

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 31 Magic Medicine

Dunn Smith's gray eyes looked straight into Klein's eyes and did not speak for a full minute.

Under the pressure of such silence and gaze, Klein did not flinch, did not move his eyes, and looked back firmly at the other side.

"You should understand that once you take the magic medicine, you have no chance to regret it." Finally, Dunn spoke again, with a low voice and no emotion.

Klein smiled and said:

"I know, but I respect my inner voice."

First of all, the "sleepless person" does not meet their own needs. The "audience" in the "Tarot party" also listens to the description. Other special ways do not know when to get in touch, so there is no need to wait. In the same way, the "corpse collector" will be excluded, leaving only the "peeper" and "diviner" options.

Under the premise that the serial magic potions are equally dangerous, and in the case that they cannot obtain more information, before the fact that the "peeper" and "diviner" both meet the requirements, whether or not the Great Russell wrote casually or whether he really regretted not choosing one of the "apprentice", "thief" and "diviner" is enough to tilt his inner balance.

And from his notes, we can see that as long as we can understand the true meaning of "digestion" and "play", we can avoid the negative impact of magic medicine to the greatest extent. As for the depraved and maddening whispers and illusory temptations, even if we don't become extraordinary, we can also touch them!

"OK." Dunn Smith stood up, put on his half-height black hat, and said while wearing it, "Come with me to the ground."

Klein nodded and gratefully treated him as a gentleman.

Da, da, da, they went down, and the sound of their footsteps was far away on the silent and empty stairs and aisles.

Klein suddenly felt a little nervous and said nothing:

"Captain, you said that after taking the magic medicine, you won't get the corresponding mystical knowledge directly, but you have the qualification to learn and master them. Where did the original mystical knowledge come from? Did the sages risk their lives to find out, or did they come from something else?"

Every time he came to the ground, he could feel the air here was quite fresh. Obviously, the ventilation was very good. But in this environment, the occasional gust of wind was really frightening.

Dunn looked at him sideways. His gray eyes were very deep in the dark.

He replied flatly:

"The first is the exploration, summary, and improvement you said, the second is the gift of the gods, and the third is that those dangerous' whispers' that others can't hear are not always crazy and meaningless. Occasionally, they will tell some mysterious things, but as far as I know, those who really listen to these and listen to them for a long time are not exceptionally crazy or degenerate into monsters. Of course, we have to thank them. The notes they leave are A valuable treasure in the field of mysticism. "

Human-shaped Duplicant... The cold and overcast ground invaded, and Klein suddenly shuddered:

I turned it into a "transfer ceremony" of "making friends magic". Will it always be accompanied by those crazy and scary "whispers", and will it have the same impact?

At the crossroads, Dunn neither went to "Channismen" nor turned to "weapons, materials and literature library". Instead, he took Klein and chose to approach St. Selena Church on the left.

Halfway through, he paused, touched something, and opened a secret door.

"This is the 'alchemy room' of our team of night watchers. I will ask Old Neil to get the prescription and corresponding materials of the 'fortune teller' magic medicine in the Chanis Gate. Oh, you are lucky. The goddess is protecting you. There should be two copies of the 'fortune teller' related materials left, otherwise, it will be a long time to wait." Dunn pointed to the room inside the door and said, "You wait here, and then watch the whole process of Old Neil's preparation of magic potions. This is the most basic thing of occult science. Well, don't tamper with the items inside. They are either dangerous or expensive, or dangerous and expensive."

Speaking of this, Dunn added as before:

"By the way, I forgot another thing. You become an extraordinary person based on the need to deal with danger and find notes, and credit only accounts for a part of it. Therefore, you can't turn into a formal team member for the time being. You are still a civilian, and it is still its corresponding salary. You still do the things I arranged before, but you have to learn a lot of mystical knowledge with Old Neil. You can arrange your own time."

"All right." Klein, besides complaining about not raising his salary, agreed with both hands and feet.

According to Dunn, after taking magic medicine, as well as the process of learning and mastering, he directly became a regular member of the team and participated in tasks related to supernatural events. I really don't know how to write the word "death".

Dunn turned around and took two steps towards the crossroads, then suddenly turned back and said:

"One more thing."

I know... Klein has gotten used to the similar "style" of the captain.

"We have gained a lot from the actions of the Secret Order before." Dunn said with his usual expression, "They should not dare to provoke us again in a short time, but you should not be careless, because we can not confirm the importance of the Antikonus family notes to them for the time being. From our findings, they do retain some ancient customs, which can be confirmed to be related to the Solomon Empire and the fallen aristocrats at that time."

"I know, thank you, Captain." Klein exhaled.

This is also one of the reasons why he is unwilling to wait and can't wait to seize the chance to become an extraordinary person!

After seeing Dunn away and confirming that he would not return to supplement, Klein walked slowly into the alchemy room.

There was a long table with test tubes, droppers, scales, and beakers. It was more like the chemical laboratory he had seen in his previous life, but it was simpler and more ancient.

In addition, there are items such as large iron pans, black wooden spoons, transparent crystal balls, and strange signs such as the dark holy insignia that can be seen everywhere, which render some mysterious colors out of thin air.

Klein looked around with interest but did not touch and move with his hands.

After a while, the sound of footsteps came. Old Neil walked in with a silver box with complex patterns. He was still wearing a classic black robe that did not conform to the characteristics of the times and a round felt hat of the same color.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to choose 'fortune teller'." Old Neil put down the silver box and glanced at Klein with slightly muddy dark red eyes

"OK." Klein held back his trembling and lit the gas lamps in the alchemy room one by one so that the dim light reigned here again.

