

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 33 "Switch"

As soon as Old Neil's voice fell, the illusory eyes in the dark behind him disappeared quickly. Even Klein, who was in a state of "psychic vision", could not find any trace of its existence.

"This is a token of ritual magic," Old Neil explained.

It's a bit magical... is Lingshi an enhanced version of Yin and Yang eyes? Klein is like a child who has got a new toy. He looks away with interest and looks at every corner of the room to see what is the difference between the current alchemy room and the previous one.

The dark outlines the outline of the object. The long table, test tube, balance, cup, cabinet, etc. are no different from those before Klein opened the "vision", and do not emit any brilliance.

Do inanimate objects have no spirituality? Klein muttered to himself, glancing over the silver box on the table.

Suddenly, he saw that there was brilliance in it, either blue as the sky, bright as stars, or red as fire!

"There is still some kind of life in the material from extraordinary species, er, activity? Even if the original owner has died?" Klein considered the words and asked Old Neil curiously.

"The accurate description is that their spirituality will remain, which is one of the keys to the success of the magic potion preparation and one of the root causes of the control of the extraordinary. Dunn should have told you." Old Neil explained frankly.

He did not know what he was thinking of, and suddenly burst out laughing:

"I remember that the formula of the 'corpse collector' contains dried adult black spotted frogs. It takes a lot of courage to take this magic medicine."

Klein imagined it and felt a little sick. He didn't agree with Old Neil. He turned his eyes to the darkness around him that lacked enough light. However, there were no nearly invisible spirits and ghosts he expected.

"Isn't the spirit world everywhere?" he asked.

Old Neil said, "Hey!"

"Little guy, repeat after me:"

"This is the headquarters of the night watcher team. This is the underground of the Night Goddess Church. There are many extraordinary people here!"

"Do you think we will let spirit and soul wander here? And the spirit world and spirit are two concepts."

Klein was a little embarrassed for a moment. He turned his head and pretended to look at the light of some small gas lamps at the entrance of the dark door:

"I see."

As he spoke, his eyebrows suddenly began to twitch, uncontrollably, as if in a spasm.

What's going on? Klein was just about to turn around and ask, and suddenly saw the position of the dark door, the edge of the bright yellow light, and a nearly transparent figure standing quietly. It showed a human shape, and the color of the aura and the dark environment were perfectly integrated, which was difficult to distinguish.


Klein's eyebrows jerked, and his eyes were confused. He focused again, but there was no "invisible" figure!

Strange... He turned back and said:

"Mr. Neil, I have a twitch in the center of my eyebrows. It hurts a little."

"Haha, this is very normal. You are an extraordinary person who was just promoted. Spiritual vision will cause a great burden on your 'spirit and body', and it will always produce consumption. The external symptoms are eyebrow twitching, head pricking, being too sensitive, and a little hallucination. In addition, under the state of spiritual vision, you are easily uncomfortable with the strange environment and easily affected by other people's emotions. These are all matters that need attention and must be practiced repeatedly Learn to adapt and eliminate. In addition, use sparingly and end on time. " Old Neil replied with a smile.

How do you feel that you are in a mood that you like to hear and see... Klein quickly asked for advice:

"Then how can I quit the state of spiritual vision?"

He wanted to mention the "invisible" figure he saw just now, but after hearing that there was "a little hallucination" in the symptoms, he gave up the idea.

Combined with the twitches and stings in the center of the eyebrows, Old Neil's answer can be guessed!

"Just imagine the object as before, gather your attention, then switch to the meditative state, close your eyes, control your spirituality, repeatedly tell it to stop, and then open your eyes again, and you will find that your spirituality is over."

Old Neil leisurely described, and added at the end, "Of course, this is the most cumbersome and clumsy method. We can repeatedly imply ourselves in meditation through practice, repeatedly affect spirituality, and leave a simple 'switch action'. For example, if I tap the center of my eyebrow twice, I can simply open the vision, and then tap twice, and then can simply end it. The specific setting depends on your own habits and hobbies."

"I see." Klein thought for a moment, intending to imitate Old Neil and use the action of tapping the center of the eyebrow twice as the "switch" of the vision.

"One click" is easy to be confused with the instinctive knock on the head. "Three clicks" may waste valuable time in a crisis situation. As for actions such as snapping fingers, it is too personal and noticeable.

He gathered his attention, looked at the ball of light gathered, and entered the state of meditation again.

Gently clenched his fist and tapped his forefinger root joint twice on the center of his eyebrow. Klein suddenly saw more aura lights of different thicknesses and colors in front of him.

After two more knocks, everything was restored to its original state, and there was no more special.

