

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 43 Search for People

Looking at Klein, Leonard nodded with a smile:

"What do you need from them?"

He has cooperated with Old Neil and others for many times, and naturally understands that divination needs media, especially in the absence of the "protagonist".

Klein thought for a moment, looked at the housekeeper and said:

"I need Eliot's clothes that haven't been starched recently. It would be better if he could have the accessories he used to wear."

He tried to choose normal media, not things that would cause ordinary people to think blindly.

But even so, the old housekeeper Keli was puzzled:


After asking, he added:

"I have a picture of young master Eliot with me."

Why? Because we need to find his whereabouts through divination... Klein didn't know how to answer at the moment.

If you tell the truth and don't mention whether it will violate the confidentiality clause, the old housekeeper Kelido will turn around and leave, directly break the contract, and swear in his heart: "These cheats! If this can be useful, I might as well go to the most famous psychic in Ahua County!"

Leonard Mitchell next to him chuckled and said:

"Mr. Kerry, my companion, uh, colleague, has a strange pet, whose sense of smell is more sensitive than that of a hound, so we need the clothes worn by little Eliot and the things he once carried to help us find people. You know, clues are often locked in a rough range."

"As for that photo, we also need to know what little Eliot looks like."

The old housekeeper Keli accepted this explanation and nodded slowly:

"Are you waiting here, or will you go with me to Mr. Vickle's residence in the city?"

"Go together and save time," Klein replied concisely.

He not only wants to try his extraordinary skills, but also has the simple feelings of saving others.

"Well, the carriage is downstairs," said the old housekeeper, Cary, taking a black-and-white photo from his pocket and handing it to Leonard.

This is a single photo of Eliot Victor. He is about ten years old, his hair is slightly long, almost covering his eyes, and his face has obvious freckles, which is not very distinctive.

Leonard glanced and handed it to Klein.

Klein looked carefully, put the photo in his pocket, then took his walking stick, put on his hat, followed the two people in front of him to leave the Black Thorn Security Company and enter the carriage parked downstairs.

The interior of the carriage is quite spacious, with thick carpets and a small table for placing items.

Because of the existence of the old housekeeper Kerry, neither Klein nor Leonard spoke, quietly feeling the carriage moving smoothly on the waterlogged road in the small raindrops.

"Nice coachman." Leonard broke the silence and said a smile of praise after a long time.

"Well," Klein said perfunctorily.

The old housekeeper Keli squeezed out a smile and said:

"Your praise is his honor. We are approaching..."

For fear of being detected by the kidnappers, the carriage was not close to the residence of the tobacco merchant Vicoll, but stopped at a nearby street.

The old housekeeper Kerry, holding an umbrella, returned alone. While waiting, Leonard said to Klein:

"I have no other purpose to speculate the reason last time. I just want to tell you that the note will appear again, maybe soon."

"This is really not a pleasant inference." Klein pointed to the position of the driver outside with his chin, indicating not to discuss sensitive topics in the presence of others.

Leonard whistled and looked out of the window, only to see drops of rain sliding through the glass, leaving a hazy mark, making the outside world completely blurred.

After a while, Keli returned with a bag of things. Because he walked too fast, his pants were full of mud and water, and there were many wet marks in front of him.

"This is the clothes that young master Eliot wore yesterday. This is the storm amulet he wore before."

Klein took a look and found that it was a reduced version of a gentleman's suit, a small shirt, a small vest, a small bow tie, and so on.

The storm amulet is based on bronze and carved with symbols of wind and waves, but it did not touch Klein's inspiration.

"Now I will tell you the story of the kidnapping of young master Eliot in detail, so that you can lock in the target..." The old housekeeper Kerry sat down and repeated his nightmare experience in the morning, hoping that the helper he found could play a role.

Klein and Leonard have no interest in the specific process. They only care about the number of kidnappers, whether they show unusual behavior, and whether they carry weapons.

"Three", "normal", "armed"... After getting the information they wanted, they said goodbye to the old housekeeper, Keli, and hired a two-wheeled light carriage nearby.

Unlike the public carriage, this kind of employment has four wheels and two wheels, which can be charged according to the kilometers or the time. The former is 4p per kilometer in the city and 8p per kilometer in the suburbs, and the latter is 2Sul per hour. If it is less than 1 hour, it will be charged according to the hour. If it is more than 1 hour, 6p will be added every 15 minutes. If it is less than 15 minutes, it will be charged according to the 15 minutes. In case of bad weather or emergency that needs to speed up, the price will rise.

Klein heard the teacher Azik say that in the capital of Baekeland, cabbies are famous for asking prices at random.

