
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

CHAPTER 29- An impossible love.

CHAPTER 29- An impossible love.

(Some time ago.)

"Ah... I don't understand my mother."

An 11-year-old Kei was flying over a forest. There was snow everywhere, as it was winter, but the cold did not affect Kei at all. There was only one thing bothering him at the time: his mother.

"What kind of mother would send her 11-year-old son on a dangerous mission alone? Does she really care about me? Besides, according to the information, the leaders of the bandit group were B-class adventurers ... I must be careful... Ahhhhhhhh!!! I don't want to die yet!"

Kei considered himself powerful, but he knows perfectly well that he must not let his guard down, for in that world there are people more powerful than he. Letting our guard down would be a stupid mistake.

Class B adventurers are powerful, to take them lightly would be to commit suicide. Kei considers himself capable of defeating them, but that doesn't mean he won't take the fight seriously. Always fight with all your power and without holding back, that's something his mother has taught him.

Sei Molfer gave him the mission to find and capture a group of bandits. She told him: "Kei, you can already control your magic and your physical abilities are excellent. You are now ready to go on missions unaccompanied."

Sei Molfer is a commander of the country's army. Apart from training the warriors, she performs secret and dangerous missions, and wants Kei and Mei to participate with her as well, as she participated in the missions her mother did when she was little.

Kei and Mei have participated in a large number of missions with their mother, but this is the first time Kei has gone on a mission without company or reinforcements.

"I hope I get there in time."

Kei took a breath and sighed, to calm down. He's nervous, because it's his first solo mission. He is afraid that his mission will fail and that his mother will torture him as punishment.

"The merchant told me they were around... Let's see..."

Kei enhanced his vision with magic and began to see around him as he flies, looking for some houses. The houses of the villages in the forests are usually very small, because the people who live in these types of places are people who enjoy living with nature, so their houses are small, so as not to destroy the forests or ruin the landscape.

Kei, after 2 minutes, found what he was looking for.

"Oh, I see a village... And I hear screams ... Ah, maldita sea. No llegué a tiempo. (Ah, damn it. I didn't get there in time.)"

Kei took a breath again and smiled.

One part of him is worried about the villagers, but another part of him is excited to know how powerful his enemies are. His blood Molfer demands a fight.

"Let's go."

The villagers were gathered in the center of the village.

The bandits were watching the villagers.

Most of the villagers were injured and some were dead. The guts of the deceased villagers adorned the ground, along with their mutilated limbs and blood.

The bandits looked quite unharmed, implying that the villagers were not even able to do them any small wounds.

The bandits seemed powerful, and their actions confirmed their power.

"Is that all of them?"

"Yes, they are all."

"Perfect. Burn the village and bring the wagons."

"I'm sorry, ladies, but your plans just changed!"

Kei landed and stretched his arms.

"I flew for 2 hours ... I'm hungry... Hello, good afternoon! My name is Kei and I am here to capture all of you. Don't worry, Sei Molfer wants you alive, that's why I won't kill you. You're pretty lucky, cuties. Now, do you want to give up for good or will I have to use force?"

The bandits began to laugh. Kei was already used to it, so he didn't care and just waited for them to stop laughing.

"Ah, underestimating your enemy without knowing him. A classic. Hey, you idiots, making that mistake could cost you your life, plus your humiliation would be worse."

"He's a cute boy. We will get a lot of money for him."

"Am I worth that much money? Oh, how kind. A couple more compliments and I'm in love with you, beautiful."

"You think you're funny, useless?"

"Nop, I'm just trying to follow the conversation... Oh … Wow..."

One of the bandits approached him and Kei knelt on the ground.

"Wow, wow. G-great. You're very beautiful."- He said smiling, activating his skill on her.


The bandit was excited to hear that and Kei jumped.

"You fell."

He gave her a big blow to the face and the bandit flew off. One of the bandits caught her and realized that she lost consciousness with one blow. Seeing that left her in shock for a second, because the bandits in that group were just as powerful as the B-class adventurers. If Kei was able to defeat her with a single blow, it meant that he represented a danger to them and that they should not underestimate him.

"Wow, wow. I don't feel good about hitting women."

"Damn you!!"

The bandits tried to attack him, but Kei turned away from them and extended his right hand.

"Water spheres!"

A large number of water spheres came out of his hand and hit the bandits, who did not try to dodge them because they did not feel they were dangerous. That is a big mistake.

"Freezing! Winter wind!"

A gust of icy wind, coming from Kei's hand, blew towards them and they began to freeze quickly thanks to being wet.

