

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 23 Off-hand Weapons

Walking on Zotland Street, the damp and hot breeze was blowing, and the high-spirited Klein suddenly thought of one thing:

There is only a 3p change left on the body, and 4p is required to return to Iron Cross Street by public carriage while giving the other party change with 1 gold pound note is like taking 100 yuan to buy a bottle of cheap mineral water before crossing the road. There is no other way to do it. I can't pull that face down.

"Sit for 3 kilometers with 3 pence, and walk back the rest of the way?" Klein put one hand in his pocket, slowed down, and thought about other ways.

"No!" Soon, he rejected the previous idea.

The rest of the journey is just walking. It will take a long time. It is too unsafe to carry 12 pounds of "huge money"!

Moreover, I was worried that the left wheel would be confiscated by the "night watcher", but I didn't carry it on purpose today. If I encounter any danger caused by Welch's death, I will have no resistance!

"Find a bank nearby to exchange change? No, no, it's too extravagant to pay five-thousandths of the handling fee!" Klein shook his head silently, thinking about the possible handling fee, and felt distressed!

The solution was eliminated one by one, and Klein suddenly saw a clothes shop!

Right, isn't it the most normal way of thinking to buy something at the right price for change?

Dress, shirt, vest, trousers, leather boots, and walking stick are all within the budget. Buy them early or late!

Well, it's very troublesome to try clothes, and Benson knows better than I do, and he is better at bargaining. You can consider it when he comes back

Then buy a walking stick?

not bad As the saying goes, a walking stick is the best defense weapon for a gentleman. It can be used as half a crowbar. One hand with a gun and one hand with a stick is the way for civilized people to fight!

With a lot of thoughts in mind, Klein made up his mind, turned half around, and turned into the "Verkel cloak shop".

The layout of the clothing store is similar to that of the clothing store before his crossing. On the left is a row of formal clothes against the wall, with shirts, pants, vests, and neckties in the center, and on the right is a pair of leather shoes and boots placed in the glass cabinet.

"What do you want to buy, sir?" a male clerk in a white shirt and a red waistcoat greeted him and asked politely.

In the Kingdom of Lun, because the gentlemen with status, power, and wealth like to wear white shirts, black waistcoats, black trousers, and black formal clothes, the color is quite monotonous, so the male servants, shop assistants, and waiters are required to wear colorful or colorful colors to distinguish between the master and the servant or the noble and the humble.

In contrast, the ladies' and ladies' dresses are in different colors and luxuriously decorated, while the maids can only match black with white or white with black.

Facing the male clerk's question, Klein thought for a moment and said:

"Stick, be heavy and hard."

The kind that can break other people's heads!

The clerk in the red vest looked at Klein secretly, led him into the store, pointed to the row of walking sticks in the corner, and said:

"The one inlaid with gold is made of iron core wood. It's very heavy and hard. It's 11 Sul and 7 pence. Would you like to try it?"

11 Sul 7p? Why don't you grab it? Is it great to inlay some gold? Klein was shocked by the price.

He said quietly with a slight nod:


The clerk in the red vest took down the iron core wooden walking stick and carefully handed it to Klein, fearing that he might break the goods.

As soon as Klein took the cane, he felt heavy and tried to move it. He found it impossible to swing it smoothly.

"Too heavy." Klein shook his head and relaxed.

This is no excuse!

The clerk in the red waistcoat put back the iron core wooden walking stick and pointed at the other three pieces:

"This is made of walnut, made by Mr. Hess, the most famous craftsman of a walking stick in Tingen, 10 Sul 3 pence... This is made of submerged wood, inlaid with silver, as hard as steel, 7 Sul 6 pence... This is made of the true heart of the white Boli tree, inlaid with silver, 7 Sul 10 pence..."

Klein tried one by one and found that the weight was appropriate. Then he bent his fingers and rapped to grasp the hardness of each stick. Finally, he chose the cheapest one.

"Just the one of the submerged wood," Klein said, pointing to the silver-encrusted staff in the red waistcoat clerk's hand.

"Yes, sir, please follow me to pay there. If this stick is worn or stained in the future, you can give it to us to help you deal with it for free." The red vest clerk led Klein to the counter.

Klein took this opportunity to unfold the four gold pounds in his palm and take out one of the smaller two.

"Hello, 7 sules and 6 pence." The clerk behind the counter saluted with a smile.

Klein wanted to maintain the dignity of a gentleman, but when he held out his left hand with a gold pound note, he could not help but open his mouth:

"Can you make it cheaper?"

"Sir, these are all handmade, and our cost is very high." The red waistcoat clerk answered nearby, "and the owner is not here, so we are not qualified to help him reduce the price."

The clerk behind the counter echoed:

"Sorry, sir."

"All right." Klein handed the paper money and took the black cane with silver inlaid on the head from the red vest clerk.

Waiting for the change, he stepped back a few steps, pulled away, and tried the effect of waving the "second-hand weapon" slightly.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

The wind was heavy and the air was broken with texture. Klein nodded with satisfaction.

