

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 26 Exercise

Da, da, da.

The sound of footsteps reverberated in the dark narrow corridor and spread far away in a quiet place without any noise.

Klein, with his back straight, followed the middle-aged pastor slowly and slowly, without asking questions or chatting, and was as calm as a calm lake.

Through the tightly guarded passageway, the middle-aged priest opened a secret door with a key and pointed to the stone staircase down:

"To the left of the crossing is Chanismen."

"May the goddess bless you." Klein nodded four times on his chest, outlining the "shape" of the crimson moon.

Secularity uses secular etiquette, and religion uses religious rituals.

"Praise the goddess." The middle-aged priest replied with the same action.

Klein said no more and walked step by step to the dark depth along the stone ladder with the help of the elegant gas lamps inlaid on the walls on both sides.

Halfway through, he subconsciously turned back and saw that the middle-aged priest was still standing at the door, at the top of the ladder, in the shadow of the light of the gas lamp, like a wax figure that could not move.

Klein withdrew his sight and continued to go down. Before long, he touched the ground covered with cold stones and came to the crossroads.

He did not turn in the direction of "Channismen", because Dunn Smith, who had just been on duty, would not be there.

Following the familiar road on the right, Klein climbed another ladder and appeared inside the "Black Thorn Security Company".

Seeing the door closed or half closed, he did not look for it recklessly. Instead, he entered the reception hall and saw the sweet smiling brunette girl absorbed in reading a magazine.

"Hi, Roxanne." Klein came to the side and deliberately tapped the table.


Roxanne suddenly stood up, knocked over the chair, and hurriedly said:

"Hey, it's a nice day today. You, you, Klein, why are you here?"

She stroked her chest and took two breaths, like a little girl who was afraid of being caught lazy by her father.

"I have something to ask the captain," Klein replied briefly.

"... I was scared to death. I thought the captain came out." Rosan glared at Klein. "I don't know how to knock at the door! Hum, you should be glad that I am a generous and kind lady. Hmm, I prefer the word girl... What do you want to do with the captain? He is in the room opposite Mrs. O'Leanne."

Even though his spirit was quite tense, Klein was amused by Roxanne to show a smile, and said in a thoughtful way:


"..." Roxanne's eyes were wide open and she could not believe it. At the same time, Klein bowed slightly and said goodbye quickly.

He went through the partition door of the reception room again and knocked on the door of the first office on his right hand.

"Please come in," said Dunn Smith in a low, gentle voice.

Klein pushed the door in, closed his backhand, and took off his hat to salute:

"Good morning, Captain."

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" Dunn's black windbreaker and hat are hanging on the nearby coat rack. The exposed body only wears a white shirt and black vest. Even if the hairline is high and the gray eyes are deep, it also looks refreshing.

"Someone is following me," Klein replied truthfully, without making any unnecessary modifications.

Dunn leaned back, clasped his hands, and looked into Klein's eyes with deep gray eyes.

Instead of taking up the follow-up topic, he asked:

"You came from the church?"

"Yes," Klein replied positively.

Dunn nodded slightly, didn't say good or bad, and turned to the main topic:

"It may be that Welch's father did not believe the cause of death we reported and invited private detectives from Fengcheng to investigate."

Kingston, also known as Fengcheng, is an area with an extremely developed coal and steel industry, ranking in the top three among all cities in the Kingdom of Roon.

Without waiting for Klein to comment, Dunn continued:

"It may also come from the source of the note. Well, we are looking at where Welch got the Antigonius family note. Of course, we cannot exclude other individuals or organizations pursuing this note."

"What should I do?" Klein asked in a deep voice.

There is no doubt that his hope is the first reason.

Dunn didn't answer immediately, took a cup of coffee, and took a sip. There was no ripple in his grey eyes and said:

"Follow the previous path and do whatever you want."

"Any?" Klein asked back.

"Any." Dunn nodded definitely. "Of course, don't scare the other party away, and don't violate the law."

"OK." Klein took a breath, said goodbye, turned around, left the room, and returned to the basement.

He turned left at the crossroads, bathed in the light of the gas lamps on both sides, and walked quietly in the empty, dark, and cold passage.

The staccato echoes, the more lonely, the more fearful.

Soon, Klein approached the stairs and stepped up to see the middle-aged priest standing in the shadow at the door.

When the two met, they did not speak. The middle-aged priest turned silently and made his way.

Along the way, Klein went back to the large prayer hall. The light and purity of the round holes behind the arched altar remained the same, the darkness and tranquility in the room remained the same, and the men and women in the line outside the confessional room remained the same, but a lot less.

After waiting for a while, Klein took a cane and a newspaper and walked slowly out of the prayer hall and Saint Serena's church as if nothing had happened.

As soon as he went out and saw the burning sun, he suddenly felt familiar with the sense of being watched again. He only felt that he was like the prey being watched by an eagle.

Suddenly, a doubtful point emerged in his mind:

Why didn't the "peeper" follow me into the church before? Although in that way, I can still hide his temporary "disappearance" with the help of the dark environment and the priest, is it difficult for him to pretend to pray and follow the monitoring? I didn't do anything bad. Is there any problem with going in openly?