The bandits were only a meter away from him, but they couldn't reach him in time.


The bandits quickly froze completely, defeating the bandits without much difficulty.

A total of 24 bandits were frozen.

The reason they didn't think Kei was going to do that, was because ice magic is one of the weirdest magic attributes out there, they didn't imagine that Kei could have that magic attribute. They thought the water spheres were only used to distract them.

"Did it work...? I'm not used to using that amount of magic power ... I used 90% of my magic power ... Nah, it was worth it. They seemed powerful."

He walked towards the villagers while observing the dead around him. 13 villagers died trying to protect the village.

"Their intestines are out of their bodies, their eyes were gouged out, their nipples were cut off, as were their limbs... Ah, the bandits are sick. Aunque yo he hecho cosas peores. (Although I've done worse.)"- Kei thought.

Kei felt guilty about those deaths, and a feeling of sadness and guilt flooded his being.

"I arrived late... I am sorry."

His eyes got watery, so he closed them and took a deep breath.

"Don't cry... Don't cry."

He sighed and opened his eyes.

His mother taught him not to show weakness.

"Who is the village leader?"

Everyone looked at him with admiration and gratitude, but they also looked at him with fear. Kei was just a little boy, and besides, he was a man. "What is he?" Everyone wondered.

An old 70-year-old woman approached him.

"I am. Thanks for saving us."

"Don't worry. My name is Kei Molfer, I am Sei Molfer's son. My mother sent me. Blah, blah, blah."

He pulled a small bag from his pocket and tossed it to the leader.

She caught it confused.

"What is it?"

"Magic stones. If you sell them, you will get more than 2,000 gold coins."

"Huh?! 2,000 ?!"

"Looking at the village, anyone would notice that they are very poor. And some of you are very skinny, which means you are starving. I was late and people died. Please accept the money ... And sorry for being late."

"T-this is not your fault."

"Please accept the money."

"But it's too much…"

Kei sighed, as he grew tired of such weak behavior.

"Well, I didn't want to do this ... I, Kei Molfer, son of Sei Molfer, order you to accept the money! I don't like to use my social power, but it was necessary."

—... "If you agree, we will accept it ... Thank you very much."

She knelt down and Kei turned red with shame.

"D-don't kneel. I feel uncomfortable."


He heard a man cry and turned to his left.

An old man was crying while hugging a woman ... That woman was Eris.


Eris had her arms and legs cut off, and lost too much blood. A bandit was about to pull out her intestines, but Kei arrived in time and prevented it. Eris still had the bandit's knife stuck in her stomach.

"The pain of a father ... It is really sad to see."

"F-father ..."

"Did she speak?"

Kei heard her speak and immediately walked over to her.

"I'm an idiot, I forgot to check the bodies."

Kei bent down, removed the knife from her stomach and placed his right hand on Eris's face.

"Healing magic."

A red glow surrounded Eris, surprising the father.

"T-this magic power ..."

"Please check the bodies! If they are alive I can use my healing magic!"


Eris' limbs regenerated and her wounds disappeared.

She returned to normal, she was unharmed, as if nothing had happened to her... Except for her clothes, which were stained with her own blood.

Heroes' healing magic is very powerful. Frima, "the hero of fire", had the most powerful healing magic. She can bring people back to life.

Kei is no slouch with his healing magic, which is one of the most powerful because he has improved it with years of practice, using his own body.

Every day he has to use his healing magic to avoid dying during training, no wonder Kei has become an expert in healing magic.


Eris slowly opened her eyes and stared at Kei.

"Good. I think it's enough."

He pulled his hand away and smiled at her.

"Do you feel all right? Does any part hurt?"

Eris became nervous about having Kei so close to her and slowly nodded her head.

"Y-Yes... Thanks, nya."

To Eris, who was a B-class adventurer, Kei was someone very powerful and cool.

She watched the fight while she was on the ground.

When she saw that Kei defeated the bandits so quickly, she thought: "He's amazing."

In this world, women are attracted to power. And since Kei defeated them easily, she fell in love with him because she was attracted by his enormous power.

Besides, Kei saved her. Kei was her hero, her savior.

"My hero..."- She said quietly before fainting.

"She needs to get her energy back. She needs rest... Well, I'll check the bodies."

Kei rushed towards another body, while in his mind he insulted the bandits.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! How could they dare to hurt such a lovely woman?! I hate bandits!"- He thought.

"And after that, I stopped being an adventurer and got a job at school to see you again, nya!"

"I see... You are a stalker."

Kei returned to his normal form and they both put on their clothes, to talk about it.

