
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

CHAPTER 30- Celebration party.

Extra- I hate the harem

(Pov- Kei.)




Ah... Well... Well... Ah... Yeah, it hurts, a lot. I knew it would hurt, but I didn't know it would hurt so much.

Is that how it feels to cheat on the person I love? It feels awful. My heart hurts a lot.

Why do people cheat on their couples? I think they do it mainly because they don't love them.

... I... Ah... I feel horrible right now. I love Drin, but I also began to love Eris because of my own skill. I love them equally, and I hate that.

I don't want to have harem, but I know perfectly well that I must have it. Who would help me defeat Fravi? My friends? I rather doubt it. The people who can help me must love me, and I must love them to trust me. I know it sounds like an excuse any anime protagonist would use to justify their harem, but it's the truth.

I tried to think of several alternative methods to avoid having harem, such as pretending to be a woman and getting female friends, but lesbianism is very common in this world, they would end up falling in love with me when they realized how powerful I am.

I also thought about the possibility of being able to defeat Fravi without help, but considering that it took a group of 10 heroes to defeat the Demon Queen in the past, it is impossible for me to defeat Fravi, a Goddess, without help.

I need help to defeat Fravi. I can't count on friends, because... Ah... Power in this world is one of the most attractive things in the world. If powerful women approach me and offer their help, but if I only offer them my friendship, they will end up getting bored of me. It sounds too arrogant and presumptuous of me to assume that, but it's the truth. It's like having a huge cake in front of you and not being able to give it a taste. I've always believed that true friendship exists, but I can't risk it. If they, my friends, get tired of my rejection, they won't want to help me anymore. Besides, I couldn't trust them. Women who love me and whom I love, we are protected by my skill. My skill [Seduce Women], protects me, making sure that the women who love me never hurt me, that will protect me from betrayal. I don't want to have to deal with the betrayal of one of my friends.

If I have harem, I can trust them, so I accepted my fate of having harem, but it hurts.

I am not the right person for this mission. I'm not a pervert. I don't have the personality needed for this mission. I have never dreamed of having a harem. I've never dreamed of being a guy who wants to have lots of sex every day. I would never see women as mere sex toys! I've always hated the Harem protagonists of novels! They always disgusted me...! But... Now I'm like them. I use women as objects. I want to deny it, but it's a reality. The only reason I'll have harem, is to train them and then try... Just to try to defeat a Goddess. I can't even guarantee that they will survive.

It's basically like I'm telling them: "I'll be your boyfriend, but in return you'll have to face a goddess. Ah, by the way, you're very likely to end up dead."

... I'm a piece of shit. Soy una basura... Puta madre. Soy un hijo de puta asqueroso (Fucking hell. I'm a nasty son of a bitch)...

My parents... My family... My friends... Would I disgust them? Because, seeing myself in the mirror, I disgust myself.

Drin is a demon. If she didn't join me, I would have killed her, she had no choice. She's on the team because I forced her basically, but it was either that or die... I like to think that I gave her a new lease on life, but it's just a way of justifying my actions.

But Eris... Eris is a normal person, pretty average in my opinion. She doesn't deserve the fate I just gave her, but I ended up giving it to her because I made a mistake... I had sex with her.

I stole her first time... If I had rejected her feelings, I would have hurt her, but the future that awaits us will hurt her more. She doesn't deserve that, which is why I sent Drin to tell her about the risks involved in being on the team. I thought after hearing that she was not going to want to join, but...

"Tsk. I see you want to die, you fucking cat!"

"Hahahahahaha! You think I'm afraid of you?! So cute, nya!"

"I'm tired of you!"

"Then fight, I'm not afraid of you, nya!"

They were about to hit each other. Ah, I knew this would happen. Jealousies.

I landed in the middle of them and stopped their fists with my hands.

Mmm... My right hand hurt a lot. Drin, if that fist had hit Eris' head, she would already be dead. Fortunately, I arrived on time and avoided her death.

Drin, like a demon, becomes more powerful with negative feelings, such as anger, sadness, envy… and jealousy.

Because of that jealousy, Drin almost killed Eris... Drin, I know it hurts that your boyfriend has another girlfriend... It hurts me too, but it's necessary... It really is necessary... And I hate that it's necessary.

