

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 21 Encounter an old friend in another country

For a moment, Klein thought he had crossed back, but the elegant gas lamp surrounded by the brass grid and the silver-plated tin tin tin jar of old Neil's hand-grinded coffee made him recognize the reality.

Is Russell the Great a compatriot?

Did he record the secret in simplified Chinese, which does not exist in the world?

With an indescribable mood of "meeting an old friend in another country", Klein quickly browsed the three pages of the manuscript in hand:

"November 18th is really a magical thing. A whimsical experiment and an accidental mistake made me find a poor guy trapped in the storm and lost in the dark. He can only get a little closer to the real world at the full moon every month, but still can't pass his cry in. He is lucky. He met me, the protagonist of this era."

"After writing the above paragraph, I read it again, and suddenly I felt a little sad. Even if I used Chinese characters, I also unconsciously took on a strong translation accent. After forty years of flicking my fingers, my past memory is really like a dream."

"On January 1, 1844, at the grand New Year's party, Mrs. Floral was really a delicacy."

"On January 2, the gentlemen of my Foreign Affairs Committee are all donkeys!"

"On January 3, the original choice was still too hasty. Now it seems that whether it is' apprentice ',' fortune teller 'or' thief ', it is better. Unfortunately, there is no way to go back."

"On January 4, why are my children so stupid? I have said ten thousand times, don't be fooled by those magic sticks. No, those magic sticks may also be fooled by themselves. The key to magic medicine is not to grasp, but to digest! It is not to dig, but to play! And the name of magic medicine is not only the core symbol, but also the specific image, but also the 'key' of digestion!"

"On September 22nd, the alliance against me was being established. My enemies finally came together from the north of the Kazak, the east of the Ruan, and the south of the Freeport. But I am not afraid. I will tell them with facts that the gap between weapons and knowledge can not be made up by the number of people and the low order of people. Besides, my subordinates are not without them, but the high-end. Ha ha, have they forgotten who I am?"

"On September 23rd, I lost contact with the ship looking for the 'Land of God's Abandonment'. I should consider inventing the wireless telegraph. I hope it will not be affected by the storm."

"On September 24th, Miss Ithaca was more charming than Mrs. Floral. Maybe I just miss my youth."

Because it is a copy of the copy, the size of each character has been enlarged a lot based on the complexity of Chinese characters, so the content on each page is not much, and even for the purpose of preservation and research, the back is blank, but even so, Klein is still excited to see it, especially the description of the key magic medicine by Emperor Russell the Great, which gives him a kind of ecstasy to find the "solution idea" and grasp the priceless secret.

"Maybe this is the beacon of my future path to the extraordinary!"

"Well, the three pages of manuscripts are diaries of different periods. It can be seen that Emperor Rosell had the habit of writing only at the beginning of the year. It is impossible to judge which year the two manuscripts in November and September belong to..."

"Who is the poor guy he found?"

"What exactly do digestion and play mean?"

"Where is the place abandoned by God?"


One by one, with the surprise boiling in Klein's heart, he could not wait to collect the diary of Rosell the Great and read it from beginning to end!

"Klein?" At this moment, the old Neil opposite confused and began to speak.

Klein woke up with a start and quickly hid his smile and said:

"I thought I would be the most special one. I want to try to decipher and interpret."

"What a young man!" Old Neil nodded. "I thought I was the most special one."

Klein turned over the three pages of the manuscript at hand, made sure he didn't miss anything, handed them back, and asked casually:

"Are we just a few?"

I want to see more of Rosell's diary!

"Do you think there will be many?" Old Neil rubbed the manuscript and sneered deeply with wrinkles, "Every year, there are not many extraordinary and mysterious events. Alas, the main reason is that those extraordinary species are gradually disappearing in our northern continent. Without them, there will be no more magic drugs, so there are fewer and fewer extraordinary people. Alas, in the past few hundred years, giant dragons, giants, and elves have become records in books, and even the sea people no longer appear offshore."

Hearing this, Klein suddenly remembered a stem and immediately smiled:

"I think it's time to establish the 'Giant Dragon and Giant Protection Association'."

Old Neil listened with a blank face, and it took him a long time to understand what it meant. After making it clear, he patted the table and laughed happily, not being a gentleman:

"Ha ha, Klein, you are really a humorous person. This is the tradition of our kingdom of Lun. Young people can't be wrong with humor. I think it can't be too narrow. How can it only be dragons and giants? It should be called the 'Wonderful Animal Protection Association'."

"No, no, no, how can you forget those poor plants?" Klein shook his head.

