

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 25 Church

While Azek was talking to himself, he subconsciously looked at Quentin Cohen and seemed to want to seek hints and inspiration.

Cohen, with sunken eyes and dark blue eyes, shook his head without hesitation and said:

"I have no impression."

"... Well, maybe it's just a root word." Azek put down his left hand and laughed at himself.

Klein was slightly disappointed with the result, but could not help adding:

"Tutor, Mr. Azik, as you know, I am very interested in exploring and restoring the history of the Quaternary. If you have anything to think of or have other information, can you write to me?"

"No problem." Because of today's event, senior associate professor Cohen, who has white hair, is quite satisfied with Klein.

Azik also nodded and said:

"Your address or the previous one?"

"For the time being, but I'm going to move soon. I'll write to tell you then." Klein replied respectfully.

Senior associate professor Cohen shook his black cane and said:

"It's really time for a better environment."

At this time, Klein glanced at the newspaper in Azek's hand and said:

"Tutor, Mr. Azik, what did the newspaper say about Welch and Naya? I only learned a little from the police in charge of the investigation."

Azik was waiting to answer, but Cohen, a senior associate professor with few wrinkles, suddenly took out a pocket watch along the gold chain on the black tuxedo.


He opened it and looked forward and nodded his stick:

"The meeting is about to start, Azek, we can't delay. Please give the newspaper to Moretti."

"OK." Azek handed the newspaper he had turned over to Klein. "We have to go upstairs. Remember to write a letter. The address of Cohen and I have not changed. It is still the office of the History Department of Hoy University, haha."

He turned around with a smile and left the room with Cohen.

Klein took off his hat and saluted, watched the two gentlemen leave, then said goodbye to the owner of the office, Haven Stone, and walked slowly out of the door of the gray three-storey building along the corridor.

In the sunshine, he lifted his cane, opened the newspaper, and saw that his head was:

"Tingen Morning Post".

There are so many kinds of newspapers and magazines in Tingen... What morning paper, an evening paper, honest man, Beckland daily, Tassok newspaper, family magazine, story review... Klein casually recalled, and seven or eight names came into his mind. Of course, one of them is not local but comes from "distribution" based on the steam train

Today, with the development of industrial paper making and printing, the price of a newspaper has been reduced to 1p, and the number of people covered is also increasing.

Klein did not look at other contents carefully, and soon found the report of "burglary and homicide" on the "news page";

"... According to the police department, the scene in Mr. Welch's home was terrible, and all the gold, jewelry, and money, as well as all the valuable and easy-to-take-away items, even the copper penny, were lost. There was reason to believe that this was a group of cruel and vicious gangsters, who would not hesitate to kill the innocent people who saw their appearance, such as Mr. Welch, such as Ms. Naya."

"This is a violation of the laws of the Kingdom! This is a provocation to public safety! No one wants to encounter similar things! Of course, the good news is that the police department has identified the murderer and caught the principal offender. We will give follow-up reports as soon as possible."

"Reporter, John Browning."

It was handled and covered up... Klein walked on the avenue and nodded slightly.

He flipped the newspaper and read other news and serial stories while walking.

All of a sudden, his cold hair stood up behind him, as if there were thin needles sticking there.

Someone is watching me? Look at me. Watch me?

One idea came into being, and Klein had a vague insight.

When he was on earth, he also felt the invisible gaze and finally found the source of the gaze, but he never responded clearly and "concluded" clearly as now!

The same thing happened in the memory of the original master!

Is it through that strange "transit ceremony" that makes my "sixth sense" stronger?

Klein resisted the impulse to look for a watcher, learned the novels, films, and TV dramas he had seen, and slowly stopped his steps, put away the newspaper, and looked at the Hoy River.

After that, he looked around at the scenery and then turned around naturally to take the surrounding situation into his eyes.

There is no one here except trees, lawns, and students passing by in the distance.

However, Klein is sure that there is still someone watching him!


Klein's heart beat faster, and blood gushed and flowed with a fierce popping sound.

He unfolded the newspaper, half covering his face, for fear that someone might find his expression wrong.

At the same time, he grasped his stick and was ready to draw a gun.

One step, two steps, three steps, Klein walked slowly, as just now.

His feeling of being spied on and looked at was still the same, but there was no sudden outbreak of danger.

After walking through the mall with a slight stiffness, he arrived at the waiting point of the public carriage and was lucky to find that there was just one coming.

"Iron... Zott... No, Champagne Street." Klein continuously denied his own idea.

At first, he planned to go home directly, but he was afraid to lead the unknown snoop to the apartment. Then, he wanted to go to Zotland Street and ask the "night watcher" or colleagues for help, but he was worried that the other party was making a fuss and exposing himself, so he had to choose a place at random.

"Six pence," the toll collector replied with familiarity.

Klein didn't take the gold pounds out today. He put them in a place where he used to hide money. He only took away two sules of paper money. When he came, he also spent the same money. There was just one sul and six pence left on his body. So he took out all the coins and gave them to the toll collector.

