
Birth of the Luckiest Girl know to man!

Viktor sat in the hospital, bouncing his knees very quickly, nearly blasting a hole in the floor. He didn't understand why, but he was barred from the room!

He didn't even participate in the birth as Christine did it instead.

Fortunately for him, Stephen wasn't around today.

Viktor didn't know, nor did he care, where Stephen was, but what he did know was that he wasn't injured yet.

Or else he would've been the first person Christine called for help.

As for whether he would actually help Stephen… It was up for debate.

Viktor didn't know what to do, although he didn't like Stephen as a person, he respected him as a hero. However, if he really did heal his hands would he still be Doctor Strange?

Viktor wasn't sure but the Ancient One once said that Stephen's accident would happen even if he actively avoided it.

Which means many things.

One was it was destiny, the other was even if he was treating him something might happen to stop it.

Like a lamp falling on Viktor's head or the nerves in Stephens' hands combusting, or his legs suddenly becoming crippled.

Fate is a strange thing, leave it to Strange to handle…

Finally, after Tony calmed him down, Viktor heard a cry and nearly kicked the door down.

A few minutes later

Christine walked out and took off her mask, smiling "Congratulations! It's a girl." Viktor didn't even look at her, running into the room.

He looked at the weak Emma holding a little baby and he nearly collapsed. He walked over and looked at the baby, not knowing where to put his hands.

How should he hold her?

In short, 10 trillion problems surged in his mind.

Emma looked at him and laughed softly "Do you want to hold her?" All the thoughts disappeared and Viktor looked at the little baby girl wrapped in a blanket, not knowing what to say.

He slowly stretched out his hands and held the baby. He held her strangely with his hand and arms as though his hands weren't enough!

Emma looked at him and smiled warmly, asking "What should we name her?"

Tony walked in and said "How about Pepper?" Pepper rolled her eyes and came to Emma's side, smiling "Congratulations!" Emma smiled emotionally and thanked her.

Viktor looked at the little girl and his mind was blank.

He wasn't good with names…

He said "Erm… Lilith isn't good. Luna is okay… Rebecca is good too… Sophie is so plain… Lilith sounds kinda evil even though it's cool…" Viktor was speaking nonsense at the moment and Tony looked at him speechlessly, "You're going to name your kid Lilith. As in, the first sinner. The one who ate the fruit of knowledge. The Primordial She-Demon."

Viktor's eyes were bright and he said "Haha! How cool is that! My little demon! Hahahah!" he held the baby up in the air and Emma shouted anxiously "Don't hold her like that! Give her to me! Damn it!" Viktor quickly handed the baby over and looked nervous "Is she hurt?! Oh god. What did I do?!"

Tony said dumbfoundedly, "Can you relax? It's a baby, not a sandcastle…"

Emma glared at him and looked at the baby, saying hesitantly "You really want to name her Lilith? Isn't that sacrilegious?" Viktor and Tony said almost in unison "God doesn't exist. It doesn't matter."

Emma's face turned black and Viktor coughed "Though if you have a better suggestion, I'd like to hear your opinion." Emma turned to the little angel in her arms and nibbled on her lips, also thinking Lilith was really nice.

She finally smiled and said "I like Lilith."

And finally Lilith was named!

A few days later

Everyone celebrated at Viktor's house and Viktor passed out drunk on the kitchen table with Tony, making Emma and Pepper shake their heads.

Pepper and Emma talked about children for a while before Pepper left with Tony.

Emma teleported Viktor to their bed and put Lilith in the already made Cradle. She put a psionic barrier around Lilith and put it to wake her up if Lilith was crying or had a problem.

With that set up, she went to sleep satisfied.

Slowly, another 3 months passed.

Hazel came to see Lilith and even Winston came this time!

He saw the baby, held her for 5 seconds, and said nothing the entire time before leaving with Hazel.

Was he happy, angry, sad? Nobody knew.

Ah! Maybe Hazel did. Though she didn't say anything about it.

Viktor and Emma didn't ask either.

During these 3 months, Viktor perfected Tony's Extremis and gave it to him, showing him what he was working on.

Tony was understandably shocked and ran the equations, numbers, everything as he confirmed the news.

Viktor mentioned that it was like nanobots or his own magnetic implants, only less scientific.

Tony was understandably hesitant and Viktor proposed something to him.

Something Viktor had been thinking about for a long time.

Viktor showed him the comic he drew that was never sent out.

It was the moral inversion Tony that terrorized San Francisco with the Extremis 3.0!

Tony pursed his lips at Viktor who told him to keep reading.

Tony got to the part where he created the Endo Sym armor and frowned hard, asking what this was.

Viktor explained 'his thoughts' and what the Endo Sym armor was.

Basically, it was liquid smart metal that could form into any shape imaginable based on the genetic code of symbiotes.

Tony didn't know what a symbiote was and Viktor said that he made them up.

Goop aliens that came from space, joking that maybe they were real.

It was gonna be extremely awkward if they show up in the future…

Tony looked at the silver liquid armor and his eyes brightened.

He looked really fucking cool here!

It's a shame he was evil!

Or else he would've told Viktor to publish them.

At any rate, Viktor printed the entire series of 'Evil Iron Man' so he simply gave Tony the whole collection, along with his Extremis Serum, telling him that he could do anything he wanted with it.

He pushed all the responsibility to Tony and stopped caring.

Tony would know what to do with it. Whether he uses it or not was up to him. Viktor wasn't going to force him.

In fact, the only one he was worried about was Steve Rogers. He figured Natasha and Clint should be more than happy to become Super Humans.

Who wouldn't be?

Probably Viktor, right?

If he wasn't a superhuman why would he have to care about Thanos?

Just kidding, I don't have the strength to worry, I would've had 5 kids by now…

While Viktor was thinking about how many kids he would have, far away…

Natasha and Steve were battered and bruised.

Steve said "We need a place to hide."

Natasha bit her lips and said "I know a place but…" Steve looked at her and said "The Doctor's?" Natasha's face turned ugly and she replied "But they just had a baby. It's really not safe for them, I don't want an accident to happen, I'd rather die."

Steve smiled slightly and said "I got a place, don't worry." before they left.

Good for Viktor, because he would've probably blown his top if they came to his house seeking asylum.

Are you kidding?!

He didn't want to be involved in Captain America: The Winter Soldier!

Who would, what a mess…