"Darling?! I-I 'm sorry, but she started! She was bragging that she fell in love with you first than I did...! Darling... Why're you crying?"

I can't count on friends for this mission, because they're unreliable. The power of friendship doesn't work in real life.

I can't do this mission without help.

I'm so sorry, girls... But it's for the good of the world. The sacrifice of a small group of people will save a whole world... Besides, I'm hoping Zius will grant me a wish. If I manage to defeat Fravi, I will ask him to revive those who died and take them to my original world. After all, it's the least he could give us after accomplishing that impossible mission.

Zius ... Is there really no other way to accomplish this mission?

"Yuck, I got dirt in my eyes. Don't worry, Drin, I just use water magic to clean my eyes."

Drin sighed in relief at hearing my lie. Since she is my familiar, I can lie to her and she cannot detect my lie. She's a demon, demons can detect lies, but since I'm her master, I can lie to her without her finding out. I'm sorry, Drin, but it's necessary, I don't want you to worry about my emotional problems.

"By the way, Drin..."

["Thought communication" activated. Drin, you were about to kill Eris.]

[Sorry, darling! I lost control of my emotions! It won't happen again!]

[I won't always be able to protect Eris from you. If you fight again and I'm not here, make sure you don't kill her. But remember that fighting is forbidden.]

[S-sorry, darling. But that cat started!]

I sighed... Ah, this will happen again, I know.

[Thought communication]. It is a skill that allows us to transmit our thoughts to another person or to a group of people. I got it five years ago, but I've only used it to communicate with Mei. It will now serve me to keep in communication with the girls and protect them whenever necessary from dangers.

Drin already had it, but I don't know if Eris has it.

Eris doesn't seem sad or worried, so I know her answer.

"Then, Eris, I guess Drin told you everything. Don't worry, it's understandable that you refuse to join."

Please decline the invitation. Please decline the invitation.

"Huh? But I accepted, nya!"- She said, as she began to jump around me.

Ah... Eris, I feel more guilty now. You look so adorable jumping!

Her breasts are bouncing quite a bit, I even feel Drin's jealousy rising, thinking I'm looking at her breasts, but my gaze is focused on Eris's ears, which twitch with every bounce.

"Are you really sure? No puedo garantizar tu seguridad. I cannot guarantee your safety. Our main enemy is a Goddess, and if things get worse, the Demon Queen and the heroes will join our enemies."

"That sounds so much more exciting!! Please let me join you, nya!"

She hugged me too tightly, but fortunately my body is no longer so weakened. She didn't break any of my bones.

Ah... Beast women love to fight... I will never understand warrior races.


Did Drin click her tongue...? Uwaaaah!

Drin pulled me by the arm, possibly to get me away from Eris, but she didn't measure her strength and I ended up flying off and crashing into a tree... What is this coming out of my right shoulder...? Uffff It's not a bone, it's bird poop... Bird poop... Me cagó un pájaro. I was shat on by a bird... Disgusting!

"You are crazy! Why did you do that, nya?!"

"D-darling, I'm sorry!"

I fell to the ground and turned around, to see the tree. Ah, Drin left my figure in the tree. It looks cute.

My body doesn't hurt, but I disgust the bird poop. Ah, debo lavar mi ropa (I must wash my clothes).

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Drin, as my familiar, cannot harm me, but she can do so without intending to harm me. I must remember that.

"Then… Eris, would you like to join us for a party?"

"Of course! Sounds fun, nya!"

Ah, well... I got a new companion. I'll work hard to make her powerful. I don't want her to die because of me.

I guess getting a new companion, who was a B-class adventurer, is a good thing. Drin and I almost died when we fought those demonic familiars, we need more help for our chances of victory and survival to increase.

"And let's take advantage of the time to buy armaments for you."

"And let's buy cat food for this shitty cat to eat."- Drin said, looking angrily at Eris, who simply smiled at her and began to wiggle her ears and tail.

"Fufu. Jealous that Kei loves my cute ears, nya?"

She stuck her tongue out at Drin. S-she just insulted Drin... She stuck her tongue out at Drin! What did you do?! Sticking your tongue out at Drin is the same as standing in front of the world's most dangerous assassin, handing a gun and asking to kill you! Ahhhhhhhh, it's too late for an apology, Drin's bloodlust increased!