Eris told him the story of how she fell in love with him and Kei came to that conclusion.

"I-I'm not a stalker…! Well, just a little, I admit."- Eris said, scratching her cheek with her finger.

"She will be the stalker ... I wanted a shy stalker ... But, anyway. Eso no le quita lo adorable que es. (That doesn't take away from how adorable she is.)"- Kei thought.

Kei was referring to the cliché of shy stalkers harassing the protagonist. The closest thing to that is Grisia.

"And you don't want to be an adventurer again? I recently became an adventurer, so I need to form a team. A party? Well, whatever."

"Do you want me to be your companion?!"

"Sure. You were a B-class adventurer, you will be of great help."

Kei really didn't know her well. He did not know if she was powerful. He only offers her to be his companion to keep an eye on her, to prevent her from being a demon trying to trick him.

"I wanted to have only powerful companions, but she fell in love with me. There's no turning back now."- He thought.

Kei dare not reject her feelings, so he accepted her without much hesitation. Kei wants to experiment with his unique skills, so having one more companion will be very beneficial to him, but he still feels strange about this strange situation.

While he thought that, Eris tried not to cry for joy.

"I will be Kei's companion..."

She started crying and hugged Kei tightly.

"I accept!"

"You will have to resign your position as librarian."

"I will!"

She laid Kei on the bed and he turned completely red.

"W-What?! Oye, qué estás haciendo?! (Hey, what are you doing?!)"

"We must celebrate!"

Eris was about to take off her clothes, but someone entered the room.

They both froze when they heard that.


Drin, in her human form, entered the room and Kei sighed in relief.

"It's just Drin. No wonder my Golems didn't alert me."


"D-Drin, this has an explanation."

"Who is she, Kei?"- Said Eris.

"She is Drin... My companion... And my girlfriend... Eris, now that you're my companion, I'll explain what's going on with me."

Kei is about to tell the truth, an action that carries a great risk, but knowing his skill, he took the risk and decided to tell her the truth. His skill protects him, preventing women who are under the effect of his skill from harming him, but he does not know all the weaknesses and virtues that his skill could have. He decided to risk it and speak up, to reassure Drin and to get a new companion.

While the girls stared at him, waiting for him to speak, Kei analyzed the situation in his mind, with his [Double Thinking] skill.

"Eris is 27 years old, and was a B-class adventurer a year ago. The average age of adventurers who manage to reach class B is 25 years. She is within that average. Eris is an average girl, but with my skill [Double Points], I can make her twice as powerful as she is in a couple of years, even less... Ah, espero que todo salga bien. (Ah, I hope everything goes well.)"- Kei thought.

Kei closed his eyes and took a breath.

"The main strength of beastwomen is their strength and agility, but their main weaknesses are their intelligence and low magical affinity. Beast women are easily distracted and it is very difficult to make them intelligent, and their little magical affinity makes them impossible to use magic and they rely only on their strength. Eris seems smart, but that behavior is not appropriate for someone her age, which makes me suspicious of her mental capacity, plus she lived in a poor village, despite having been a B-class adventurer. She wasted her money somehow instead of giving a better life to her family. That part of her makes me suspicious, but I cannot criticize without knowing the truth... Ah, debo correr el riesgo. (Ah, I must take the risk.)"- Kei thought.

"And so... That would be a brief summary."

Kei finished telling Eris about his situation. He told her as briefly as possible what was going on with him. He knew that telling that to a woman he just met might be the stupidest thing he would ever do in his life, but he did it because he wants Eris to trust him. If he withholds information from his own companion, loyalty would not have the same value. He wants his companions to be able to trust him and vice versa. Hiding information would only damage trust in the group.

Drin, who already knew that, was just sitting next to Kei, imagining Eris being tortured by her, for she hates her out of mere jealousy. She wanted to have Kei for herself, but she knew that would be impossible, considering Kei's situation, but at least she wanted to have him for herself for longer. Now that Kei told Eris about his past, she officially became part of the team, and her time alone with Kei decreased too much and she will have to share him with "the cat", Drin's nickname for Eris.

"Kei, you are amazing! I knew you were a hero! You are great!"

"You must not tell anyone. I could literally die if the people of this world found out about it."

Eris took Kei's hand and stroked it with both hands.

"I won't, I promise! I will support you for the rest of my life, my love!"

"I-it's too soon for you to call me "my love". We are just getting to know each other. We better move forward little by little in our relationship, like the civilized people we are."

"But we already had sex, that means our relationship progressed a lot in a single day!"

Drin's ears twitched at hearing that and her bloodlust kicked in.

