
I am a Young Master

Ye Tain Yun, finds himself reincarnated in a captivating world of cultivation. However, as he embarks on this new life, he gradually becomes aware of something amiss. It dawns on him that this realm revolves around a select few individuals, known as the "protagonists," who endure underestimation and humiliation, only to rise and retaliate following the predictable patterns of clichéd cultivation novels. Suddenly, Ye Tain Yun has a breakthrough revelation: he is an "extra." Freed from the constraints of these clichéd rules that govern the world, steering clear of predictable tropes and stereotypes. Join Ye Tain Yun, on an extraordinary journey as he harnesses his sharp intellect and vast knowledge to benefit most from these select few individuals, known as the "protagonists," and don't involve himself in these cliché situations.

yellow_spring01 · ตะวันออก
6 Chs

Chapter 3: Three years old

Third person POV:

In a lavishly adorned room, a cherubic child, appearing to be around three years old, captures one's attention. With hair as radiant as gleaming silver and mesmerizing eyes that shimmer in hues of purple and red, he possesses an enchanting beauty that captivates anyone who gazes upon him. This young prodigy is none other than Ye Tian Yun.

It could be seen that at this moment the young man has an excited expression on his face, although it seems that he is just laying on his bed at the moment


As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, my understanding of the vast cultivation world continued to deepen. Three years had passed since my rebirth into the illustrious Ye family, one of the Five Great Families in the central continent of the Primordial Immortal Planet. Alongside us, the Liu, Chen, Wang, and Zheng families were equally renowned as top-tier transcendent forces in the immortal plane.

The Primordial Immortal Planet encompassed five continents: East, West, North, South, and the central continent where our family resided. Of them all, the central continent stood as the strongest, largely influenced and controlled by the Five Great Families. The remaining four continents were governed by other tier-1 and tier-2 forces within the immortal plane.

Within the central continent, the Five Great Families extended their influence far and wide. Their vast territories, formidable lineages, and abundant cultivation resources made them the most prestigious families. They were renowned for their heritage, profound cultivation techniques, and the exceptional talents of their members.

Yet, the immortal plane held more than just the Five Great Families. It was a realm teeming with a multitude of forces. While equally or slightly lesser in influence compared to the Five Great Families, these forces were formidable in their own right and played significant roles in the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and power struggles.

The grading system within the immortal plane categorized factions based on the level of cultivators at the pinnacle of that faction. There were three primary tiers in this system: Mortal, Immortal, and Transcendent. The mortal tier lacked further divisions since the power gap between each realm within it was negligible. On the other hand, the immortal grade was divided into nine tiers, from the 9th-tier to the 1st-tier, each representing increasing strength. The transcendent forces were those that had their origin in the middle realm but expanded their influence even into the upper realm.

As I delved deeper into the intricacies of the cultivation world, my mother revealed the existence of different levels of planes that encompassed this vast realm. These planes were categorized based on the highest level of cultivators they could sustain without their space collapsing. Eager to learn, I absorbed every detail she shared.

She began with the Mortal Planes, also known as the lower realm, where cultivation was limited. The peak of the Void Refinement Realm marked the highest realm a cultivator could achieve in these planes. Mortal Planes were primarily inhabited by ordinary humans, unaware of the higher realms and profound mysteries of cultivation.

Moving on, she introduced me to the Immortal Planes, or the middle realm, home to cultivators on the path of immortality. Here, the cultivation journey became more profound and powerful, with the peak of the Immortal Saint Realm as the highest attainable level. This realm surpassed mortal limitations and granted cultivators incredible longevity and abilities.

However, when it came to the Dao Planes, the upper realm, my mother hesitated, indicating that it was a realm I would come to know in time. Her evasiveness only heightened my curiosity about the secrets that lay beyond.

Reflecting on my nature, I realized that I did not embody the typical protagonist found in cultivation novels. I lacked the burning ambition and unwavering determination to conquer realms and explore the unknown. Instead, I found contentment in a more laid-back approach to life.

Though I was fascinated by the knowledge of the different planes and realms, I didn't feel the urge to embark on a journey filled with trials and tribulations. I came to accept that my path might not follow the traditional trajectory of cultivation novels. Perhaps my destiny lay in different endeavors, ones that aligned more with my personal inclinations and desires.

Rather than being driven by the pursuit of power and enlightenment, I was drawn to the beauty of the world around me. Finding solace in the simplicity of everyday life—the gentle breeze, the warmth of the sun—I sought to cultivate inner peace and fulfillment instead of seeking external accomplishments.

While I appreciated the heritage and resources of the Ye family, I didn't feel compelled to compete with or go against my family's wishes. I believed that true cultivation lay in being true to oneself and embracing one's nature.

