

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 32 Vision

Klein looked at the dark blue viscous liquid, which was hard to say whether it was a cup or a piece, and swallowed hard:

"Drink like this?"

"Don't you need other preparations, such as rituals, mantras, or prayers?"

Old Neil "er," said:

"Ready? Yes, you'd like to have a glass of Ormeer wine from Indis, smoke a Dixie cigar, hum a melodious melody, and dance a brisk court dance. You can also like tap dance, and finally, play Kunt..."

Seeing Klein's expression getting more and more stunned, Old Neil smiled and gave a summary of the previous description:

"If you feel nervous."

... You are quite humorous... Klein twitched twice at the corner of his mouth and resisted the impulse to draw a gun.

He put his walking stick, stretched out his right hand, and held up the opaque glass as if holding a heavy object. The taste of magic medicine was clear and faint, and unreal.

"Young man, don't hesitate. The more hesitant, the more nervous, the more afraid, the more influence the absorption." Old Neil said casually with his back to Klein.

He did not know when he had gone to the next sink, turned on the tap, and washed his hands with a crash.

Klein nodded silently and took a deep breath. He put the opaque glass to his mouth, looked up, and gulped down, just like when he was a child.

The cool and greasy feeling quickly filled his mouth, then slipped through the esophagus and into his stomach.

The thick and dark blue liquid seemed to grow thin and long tentacles, and the cold and stimulation instantly penetrated into every cell of Klein.

He twitched involuntarily, and his eyes quickly became blurred. All the colors became heavier, the red ones were redder, the blue ones were bluer, the black ones were blacker, and the color blocks were rich, and patched up randomly, just like the oil paintings sprinkled by the impressionist masters.

Klein had experienced such a scene before. It was the picture when Daly, the "psychic", asked.

At this moment, his vision is blurred, his mind is floating but clear, like a victim floating on the sea.

Gradually, he saw the surrounding scene clearly, all the colors clearly overlapped with each other, and the gray and unreal fog was faint.

Around him, there are things that are hard to describe, and even transparent as if they don't exist. In the deep, there are bright and clean lights of different colors, which seem to have life, or contain endless knowledge.

This is a bit like what we saw in the "transit ceremony"... Klein instinctively looked down and found that "himself" was still standing in the same place, and his body was pumping.

Suddenly, he had a clear understanding, and his consciousness suddenly sank into one with his body.


The fog quickly dispersed, the color blocks were normal at the same time, and the bright and clean light and non-existent objects disappeared in a flash.

The scene in the alchemy room returned to normal, but Klein felt that his head was expanding and there was a tendency to be cracked. There were countless ghosts in everything he saw, and there was a vague whisper from something unknown in his ear:

"Honachis... Freguera... Honachis... Freguera... Honachis... Freguera..."

Klein felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and his heart was rapidly filled with the impulse to vent and destroy.

He frowned and shook his head.

"Is the line of sight abnormal? And you heard the voice you couldn't hear before?" Neal asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Neil, what should I do?" Klein held back his intense mania and asked.

Old Neil laughed:

"This is because the power of the magic potion overflows, and you lack control. Well, do as I said, imagine an object in your mind, common, simple, and easy."

Klein gathered his attention and outlined his half-height black silk hat in his mind, thinking about the feeling of touching it and its specific shape.

"Put all your attention on it, keep repeating and sketching, do you feel better?" Neil's voice penetrated, like the song of Requiem.

Klein shifted his attention little by little to the imaginary silk hat. He only noticed that the whispers around his ears gradually became smaller until they disappeared, and the double shadows in his eyes gradually overlapped and no longer blurred.

"Much better." Klein calmed down his chaotic mood and exhaled.

He looked down at his body and found nothing unusual.

When he started again, Klein asked, half expecting and half wondering:

"Did I succeed? Was I a 'fortune teller'?"

Old Neil pulled out a mirror plated with mercury from the side and approached him and said:

"Look at your eyes."