"Oh, mierda."

She jumped on Eris again, to hit and possibly kill her, but fortunately I managed to scream in time.

"I order you not to do so!"

I spoke as quickly as possible, so that my order would arrive on time.

As my familiar, Drin cannot refuse.

She stopped before her fist impacted Eris' face and growled angrily at her, while Eris simply kept her adorable smile on her face.

"Tsk. You were lucky, you fucking cat."

"That aggressive behavior scares me, but I know you won't kill me, nya."

"Yes, I can't kill you, but I can hit you!"

"I want to see you try!"

"Stop, both! Silence!!"

I created black tentacles made with dark magic and caught them by the waist.

I lifted them from the ground and brought them closer to me.

"Listen up, you two! Drin, Eris, I can't force you to get along, but I'll at least ask you to try! Please... Ah... You know, we'd better go to the Capital. Tengo hambre (I'm hungry)."

"I-I'm sorry, darling."

"Wow, your magic of darkness is very powerful, even when the sun is above us! As expected of the great Kei Molfer, nya!"

"Just Kei, Eris... Ah, let's go."

My head hurts... Ah, yelling at two girls who love me and I love them... I disgust. I let myself be carried away by my negative emotions... My Molfer blood is dangerous.

Mother, father, your son became a shitty person.

CHAPTER 30- Celebration party.

Kei, Eris and Drin, were walking together through the streets of the capital.

Kei and Drin used their forms as adventurers.

Kei bought Eris light armor that protected her arms, legs, and breasts... But the armor was… very revealing. Her breasts stood out to the eye and bounced a bit as she walked. Kei found it uncomfortable and wanted to buy her tighter armor, but Eris refused, as she told him that it would be uncomfortable for her to fight in tight armor and she preferred light armor.

In addition to the armor, she wore a short black skirt and a short white blouse. Simple clothes, but considering that they will go on a mission after the party, it is perfect, because if a danger arises, possibly their clothes would break or get dirty with blood.

As they walked, Eris was telling Kei about her main physical abilities, as knowing her is essential for teamwork.

"You use a spear ... I see... Eris, looking at your body, I realized that you are very strong, physically speaking. You have good muscles ... Well, although appearance doesn't define strength in this world... But, yes, I guess it's a good opportunity to use "it"."


"Two years ago, I bought a giant hammer. I think they are called: "Crusher". It's a very powerful weapon, but I don't use it because I prefer swords. I'll give it to you."

"Really?! Thank you very much, Kei...! Hmmmmh!"

Drin covered her mouth immediately.

She made a mistake. Kei was using his form as an adventurer. She should call him "Crisfa."

"Idiot, what do you think you're doing? You must call him "Crisfa"."

"It's her first day, Drin. Don't worry, Eris, it was a simple mistake ... But please do not let it happen again... Well, we arrived. Entremos, chicas ( Let's go inside, girls)."

Kei and the girls entered a bar and restaurant called: "Borberk".

Adventurers gather here to party, drink and eat. It is one of the main bars in the Capital, perfect to celebrate the promotion to the D class and to be known among the adventurers.

"Crisfa, Nia, over here!"

Kiana called them and they headed towards them.

The group of adventurers were eating and drinking. They didn't wait for Kei and Drin to arrive, but they didn't really care. They only attended the party to make sure they don't steal credit for defeating the demonic familiars. Kei became interested in them at first, but ended up discarding the idea of trying to make them his companions, since both Drin and Kei did not feel anything special in them. There is a possibility that they belong to the generation of false heroes, but Kei preferred to follow his instinct.

"Excuse me for being late."

"Who is the new girl?"- Nerfa said.

"Her name is Eris, she is my new companion."

"It's a pleasure, nya!"

Kei felt a shiver as he heard that nya and closed his eyes tightly.

"So adorable!"- He thought with a racing heart.

"Is she as powerful as Nia?"- Diria said.

"She's a B-class adventurer, so I guess so."

"B-Class?!"- They all said surprised.

In this world, "S", "A" and "B" class adventurers are highly respected and admired. The only reason Eris didn't look so powerful when Kei met her was because Eris had barely been promoted to B class when the bandits attacked her village. She had the bad luck to face bandits with a lot of experience, and that lack of experience is something that worries Kei a lot, so he plans to perform many missions for Eris to gain experience.