Unless he has a dark history, is afraid of the church, is afraid of the bishop, and knows that the other party may have extraordinary abilities

So, the possibility of a private detective is very low

Whoa! Klein breathed a sigh, no longer as tense as before, and walked leisurely around Zotland Street on the back.

He stopped in front of an old building with mottled walls. The house number is "3" and the name is "Zotland Shooting Club".

The underground shooting range of the police department is open to the "public" to earn additional funds.

As soon as Klein entered, the feeling of being spied on immediately disappeared. He seized the opportunity and gave the badge of the "Special Operations Department" to the waiter in charge of reception.

After a little verification, he was led underground to a small closed shooting range.

"10 meters target." Klein simply explained to the waiter, took the revolver out of his armpit gun pocket, and took out the box of brass bullets from his clothes pocket.

He was suddenly stared at, which made his desire for self-protection overcome his procrastination, so he could not wait to come to practice shooting.


After the waiter left, he threw out the wheel, pulled out the silver magic hunting bullets one by one, then picked up the normal bullets in brass color, and stuffed one round into the bullet nest.

This time, he did not leave a space to prevent accidental firing, nor did he take off his formal coat and half-high hat. He should practice in the most common way. After all, it is impossible to shout "Please stop, let me change a light suit first" after encountering enemies and dangers.


Klein closed the wheel and slid it with his thumb.

Suddenly, he held his gun in both hands, raised it straight, and aimed at the target 10 meters away.

But instead of rushing to shoot, he carefully recalled the missed target experience of military training and the common sense of three points and one line and the recoil of shooting.

Whoa! Whoa!

In the sound of clothes tearing, Klein practiced aiming and holding posture again and again, as if he were a child in the college entrance examination.

After repeated times, he retreated to the place against the wall, sat on the soft bench, put the left wheel aside, massaged his arm, and rested for a long time.

It took a few minutes to recall that just now, Klein picked up the pistol with a wooden handle and copper wheel again, came to the shooting position, made a standard posture, and pulled the trigger.


His arm shook, his body leaned back slightly, and the bullet missed the target.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After learning from his experience, he fired one shot at a time and groped for his feelings in practice until all six bullets were fired.

Starting to hit the target... Klein retreated and sat down again and took two breaths.

Clap! He threw out the wheel and let the six shells fall to the ground, and then continued to insert the remaining brass-colored bullets one by one with unchanged expressions.

After relaxing his lower arm, Klein stood up again, summarized, and returned to the shooting position.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunshot reverberated, and the target shook, Klein practiced and rested time and time again, and shot all the 30 normal bullets he received and the remaining five bullets gradually stabilized the target and began to pursue the number of rings.

After shaking his sore arm, he poured out the last five cartridge cases, lowered his head, stuffed the silver devil hunting bullets with complex patterns one after another, and reserved the wrong firing position.

After putting the revolver into the armpit gun bag, Klein took a picture of the smoke and dust on his body, walked out of the special shooting range, and returned to the street with ease.

The feeling of being looked at reappeared again, but Klein's mood was calmer than before. He walked slowly to Champagne Street, took a 4p tram back to Iron Cross Street, and entered his apartment.

He took out the key, opened the door, and saw a man who was nearly thirty, wearing a linen shirt and with short hair sitting at his desk.

When his heart tightened, he immediately relaxed. Klein smiled and said:

"Good morning, no, good noon, Benson."

This man is his brother and Melissa's brother, Benson Moretti, who is only 25 years old this year. He looks almost 30 years old because of his receding hairline and old face.

He has dark hair and brown pupils, which are somewhat similar to Klein, but he does not have faint bookish air.

"Good afternoon, Klein, how was the interview?" Benson stood up and smiled.

His black coat and half-height top hat were hung at the projection of the high and low bed.

"Very bad," Klein replied without expression.

Seeing that Benson was stunned, Klein smiled and added:

"In fact, I didn't attend the interview at all. I found a job ahead of schedule, with a weekly salary of 3 pounds..."

He repeated what he had said to Melissa before.

Benson calmed down, shook his head, and smiled:

"I feel like seeing my children grow up... Well, this job is not bad."

He sighed:

"It's good to hear such good news when I came back from running. We have to celebrate tonight and buy some beef?"

Klein smiled:

"OK, but I think Melissa will be distressed. In the afternoon, we will go shopping together. Take at least 3 sules? Well, to be honest, one pound for 20 sules, one sule for 12 pence, and halfpence, and a quarter pence. This currency system is simply against intuition and is very troublesome. I think it must be one of the most stupid currency systems in the world."

After that, he saw that Benson's expression became serious, and he was a little nervous, doubting whether he had said the wrong thing.

In the missing memory fragment of the original master, Bansen is a pure and extreme supporter of the kingdom, which can't be denied by others.

Benson paced a few steps and retorted with a serious face:

"No, no one."

None of them... Klein was stunned and reacted quickly and smiled at his brother.

It is indeed the ironic humor that Benson is good at.

Benson turned up his mouth and added solemnly:

"You should understand that to establish a reasonable and simple currency system requires a prerequisite, that is, to know how to count and master the decimal system. Unfortunately, such talents are too rare among those big people."