"Finally, I have mastered..." he said with joy.

Until this time, he found that he was so tired that he could sleep at any time, and his head felt as if it had been burning for three whole nights.

Old Neil smiled and said:

"We are not 'sleepless'. Every time we practice too much or use too much vision, we need a period of sleep to recover. You can go home now and have a good rest. In the afternoon, go to Welch's residence to stroll on the way to Iron Cross Street, and try to find the clues of the notes of the Antigonius family as soon as possible. Tomorrow, we will continue the teaching of mystical knowledge. Of course, you can't forget to read those historical documents."

"OK." Klein agreed with Neil's arrangement with both hands and feet.

Take the cane, go out of the alchemy room, and watch the secret door close. Old Neil returns to the weapons depot. Klein rubs his eyebrows and temples, presses the handrail, and steps up the stairs.

At this time, Dunn Smith came from behind and said with his mouth slightly tilted and eyes deep:

"Listen to Old Neil, you are very adaptable, whether it is meditation or vision."

"Maybe it's just a special case of 'fortune teller'," Klein replied modestly.

He guessed that Dunn was just guarding the arsenal for Old Neil.

Dunn slowed down and was only a little ahead of Klein. After a few seconds of silence, he did not turn around and said:

"You should remember that curiosity will kill both cats and extraordinary people. Don't try to explore the whispers that should not be heard and the existence that should not be seen."

"OK." Klein knew that this was another reminder about the extraordinary who lost control.

After entering the Black Thorn Security Company, he said hello to Luo Shan, who obviously did not know that he had become an extraordinary person. He walked out of the gate slowly and came to the street. He took a trolley bus back to Narcissus Street, and almost fell asleep on the way.

It was still in the morning, and the temperature was twenty-seven. Klein took the copper key from his belt and opened his door.

In the room, many items have not been added, and the living room and dining room are empty. Benson and Melissa go to work and study one by one, and they also go out early.

Klein ignored other things, closed the door with his backhand, quickly stepped upstairs, and entered his own bedroom with bookshelves.

After taking off the tuxedo and hanging it on the coat rack, he could not wait to fall down to the bed, and as soon as he touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

Klein was awakened by the bright sun. He turned his head, slowly opened his eyes, and found that the sun was just right outside.

"What time is it? You won't miss the 'Tarot Party' in the afternoon?" He struggled to get up and walked to the coat rack because the pocket watch was still in the pocket inside the tuxedo.

Not only did he forget about it, but he also forgot to close the bedroom door and close the curtain of the bulbous window.


Klein took out his pocket watch, opened it, and was relieved.

This is only over twelve o'clock, and there is still a lot of time to go before the appointed three o'clock in the afternoon.

——Today is Monday. It is the day for him to get together with "upside down" and "justice".

Klein made a reflection and tapped his eyebrows twice. His eyes changed again, and he saw that his aura had regained its bright color.

Knock twice more and quit Lingshi. He walked easily to the first floor, boiled a pot of water, put some inferior tea, and ate a loaf of rye bread with it and a little butter.

After that, Klein turned out the history textbook and the original owner's notes and leisurely carried out "review" and consolidation.


At 2:57 in the afternoon, Klein closed the book, covered the pen cap, and drew the curtain down.

Next, he unlocked the bedroom door, making the room extremely dark.

He tapped his eyebrows twice again, opened his eyes, and looked around.

After confirming that there was no invisible spirit in the room, Klein finished his vision, took out his pocket watch, and checked the time.

Tick, tick.

At one minute to three, he stepped forward and took four steps counterclockwise as before, forming a square, and each step silently recited the corresponding mantra in Chinese.

However, he did not prepare staple food this time.

Klein closed his eyes and felt a little itchy on the back of his hand. It seemed that the four black spots forming a small square were highlighted and emerging.

Crazy screams and seductive whispers began to reverberate, but Klein found that the headache was not as serious as last time.

It is not that he is not affected, but that he can try to control himself from actively listening.

As an "extraordinary person", he has more self-control in such an environment.

Soon, his "body" became lighter and floated upward. He saw the diffuse, gray, boundless, and hazy fog, and saw the dark red "stars", and two of them seemed to have a subtle connection with him, which made him feel very familiar.

Klein looked at his blurred self and murmured in doubt:

"What does old Neil say about the astral body?"

He calmed down for a few seconds and then transformed the magnificent temple, the bronze table directly below the broad dome, and the twenty-two high-backed chairs with different constellation symbols from the fog.

Klein walked quietly to the top and sat down, covering his body and face with more dense fog, and then stretched out his right hand to remotely point at the two familiar "deep red" stars to build a wonderful connection.