Eris is B-class worthy, but both Drin and Kei are A-class worthy, just very, very short of S-class. Even if it's only a difference of one class, it's an abysmal difference, and Kei wants that difference to diminish, so that Eris doesn't feel worthless or inferior to them.

In addition, he will take advantage of the training he will give Eris to enhance his reputation as an adventurer.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Eris, nya. You can lick my shoes if you want... Hmmmmh?"

Kei covered her mouth with his hand, to prevent her from saying another foolish thing.

"She's just kidding. She loves to tell jokes, so don't take her seriously... Huh?"

Kei removed his hand from Eris' mouth and looked at his hand, which was dirty with Eris' saliva.

She simply smiled at him and winked, while Kei was about to blush, but hid all his nervousness and shyness inside him, as Crisfa would act differently in that situation.

"Fufu. Wow, wow."

Kei stroked Eris' chin, making her nervous, and Drin became jealous, although she is hiding her fury so as not to draw the attention of the people around her.

"So you're licking my hand with your tongue? That's dirty play, Eris."

Kei took Eris's hand and gave her palm a lick, causing a great shiver to run through Eris's body.

"Now we're on hand! Hahahahahaha!"

While Kei was acting cool and pretending he wasn't nervous, inside, he was dying of embarrassment.

"Why did I design Crisfa this way?!!"- He thought.

A shiver ran through Kei's body and he realized that Drin's bloodlust was beginning to show.

To keep her from getting angrier, he decided to change the topic of conversation immediately.

"Well, girls, say your names, so Eris will know you."

As the girls introduced themselves to Eris, who wasn't paying attention because she was remembering the sensation she felt when Kei licked her hand, Kei approached Eris and whispered in her ear.

"D-don't get mad, that's how Crisfa would act. I will make it up to you later."


Drin pouted and got too close to Kei's face, who couldn't help but show his shyness and feel nervous as Drin attacked him with one of his greatest weaknesses.

"I want to lick your hand too."

—... "Huh...? Ah... I don't understand women."

The girls introduced themselves and Kei's team sat down with them. Fortunately, the tables are round and huge, so there is room for everyone.

Kei, as he sat down, noticed something he was unconsciously ignoring. The looks of the people around them.

It is not normal for a man to be in this type of place on his own. The only men in the place were the waiters and the slaves of the adventurers. Kei was the only man who was there to pay for drinks and food.

In addition, Kei not only attracted attention for being a man, he attracted attention for being Crisfa, the man who defeated the Orc Queen and climbed into class D with a single mission.

Most adventurers were interested in him for two reasons: to check if he really is powerful and his appearance.

Beauty is one of the most important things in that world, below power. Crisfa is not only handsome, he is also powerful. Kei designed Crisfa's appearance that way on purpose, because he knew that being handsome would be very beneficial to increase his popularity. He was originally going to use his original appearance, but considering he was given the opportunity to be an adventurer despite being 12 years old, he took that opportunity to improve his strategy.

Kei knew he was going to be harassed, but he was already prepared for the situation.

"Hey, Eris, I guess you're a very powerful adventurer. Could you train us? Any help would be very beneficial to us."- Lena said.

"Me? Why don't you ask Crisfa?"


"Fufu. You should not judge someone by their appearance. Crisfa is more powerful than me ... And for much, much more."

Those words shocked the adventurers, who did not expect Crisfa to be considered even more powerful than a B-class adventurer.

They turned to see him, but he pretended not to notice and began to read the menu.

—... "Well..."

Kei felt bad for trying to ignore them and looked at them.

"It's a good idea to train them ... For now, I have to solve a certain problem. When I solve it, I will gladly train you."- Kei said.

Kei wanted to rescue the missing children and find the leader. That was his main goal at the time.

"Mei almost died ... That damn leader will pay for it. Voy a matar a esa perra... O perro (I'm going to kill that bitch)."- Kei thought, trying to hide the fury inside him.

But the fury is so much, he couldn't help but manifest it somehow. Mei is almost killed and hundreds of children have been kidnapped. To imagine that those poor children are possibly dead, is something that causes the hatred that Kei feels for that leader only to increase.

