
I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

25-year-old Albion lived an unimpressive parasitic life of a NEET and otaku, leeching off his loving parent's allowances to enjoy watching animes, reading manga and novels at home. When faced with the cruel reality of contracting cancer through smoking, he selfishly ran away from home and sacrificed his life on a strange day of drastic changes. 'Since I'm going to die anyway, let me save another life in exchange.' Those were his thoughts before shoving a person out of harm's way and getting struck by a truck. 'If I could get a second chance, I want to live a fulfilling life and not waste it like this.' However, Albion's new life resolution was quickly challenged by a stroke of divine providence. "What? I'm not dead yet? Holy cow, I transmigrated into the body of a notorious hidden boss who controls half the world's wealth in an alternate universe after he failed his heavenly tribulation? I never have to worry about money? I can live forever? Lucky me!" Albion thought he had shot to the peak of life, but he could not be more wrong. The immortal body was too strong for a mortal soul like him to control. He can only move for 5 minutes a day! He became immobile and paralyzed for the rest of the time! The Four Horsemen of the Dark Emperor thought he was crippled and turned on him! They couldn't kill him physically due to his invincible body so they dropped him to the bottom of the ocean to drown! His body was immortal. He could not die. Thus, he lived the following life in the dark depths of the ocean before being swallowed into the stomach of a giant sea serpent! Before he could enjoy his new life, he had sunk to the lowest point of his life, literally! However, the world rapidly changed after the notorious True Immortal disappeared for two years! The Apocalypse arrived, and so too, the System! Ding! [You have slain a Lv.1 ancient sea serpent. 100 EXP has been gained.] [You have leveled up.] [You have become a Lv.2 Hunter.] [Title acquired: Hunter.] Albion: ??? "Did the sea serpent get food poisoning and died from eating me or something?" Albion wondered in the pit of the sea serpent's stomach. [System calibration complete. Goldfinger has been activated.] "Never mind, my time has come! With the system in hand, I will take back everything and rule the w--wait, what? This body's cultivation needs to be sealed in order for me to move freely without impairments?" "Sigh, forget it, ruling the world is too hard. I'm a wanted man anyway. Let's just hide somewhere, watch my animes, and reading my manga and novels..." Albion was nerfed harder than the Big Bang at the beginning of time. However, what's his, will still be his. "Until my soul becomes strong enough to fully wield this power, I'll just treat it as a 5-minute Super Saiyan mode I can enjoy once a day..." He was not the Dark Emperor, but the Dark Emperor was now him. The Four Horsemen that turned on him, their day of retribution will come! Little did Albion know, the world had more things in store for him than his quest for vengeance. The dimensional rifts that appeared everywhere and the interdimensional creatures that spilled forth from there are actually...! Find out on the next episode of drag--Ahem, to be continued. =====Author's Note===== [Currently on break] Feel free to check out my other book, Prime Originator (also my first work). The genre is completely different, so you may or may not like it and vice versa for readers coming from there :) You can join me on discord at the link here; https://discord.gg/9SUWMPZ =====DISCLAIMER===== I do not own the cover. The original belongs to its respective owner.

Pointbreak · สมัยใหม่
370 Chs

Assaulting a Police Officer

Estelle Xiao was a police officer with neat short brown hair and black eyes like the starry night sky. She was 24 years of age, young and not the prettiest woman you would see around on the streets, but definitely someone deserving a second glance.

Tucked in her neat blue uniform and overlayered with a black bullet-proof vest, she was surrounded by an aura that made her appear dignified and compels others to take her seriously. It was the aura of a martial artist.

Taking on 20 burly grown men at once was not a problem for her, even if she had yet to become a Hunter. As such, she not afraid to do night patrol on her own, without a partner.

She was just in the area when her keen nose picked up the scent of blood, leading her to the dark alleyway and stumble upon the group of ruffians.

"I want you all to raise your hands and slowly turn around, is that understood?!" Estelle Xiao barked with her flashlight and firearm aimed at their backs.

Ah Zhen and the others immediately raised their hands in compliance with the order given. They were just ordinary people with a slightly stronger build. There was no way they can compete with firearms.

Nevertheless, Ah Zhen's eye was trained on Albion as he asks, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"Leave it to me."

Albion placed Anya down on the ground and leaned her against the wall with the wine bottle before making his way over to the unexpected guest.

"Stop! Stay where you are, or I will shoot!" Estelle Xiao warned.

Even so, Albion refused to comply and continued advancing towards. When she briefly saw the bloody mess of a person deeper in the alleyway and briefly studied Albion's slightly bloodstained hand, her expression dropped.


A single round was fired.

Albion saw the bullet trajectory as it flew towards, but he chose to ignore it. There were not many things that can harm his True Immortal Body.

Furthermore, there were people behind him. There was no need to let them suffer unnecessary harm when they will be working for him.

The bullet will just bounce off his body anyway. Alas, that was what he thought until the burning pain ripping through his left shoulder told him otherwise.


The bullet penetrated his shoulder easily, leaving Albion stunned on the spot as he slowly turned his head to glance at the bullet wound.

His impregnable defense was not so impenetrable.

"Now, are you willing to behave?" Estelle said coldly with her firearm aimed at Albion's head next.

Albion had no time to think about why his defense failed him. He could only figure it out later. His eyes glinted coldly and immediately shot towards the female police officer.