Klein stared and saw that he was wearing a black hat in the mirror, with a deep profile and common features. Except for the sweat on his face, he seemed to have no difference from the previous one.

He looked carefully at the position of his eyes according to Neil's suggestion and then found that his original brown eyes had deepened a lot as if there was no light in the dark night as if he could absorb the soul of others.

——Normally, dark brown pupils are easily seen as black, and Klein can hardly detect them without careful discrimination.

"This is the manifestation of the power of magic medicine. When you learn meditation and convergence, your eyes will return to normal." Old Neil smiled and extended his right hand. "Congratulations, new extraordinary, our diviner."

"Thank you." Klein reached out and shook his hand. "Mr. Neil, when can I learn to meditate?"

"You can do it now. The initial meditation is quite simple, especially for the extraordinary." Old Neil said with a smile, "Just now you sketched objects in your mind to transfer your attention, and collected the overflowing power, which is actually the first step of meditation. You should do it again."

Klein closed his eyes and painted the half-height black silk hat in his mind again.

His attention seemed to be easier to concentrate on than before. Soon, some miscellaneous thoughts emerged and fell back, leaving only the hat outlined.

"Leave your head slightly empty, and then replace the sketched items with those that don't exist in the world and are imagined out of thin air."

"You must abide by this rule. Only in this way can you enter into meditation, and gradually integrate with the transcendent 'I', the infinite 'I', and the 'I' of the universe. You can get insights and revelations about the truth, and gain knowledge that can only be understood by yourself. In the field of mysticism, this is called 'tacit experience'." Old Neil said in a conciliatory tone, "In the following description, you only need to listen to it for a while. At present, the most important thing is to enter meditation."

What doesn't exist in the world, what is imagined out of thin air... does it count on the earth? Klein tried to replace the half-height black hat with the earth-green, long, and thick intercontinental ballistic missile seen on TV.

However, no matter how sketched or imagined, he always just kept his attention focused.

It seems impossible... Klein had to use his imagination to sketch a sphere of light, and then sketch many similar things and draw them together.

The spheres of light overlap and are full of fantasy. Klein's thoughts gradually become empty and seem to be drifting.

His body and mind calmed down, and the unreal fog and mixed color blocks that were full of nonexistent objects and bright and lustrous before reappeared, quietly suspended in the sky and within reach.

Spirituality extends little by little and expands inch by inch. Klein quietly looks down at it, feels it, and binds it.

"Very good, worthy of being a 'fortune teller', entering meditation is very smooth, only a little worse than I did at the beginning." Old Neil laughed, "In this case, I began to teach you the most commonly used, the easiest to master, and the most promising ability in the future, Lingshi!"

He turned off the gas lamps one by one, but opened the secret door of the alchemy room, making the place where Klein was located extremely dark so that even the outline of the object could not be seen clearly.

"OK, continue with your current state, raise your hands and put them in front of you, with your forefinger facing each other, but don't touch them."

"Open your eyes until you get used to the darkness."

According to the description of old Neil, Klein completed it step by step and saw the contours of his opposite fingers and surrounding objects.

"It was supposed to lie down and let the body relax completely, but since your meditation effect is good, let's continue." Old Neil laughed. "Put the focus of your eyes on the back of your hand, which must be the back, and then move your fingers slowly to keep a relatively untouched state, and don't let them out of sight."

Klein listened calmly and set his eyes on the empty position behind his palm, letting the two index fingers that were relatively untouched move slowly within the range of vision.

Once, twice, three times... suddenly, Klein saw a little more red color between his fingers.

"Eh..." He made a voice.

"See the color? Yes, this is the initial vision. The color you see is your own aura." Old Neil laughed. "Don't worry, come a few more times, stabilize, and then go to see other places. I also take this opportunity to tell you the meaning of different colors."

"All right." Klein moved his fingers back and forth, focusing on the fire.

Old Neil thought for a moment and said:

"In a nutshell, the mainstream field of mysticism divides everyone's non-physical part into four layers, the core of which is called 'spiritual body', that is, everyone's most fundamental spirituality. Animism believes that all living things have spirituality and spiritual body."