Drin felt an increase in Kei's power and looked into his eyes, realizing that small red rays were beginning to emerge from his long eyelashes and pupils.

[Darling, control your rage!]

Kei, upon receiving Drin's message, closed his eyes and took a breath.

He yawned and opened his eyes again.

"Ah, I'm sleepy."

The rays stopped coming out and that reassured Drin, though only a little, as she was still worried about Kei.

"That power is too much for his body, but he managed to awaken that skill even with that body... Darling, you are really unique."- Drin thought.

While Kei and the others were talking and eating, two adventurers were drinking and eating fiercely in the bar, without any education.

They had brown skin, red eyes, and black hair.

One of them was flat and had short hair. The other had huge breasts and long hair.

They were known as: "The Kiar sisters". And they were A-class adventurers.

Both were 22 years old, born at the same time, and are one of the first people considered to be part of "the generation of false heroes".

"The Generation of False Heroes." This is called a certain group of people who are characterized by being able to obtain great power in a very short time. They are considered people who were blessed by Fravi to become helpers of true heroes.

Members of that generation are able to outperform the more experienced adventurers with just a couple of years of training, something impossible to imagine, but it is a fact.

Something unfair, but considering that these people are called "false heroes", the envy and hatred that people feel, they keep it to themselves and say nothing about it, to avoid problems with Fravi.

"Hey, Nina, look at that boy. It's cute."- Said the flat girl.

"Did you like that boy, Neim?"- Said Nina, the girl with huge breasts.

"He's my type... Totally."

She savored her lips, devouring Kei with her eyes.

He felt a chill, but preferred to ignore that.

"Also, I believe he is Crisfa, the adventurer who defeated the Orc Queen."

"He is a powerful man, sister! Let's test his skills!"

"That's what I planned to do. And then we take him to bed."- She said smiling.

Kei heard them talk, as he became interested in them when he entered the bar and was watching them.

"They were interested in me... Neim and Nina, the girls who survived and endured my mother's training ... They have potential ... But they look down on the weak. The typical annoying adventurers who look down on the protagonist and treat him like he was trash. I'm not so masochistic that I can stand them. Besides, they have a bad reputation for nymphomaniacs. Ah, I don't think I can stand them."- Kei thought.

The girls were moving towards him, but a loud shout stopped them.

"Good afternoon!!!"

Kei began to tremble with fear and lowered his gaze, to prevent her from seeing him.

"Why? Why did she follow me?!"- He thought nervously.

Reima Molfer walked into the bar and everyone was surprised to see her, as she is a living legend, known all over the world.

"It's Reima Molfer!"

"The legendary Molfer!"


"I want to say hello!"

All the adventurers approached and surrounded Reima Molfer. The excitement won them over and they didn't think clearly about what they were doing. Bothering Reima Molfer will never be a good idea.


Fed up with the noise, Reima Molfer shouted and everyone immediately quieted down.

Fortunately for the adventurers, she's in a hurry.

"Neim and Nina, come here!"


They immediately approached and knelt before her.

"Come with me."


They left the bar and Kei sighed in relief.

"She wasn't coming for me ... Wait… Why did she take them? What is she planning?"- Kei thought.

After a few seconds, he decided not to care what his grandmother does and the party continued.

"Come on, Crisfa, have a drink!"

"Don't be a spoilsport."

The adventurers were drunk. Drin and Eris were too, for the amount they drank was abysmal.

Kei didn't drink any beer, mainly because he hates it.

"Sorry, I don't drink."

Drin hugged and caressed Kei's cheek with her cheek.

"You are so cute, Crisfa!"

Eris hugged Kei's head against her breasts.

"So cute, cute!"

Kei turned completely red upon feeling Eris' breasts, but said nothing about it and simply closed his eyes.

"I will never drink ... I made a promise to my parents, and I will always keep it."- Kei thought.

(Some time ago.)

In his past life, a week before he died.

Kei was in his classroom, talking to Cris about a certain event that made Kei sad.

"It is a pity... Sorry, Kei."

"No problem. I'm telling you because you already knew it and I don't want you to reject her because of me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to reject her. I don't like her... Besides, I like someone else."

"You are a good person, Cris ... Well, I was heartbroken... It feels weird."

