

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 16 The Dog Takes the Mouse

Huh, I finally passed the level of psychic

Klein exhaled turbid air and slowly turned around, enjoying the tranquility and cool breeze of the night, walking close to the apartment door.

He took out the key, inserted it, and gently twisted it to make the crimson-black expand with the squeak.

Walking on the deserted stairs and breathing the cold air, Klein inexplicably had a wonderful feeling that his life was several hours longer than others so that his feet became light.

With a similar attitude, he opened the door of his house, but before entering, he saw a figure sitting quietly in the darkness in front of his desk, with black hair and a red bath, bright brown pupils, and a beautiful face, just like Melissa Moretti!

"Klein, where have you been?" Melissa asked, with her eyebrows stretched out.

Before Klein could answer, she added another sentence, as if to make the cause and effect and logical relationship clear: "I just got up and went to the bathroom and found you were not at home."

Klein has rich experience in deceiving parents. He turns his head and calmly answers with a wry smile:

"After I woke up once, I couldn't sleep. I thought it would be better to exercise to waste time like this, so I went out for a few laps. You see, I was sweating all over."

He took off his coat, half turned, and pointed at his back.

Melissa stood up, glanced nonchalantly, considered for a few seconds, and said:

"Klein, in fact, you don't need to be under too much pressure. You can definitely pass the interview at the University of Tyngen, even if not. Well, I mean if you can, you can find a better one."

I haven't even considered the interview... Klein nodded:

"I understand."

He didn't say that he had got an "offer" because he hadn't considered whether to go.

Melissa took a deep look at him, suddenly turned around, ran into the room, and took out a tortoise-like object made up of gears, rusty iron, springs, and spring.

Quickly tightening the spring, Melissa put the item on the desk.

Click, click, click, the "tortoise" jumps and walks in a rhythmic way, which makes people involuntarily turn their attention to it.

"When you feel worried, it will be much more comfortable to watch it move like this. I often do this recently. It's very effective! Klein, try it." Melissa asked brightly.

Klein didn't refuse his sister's kindness. He looked closely at the "tortoise" and smiled until it stopped:

"Simplicity and regularity can really bring relaxation."

Without waiting for Melissa to speak again, he pointed to the "tortoise" and asked casually:

"Did you do it yourself? When did you do it? Why don't I know?"

"I made it with materials that were not needed in school and things I picked up on the road. It was done two days ago." Melissa looked as usual, and her mouth turned up a bit.

"Very powerful," said Klein sincerely.

As a boy with poor hands-on ability in mechanical aspects, he was dying to fight for a 4WD when he was young.

Melissa raised her chin slightly, bent her eyes slightly, and replied in a flat voice:

"Not bad, not bad."

"Excessive modesty is a bad character." Klein chuckled. "Is this a turtle?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly subsided, and Melissa's voice sounded like a crimson veil:

"It's a doll."


... Klein smiled awkwardly and explained forcefully:

"The material is still too simple."

Then he changed the topic:

"Why do you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, where there is a toilet? And aren't you good at sleeping until dawn?"

Melissa was stunned. After a few seconds, she opened her mouth and was ready to explain.

At this moment, there was a loud and violent digestive sound from her chest and abdomen.

"I, I will go to sleep again!"

Bang! She grabbed the tortoise-shaped "doll", trotted back to the interior, and closed the door.

... Last night's dinner was too good, too much to eat, and the stomach was not used to it... Klein shook his head and laughed, walked slowly to the desk, sat quietly on the chair, and quietly thought about Dunn Smith's invitation with the crimson moon emerging from behind the dark clouds.

The disadvantages of being a civil servant in the night watch team are obvious:

As a passerby and the initiator of the mysterious gathering, the "fool" has a lot of secrets in his body. He has been wandering under the eyes of the special team of the Night Goddess Church dealing with extraordinary events for a long time, and the risk is not small;

As long as you join Dunn Smith, your goal will surely be to be extraordinary, so as to cover up the benefits from the "party". As a full member, your freedom will be limited, just as the civil servants must declare when they leave Tingen. You can't go where you want to go, do what you want to do, and miss many opportunities;

The night watchman is a strict organization. Once there is a task, he can only wait for the arrangement, accept the order, and cannot refuse;

Extraordinary people are at risk of losing control;


