that, that boy just saved his magic energy, he didn't use it all. He probably knew his mother was on her way. Right, Luna?" Bandia said.

Luna nodded, although she knew the truth was different.

"And how is it possible that he survived? That attack should have been enough to kill Near. Why was his body able to withstand the attack? It would be logical for his body to have exploded," Gelisha said.

"Don't you remember the red rays coming out of him?" Frima said.

"Oh, right... special magic, huh?"

"The same special magic as his mother's, or am I wrong?" Bandia said, looking Sei Molfer in the eyes, and she nodded.

"Yes, Kei has the same special magic as me," Sei Molfer replied.

"Huh? What is it?" Gelisha said.

And while Sei Molfer replied to them, far away in another city, Drin cried and hit her head against the floor, trying to disobey Kei's orders, but she couldn't. She tried to use [Teleportation], but her familiar mark prevented her from going to help.

Eris was by her side, trying to calm her down.

"Kei is still alive, trust him."

"Shut up, you damn cat bitch!"

"I want to help him too, but it wouldn't be of any use, nya. I would only go and die. If Kei ordered us to stay, it's because he doesn't want us to die in vain. We can only stay and pray for him."

"Pray? Pray?! No god will help us!"

"Drin, just trust Kei. If you really trust him, then obey his orders. He will be fine, just trust."

"Of course I trust him!"

"Then show that you do!"


Drin sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around her legs, while blood from her head splattered on the ground.


At dusk.

Kei was asleep in his bed, and his chest was bandaged. Although Frima healed him, Mei bandaged him for a simple reason: just as a precaution. She bathed him and took care of him while he slept, until her mother forced her to leave Kei alone and took her out of Kei's room.

"No... It's not fair, Nia... That piece of chicken was mine... Give it to me..."

A sleeping Kei began to bite his pillow.

"Don't cry, it was mine... I'll give you my piece of cake..."

[Darling! Please respond!]

Drin's shout woke him up, and he sat up in bed, agitated.

"Eh?! Oh, that caught me off guard."

He yawned and scratched his head as he answered Drin.

[What's going on, Drin?]

[We're worried about you! You said someone tried to kill you! What happened?! Why weren't you answering?! Are you okay?! Did they capture you?! Where are you?! I'll come rescue you!]

[Oh, right. When my mother started fighting Near, I contacted you... I forgot... My mother defeated Near... But she tried to kill her. I had to sacrifice my body to save Near.]

[Why did you save her?!]

[Heroes are human heroes... If my mother had killed her, our family would have been an enemy of humanity. They would try to kill us, and we would not live in peace... I need to be Kei Molfer for a few more years. Well, there was also the possibility that my mother would become a hero if she killed Near, so I better prevent that... Changing the subject, how are you? Has anything bad happened?]

[We were worried about you... Please don't take any more risks.]

[It's a promise I can't keep... I'm sorry, I'm hungry, I want to eat. I'll talk to you later... I love you... And I'm sorry.]

[I love you too... Please take care of yourself, darling.]

The communication ended, and Kei smiled.

"It feels good to have someone special... I didn't take advantage of my adolescence... I never got a girlfriend in my world... I have to take advantage of my new life... What do couples do?"

"Go out together. Hold hands. Watch movies together. Kiss."

"That's all? It sounds simple. But movies don't exist in this world... Wait..."

Yes, Kei was an idiot... A big idiot.


Slowly, Kei turned his head to his left.

In a corner of the room, the hero Luna was sitting on the floor.

She smiled and waved at him.

"Hello, Kei. Or rather, Hero Kei. I knew you were Hero Kei, it was too obvious."

"I'm an idiot!" said Kei, getting out of bed and moving away.

Luna got up and approached him.

Kei was getting ready to escape, but Luna began to shake her arms.

"I'm not your enemy. Please listen to me."

Realizing that he could use [Teleportation], Kei decided not to use it and listen to her, because if he could use it, it meant that she didn't want to fight. He decided to take the risk and listen to her.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone... Just answer my question. Where did you live?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"I think you already know. Summoned heroes come from different worlds. I want to know if you come from my world."

"... Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Kei asked.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," Luna replied.

"Okay... I used to live in a city called 'Sectar 86'. I lived in a country called 'Onperk K43'," Kei said.

