

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 17 Special Operations Department

"Black Thorn Security."

When seeing the sign, Klein was stunned for a long time, with an unexpected but reasonable feeling.

It's really... I don't know how to roast... He shook his head and laughed. He went up the stairs, reached out his right hand, and tapped on the half-closed door.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The slow and rhythmic knock on the door reverberated, but there was no response in the room, only the sound of "da da da" came out faintly.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Klein repeated the same result.

He changed the tap to push to make the gap bigger, and then looked in. He saw a group of classical sofas, soft-faced armchairs, and log-colored tea tables for reception, and a table directly opposite, as well as a brunette girl with a drooping head behind the table.

Although the brand of "security company" is only camouflage, it is too unprofessional, isn't it? How long has there been no business? Well, you don't need any business... Klein leaned over the table and knocked twice in the girl's ear while he was muttering.

Dong! Dong!

The brown-haired girl sat up straight, grabbed the newspaper spread out in front of her with both hands, and covered her face.

The Tingen Honest... good name... Klein silently read the newspaper and looked up to his side.

"The steam train 'Flying', which goes directly to Coniston City, opens today... really, when can I go directly to Disy Bay? I don't want to go by boat again. It's too uncomfortable, very uncomfortable... Eh, who are you?" The brown-haired girl pretended to read a passage and expressed her opinion, and then said that she lowered the newspaper, revealing her bright forehead and light brown eyes, and looked at Klein in amazement after pleasing her.

"Hello, I'm Klein Moretti, who came at the invitation of Mr. Dunn Smith." Klein took off his hat, put it on his chest, and bowed slightly.

The brown-haired girl is in her early twenties, wearing a light green Lun-style light long skirt, with beautiful lace at the cuffs, neckline, chest, and other places, which makes her face more beautiful.

"Captain... OK, wait here, I'll ask him." The girl got up hurriedly and entered the room through the door next to her.

Not to mention pouring a glass of water... The service consciousness is worrying... Klein smiled and waited in place, not going to the sofa and chair.

After two or three minutes, the brunette girl opened the door and said with a sweet smile:

"Mr. Moretti, please follow me. The captain is on duty today at 'Channismen' and can't leave."

"All right." Klein took a warm step and murmured.

Chansimon, what is that?

Through the partition, the first thing that came into his eyes was a short corridor, with three offices on the left and three offices on the right.

Some of these offices are locked and some are open, and people inside can be seen pounding away with heavy mechanical typewriters.

After a glance, Klein unexpectedly found an acquaintance: the young police officer who came to search his home that day, the one with dark hair and blue eyes and the romantic temperament of a poet.

He did not wear formal clothes, and his white shirt was not tucked into his pants. He looked like a wild man.

Maybe he is really a poet... Klein nodded and smiled back.

The brunette girl twisted the handle of the left office at the end, pushed the door open, pointed inside, and smiled:

"There are still several stairs to go down."

There are no objects in this office. Only the gray stone stairs extend down.

The walls on both sides of the stairs are lit with elegant gas lamps. The steady light dissipates the darkness and brings peace.

The brown-haired girl walked ahead, staring at her feet, walking cautiously:

"Although I often go here, I'm still afraid. I'm always worried about falling down and rolling down. You don't know, Leonard has done such a stupid thing. He tried to run at a sprint speed on the first day when he became a 'sleepless person', and on the first day when he didn't fully grasp his own strength, and then he became a wheel. Ha ha, it's funny to think of it. Well, it's the guy who just said hello to you. It's three years I've been on duty for five years. I was only seventeen at that time... "

The girl was looking at the road, and she was speaking with familiarity. Suddenly, she secretly patted her forehead and said:

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Luo Shan. My father is a regular member of the night watchman. He died in an accident five years ago. We should be colleagues from now on. Well, we should use the word" colleague "... not teammates, after all, we are not extraordinary."

"I hope I can have the honor, but it depends on what Mr. Smith said." Klein looked around the closed room and only felt that the two people began to enter the ground - the stone wall seeped out cold wet, dispelling the summer heat.

"Don't worry, if you can come here directly, it means that the captain has agreed. I have always been a little afraid of the captain. Although he is very kind and caring and gives my father the feeling, I don't know why he is afraid." Luo Shan's voice is like a piece of sugar.

Klein responded humorously:

"Isn't it normal to be afraid of your father?"

"It makes sense." Luo Shan reached out at the corner and helped the wall.

As they spoke, they walked down the stairs and came to the flat ground paved with stone slabs.

This is a long corridor. The walls on both sides are also inlaid with gas lamps surrounded by metal grids. The light shines down and drags the shadows of Klein and Roxanne.

Klein keenly noticed that there was a "holy emblem of darkness" on the wall every other distance, which was the symbol of the night goddess - "the dark is the bottom, with bright embellishments, surrounded by just half of the crimson moon."

These sacred insignia seem to be nothing special, but when walking between them, Klein's mood gradually calmed down, and Roxanne also closed her mouth, no longer chatting as before.

