
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 41 - Class C Adventurer.

CHAPTER 41 - Class C Adventurer.

(Pov - Kei.)

Uffffff. This city is really different from the Capital. It looks much more modern and clean compared to the Capital. Tourism really improved the place.

Leaving that aside, I was very happy to see that, although they still hate each other, I think they are getting along a little better. I was worried because I thought Eris would end up traumatized by the things Drin could do to her or make her see, but I think nothing bad happened while I was away.

Yes, things are improving for me... Well, almost everything is going well for me.

Although the issue with the heroes went well in a certain way, Luna discovered my identity as the hero Kei. Fortunately, she knows me. I don't know exactly where from, but she knows me. She is from my world. Is she a friend of Cris or did I meet her in a swimming competition? Either way, she trusts me... I think... Or did I really do her a favor in our original world? The important thing is that, although she knows my identity, she will not accuse me and will keep the secret. Thank you very much, Luna! You really saved me. But that doesn't mean I will trust you. I'm planning an emergency plan in case you decide to betray me.

Well, for now, I'll just try to live my life as normally as possible... Except for one thing: focusing on Mei's training.

Mei has a special magic, and that special magic gave me back magic energy. I don't know what her special magic is, but we need to find out. A magic like that would be very helpful.

"I've heard a lot of rumors about you, Crisfa. And if the guild master wants to talk to you, I suppose those rumors are true."

"Fufu. Of course it's true! The rumors about the great Crisfa are real...! Except for that rumor that I'm a demon disguised as a human. That rumor was invented out of envy! By the way, cutie, who is the most powerful adventurer in the guild? I understand it's Chersy, but she left the guild."

"After Chersy, I think it would be... Mmm... Rossy? Yes, I think it would be Rossy or Lannaknya."

"Well, well. I see..."

Although I understand that those two are related to the heroes Kaya and Charlotte. It's better if I don't try to get involved with them.

I was too lucky this time with the heroes, but that doesn't mean I will always be lucky. The farther I stay from the heroes, the better.

"By the way, Chersy hasn't left the guild, she just left the country for a while."

"Well, well. Thank you."

I feel disgusted and scared of Chersy, so I don't care or want to get involved with someone like her. My half-sister is just like Chersy, so I won't get involved with her either.

I understand that Chersy is traveling the world to break my mother's records by clearing Class S dungeons, so I don't have to worry about her for a long time.

Knowing her personality, she will definitely try to kill me when she finds out that I have surpassed my mother's records, at least in terms of status.

That woman is crazy, I don't even want to see her. She disgusts me so much.

I don't know who is crazier, Chersy or my mother? Well, definitely my mother is crazier, but since we are family, she won't show us the limit of her madness, unlike Chersy who, since we are not related, would do horrible things to us just for fun.

My mother has never tortured us with her sadistic sexual tortures, like sticking things up our anuses, destroying our private parts with hammers, sticking live worms in our private parts, and so on. She has not done that because we are family, but Chersy is not our family. If we fall into her clutches, or rather, her spider legs, she is definitely going to torture us worse than my mother.

Chersy, I hope it takes you many, many years to come back. I still can't forget what you did to me when I was 5 years old.

"We're here," said Kei.

Kei looked at the enormous entrance of the guild. This guild was very different from the Capital guild. It was much larger and more elegant, almost like a mansion. The Capital guild seemed like garbage in comparison to this one. And why were they so different? It was because of the Molfer family.

The Molfer family had lived in the Capital for hundreds of years, and since they always ended up killing the monsters that appeared in the surrounding areas of the Capital, the Capital guild had fewer missions available compared to this city's guild, which had many more missions to solve, and more missions always meant greater profits for the guild.

"It's huge... In anime, the guilds that are in the Capital of a country are the best guilds... I suppose that in this world, it's different... This guild is much better... I guess the Fate dungeon has something to do with it," Kei thought.

"Is this your first time visiting the guild?" said the woman in armor.

"It's my first time visiting the city... It's... very different from the Capital... It's prettier," Kei replied.

"My shift ends in an hour. Do you want me to show you around the city?" she asked.

She was clearly trying to flirt with Kei. She was looking him in the eyes and smiling at him so that he would notice her, but Kei misinterpreted her flirting... As always.

"That's very kind of you, but I have some pending matters," Kei replied.

"I see. No problem," she said.

It was very obvious that she was trying to flirt with him... But Kei was an idiot!

"She's a very kind girl. Not all girls treat men like that," Kei thought.

He didn't realize they were trying to seduce him. Kei simply thought that the girl was being kind to him, the possibility that she was flirting with him never crossed his mind.

They entered the guild, and Kei observed everything around him. It was really huge, white, and bright. There were two restaurants inside the guild and a bar.

Adventurers were chatting and having fun, and although there were still adventurers with slaves who clearly suffered abuse, the number was small compared to the Capital guild. This guild seemed more civilized.

The adventurers also enjoyed betting, as there was a kind of casino inside the guild.

It was a very lively and pleasant place to see, except for the slaves, but it was something inevitable.

"It's nice. Although it looks more like a casino than a guild," Kei said.

"Please, follow me," the woman said.