"You fell in love with your childhood friend and she told you that she is in love with your best friend ..."

Cris started laughing.

Darnia, Kei's childhood friend, told him that she is in love with Cris.

Kei was in love with her, so his heart broke when he heard that.

Although Kei didn't really consider her a childhood friend. He doesn't like that term, he finds it uncomfortable. He simply considered her a friend whom he saw again after a long time, for she had moved to another city.

She recently returned to the city and enrolled in the same school as Kei. He thought she was cute and fell in love with her when he saw her again, but she fell in love with Cris when she met him.

"It's so cliché!"

"Yes, yes, cliche, I know ... Why the hell am I unlucky ?! Me quiero volver chango...! Well, it's a shame, but life goes on."

Cris seized the opportunity and hugged Kei with his left arm.

"Don't be discouraged, Kei. I invite you to my house to drink. My parents will not be there today, they went to visit my grandmother. We will play video games, eat and drink. A boys' night."

"It's a good idea… But you know I don't drink alcohol."

"Yes, I already remembered ... Tell me, Kei, why don't you want to drink beer? A little beer doesn't hurt."

"I promised my parents ... A drunk woman caused the accident ... Because of her, my parents died."

"I-I see ... I guess you're right... It will be a boys night without alcohol!"

"By the way … If you reject her, please do so politely."

"Yes, I will, don't worry."

"See you tomorrow, Nia."

"If he tries anything weird, run away, brother!"- Nia said.

"Yes, I will, although I don't know why you think he would do something weird... Goodbye."

Even Nia knew that Cris had feelings for Kei, but Kei never thought Cris's behavior with him was weird, he always thought he was behaving like a great friend with him.

Kei left his house.

As he left, he saw Darnia standing in front of his door, and she was crying.

"Here comes another cliché."- He thought.

"Hello, Kei ... I wanted to talk to you."

"What's wrong? Tengo algo de prisa. I'm in a bit of a hurry."


Darnia hugged Kei tightly.

"Do you love me?"


Cris was laughing as he listened to Kei speak.

Kei arrived at Cris' house and told him what happened to him at his house.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry, but it's so cliché. The childhood friend is rejected and tries to win back the love of her friend."

"Yes, but you told her I was in love with her! Traidor! Traitor!"

"I'm sorry... She started crying, so I told her that you loved her so she would feel better ... But she was rejected twice ... You're a bad boy, Kei. Fufu. Malo chico."

"Chico malo, no malo chico... She wasn't in love with me. And when she told me that she was in love with you, my feelings for her disappeared."

"Well, that happens to her for falling in love only with the physique of a person. She told me that she fell in love with me, but she didn't know me. I came to the conclusion that she fell in love with me just because I am handsome ... I would never date someone like her."

"I had to reject her ... Did I do the right thing?"

"Obviously! You just have to date someone you love, Kei. Never give in to social pressure!"

Cris hugged Kei with his left arm.

"Don't be sad. Let's Play."

"Yes, let's go."

Cris, Kei's best friend, and one of the few people Kei trusted with his whole being.

Kei carried Drin in his arms and carried Eris on his back.

"The girls and I are leaving. Thanks for everything."

They left the bar and Kei sighed in disappointment.

"Don't demons have better stamina for alcohol, Drin?"- He said in a low voice.

"I-I'm sorry, darling."

"I-I'm sorry too, Kei, nya."

"Please don't vomit ... We will rest for an hour and then we will go to investigate the "Sepla" village. We will go to an inn and rest."

Kei had planned to let them sleep for an hour to let the alcohol wear off, but the girls had another idea in mind.

Drin and Eris exchanged glances and nodded, as a smile appeared on their faces.

"W-what are you doing?! You need to rest!"

Kei paid for a room at an inn.

He laid the girls on the bed to rest, but they both took him by the arms and laid him on the bed.

"Sorry, darling. My blood is hot."

"Please. Do it with us for 20 minutes only, nya."

They both start to take off their clothes and Kei turns completely red.


Eris throws her panties in his face, making him more nervous than he already was.

"I think I got addicted to you, nya."

Kei gave up, as he does not dare to say no, and returned to his form as a teenager.

Using his form as Crisfa during sex was going to be uncomfortable for him.

"Ah... Okay."