

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 22 Sequence Start

Climbing the stairs and returning to the reception hall, Klein was about to say goodbye to Rosanne when he heard the brunette girl say in a light voice:

"The captain asked you to come back on Monday and deal with the chores at home first."

"... OK." Klein didn't expect that the management of the night watch team would be so humanized. He was a little grateful at the moment.

He originally planned to get up early tomorrow and take advantage of the opportunity to do the job of "loitering" outside in the morning to go to Tingan University, find the teacher in charge of the interview reception, and tell him that he did not participate in the follow-up process. After all, the original owner entered the interview with the recommendation letter of the tutor. Anyway, it is a basic courtesy to have an explanation from beginning to end. Even if he does not consider himself, he must respect the human feelings of the tutor.

In the absence of telephone calls, telegrams are charged by single letters, and it is obviously too late to send letters, it was the most economical and appropriate way to take public carriage directly.

Now with the special approval of the captain, Klein doesn't need to be so tired. He can get up and go leisurely.

Klein was about to take off his hat and say goodbye when he suddenly remembered something. He looked around and said in a low voice:

"Roxanne, do you know the beginning of the complete sequence that the church holds?"

This is what he forgot to ask Old Neil just now.

Roxanne opened her eyes, looked at Klein in surprise, and said:

"Do you want to be extraordinary?"

Am I so obvious? Klein touched the corner of his mouth and replied slightly embarrassed:

"After knowing that there are really supernatural and mysterious powers in the world, it is inevitable to have a little yearning."

"My goddess, do you know how dangerous it is? Didn't the captain tell you? The enemies of the extraordinary are not only evil cults and black wizards but also themselves! Almost every year, some people lose control and some people die! Don't you think about the feelings of your family?" Luo Shan strengthened her voice with a gesture, and her response was slightly exaggerated, "Klein, I think it is a better choice to be an honest civil servant. There is almost no danger. The salary will increase every year. When you have savings for a few years, you can rent a single house in the northern district or in the suburbs, and form a happy family with a charming young lady, with a lovely and naughty little angel..."

"Roxanne, stop! Stop!" Klein saw the brown-haired girl talking farther and farther, and hurriedly began to stop with sweat on his forehead. "I just want to, uh, understand basic common sense for the time being."

"Well..." Roxanne said in silence for a few seconds, lowered her eyes, and was embarrassed. "Because of my father's affairs, I always have, uh, you know, a little excited about similar issues, but frankly, I have full respect for every gentleman and lady who volunteered to be on duty."

"I understand, I understand." Klein quickly agreed.

Luo Shan blinked her eyes with light brown pupils and added:

"My father once said that you should not think that you can solve hidden dangers and fight against dangers if you become more powerful and become an extraordinary person with a higher order. In fact, on the contrary, you will encounter more and more terrible things. When you encounter some unknown and horrible existence, madness and death are the only two outcomes. Oh, he died the second week after he said this... Klein, don't look at me with sympathy, I live now Well done, really good! You should be afraid of these things! "

"I just want to know the basic common sense..." Klein repeated the answer just now without knowing whether to cry or laugh.

The captain speaks more clearly and clearly than you, and even if I don't become an extraordinary person, I have already encountered something extraordinary

"All right," said Roxanne thoughtfully, "I heard the captain and Neil said that because of the reduction and extinction of extraordinary species, there are almost no high-order powerful people in this era, and it is very powerful to be extraordinary! We have hundreds of thousands of people in the suburbs of Tingen City, perhaps more, and only more than 30 extraordinary people. Hmm, I guess... Hmm, I don't count those evil cult black wizards who live in the dark corner..."

Before Klein spoke, she seemed to regain her vitality and clenched her fist in front of her chest and said:

"Among the more than 30 extraordinary people, sequence 9 is the majority! Well, I seem to be biased..."

"It doesn't matter. These are common sense I want to know." Klein hoped that Rosanne would ramble about and reveal more information as usual.

"In a word, it is very powerful to be an extraordinary person!" Roxanne repeated again, "The beginning of the complete sequence of our church is the 'sleepless person', and sequence 9 is the 'sleepless person'!"