"Of course," Kei replied.

Kei followed the woman, and they went up to the third floor of the guild.

"It's here," she said.

She knocked on the door of an office.

"Come in," a lovely feminine voice said, surprising Kei, as he expected the guild master to be rougher and not so feminine.

They opened the door to the guild master's office, and both of them entered.

"You must be Crisfa. It's a pleasure to meet you," Kei said.

A beautiful young girl greeted him.

She was somewhat flat-chested, had short blue hair, red eyes, and wore a witch's hat.

In addition to the hat, she wore glasses and had long rabbit ears, making Kei blush because it was extremely adorable.

She had the characteristics of a cliché loli, but she was tall. She looked like a 15-year-old girl... Although women in this world aged more slowly compared to women in other worlds, mainly because beauty is very important to Fravi and the women of this world. She was actually 34 years old.

Kei was surprised to see her, not only because of how adorable she is, but also because of her physical characteristics and the way she dresses.

For him, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, mainly because, like Gelisha, the guild master fulfills all the things that Kei finds attractive in women.

"She's beautiful," he thought as he continued to stare at her.

He said nothing, just observed her... And he remained that way for several seconds, worrying the guild master.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry, your beauty surprised me..."

Realizing what he said, Kei blushed with embarrassment and covered his mouth.

"Why did I say that?!" he thought nervously.

"Well, well. Thank you. That was very sweet of you," she said, smiling.

Kei lowered his gaze, ashamed, avoiding looking at her.

"You may leave, Frisha."

"Thank you."

Frisha, the woman who accompanied Kei, left the office.

"Fufu. Well, well... Kei Molfer, you're very mature for your age. Are you really only 12 years old?"

"I suppose they told you about me... When you're Sei Molfer's son, you have to be mature to survive. If I had the mind of a child, my mother would hate me and I'd probably be six feet under by now."

The guild master sighed and crossed her arms.

"I told your mother to treat her children with kindness... I guess she didn't listen."

"So... do you want to talk about something?"

"Yes. I heard about your situation. To be honest, I was glad to hear that you resigned from the Capital's guild. They didn't appreciate you. They lost a great adventurer. And we gained a great adventurer... Well, I hope so. Will you join my guild?"

"Of course... But I hope I won't be discriminated against."

"Don't worry, here you'll have the class you deserve. With your record, I can give you a class C."

"Really?! So fast?! Great! Thank you so much, you won't regret it!"

"I just have two conditions. First: You must participate in the "Destiny" tournament. Second condition: You must make it to the final."

Kei's smile slowly disappeared upon hearing those conditions.

"Eh...? Did my mother tell you to give me those options?!"

"Fufu. You know her perfectly well."

Kei knew about the tournament. He really didn't want to participate. Why? It's cliché... Too cliché!

He didn't want to participate in unnecessary clichéd situations, because that would only waste his time, valuable time that he could use for training or going on dates with his girlfriends.

In addition, there was another reason why he didn't want to participate in that tournament. His mother.

"Damn it... My mother will participate... She'll make it to the final as always... She wants to fight me... I'm dead!"

"I don't think she... No, she would kill her own son... Good luck, Kei...! You'll need it."

"Yeah... I guess I have no choice... Ah... With a heavy heart, I accept."

"Perfect. I'll take care of the paperwork. You can pick up your card tomorrow."

"Yes, thank you..."

Kei left the office quite depressed.

"More clichés... My mother won't have mercy on me... Damn it."

He walked down the stairs and sat at the bar.

"So lazy."

And from a distance, Cris, who was sitting at a table, watched Kei, while a small Slime devoured a slice of cake.

"Kei Molfer. Kei Edna... No... It's impossible for my Kei to be related to demons. Who are you really, you disgusting impostor?" Cris thought as she chewed her food.

And so, a misunderstanding was born. A misunderstanding that would bring many consequences.

(World 39)

World number 39. It's a magical world.

Unlike other magical worlds, magic cannot be easily improved. It takes a lot of effort to be able to use and improve it... Or be born with the talent to handle it. Only a small percentage of the population can use magic.

People with magical talent are treated like heroes... And people without talent are just background characters, unimportant... But a background character will fight to become the main character.

"I'm starving."

While Kei was thinking about the hell he would suffer in the tournament, a boy in world 39 was in a classroom. A boy who doesn't know his life is about to change.

"What did you bring today?"

"My father prepared some rice with meat for me. Ahhhhhhhh! And it has carrots! I hate carrots!"

"Eat the carrots or I'll tell your dad."

"Buuuuu. You're mean, Saria. And I'm so nice to you."

"Yes, yes, of course. The gentleman is so kind he didn't want to do my homework."

"I'm kind, not stupid... Well, I am stupid, but not that much!"

Our background character, "Dreiko", or simply "Drei".

He's a boy with big dreams. He wants to become a hero... But he doesn't have the talent to be one. A boy who doesn't have the talent to use magical power in his body.

He has hair as white as snow and his eyes are a weak red tone, almost pink.

He was eating with his best friend, Saria, in a classroom that looked like a classroom from a world with technology. It didn't seem like they were in a magical world.