Get on the carriage, find a seat, and sit down. With the door closed, Klein only felt that the uneasy feeling of being watched finally disappeared!

He exhaled slowly and felt his hands and feet trembling slightly.

What should I do?

What should we do next?

Klein looked out the window of the carriage and tried to think of a way.

On the premise that the purpose of the snooper is not clear, it is regarded as malicious first!

Ideas emerged one by one and were rejected by Klein one by one. He had never experienced similar things before, and it took him several minutes to find ideas.

You must notify the "night watchers", only they can really solve the problem!

But you can't go directly in this way. It will be exposed. Maybe this is the purpose of the other party

Following this train of thought, Klein roughly formulated one plan after another, and the idea gradually became clear.


He exhaled turbid air, regained basic calm, and carefully looked out of the window at the scene of the fast sweep back.

Until the carriage arrived at Champagne Street, the accident did not happen, but after Klein pushed the door and got off, he immediately felt the uneasy feeling of being stared at!

Pretending not to notice anything, he took the newspaper and walked slowly towards Zotland Street with his walking stick.

However, he did not enter the street, but walked around to Red Moon Street on the back, where there was a beautiful white square and a spired cathedral!

Saint-Selena Church!

The headquarters of the Night Goddess Church in Tingen!

As a believer, there is nothing strange about coming to participate in mass and pray on the day off.

The cathedral has an obvious earth-like Gothic style, which is black in overall color. The front facade is a tall and mottled clock tower, which is located on the huge central buttress between the red and blue lattice windows and inserted into the sky.

Klein walked into the church and walked along the aisle to the large prayer hall. Along the way, the narrow high window inlaid with blue and red fine patterns penetrated into a stream of colored light, which was nearly black in blue and red like the moon, setting off an extremely dark surrounding.

The feeling of being watched disappeared again, and Klein looked as usual, without joy, and came step by step outside the open prayer hall.

There are no high windows here, and the deep darkness has become the main character. But behind the arched altar, on the wall where the door is directly opposite the entrance, dozens of fist-sized round holes penetrate outward, allowing the bright and pure sun to shine in, condensed and bright.

It is like a pedestrian in the dark, looking up suddenly, seeing the stars and bright stars, which are so noble, so pure and so sacred.

Even though he always believed that the gods could be studied and understood, Klein could not help but bow his head.

In the low and gentle voice of the bishop's sermon, he walked quietly on the aisle separating the left and right seats, found a place that was empty and close to the passage, and sat down slowly.

Lay the cane on the back of the front chair, Klein took off the top hat, put it on his thigh with the newspaper, and then clasped his hands against the hanging forehead.

In the whole process, he did it slowly and orderly, just like he really prayed.

Klein closed his eyes and listened quietly to the Bishop's voice in the dark sight:

"They are naked, without clothes and food, and without cover in the cold."

"They were soaked in the heavy rain, and because they had no shelter, they hugged the rock."

"They are mothers whose children have been taken away, orphans who have lost hope, and poor people who have been forced out of the right way."

"The night did not give them up and gave them a favor."

... (Note 1)

Echoes were superimposed, and the sound was heard. Klein's eyes were dark, and his heart was washed.

He calmly experienced these until the bishop finished his sermon and ended the mass ceremony.

The Bishop opened the door of the confession room next to him. A gentleman and a lady lined up.

Klein opened his eyes, put on his top hat, picked up his walking stick and newspaper, followed him up, and lined up orderly.

After more than 20 minutes, it was finally his turn.

As he stepped in and closed the door behind him, Klein's eyes were dark again.

"What do you want to say, son?" The Bishop's voice came from behind the wooden baffle.

Klein took out the badge of the "Seventh Group of the Special Operations Department" from his pocket and handed it to the Bishop through the gap.

"Someone is following me, and I want to find Dunn Smith." It seems that he is affected by the dark, and his tone also becomes soft.

The Bishop took the badge and said in silence for a few seconds:

"At the door of the confession room, to the right, to the end, there is a secret door next to it. After entering, there is a guide."

As he spoke, he pulled a rope in the room so that a priest heard the sound of the bell shaking.

Klein took back his badge, took off his hat, pressed it on his chest, bowed slightly, then turned around and pushed the door out.

After confirming that the feeling of being watched did not appear again, he put on his black half-high hat again. Without any unnecessary expression on his face, he held his walking stick and turned to the right until he came to the archway.

On the wall aligned at the side, he found the secret door, opened it silently, and flashed in.

The secret door closed quietly, and a middle-aged man in a black priest's robe appeared in the light of the gas lamp and appeared in Klein's eyes.

"What's the matter?" the middle-aged priest asked briefly.

Klein showed his badge and repeated what he had just said to the bishop.

The middle-aged priest stopped asking, turned around, and walked silently.

Klein nodded, stroked his hat, took a black cane, and quietly followed him.

Roxanne said that on the left of the intersection to the "Chanis Gate" is the church of Saint-Selena.

Note 1: Adapted from Chapter 24 of the Old Testament.