Sure enough... Klein could not see his head and heard Miss Rosanne describe it uncontrollably:

"You can guess from the name that the 'sleepless' is a person who doesn't need to sleep at night and only needs three to four hours of rest during the day. Oh, I envy... No, I don't envy you at all. Sleep is the gift of the goddess and the happiest thing!"

"Where did I say? Ah yes, the 'sleepless' can see through the darkness without light. The deeper the night, the stronger it is. I mean the strength of all aspects, including their strength, their inspiration, and their thinking. However, although they can find the unknown dangers hidden in the darkness, they still have to resort to magic hunting bullets and other items when encountering monsters that cannot be solved by normal methods. My father used to be a' sleepless'."

Without Klein's questioning, Rosanne said to herself:

"Next is the 'Midnight Poet' in sequence 8, and then up is the 'Nightmare' in sequence 7."

Nightmare? Klein immediately remembered Dunn Smith's guide to his dream and asked for confirmation:


"You know?" Miss Roxanne's mouth almost opened into an O shape.

"The captain once entered my dream..." Klein looked at both sides and said in a low voice again.

"I understand..." Luo Shan suddenly realized and responded in a low voice.

She picked up the coffee cup next to her, took a sip, and then sighed:

"There are only two churches in our city of Tingen. The captain is one of them. Even if he goes to a big parish like Baekeland, he is also a very powerful person. Some deacons are not necessarily better than him!"

"So the captain is so great." Klein smiled and agreed.

To be honest, the appearance of Dunn Smith in the middle of last night was very impressive. I almost instinctively believed that he was a very powerful and extraordinary person.

"Of course!" Roxanne straightened her back proudly.

Immediately, she said with a worried expression, "I don't know what it is above sequence 7. Maybe only the captain of the whole night watcher team knows."

"What about the beginning of other sequences? The incomplete ones." Klein contentedly changed the topic.

It has to be said that the "sleepless person" described by Roxanne does meet some of his imagination and expectations for the extraordinary person, but it is not the kind he hopes to become. His perfect "sequence 9" in his heart should be able to learn and master a lot of mysterious knowledge and lay the foundation for understanding the reason for his passing through and going back in the future.

Roxanne thought for a moment and sighed:

"I'm not too interested in this aspect. I only know that there are more than other churches. After all, the goddess is also the mother of secrets... Well, there should be two or three kinds, because some players are always cold, scary, and have strange tastes. Some players, well, I mean old Neil, he knows a lot, and there will be many interesting magic rituals. I think, I think again, he once said his serial 9 title, which is magic potion formula The name of... ah yes, it's called peeper! "

Many interesting magic rituals? A peeper? It sounds very close to what I want... Klein is slightly pleased.

"In addition, I also know the name of sequence 7, which is incomplete!" Luo Shan said with a flaunting tone because of her memories of other things.

"What is it?" Klein was curious.

In the case of the scarcity or even non-existence of high-ranking strong men, is the seventh rank the backbone of the church?

Roxanne smiled sweetly and answered with a little pride:

"The psychic!"

"Ms. Daley?" Klein asked subconsciously.

After the initial surprise, he felt that this matter was not so surprising, and only the strong person in sequence 7 could achieve the psychic performance of Ms. Daly!

Roxanne's eyes opened again, and she said in disbelief:

"You, how do you know again?"

"I've met Ms. Daley." Klein didn't hide it.

"All right." Roxanne said in a yearning voice, "If I can become a psychic directly, a psychic like Ms. Daly, then I would also like to be an extraordinary person. No, I will seriously consider it for ten minutes..."

"Well, Ms. Daly has satisfied all my imagination of the extraordinary." Klein agreed with a little pompous.

After completing the expected goal, he chatted with Roxanne for a few more minutes. Seeing that there was no other information, he took off his hat and saluted, and said goodbye.

Down the stairs, Klein took a few steps, suddenly stopped, reached out, and felt the money in his inner pocket.

After that, he took out the 12 gold pound note, tightly grasped it in the palm of his left palm, and then put his hand into his pants pocket. He refused to release and pull it out again, and a smile appeared on his face.

According to the custom of the big foodie people, after getting the money, they have to go out for a meal!

Treat your sister to a good meal tonight!