His best friend is a somewhat cute girl, but not really. She has slightly large breasts, long black hair, and completely black eyes... Literally completely black.

They were eating in a classroom, together as always, like the good friends they are, although he really wanted to be more than friends, but he knows perfectly well that that would never happen, and even if it did, it would never work.

Both are 16 years old and are too similar in their personalities and interests, that's why they're best friends.

"Do you want some of my food, Saria?"

"Yes, thank you."

Using her spoon, Saria took some of Drei's food and put it in her mouth.

"It's delicious. Do you want some of mine?"

"Sure, thanks!" Drei said happily and excitedly.

Drei took some of her food and immediately put it in his mouth.

"Saria's home cooking is delicious!" he thought excitedly.

He swallowed what he had in his mouth.

"Hey, Saria, I was thinking that... Ah..."

Drei realized that Saria couldn't stop staring at a handsome boy... He was surrounded by girls and boys... He was a popular boy, unlike them, who have always been alone and have no other friends.

Drei doesn't really mind their loneliness, as he doesn't feel it as loneliness, he's happy having Saria as his best friend, but she wants to be as popular as that boy. A boy she admires with all her heart... And knowing that hurts Drei.

She was a little flushed, and Drei looked down, somewhat sad, because he knows he can never be like him.

"It really hurts," he thought with a smile, knowing he must move on and not take that kind of thing seriously.

He was in love with her, but he knew he was no match for Iskei.

Iskei was handsome and had a talent for magic... And Drei was... average... He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't handsome either... And he had no talent for magic.

They were as different as night and day.

Furthermore, Saria does have a talent for magic. Iskei and she were alike in that regard, except Saria is much weaker than him, which is why she doesn't stand out as much as he does.

"Hey... Why don't you tell him you like him? You both have a talent for magic. You have something in common."

"Eh?! I-I don't dare... I get too nervous when I'm near him. I don't want to ruin it."

"Yeah... Nervous..."

Drei closed his eyes and sighed, as she has never been nervous around him before.

"Damn, it really hurts." He thought, smiling to try and ease the pain.

"We really miss you, darling!"

"You'll be ours all day, nya!"

Kei, in his normal form, was lying on a bed, and Drin and Eris were lying next to him, hugging him.

Kei was immediately taken to bed when he entered the house, which is why he was not mentally prepared for sex and became nervous.

"C-can't we do it later?"

"Sorry for our selfishness, darling, but we want you now."

"I feel the same, nya. I can't stand abstinence anymore."

Kei closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


He opened his eyes and activated his ability in them, instantly moistening them.

"Let's do it," he said with a smile as he returned to his adult form.

The girls smiled even more than before and got into a doggy-style position in front of Kei's eyes, who struggled not to look away.

The girls' butts in front of his eyes were mesmerizing, but he felt too strange being in such a situation. He still hadn't gotten used to it.

"Who will be first, darling?"

"It'll be me, right Kei? Nya, nya."

Eris began to wag her tail while licking her hand like a true cat, winning Kei's attention by using his weakness for adorable things.

Drin pouted slightly, catching Kei's attention, even though she didn't intend to, but she was happy to see that it worked, even though she had planned to do something else.

Eris stroked Kei's crotch with her tail, and Drin did it with her left foot.

"Whom do you choose?" the two said at the same time.

Kei didn't want to choose, because if he chose Drin, Eris would be sad, and vice versa, so he thought of a solution to that problem.

"I'll use my tongue to pleasure both of you at the same time."

Kei increased the power of his ability to heat them up more, and their moans became louder with each caress Kei gave them on their butts.

"Tongue or the other? Choose."

And with a strong spank on each one, they immediately answered him.

"I want you inside me, nya!" said Eris.

"I want your tongue, darling!"

Kei smiled and lay down on the bed.

"Come here, Drin."

Drin quickly put her butt on Kei's face, while Eris took Kei's member with her tail and slowly inserted it into her.

Eris began to move her butt violently while Kei licked Drin's intimate part.

And with the girls' moans being heard as if it were music, Kei wondered, "Am I doing the right thing?"

Kei, in his adult form, was watching the girls sleep.

They were naked, sweaty, and satisfied on the bed, while he sighed and stretched his arms.

"Only 20 minutes? Well, well."

He returned to his normal form and sighed.

"Alright, I'll go eat something."

In an office, Gabrielku met with Grifio to discuss an issue that Grifio was having.

Grifio was furious, but Gabrielku was calm, as he had no interest in the problem that Grifio was having.

"Are you not going to do what I told you?!" Grifio shouted.

"Tinia says we don't need any more children. She doesn't want to take any more risks."

"I don't care what that stupid Queen says! You will do what I tell you!"

"I'm sorry, but Desmolfer told me to obey Tinia, not you. Is that all?"

"How dare you defy me?!"

Gabrielku's tone of voice was polite and calm, while Grifio's was loud and annoying, trying to sound threatening to scare Gabrielku, but it didn't work.

"I must leave. Goodbye."

Gabrielku left the office, and Grifio began biting his thumb.

"Damn it!"

He bit too hard and tore it off.

He tore off his own finger and swallowed it.

"I have to act quickly!"