After listing the disadvantages in his mind, Klein turned to the necessity and advantages:

Judging from the "transit ceremony" and other experiences, I will not be the lucky one in Dunn's mouth. There will be strange events that will fall on me later, full of danger. Only when I become an extraordinary person or join the night watchman, can I have the ability to compete;

If you want to become an extraordinary person, you can't just rely on "gathering". The magic potion formula is not a big problem. But where to find the corresponding materials, how to obtain them, how to make them, and the common sense of the extraordinary person's daily practice has serious obstacles. It is impossible to ask for "justice" and "hanging people upside down" in everything, and exchange everything for them. This will not only damage the image of the "fool", but also make the other party suspect, And there is not so much time to exchange such trivial issues. Similarly, they can't find anything they are interested in;

In addition, more material exchanges will leave traces of real identity. When the time comes, "online disputes" will turn into "offline conflicts", which will be in great trouble;

By joining the "night watcher", you will inevitably be able to access the common sense and relevant channels of the mysterious world, accumulate enough corresponding contacts and use this as a fulcrum to pry the "party" to gain the maximum benefits from "justice" and "hanging upside down", which in turn will improve the reality, obtain more resources, and form a virtuous circle;

Of course, you can also go to join the "psychological alchemy association" that Dunn confided, which was suppressed and encircled by the major churches, and become a member of them. You will also lose your freedom, and even have to be frightened at all times. The more important problem is that you don't know where to find them. Even if you get the corresponding information from the "upside down person", you will be in danger of life if you contact with them;

To become civilian personnel, there are still opportunities for buffering and withdrawal;

The small is hidden in the wild, the middle is hidden in the city, and the big is hidden in the court. The identity of the night watchman may be a better protection color;

In the future, as a senior member of the arbitration tribunal, who can think of himself as a heretic and a dark hand behind the secret organization?


The morning light shone and the crimson faded. Looking at the golden sky, Klein made up his mind.

Go to find Dunn Smith today and become a civil servant of the night watchman!

"You didn't sleep?" At this time, Melissa got up again and pushed the door out. She was surprised to see her brother stretching without an image.

"Think about something." Klein smiled and relaxed.

Melissa pondered for a moment and said:

"When encountering problems, I will list the bad and good contents one by one. After that, I will compare them and get the 'tips' on how to do it."

"Good habit, I do the same." Klein smiled.

Melissa looked relaxed and said nothing more. She took the large yellow paper and toiletries and went to the public bathroom.

When his sister left after breakfast, Klein didn't hurry to go out, and he was in a good mood to take a nap because he knew that almost all pubs were closed in the morning.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he smoothed the wrinkles of the top hat with a small brush and handkerchief, removed the dirt, and made it clean again. Then he went out in formal clothes, just like going to an interview.

Besik Street is a little far away. Klein was afraid of missing the "work time" of the night watchman, and did not walk past, but waited for the arrival of the public carriage at the intersection of Iron Cross Street.

In the Kingdom of Lun, public carriages are divided into two types: trackless carriage and trackless carriage. The former is pulled by two horses and can seat about 20 people on the top of the carriage. There is only a general route, no specific station, flexible operation, call and stop unless the passenger is full.

The latter is operated by the railway carriage company. First, a device similar to the railway track is laid on the main street. The horses walk on the inside and the wheels turn on the top, which is easy and labor-saving, so it can pull a larger double-deck carriage and take nearly 50 passengers. The only problem is that the route is fixed, the station is fixed, and many places can't go, which is relatively rigid.

After about ten minutes, the sound of the wheel hitting the track changed from far to near, and a double-decker carriage stopped in front of the station of Iron Cross Street.

"Go to Besik Street," Klein said to the driver.

"You have to turn to Champagne Street, but when you get there, it only takes about ten minutes to walk to Besik Street." The driver explained the routing problem.

"Then go to Champagne Street." Klein nodded.

"It's more than 4km, 4p." A white-faced young man next to the driver spread out his hand.

He is the staff responsible for collecting money.

"OK." Klein took four copper pence out of his pocket and handed them to the other party.

When he got on the carriage, he found that there were not many passengers, and there were still several vacant seats on the first floor.

"I have only 3p on my body. I have to walk back..." Klein pressed his hat and sat down firmly.