Zha, Zha, Zha, and the secret door were closed. He turned around and came to Old Neil with gray hair and deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and mouth. He saw that the other party brushed the black iron pot with several strange branches tied.

"The preparation of serial magic potions is very simple, at least below sequence 7. There is no need for special flames, no need for additional rituals, no need for mantras, and no need for spiritual participation. Just add the ingredients accurately in order according to the order of the formula, and stir it again." Old Neil smiled as if the wrinkles were blooming.

"Really?" Klein asked in surprise.

It sounds as simple as your "transit ceremony"

Hey, it's a little scary to think about

"Maybe this is the gift of the gods, praising the goddess." Old Neil drew a circle on his chest in a very irregular way.

Next, he opened the silver box and took out a roll of parchment with a sense of antiquity.

The yellow-brown parchment unfolded inch by inch, revealing the words on it. Klein looked up and found that it was his familiar Hermes.

They are written with blood-like ink and seem to retain the feeling of flowing, but there is no other special feeling.

"The 'fortune teller': 100 ml pure water+13 drops of night vanilla juice+7 pieces of mint leaves..." Klein recited the contents of the formula, but the following part was just blocked by Old Neil's elbow and could not be seen.

"Pure water is water that has been repeatedly distilled, and I just made it before, so it doesn't need to waste time." Old Neil introduced it and took a large sealed glass bottle with the scale on the long table.

He opened the lid and poured about 100 ml of pure water into a large iron pot.

Klein didn't dare to ask questions, for fear of affecting the preparation of the other party. After all, the magic potion he made must be drunk by himself.

"13 drops of night vanilla juice, which can be extracted and made into essential oil for preservation." Old Neil took out a small brown bottle from the silver box, and with the help of the dropper, he easily dropped 13 drops into the big iron pot.

A light and tranquil fragrance diffused, and Klein's mood became calm unconsciously.

"Seven gold mint leaves..." Old Neil picked up the tin pot with silver patterns, opened the lid, twisted out a few pieces with bare hands, and sprinkled them into the big iron pot. The fresh and exciting taste was faint.

"4, 5, 6, 7, just right." Old Neil smiled and looked at the prescription of magic medicine on the parchment. "You can't drink three drops of poison pansy juice randomly. You will be paralyzed and stiff. In ancient times, it was the best choice for suicide."

I'm not stupid... Klein muttered.

Old Neil changed the dropper and dropped the poison pansy juice into the big iron pot, which mixed with the strange smell of sobering people.

"9 grams of Dragon Blood Grass powder." Old Neil calmly put his hand into the silver box and lifted a transparent test tube. The powder inside was as dark as iron.

He weighed 9 grams of powder with a beaker, balanced, and other items poured it into a large iron pot and stirred it twice with a black wooden spoon. When he saw Klein's liver tremble, he always felt that it was not reliable.

"In fact, these materials are all auxiliary materials. Adding more or less will not affect the final effect. Why don't I add more?" Neil made a joke, "The remaining two are the key. The weight can be a little less, but not too far away, otherwise your 'promotion' will fail. Well, they must not be more, even a little, or you will have to go to the treatment of mental problems after taking them, and you will not die directly."

Klein immediately tightened up and watched Old Neil take out a black glass bottle from the silver box.

"The blood of Lava octopus is 10ml. This octopus belongs to an extraordinary species with an obvious variation. It is covered with mysterious symbols. Its blood will decompose rapidly under the sun and lose its particularity. It must be preserved with opaque materials." Old Neil's tone is no longer relaxed, and his action is fast and careful to take 10ml of blood with a test tube.

The blood was as blue as the sky, and from time to time, it bubbled out illusory foam, as if connected with the spiritual world.

"Pour the blood in the test tube, and don't care about the residue on the wall. This is to prevent excessive." Old Neil whispered.

As soon as the blue blood entered the iron pot and contact with the previous liquid, there was a loud noise in it, and the light around it became light blue, giving Klein a strange feeling of being distant and familiar.

It seems to be the experience in the mother's body, which makes the soul climb.

"The last one, star crystal, 50 grams." Old Neil's voice was beside Klein's ear, making him look back at the long table.

The old man had a crystal in his hand that was pure to the extreme, and the crystal was gelatinous, like jelly on the earth, lacking enough hardness.

It reflects a little light under the light blue light and seems to hide a bright starry sky inside.

"This is the best material for making divination crystal... a little less, consider the error." Old Neil cut it with a patterned silver knife while weighing it.

"Pure water+night vanilla+golden thin lotus leaf+poison pansy juice+Dracaena+Lava octopus blood+star crystal=diviner..." At this time, Klein could not help thinking about the formula again.

After the preparation, Old Neil threw a few small pieces of "star crystal" into the big iron pot.


The unreal fog appeared in an instant, making the alchemy room a blur.

In the fog, Klein seemed to see the starry sky, and also seemed to feel the gaze of some invisible existence.

After a few seconds, the fog subsided. Old Neil scooped out the thick dark blue liquid from the big iron pot with a black wooden spoon. They had strange characteristics. They were connected with each other and never separated so that there was no left in the black iron pot.

The dark blue liquid was poured into an opaque glass. Old Neil pointed to it and said:

"Well, your 'fortune teller' potion."