And so, with a content heart and a spirit attuned to the beauty of the world, I continued my journey in this vast cultivation realm, guided by my own values and aspirations.

As the child of the Ye family patriarch, Ye Tian Xuan, and Luo Yuxin, the only daughter of the head of the Luo family, known for their wealth and influence, I lived a life of luxury and comfort. Assigned personal nannies and guards, I had everything I needed at my fingertips.

Over the course of these three years, my development unfolded in several stages. During the first year, I could do little more than eat, sleep, and babble incoherently. Then, six months later, I began to perform basic tasks like rolling and crawling on his bed. As my young body grew faster due to the unique nature of the cultivation world.

In between I learned basics of the world's language. By the time I turned two years old, I could walk a few steps and communicate well enough for people to understand him.

As I turned two years old and became able to sit up, my mother often took me to her study to spend time together. It was during one of these visits that I discovered shelves filled with books in her study and work area, and my curiosity was instantly piqued. I found myself drawn to the allure of the written word, even though I couldn't yet understand the letters and words inscribed on the pages.

In my excitement, I reached out to pick up and flip through any random book that caught my eye. Although the letters were still foreign to me.

Noticing my keen interest in the books, my mother approached and gently handed me a thin book. She smiled warmly and explained that this book was designed to help me understand letters and words, laying the foundation for my literacy.

In the year that followed, I made significant strides in my learning journey. With my mother's patient guidance, I mastered the art of writing and reading, gaining proficiency in understanding the intricate characters that filled the books in her study. Through these pages, I discovered fascinating details about my family's history and the cultivation world that surrounded us.

However, the excitement within me reached its peak, as today marked a momentous occasion—the beginning of my alchemy lessons with my mother. I had been pleading with her for days, and finally, she agreed to share her knowledge with me. Though she wouldn't teach me how to make pills just yet, as one needed to have at least a mid-level Qi cultivation realm to make even the lowest grade pills, I was thrilled to learn about the different herbs and how to extract their essence for use in pill-making—an essential step in the path of an alchemist. As for the next two years, I had nothing to do, as only when kids reach the age of five can they begin their study about cultivation. It is also the age at which wealthy families start nurturing their children with herbal baths and resources that can improve their chances of awakening a better spiritual root. Knowing that my mother was a high-Grade seven alchemist, I had the idea to start learning alchemy early, as resources are the most important thing in the cultivation world.

As I entered her study, my eyes were filled with wonder, surrounded by shelves stacked with ancient tomes and jars filled with various herbs. The air was imbued with the fragrance of these botanical treasures, a scent that inspired curiosity and intrigue.

My mother sat gracefully at her desk, and I eagerly took a seat beside her, my heart brimming with excitement. She smiled warmly at me, her eyes reflecting the same enthusiasm for imparting knowledge.

With great anticipation, I watched as my mother began our alchemy lesson. She started by introducing me to the fundamental principles of alchemy, explaining how it intertwined with the cultivation world and the significance of herbs in this practice. Her words were like a melody, captivating my attention and fueling my thirst for knowledge.

As she spoke, my eyes wandered across the shelves, each filled with ancient tomes containing the wisdom of generations past. The jars of herbs, carefully labeled and organized, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within their delicate petals and fragrant leaves. I couldn't help but imagine the possibilities that lay before me as I delved deeper into the realm of alchemy.

My mother's expertise shone through as she shared her experiences, recounting tales of rare herbs and their incredible properties. She taught me how to identify and select the finest specimens, emphasizing the importance of understanding their unique characteristics and effects. I listened attentively, absorbing every word and committing it to memory.

With a gentle touch, my mother demonstrated how to extract essence from herbs, using various methods such as distillation, infusion, and decoction. I observed closely, captivated by the transformation taking place before my eyes. It was as if the herbs yielded their hidden essences, a gift to those who possessed the knowledge to unlock their potential.

Throughout our lessons, my mother encouraged me to develop my senses, urging me to distinguish subtle differences in scent, texture, and color. She emphasized the importance of intuition and observation in the practice of alchemy, as these skills would guide me in creating potent elixirs and pills in the future.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as my understanding of alchemy deepened. I eagerly absorbed every lesson, honing my skills and expanding my knowledge with each passing day. The once-foreign letters and words in the books became familiar companions, unlocking the wisdom inscribed within their pages.

As the months progressed, my mother introduced me to more advanced concepts, such as the refinement of essences and the intricacies of pill formation. Though I wasn't yet ready to create pills myself, I marveled at the alchemical processes, imagining the profound effects these pills could have on cultivators' journeys.

In between our lessons, I spent countless hours in the study, engrossed in books on alchemy, herbology, and the mysteries of the immortal plane.