
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · สงคราม
39 Chs


Rowan still misses the long-lost solo adventure.

But last time he was still relatively weak and injured, so he only dared to dig a hole in the ground to move forward. But now, his self-protection ability has been greatly improved. Even if he encounters an army of yellow ants head-on, he can escape in advance by virtue of his vision.

Seeing so many worms waiting to be fed in the worm nest, he was still a little impatient, thinking that even if he took a little risk, he would try to go back quickly. But when he came out and was blown by the cold wind, he calmed down.

After all, those bugs are just mindless tools, even if it is a brood, it doesn't mean that they can't be lost. If it is time to endanger his life, of course his life is the most important thing, and all other foreign objects can be discarded.

As long as Xiao Ming is still alive, those things can be brought back by hard work. That worm nest is only the result of his more than a month. If he starts again, he already has experience, and it won't take long to recover.

Of course, it would be the best not to give up, he is just making the worst plan now.

And if it's just him, he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking at all, not to mention that he can eat tree bark and drink tree sap to survive. And the last time he took a sip of the body fluid of the foul-smelling earthworm, he also absorbed certain gene fragments and evolved them. If it doesn't work, they can still eat soil, and absorb the minerals and spoilage in the soil to maintain their lives.

However, he would not do this unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, eating dirt is not a good word for him as a human soul. However, in the future, we can consider adding this gene to the new bugs. In the future, when encountering special situations like the present, all members can also eat dirt.

After thinking about some things, his mind relaxed a lot, and his impetuous steps slowed down.

Advance along the river bed of the underground river, this time he didn't dig a hole underground, that speed was too slow. Although he needs to be cautious, he doesn't have to be too cautious.

The field of view on the ground is better, and you can better detect some situations. When you encounter difficulties that you cannot overcome, it is not too late to drill holes.

The light source in the sky slowly rises, but the land that has been ravaged by yellow ants is still dead silent, and some insects that used to be singing have disappeared.

After climbing for an unknown amount of time, the land was still barren, and everything disappeared, even the foul-smelling earthworms that he couldn't eat at the beginning were gone. Luo Wen clicked his tongue secretly. The army of earthy yellow ants must have tens of millions, otherwise how could they cause such a large area of damage.

I met a few scattered yellow ants on the road and sent them to his stomach for a meeting. With food supplements, he doesn't feel tired either.

The sound of rumbling water came from ahead, and the humidity in the air increased a lot. As he continued to move forward, the moisture had turned into water vapor visible to the naked eye, and the sound of the water had become deafening.

After walking a short distance, Rowan knew the source of all this. The ground in front of him suddenly sank for no reason, forming a tens of meters high cliff with the ground under his feet. The water flow of the underground river rushes out of the cliff, forming a waterfall, and the small lake below it arouses the water vapor in the sky and makes a huge sound at the same time.

Luo Wen carefully crawled to the edge of the cliff. When he was a human being, he was a little afraid of heights. Standing on the fifth floor, his legs trembled when he looked down. The last time I was sucked into the air, the surroundings were pitch black, and I couldn't tell how high it was, and the attribute of fear of heights was not activated.

However, after he poked his head out to take a look, he still didn't activate the attribute of fear of heights this time. This problem magically healed itself after he turned into a bug.

In the final analysis, fear of heights is just a psychological disorder, perhaps because of the experience of falling from a high altitude last time. Deep down in Rowan's heart, he no longer believed that a simple fall from a high altitude would kill him, so this obstacle was naturally lifted.

With a little surprise, Luo Wen was also a little happy, after all, it was worth being happy that one of his weaknesses had been made up for.

The scene below is somewhat blurred, and the height of the cliff has exceeded Rowan's clear vision. He could tell only by some vague spots of color that there was a lake under the waterfall, and that there was a patch of green around the lake.

It was a plant, and it was not ravaged by yellow ants below, and there was still a good ecology. Maybe this cliff blocked them and made them change their direction of travel.

Now, though, he's also in trouble getting down there safely. The cliff under his feet is made of stone. Although his digging skills are awesome, he probably won't be able to use them. Why don't he just jump off? Anyway, you can't fall to your death.

Rowan began to move sideways along the edge of the cliff, even if he wanted to jump, he couldn't jump at the place just now. There is a lake below, but he doesn't have any experience in water combat, if he encounters any water combat unit, he will have to wait for death.

After crawling for hundreds of meters, the color block below is finally not gray-blue, and the crowns of some tall trees can be clearly seen. This place is far away from the waterfall, and Rowan found that the cliff here is much rougher, unlike the smooth one washed by the water just now.

He tried to find a way to climb down. His six hind limbs had sharp claws. As long as the cliff was not a mirror, he should be able to climb down slowly.

Along a rock crack, there are some gravel and some moss-like plants in the crack. Luo Wen carefully hooked the rock wall with his claws and slowly climbed down.

Although the thick shoulder armor and back armor provided quite powerful defense, they were also surprisingly heavy. I didn't feel it normally, but when it was in a semi-suspended state, the weight was a little obvious.

Fortunately, his claws looked slender and fragile, but they were actually very strong. Together with his powerful joints, he firmly fixed his body on the rock wall.

As he slowly approached the ground below, Rowan's vision gradually became clearer. Perhaps because it is closer to the water source, the ground below is lush and green, and the soil below is all covered in green.

Moreover, the vegetation here is completely different from the one above the cliff. Rowan is not a botanist, so he can't tell what subjects they belong to, but he can tell the difference from their appearance.

It is more vibrant here. Similarly, hidden under these greens are more abundant insect species and more diverse gene fragments.

The sound of insects that had never been heard in the grass came from afar, and Luo Wen was a little excited, finally meeting new friends, wondering if they would like to appreciate his Luo's fighting skills.

But when he was only five or six meters away from the ground, suddenly, an aborigine jumped out from the crevice of the cliff and launched a surprise attack on him first.