Kei realized that, but Eris was so distracted looking into Kei's eyes, she didn't realize that.

Eris was too close to him, and that only made Drin more jealous.

Kei slowly turned to look at Drin, and she came too close to his face.

"Dar-ling. Oh, my sweet darling."

"D-Drin, I-I know you're angry, but..."


Drin put her finger on Kei's cheek and Kei's heart rate was increasing more and more, because of the fear he feels. Kei knows Drin's past and the disgusting actions she committed, but that doesn't matter to him, or so he thought. Seeing her angry makes him remember what Drin did in the past, and knowing that causes him to be afraid of her.

"Darling, did you do it with that cat?"- Said Drin.

"My name is Eris, not cat, nya!"

"Tsk. Shut up, I'm not talking to you."

"Do you want to fight?!"

"I want to see you dare, you fucking cat...!"

Kei's nervousness temporarily disappeared as he saw them about to fight, he returned to his teenage form and put his index fingers to their lips, to silence them.

Eris and Drin stopped feeling angry, at least for a few seconds, when they felt Kei's soft finger on their lips and saw that serious expression they love so much.

Drin loves Kei's expressions, but there is one in particular that she loves to see: Kei's serious expression. Kei's serious expression is quite normal, but there is something that causes it to become Drin's favorite, and that would be Kei's behavior during a fight. Seeing that expression reminds her of the most sadistic moments she has seen of Kei, and that makes Kei look evil and scary, and Drin loves that.

Almost the same thing happens with Eris, only she feels submissive when she looks at Kei, as she is afraid to see him. Kei is someone much more powerful than her, and that only warms her warrior blood, which forces her to feel attracted to people who are more powerful than her.

While Drin feels admiration, Eris feels excitement.

"We will be a team from today, and it is forbidden to fight among ourselves. If you have a problem, you will solve it through dialogue. Understood, Eris?"

"Y-yes, Kei."

"Understood, Drin?"

"Yes, I understand, darling."

"Perfecto. (Perfect)"

Kei removed his finger from their lips and returned to his usual demeanor.

"I-I'm sorry for doing that, girls, b-but I don't want you to fight."- Kei said, quite nervous and with a red face.

Drin and Eris, seeing him behave like this, shared the same thought.

"So cute."- They both thought.

"Drin ... Y-yes... I'm sorry… I had sex with Eris... I will not ask for your forgiveness, for I know I do not deserve it, but I ask you to understand me. I... Me duele hacerte esto, pero... (It pains me to do this to you, but...)"


Drin pushed Kei onto the bed.

"Then it's my turn."


"Wait, it's my turn! You've already done it with him several times, nya!"- Said Eris.

"No, it's my turn!"



Kei began to sweat cold and realized that it is impossible to refuse.

"I-I can only keep the soundproof field on for 20 more minutes, girls. I don't have much magic power left."

"I see..."

They both looked at each other and nodded.

"Then we will do it at the same time."- Said Drin.

"I agree."- Said Eris.

"Eh? A-at the same time? Y-you don't find it uncomfortable?"

"Not at all."- They both said at the same time.

They both took off their clothes and Kei turned completely red again at the sight of their breasts bouncing in front of his eyes.

Eris has bigger breasts than Drin, so Drin decided to increase the size of her breasts with magic to avoid feeling inferior.

"My skill is terrifying ... And why does it affect me too ?!"- Kei thought nervously.

After school, Kei and Mei returned home.

Kei and Drin will meet the adventurers in an hour, as they are having a celebration party.

"Why can't I go?!"

While Kei bathed, Mei was outside the bathroom, angry and sad. She wanted to go with him to the party, but Kei refused to take her to the party.

"I already told you, you have to train."

"I can train later!"

"No, I'm sorry."

Kei put on a towel and left the bathroom.

"When I return I will train with you ... Our grandmother threatened to hit me again if I don't train."

Mei blushed and looked away a little, as she felt very nervous seeing Kei's bare chest.

"What is it, Mei?"

"I want to touch his muscles!! He is beautiful!!! You must control yourself, Mei !! I love him!!!"- She thought nervously.

Of course, since Mei loved Kei, Kei's new skill affected her and her love for him doubled. Fortunately, she keeps her sanity and avoids doing something foolish.

If Kei hadn't disabled the skill, Mei would dare to kiss him.

"Are you alright? You look a little bad. You have fever?"

Kei touched her forehead and she became even more nervous.

"You're a little hot ... You should rest."

"Y-Yes... T-thank you."

Fifth girl: Eris, "the cat woman."