He looked forward again, ready to see the notes and coins, but was surprised to find that the red vest clerk retreated far away, and the one behind the counter shrank to the corner, clinging to the double-barreled shotgun hanging on the wall.

The Lun Kingdom implements a semi-control policy on thermal weapons. If you want to hold a gun, you need to apply for a "full type of weapon use permit" or a "hunting permit". However, no matter which one, you can't have such military control things as a rifle, steam high-pressure guns, and six-barrel machine guns.

"All kinds of weapons use permit" can be purchased and stored at will, but it is extremely difficult to obtain. Even businessmen with certain statuses may not pass the examination. "Hunting permit" is relatively easy, even farmers in the suburbs can get it, but this kind of permit is only limited to the use of hunting guns, and there are quantity restrictions. Many people with small assets will apply for one to protect themselves in an emergency, such as now

... Klein looked at the two shop assistants who were full of vigilance and twitched at the corners of his mouth. He said with a dry smile:

"Yes, this stick is very suitable for waving. I'm very satisfied."

Seeing that he had no intention to attack, the clerk behind the counter relaxed and handed out the money and copper coins he had just found.

Klein took a look and saw that there were two five-sul notes, two one-sul notes, and one five-penny and one one-penny copper note. He nodded in his heart.

After a pause of two seconds, he ignored the clerk's eyes and unfolded the four notes one by one against the bright spot to confirm that the anti-counterfeit pattern and watermark were correct.

After all this, Klein put the banknotes and coins separately, took a walking stick, held the top hat, and walked out of the "Ville Kerr cloaks-hop" like a gentleman. He took the trackless public carriage nearby in luxury. After a transfer and a total cost of 6 pence, he returned to the apartment smoothly.

After closing the door, he counted the 11-pound 12 sul notes three times before putting them in the desk drawer, and then found the pistol with a copper wheel and a wooden handle.


Five bronze bullets fell on the desk one after another, and Klein stuffed the silver "Devil Hunting Bullets" with complex patterns and dark sacred insignia into the wheel one by one.

Similarly, he only stuffed five bullets, leaving a space to prevent accidental firing, and the rest were stored in a small iron box together with the five normal bullets just taken out.


When the wheel closed, Klein suddenly felt more secure.

He put the revolver into his armpit gun bag with enthusiasm, buckled it firmly, and then practiced the action of releasing and pulling the gun again and again. His arms were sore and he rested for a while and then continued until it was getting dark, and there was the sound of tenants walking in the corridor.

Whoa! Klein exhaled and put the left wheel back into his armpit gun bag.

Until this time, he changed his formal clothes and waistcoat, put on his daily brown coat, and began to relax his arms.

Da, da, da, the sound of footsteps approaching, the key inserted into the lock hole, and the sound of twisting.

Melissa, dressed in soft black hair, pushed the door and entered. Her nose twitched slightly and invisibly. Her eyes swept over the stove that was not lit at all, and her expression suddenly faded a little.

"Klein, I'll cook the leftovers from last night, and Benson may come back tomorrow." Melissa turned to her brother.

Klein put his hands in his pockets, leaned his thigh against the edge of the desk, and smiled:

"No, let's eat out."

"Go out to eat?" Melissa asked in surprise.

"How about going to the Silver Crown Restaurant on Narcissus Street? I heard it tastes great." Klein suggested.

"But..." Melissa still didn't know the situation.

Klein smiled and said:

"Celebrate my finding a job."

"Did you find a job?" Melissa's voice became louder unconsciously. "But isn't the interview at Tingen University tomorrow?"

"Another job." Klein smiled and took out the stack of notes from the drawer. "They also advanced my salary for four weeks."

Melissa looked at the golden pound and Suler, her eyes wide open:

"Goddess... what job did you, them, you find?"

This... Klein looked sluggish and considered his words

"A security company with the mission of finding, collecting, and protecting antiquities needs professional consultants, with a five-year contract of 3 pounds per week."

"... were you worried about this last night?" Melissa said in silence.

Klein nodded and said:

"Yes, it is more respectable to be a teacher at the University of Tyngen, but I prefer this job."

"... In fact, it's also very good," Melissa asked with an encouraging smile, half confused and half curious. "How can they advance you a full four weeks' salary?"

"Because we need to move, we need more rooms, and we need our own bathroom," Klein said with his mouth turned up.

He felt that his smile was impeccable, and he only asked "Surprise?".

Melissa was stunned, and suddenly spoke quickly, slightly flustered:

"Klein, we live quite well. I occasionally complain that I don't have my own bathroom. It's just a habit. Do you remember Jenny? She lived next door to us. Since her father was injured and lost his job, she had to move down the street. A family of five people can only live in one room, three in high and low beds, and two on the ground. They also want to sublet the rest of the floor space to others..."

"Compared with her family, we are very good and lucky. Don't waste your salary on this matter. Besides, I like Mrs. Sling's bakery very much."

Sister, your reaction is different from the script I expected... Klein listened with a dull face.