Estelle exclaimed with alarm in her mind.

This person was at least a high-level Hunter or a really accomplished ancient martial artist! She had gotten herself in a messy situation this time!

Bang! Bang!

She quickly fired a few more shots, but none of which struck her intended target nor anyone for that matter. Ah Zhen and the other ten ruffians already duck and hid in fear after the first shot was fired.

Albion closed the gap between them in an instance and planned to knock her out with a chop, but Estelle also a martial artist. She would not be knocked out that easily without resistance.

She raised her arms into a guard and blocked the blow, but force pained her greatly and nearly broke her bones. If she had not stopped the blow, her neck might just have been broken!

At the same time, Albion also realized he had exerted a bit too much strength. Nevertheless, he took advantage of the police officer's brief pause and to strike her in the gut.


Estelle convulsed and spat out saliva from her mouth before Albion sent out another chop and knocked her out. She was not a weak fighter, per se, but the difference between their strengths was simply too big.

"You guys can go now," Albion said to Ah Zhen and the others.

"Yes, boss!"

They quickly nodded and left before more trouble arrives.

After they were gone, Albion carried the unconscious officer back to Anya while frowning slightly from the burning sensation in his left shoulder. The wound was bleeding.

"Y-You assaulted an officer…! We are going to be in big trouble!" Anya exclaimed with a shivering voice.

Albion raised an eyebrow at Anya and said, "Were you pretending to be drunk?

What was Anya supposed to say to that? Yes, she was? No, but the place smells like some rathole or sewage dump, which helped her sober up? Not to mention the commotion and gunshots, even if she was drunk, she would be more awake.

The mind was alerted to the dangers.

"You're hurt…" Anya noticed the bleeding wound on Albion's shoulder and said.

"Never mind that. Since you are awake, tell me your home address so I can take you home and meet your father." Albion said while placing the unconscious officer down.

"You didn't plan to take me back to a hotel?"

"Is that what you wanted?"


Anya could not say that she found it strange that Albion was not attracted to her beauty and wanted to test his character. If Albion knew, he would have said that she was playing with fire.

"What are you planning to do to her?" Anya asked with confusion after noticing Albion's weird actions.

Albion was seen ruffling the person's hair, making it unkempt before he took off the officer's bullet-proof vest. After that, he undid a few top buttons, revealing the person's cleavage and caused Anya to blush with anger.

"Y-You rouge…!"

Albion said nothing and picked up the wine bottle before dousing the unconscious in red wine, making her reek of alcohol. After that, he positioned her to be in a position of sleeping while hugging the empty bottle.

Anya's confusion was short dispelled. It seems that she had misunderstood Albion's action. He was not trying to molest the unconscious police officer and take advantage of the person.

"Are you afraid of me?" Albion asks.

Anya was surprised by the sudden question, but thinking back to what had happened, it would be a lie if she said she was not afraid of such a dangerous person.

She nodded carefully.

"Good. Close your eyes, and don't look then." Albion said.

Anya shivered slightly and dared not to disobey after hearing the seriousness in his tone. After that, Albion went over and erased all his traces with Ashura Flame, including the corpse with the splattered head and the droplets of blood on the ground.

By the time he was done, the wound on his shoulder had already fully healed due to basic-level Regeneration.

Albion confiscated the firearm on the ground and picked up Anya before he softly said, "Let's go. Take me to your home."

"Are you just going to leave that person there? She was only doing her job…" Anya said, feeling sorry for the unconscious Estelle. The city would have fewer crimes if there were more righteous and uncorrupted law enforcers like her.

Albion glanced at the person and said, "Why not? Nothing will happen to her. She will wake up half an hour later anyway."

Once again, he had relied on the Dark Emperor's experience to know these things.

"I see…"

Shortly after, the duo left the alleyway and flagged a taxi.

Half an hour later, a pair of police officers, male and female, were seen patrolling the area when one of them suddenly kicked something on the ground and stopped.

"What is it?" The female officer asked.

The male officer crouched over and picked up the flashlight before he said with surprise, "It's the standard-issued flashlights for us in the police force."

"What? Who does it belong to?"

"No idea. It is not like we put our names on these things. One thing for sure is that something must have happened around here."

Their eyes were shortly drawn to the dark alleyway before they nodded to each other with tacit understanding. They drew their firearms and turned on their flashlights before they enter the alleyway.

They quickly found the unconscious Estelle sleeping on the side before the male officer rushed over. He picked her up and tried to shake her awake, "Estelle! Talk to me, Estelle! What happened to you?"

"Senior Luo, I know you have a crush on Estelle, but you were too reckless. What if there was an ambush?" Said the female officer.

She was more clearheaded and carefully observed the surrounding before deeming it was safe to drop her vigilance.

"Sorry, my body moved on its own…" Senior Luo's words slurred before his eyes glanced down on a scene that made his blood shoot to his head, nearly giving him a nosebleed.

At the same time, Estelle slowly woke up and saw Senior Luo holding her before following his gaze towards her bosom and exposed cleavage, soaking in wine.



Estelle spouted after giving Senior Luo a tight slap. Senior Luo felt wronged, but he took it like a man. Nevertheless, he did not know what he had done wrong to deserve such misunderstanding and wanted to cry inwardly.