Most of the men and women on this floor sit upright in formal clothes, and some wear work clothes and read newspapers leisurely, but few people speak and are quite quiet.

Klein closed his eyes and kept his energy and did not care about the passengers coming and going.

Stop after stop, he finally heard the words "Champagne Street".

After getting out of the carriage and inquiring along the road, he quickly came to Besik Street and saw the tavern with the brown and yellow hound logo.

Klein stretched out his right hand and pushed hard. The heavy door slowly opened, and the noisy voice and impetuous heat wave rushed in.

Although it is still the afternoon, there are already many customers in the tavern. Some of them are temporary workers, looking for opportunities here, waiting for employment, and some are idle, paralyzing themselves with alcohol.

Inside the tavern, it is quite dark. There are two large iron cages in the center. The bottom one-third is deep into the ground, leaving no space. People hold wooden wine glasses and surround around, sometimes talking loudly, sometimes cursing and laughing.

Klein took a curious look and found that there were two dogs in it. One was black and white, similar to the earth's husky, and the other was black, shiny, strong, and fierce.

"Do you want to bet? Doug has won eight games in a row in this period!" a short man in a brown soft hat approached and pointed at the black dog.

Bet? Klein was stunned at first and immediately woke up:

"Dog fighting?"

At Hoy University, those noble students and children of rich families always asked themselves scornfully and curiously, asking whether rude workers and unemployed hooligans like to participate in boxing and gambling in pubs. In addition to boxing and cards, does gambling also include such cruel and bloody items as cockfighting and dog fighting?

The little man sneered:

"Sir, we are civilized people and will not do such shameful things."

Speaking of this, he muttered: "And last year, laws were issued to prohibit these things..."

"What are you betting on?" Klein wondered for a moment.

"Look who is the good hunter." The short man just said, and there was a sensation in the field.

He looked around and waved excitedly

"This game has started. You can't bet. You wait for the next game."

When Klein heard this, he stood on tiptoe, raised his head, and looked up. He saw two strong men dragging a sack to the side of the cage, opening the "prison door", and dumping the contents inside.

That's a gray, disgusting animal!

Klein carefully identified and found that it was a mouse, dozens or hundreds of mice!

Because the bottom of the cage is deep into the ground, there is no gap, and the rats are running around, but they can't escape.

At this time, with the cage door closed, the iron chains of the two dogs were untied.

"Woo!" The black dog pounced and killed a mouse.

The black and white dog first looked confused, then excitedly played with the mice.

People around them either hold their glasses, stare intently, or shout:

"Bite it! Kill it!"

"Doug Doug!"

... God his mother dogs catch mice... Klein wakes up and his mouth twitches.

The gambling project here is to bet which dog catches more mice

Maybe we can bet more

No wonder someone has been buying live mice over there at the Iron Cross Street

It's really unique

Klein shook his head, laughed back, and walked around the crowded drinkers from the edge to the front of the bar.

"New face?" The bartender looked up at him while wiping his glass

"I'm looking for Mr. Wright," Klein said bluntly.

The bartender whistled and shouted to the side:

"Old man, someone is looking for you."

"Oh, who..." A voice came out, and a drunken old man stood behind the bar.

He rubbed his eyes, looked at Klein, and said:

"Young man, are you looking for me?"

"Mr. Wright, I want to hire a mercenary team to do the task," Klein replied according to Dunn's instructions.

"Mercenary team? Are you living in an adventure story? There is no such thing for a long time!" The bartender interrupted with a laugh.

Wright was silent for a few seconds and said:

"Who told you to look here?"

"Dunn, Dunn Smith," Klein answered truthfully.

Wright immediately laughed:

"I see, in fact... mercenary teams still exist, but they have changed their forms and names that are closer to the current society. You can find one on the second floor of 36 Zotland Street."

"Thank you." Klein thanked him sincerely and turned and squeezed out of the bar.

Before he went out, the drinkers around him suddenly quieted down, leaving only a murmur:

"Doug unexpectedly lost..."


Klein shook his head funny, walked away quickly, and asked the way to the nearby Zotland Street.

"30, 32, 34... here." He counted the number and walked up the stairs.

Around the corner and step by step, he saw the vertical sign and the current name of the so-called mercenary team:

"Black Thorn Security."