"I knew that... That's why you looked familiar," Luna said with a smile.


"Don't worry, it's not important... Goodbye."

"Wait... Why are you doing this? Are you really not going to tell anyone?" Kei asked.

"You helped me once. We're even now. I won't tell anyone, don't worry... I give you my word," Luna said as she walked away.

"Hey... Thanks... I promise I'm not planning anything bad... I want to defeat the demons," Kei said.

"I believe you... But Fravi wants you dead... Be careful, Kei... Take care. See you later," Luna said before leaving the room.

Kei let out a relieved sigh as Luna left.

He collapsed onto the floor, exhausted from what had just happened, and closed his eyes.

"I didn't feel any malice from her... She wasn't lying... Do I know her? I don't recognize her... But thanks for keeping my secret," Kei thought to himself.

He opened his eyes.

"I made a mistake. I'm still naive. I can't make the same mistake... Luna, thank you so much."

The day off arrived and Kei decided to go to the Crimson City. It took him several hours to get there, as he decided to travel as Crisfa, without using [Teleportation], just to avoid suspicion about his secret identity.

Kei, in his adventurer form, knocked on the door of a three-story house rented by his companions.

"Girls, I'm back...!" He said as they immediately opened the door and Eris and Drin took him by the arms and pulled him inside.

"Uh?!" He blushed as they hugged him tightly, and he couldn't breathe because Eris and Drin's breasts were suffocating him.

"We missed you, darling!"

"I'm so happy to see you, nya! I thought I was going to lose you, nya!"

Both had teary eyes, and that made Kei feel guilty for worrying them.

"G-girls... I'm also happy to see you... But I can't breathe!"


Both let him go, and Kei tried to catch his breath.

"I'm okay... I'm hungry. Do you want to go out to eat?"

Both took him by the hands.

"I'll prepare something for you!" they said at the same time.

They looked at each other, and their smiles disappeared.

"He'll eat my food. You go hunt for mice, cat."

"Your food? What are you going to cook, demon? Human meat with broth, nya?"

"Have you already tasted human meat? It tastes better than mice."

"Kei prefers human food, nya."

"He will love my cooking."

"I don't think so."

"If this were an anime, sparks would be flying in their eyes," Kei thought as he saw them angry at each other.

Kei hugged them by the neck and smiled to calm them down.

"I'll cook. I'll be a harem protagonist, but I won't be a protagonist who is waited on by his girlfriends. That would be too macho... I'll cook for you."


"D-don't you want to taste my food? Yes, I understand... Nobody would eat my disgusting food..." Kei said in a sad tone before being interrupted by the girls.

"We'll eat it!" they said quickly to avoid hurting Kei's feelings.

But Kei said it that way just to manipulate them into accepting and stop fighting.

"Take a seat, I'll prepare something for you," he said smiling.

After 30 minutes, Kei finished cooking.

On the table, there were plates with salad, sauces, meat, eggs, and orange juice.

The girls were drooling at such a feast, and Kei was satisfied with his work.

"Let's eat!" Kei said, lifting a piece of meat with a fork.

Both tasted the meat at the same time.

Realizing the delicious taste of the meat, they opened their eyes completely and blushed.

"It's delicious, darling!"

"It's the best thing I've ever eaten, nya!"

"It's because of the secret ingredient. Love... And a little bit of magic powder I created," Kei said smiling.

Kei was about to taste his food, but someone interrupted him.

Someone knocked on the door, and Kei got up.

"Who could it be? I hope it's not a salesman or someone from Fravi's religion."

He opened the door, and a woman in armor stood in front of the entrance.

Kei continued to use his adventurer form, as he decided to always use that form while in that city to avoid anyone seeing Kei Molfer in that city.

"Yes? What can I do for you, miss?"

"Please come with me."

"Uh? Why? I just moved in and they're already charging me taxes?!"

"The guild master wants to see you."

"Ah... I see... I'm eating, I'll go see her later."

"I'm sorry, but you must accompany me now."

"I don't want to, I'm eating."

"You can't say no."

Kei sighed and decided to accept to avoid any trouble.

"Girls, I'll be back in a few minutes, don't worry about me!"

He left the house and began to walk alongside the woman.

"I'm hungry."