
Failure is the mother of success?

Just kidding, this guy was nearly crippled!

Where was he supposed to go?

Just lay in bed obediently and think about plans for stealing back your wife.

And so, Viktor laid in bed like a cancer patient, developing plans in his mind over and over.

A few days passed like this.

Viktor's body was better than expected and healed quite quickly. Although, if you compare it to the Mutants or Superheroes…

Well, let's just forget about that…

This day, Viktor started planning as usual, when a man appeared in his room.

Viktor opened his mouth and gasped.

This guy was a big time dude!

The man looked at Viktor strangely before saying "What do you know about Sebastian Shaw?" Viktor looked at the man and licked his lips before taking a sip of water.

What was Magneto doing here?

Viktor kept his eyes on Magneto and finished the cup of water, saying "Open the closet, there's clothes in there." Magneto opened the closet and took out the clothes with a confused look.

Viktor said seriously, "Bring them to me." when he got his clothes, Viktor put them on quickly and got out of the bed, waving at Magneto, saying "Let's escape!" Magneto was stunned and said angrily "Are you making a fool out of me?!"

Viktor said quickly "Shhh! Are you trying to attract attention!? Come on!" before running out of the room. Magneto followed him angrily and the duo left the hospital.

Viktor stood on the street and looked around before walking away, Magneto walked up next to him and said threateningly "If you don't tell me where Shaw is-" Viktor interrupted him and said seriously "Listen, guy. Shaw is on a yacht in Florida."

Magneto paused and asked suspiciously "How do you know?"

Viktor frowned and said "That's the only place that I know he would be. Magneto pursed his lips and said "You better not be tricking me or I'l-" Viktor waved and cut him off again, saying "Don't worry. I'm coming with you!"

Magneto was stunned and looked at Viktor speechlessly.

Viktor rolled his eyes and said "Come on. That bastard kidnapped my wife! I'm gonna tear him to shreds!" Magneto pursed his lips and smirked as the duo disappeared down the road.

Christine came to the room before sighing at the empty bed. She cleared Viktor for departure and wiped his ass for him before going back to her job.

A while later

Erik, Magneto, and Viktor came to a Yacht in Miami, Florida.

Erik looked at the Yacht and turned to Viktor, saying "This is the place?" Viktor looked at the sky and then at the Yacht, nodding solemnly. Erik nodded and paused, turning to Viktor and asking "How are you going to…"

Viktor pulled out a pistol and said seriously "US gun laws are very lax." Erik was speechless and patted his shoulder, saying "You're the bravest Human I've ever seen." Viktor replied "This bastard kidnapped my wife, if I don't get her back am I even a man?!"

Erik grinned and said "Let's go… Partner." Viktor's lips twitched into a grin and the duo boarded the Yacht sneakily.

Erik took out a knife from his boot and walked out from a corner, Viktor cursed secretly but walked out with him, holding up the gun vigilantly.

Erik and Viktor walked out to see Shaw, Emma, and the vicious looking man from before, sitting on couches.

Erik looked at Shaw and walked forward slowly, saying "Herr Doktor."

The trio looked up and Emma gasped, her eyes filled with surprise and love.

Viktor held a gun up at Shaw saying "Heh. Didn't expect it, did you?" Shaw held back the vicious looking man, holding his hands up with a grin as he replied to Eric in German "Little Erik Lensharr."

Viktor walked forward, saying "Shut up, you damn Nazi. Hand over my girl and I'll leave your face for an open casket." Erik looked at Viktor and gave him a thumbs up secretly, this kid simply has the guts of a leopard!

Couldn't be helped, Viktor was born with a psychological defect that suppresses fear…

Simply put.

He'll do anything!

Hey… Except fight Thanos…


Shaw smirked and said with his hands up sarcastically, "You gonna shoot me, little doctor?" Viktor quipped back, "For a crazy Nazi doctor, you're pretty dull. I just said I was going to. Are you deaf?"

Shaw choked on his saliva, Emma covered her mouth and giggled quietly.

The vicious man took a step forward and Viktor took out another gun, saying "Ah Ah Ah~ Hold it, lone ranger. You're out gunned."

Erik grinned and held his knife, saying "Did you expect this day? Pay for the death of my mother!" as he stabbed forward.

Shaw smirked and said "Emma." Emma struggled but grabbed the knife with diamondized hands, stopping Erik.

Viktor frowned and said "Little bear…" Emma grit her teeth and Shaw added "You know the consequences if you don't." Emma closed her eyes and said "Sorry, big bear…" as she kicked Erik off the boat while disrupting his mind with her powers.

Viktor shouted at Shaw, "You're threatening her!?" Shaw put down his hands and sneered "So?" Viktor was livid and retorted "So!? Hahahaha! SO?! I'm gonna blow you away, how about that?!"

Viktor pulled the trigger on Shaw with both pistols, unloading the entire magazine.

Unfortunately, 1. This was his first time shooting a gun and he missed almost all of the shots. 2. Shaw absorbed the kinetic energy of the bullets.

Viktor watched as the bullets hit Shaw and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Shaw looked down at the bullets and back at Viktor, saying with a touch of surprise "I didn't think you'd shoot." Viktor sneered and said nothing, holding empty pistols in his hands, trying to think of something.

Shaw spread his hands and smiled "Actually, I think we're quite alike. I'm also a doctor." he walked towards Viktor but Emma stepped in front of him and said sternly "You promised to let him go!"

Shaw looked at her and said "He came to me. I'm not allowed to do anything?" Emma glared at him and Shaw said helplessly "Fin-" before he finished speaking, a fist flew over Emma's shoulder and hit him in the face.

Shaw's expression was blank and Emma turned around, looking at Viktor with a complicated look. She was touched, happy, worried, etc.

Viktor held his fist and sucked in a cold breath, saying "Damn! It- doesn't hurt at all!" as he looked around, seeing everyone stare at him. Viktor straightened out, looking at Shaw and grabbing Emma's arm.

Shaw frowned coldly, saying "Let her go." Viktor sneered "My wife, is she someone you can order around as you like?" Shaw sighed and suddenly grinned "Sorry, Frost. I'm really pissed."

Emma's eyes widened and she shouted "No! Stop!" as she pushed Viktor out of the way.

Viktor flew through the air and hit the railing, flying off the Yacht. He saw the red skinned guy appeared where he just was and clenched his fist. He glared at Shaw with hatred before slamming into the water.

His right arm was cut from the tail and Viktor pinched it with his hand.

He swam in the water, coming back up before seeing Shaw staring down at him, dropping a glowing red orb.

Viktor's eyes widened and he dove back under the water quickly.

There was a huge 'BOOM' and Viktor crossed his arms in front of him but was pushed back fiercely, passing out immediately.