Before long, a crossroad appeared in front of her. The brunette girl briefly introduced:

"On the left, it leads to the church of Saint-Selena, on the right is the weapons, materials, and literature library, and on the straight line is the Chanismen."

St. Serena's Church? Is Zotland Street on the back of Red Moon Street? Klein was dumbfounded.

The church of Saint-Selena on Red Moon Street is the headquarters of the Night Goddess Church in Tingen City. It is the sacred place that the local pious believers all yearn for. Together with the steam and mechanical god church "Saint-Selena Church" in the suburbs, the storm lord church "River and Sea Church", also located in the northern district of Tingen, support the religious community of Tingen City and its affiliated towns and villages.

Consciously, it is not suitable to ask more questions about his current status. Klein just listened silently without making a sound.

Go straight through the intersection, and within a minute, a black iron gate with seven sacred emblems appeared in front of them.

It stands there, intuitively giving people the feeling of heaviness, coldness, and overlooking, like a giant guarding in the dark.

"Channismen." Roshan said, pointing to the next room, "The captain is in there. Go in yourself."

"Ok, please," Klein replied politely.

The room Roxanne was referring to was a little in front of the "Channis door". The window was open and the light was shining. Klein took a breath and bent his fingers calmly.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

"Come in," said Dunn Smith in a low, genial voice.

Klein gently pushed open the open door and saw that there was only one table and four chairs inside. Dunn Smith with a high hairline was wearing the black windbreaker last night, reading the newspaper leisurely. There was a gold watch chain near the front button.

"Sit down, think about it. Are you sure you want to join us?" Dunn put down his newspaper and asked with a smile.

Klein took off his hat, saluted, sat down at the table, nodded slowly, and said:

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Then take a look at this contract. Hehe, now people like to call it a contract." Dunn opened the desk drawer and took out the contract in duplicate.

The above clauses are not many. They are mostly those mentioned by Dunn Smith before. The focus is on confidentiality clauses. The violators are no longer judged by the court of the kingdom, but directly by the arbitration court of the Night Goddess Church, just like soldiers and officers have to go to the military court.

Five-year contract... two pounds of 10 Sul's weekly salary, 10 Sul's confidentiality and risk allowance... Klein read them one by one, and replied positively:

"I have no problem."

"Then sign it," said Dunn, pointing to the dark red pen and ink on the table.

Klein first tried the pen with waste paper, then took a concealed breath and signed his name on the corresponding positions of the two contracts: Klein Moretti.

Because he didn't have a seal, he finally had to print it.

Dunn withdrew the contract, took out a seal from the drawer, and sealed it at the end and several key points.

After all this, he stood up, handed back a contract with one hand, and reached out to Klein with the other:

"Welcome, from now on, you are one of us. Please note that the contract must also be kept confidential."

Klein followed and stood up, taking the contract, holding the other party's hand, and laughing:

"Then should I call you captain?"

"Yes." Dunn's gray eyes were unusually deep in the dim yellow environment.

After shaking hands, the two men sat down separately. Klein looked at the seal on the contract and found that the text was "The Night Watch Team in Tingen, Ahowa County, Ruan Kingdom".

"I didn't expect you to cover it with 'Black Thorn Security Company'," he said with a smile.

"Actually, we have another sign." Dunn took out a piece of paper from the drawer.

It is stamped with the double seals of the municipal government and the police department, and the contents are two lines of words:

"Group 7, Special Operations Department, Ahowa County Police Department, Kingdom of Ruen."

"The first four groups are the normal police responsible for security, such as the VIP protection group and the important place protection group. From the fifth group, we have targeted supernatural events in various cities in the county. Our seventh group is responsible for the events related to the Goddess Believers in Tingen City. If there are people of different faiths, we will divide them by region, mainly including North District, West District, and Jinwutong District."

Dunn roughly introduced, "The sixth group of the 'Punisher' team of the Storm Lord Church is responsible for the dock area, the east area, and the south area, and the university area and the suburbs belong to the fifth group, that is, the team of the 'Heart of Machinery' in Tingen."

"Hmm." Klein couldn't find anything to ask about this matter, and smiled, "What if someone really came to entrust a task because of the brand of 'Black Thorn Security Company'?"

"Pick it up, why not? As long as it doesn't affect the daily affairs." Dunn replied slowly and humorously, "If you earn money, you can use it as extra subsidies. The team members are very happy. Anyway, the troublesome and trivial things like finding cats and dogs are now taken care of by private detectives."

"How many people are there in our night watch team?" Klein asked on this topic.

"There are not many supernatural events, and there are not many extraordinary ones. There are only six formal members of the night watchman in the whole city of Tingen, including me. Ha ha, you have six civil servants." Dunn answered slowly.

Klein nodded and finally asked what he was most concerned about:

"Captain, what's the matter with the extraordinary man out of control? Why is he out of control?"