Speaking of this, he and Neil looked at each other and said with one voice:

"Wonderful Life Conservation Association!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people laughed in tacit agreement. The unfamiliar atmosphere just now disappeared a lot.

"There are fewer and fewer interesting young people like you... where did I just say?" Old Neil smiled with wrinkles on his face. "I remember that there are not many extraordinary and mysterious events involved every year. The idiots who worship Emperor Russell are also the minority in the minority. We can get three manuscripts, which is very good... Well, other cathedrals or parishes should have..."

He whispered a few words, took the "note" that Klein had already put on the table, looked at it, and said:

"Is it a pistol bullet, a rifle bullet, or a steam high-pressure gun bullet?"

"A left wheel," Klein replied according to the truth.

"Ok, I'll take it out. Cough, do you have a gun bag under your arm? As a gentleman, you can't bulge your waist and below in public." Old Neil made a joke that men all understand.

"Oh, no, do you need to find the captain to write it?" Klein smiled with cooperation.

Old Neil stood up and said:

"No, just record it. It belongs to 'supporting items'. Follow me,' supporting items'."

"Have you ever been a teacher before?" Klein asked laughingly.

"I spent a while in the church's Sunday school and free school." Old Neil raised the note, took out the key in the drawer, and opened the iron door leading to the inner room.

There is no big difference between the extraordinary and ordinary people... Klein muttered silently and then turned his eyes to the three-page diary on the table.

Russell the Great really involved in the mysterious field

His diary is priceless

For others, it is just a piece of waste paper. I don't know when to decipher it. For me, it is a treasure!

I don't know where the rest of the diary is

We have to find more

Klein's thoughts fluctuated and it was difficult to calm down until Old Neil came out of the room and closed the iron door.

"Ten demon-hunting bullets, thirty pistol bullets, a cowhide underarm gun bag, and a badge of the seventh group of the Special Operations Department. Please count it, try it, and sign on the record book." Old Neil put his items on the table.

The pistol bullets are packed in paper boxes, divided into three layers, arranged in order, and are as yellow as the bullets in Klein's home, slightly slender.

The "Devil Hunting Bullet" is held in a small iron box, the shape of which is the same as that of a normal pistol bullet, but the appearance is silvery, and there are complex and dazzling patterns on the surface. At the bottom, there is even a small holy emblem engraved with "stars on the black background and half moon".

The cowhide gun bag has a solid touch, a buckle on the belt, and a half-palm-sized badge on the side has an iron background, with the words "Ahowa County Police Department" and "Group 7 of the Special Operations Department" inlaid with silver. They are wrapped in two close circles, surrounded by the logo of "two swords cross and surround the crown".

"It's a pity that it's not the badge of the night watchman," Klein said half feeling and half probing.

Old Neil smiled and only urged Klein to try the underarm gun bag.

After taking off his coat, Klein buckled the gun bag tightly under his left arm with great effort.

"Not bad." He didn't take it off again but put on his formal clothes.

Old Neil looked at him twice and nodded with satisfaction:

"Very appropriate, my vision is still so accurate."

After putting other things in his pocket and signing his name on the record book, Klein chatted with Old Neil again before leaving.

Halfway through, he was suddenly annoyed and patted his forehead:

"I forgot to ask more about the sequence and magic medicine. It's all due to the diary of Emperor Rosell..."

He still doesn't know what is the sequence start of the complete 'path' held by the Night Goddess Church, that is, sequence 9.

Luo Shan seems to have mentioned that... sleepless? As Klein walked slowly towards the stairs, a figure stepped down.

He was wearing tights that were easy to move, and his white shirt had not been pierced in. He had an obvious romantic temperament as a poet. It was the black hair and green-pupil police officer who had searched Klein's house before. Just now, the two had met upstairs, but they did not speak.

"Good afternoon," said the young night watchman with a smile.

"Good afternoon, I don't think I need to introduce myself?" Klein said humorously.

"No, I'm very impressed with you." The young night watchman stretched out his right hand and said, "Leonard Mitchell, the 'Midnight Poet' in sequence 8."

Sequence 8... It's really a poet... Klein shook hands with him and asked with a smile:

"Impressed me?"

Leonard Mitchell replied with deep green eyes and a shallow smile:

"You have a special temperament."

Why are his words a little strange? Klein's mouth moved slightly and said with a forced smile: "I don't think so."

"It's special enough that you are still alive after such an event and you haven't accepted our protection the first time." Leonard pointed to the front, "I have to replace the captain. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Klein sidled away from the road.

When he disappeared at the end of the stairs step by step, Leonard Mitchell suddenly turned around, stared at the yellow light and the stone floor, and whispered to the air:

"Do you see anything..."


"Sure enough, he has nothing special..."