For him, it was a luxury. However, he didn't have to worry about it at present, because Leonard directly threw two 1 Sul notes to the coachman.

"According to time," Leonard said and closed the door.

"Where are you going?" asked the coachman with two bills in his hand, happy and confused.

"Wait a minute." Leonard turned his eyes to Klein.

Klein nodded slightly, took out Eliot's clothes, spread them on the carriage floor, and then wrapped the storm amulet around the head of his walking stick.

He held the silver - inlaid black walking stick and clubbed it straight on Eliot's clothes.

The "light ball" in his mind condensed, Klein's mood was fast and calm, and the brown of his eyes turned deep, and he entered a semi-meditative state.

He only felt that the "spirit" of his body was becoming lighter and floating, and vaguely saw the ubiquitous "spirit world", and remembered "Eliot's position" in his heart.

After seven times, his hand left the black walking stick, but the walking stick did not fall down, and stood upright all the time, even if the carriage was slightly shaking!

There were dense and invisible movements around, and Klein seemed to feel the gaze of a pair of indifferent eyes.

During this period of time, he occasionally experienced similar feelings in meditation and in the state of spiritual vision.

With these tiny creeps, he stared at the cane with dark black eyes, and silently read again in his heart:

"Eliot's position."

As soon as he finished his meditation, the silver inlaid, wooden and black walking stick fell down and fell straight ahead.

"Go straight." Klein held his stick and spoke in a low voice.

His voice is slightly ethereal and seems to penetrate the unknown world.

This is one of his divination abilities, which is called "divination staff searching". The props must be wood, metal or a mixture of both.

Normally, this must be done with two real divination sticks - the shape is similar to that of a piece of iron wire without bending to break into a right angle, and then hold the shorter side to determine the direction by turning. But as a "diviner", Klein, after practice, found that he can directly use this method to find people, or use a walking stick to replace the divination stick. The direction of its fall is the direction of the thing he is looking for.

As for the notes of the Antigonius family, Klein could not remember the appearance at all, had no impression, and could not find them.

"Go straight." Leonard shouted to the driver, "I'll tell you when it's time to turn."

The coachman completely did not understand why he did this, but the money in the inside pocket and the image of the other party who did not hesitate to give money made him not open his mouth and chose to accept.

The carriage drove slowly through the street after street.

On the way, Klein used the "divination stick to find objects" several times to correct the direction.

When the carriage circled around a building, he finally confirmed that Eliot was in it. It was just 30 minutes before he said goodbye to the old housekeeper Kerry.

After sending off the horseman, Klein no longer used Eliot's clothes, and directly clubbed the cane wrapped with the storm amulet to the ground.

His eyes darkened again, and the few raindrops around him suddenly whirled in place.

The walking stick fell diagonally forward, and Klein pointed to a stairway entrance


"Sometimes I envy Old Neil, and now I envy you, too." Leonard smiled and sighed at the scene.

Klein glanced at him and replied in a flat voice:

"This is not difficult. If you are willing, you can learn... Your inspiration should be very high, right?"

Leonard nodded and smiled:

"This is not a good thing."

He quickened his pace and walked into the stairwell in the last rain.

Klein was afraid of spoiling his suit and almost trotted along.

This building has only three floors, which is similar to the unit building on the earth. There are only two houses at each stair of each entrance. Klein used the "divination stick" once on the first floor and the second floor respectively, and the walking stick is stable, pointing straight up.

The two men stepped softly and reached the third floor. Klein stood the black silver cane on the ground again.


A breeze blew over the stairs, and his eyes changed color. It was so dark that it seemed to attract souls.


There seemed to be invisible cries around.

Klein's palm was released, and the wand wrapped with the storm amulet stood magically.

He silently recited "Eliot's position" again. He watched his black walking stick fall down and silently point to the room on the right.

"It should be in there." Klein picked up his cane and tapped his eyebrow twice.

In the deepening of various "colors", he looked at the right door and directly saw various "aura" inside.

"One, two, three, four... three kidnappers plus one hostage, the number is the same... One of them has a short aura, which should be Eliot... Mr. Kerry said that they have two shotguns and a revolver..." Klein whispered.

Leonard laughed and said:

"Let me sing them a poem."

"Why do you want to be a kidnapper and be a civilized person happily?"

He put down the bag containing Eliot's clothes and took two steps forward. His expression instantly became quiet and sad.

The magnetic low voice slowly swings out:

"Ah, the threat of fear, the red hope!

At least one thing is true: this life is fleeting.

One thing is true, and the rest lies,