"I don't know anything else, but for the peeper, the purpose of meditation and the way to enhance strength all point to the 'spirit body'."

"Beyond the 'spirit body' is the 'star spirit body', which is the way that the former communicates with the spirit world and the stars, belonging to the external manifestation of the former, and is directly related to your own will and current emotions... The picture you see after taking the magic medicine is the picture of the 'star spirit body' wandering in the spirit world, where it does not comply with the rules of the material world, involving the transcendent 'I', the infinite 'I', the universe 'I', the past and present It may overlap with the future, which is the root of divination. "

"In the spiritual world, what you see is only image, only symbol. You must interpret it before you can understand the specific meaning."

"Divination and much other magic are performed through the 'astral body'."

"The relationship and difference between it and the 'spirit body' must not be mistaken."

One for the body, one for the use... Klein continued to look at the airfield at the tip of his finger and made a brief summary.

"Further outward, it is the 'mind and body'. From here on, it has been combined with the body... It involves the mind and belongs to the comprehensive presentation of your reasoning ability, thinking ability, insight ability, and understanding ability. Some magic drugs are mainly to improve this, and many magic is also aimed at it."

Old Neil explained in quite a detail, "The outermost layer is the 'etheric body', which is the manifestation of your life energy and physical state."

"The color of the aura you see is the explicit symbol of the 'etheric body'. That is to say, you can see some spirit bodies, ghosts, and spirits directly with the aura. Ha ha, maybe including some things that should not be seen, you can also see the 'etheric body' of others, or the aura field, so that you can judge the health and emotional state of the other party through its different thickness, brightness, and color."

"When your spiritual vision improves, you can master more mystical knowledge, and you can find more details to judge the life span of the other party."

"Yes, I just said the emotional state, because the 'star spirit body' will also have a little external appearance. When your sequence gets higher, the spirit sees a very strong stage, and even can see the other party's star spirit body ', then you can know more things, which belongs to the degree that extraordinary people like' diviners 'and' peepers 'can achieve."

"Some guys even claimed that the strongest state of vision can see anything anywhere, including the past and future, but I don't believe it."

It sounds very powerful... Klein is almost longing for it.

Old Neil coughed and continued:

"Let's go back to the color of the 'etheric body' or the aura. Your hands and feet and other places involved in movement will be red, the head and brain surface will be purple, the position of excretion and detoxification will be orange, the corresponding position of the digestive system will be yellow, the outside of the heart and regulatory system will be green, the throat and part of the nervous system will be blue, and the overall balance will make the body shrouded in white... These are the symbols of health."

"Once they become dim, or their thickness becomes thinner, or their color changes, it means that the corresponding parts are in a state of fatigue or illness."

"In addition, the corresponding color of the inner astral body represents the current mood, red is enthusiastic and excited, orange is warm and contented, yellow is happy and outgoing, green is calm and peaceful, blue is calm, in the process of thinking, white is bright, positive, dark is melancholy, sad, silent, purple is spiritual dominant, cold and alienated..."

Klein silently remembered that he had stabilized his initial vision.

"Well, you can look at other things." Old Neil didn't say more, nodded, and said.

Klein slowly turned his head and looked at Old Neil. Sure enough, he found that he had different colors and thick or thin auras. The purple color of his head was the brightest, the red color of his hands and feet was relatively dim, and the overall white color was also a little light.

Are you really old... Klein said to himself silently.

Only at this time did he really have the feeling of becoming "extraordinary" after seeing these things!

"I am an extraordinary person!"

He moved his eyes and looked at Old Neil carefully, but suddenly, he saw a pair of eyes without long eyelashes, cold, and transparent in the void behind him!

These almost unreal eyes are quietly staring at Old Neil and at himself!

This... Klein shivered, opened his mouth, and blurted out:

"You have eyes behind you!"

Old Neil was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry about it."